File integrity monitoring (FIM) started back in 1997 when Gene Kim launched Tripwire and its “Change Audit” solution. Just a few years later, Change Audit became FIM; this rebranded tool worked with the 12 security controls identified in Visa’s Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP). CISP became PCI DSS 1.0, and things continued to evolve after that. Which brings us to […]… Read More

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Lateral movement is one of the most consequential types of network activity for which organizations need to be on the lookout. After accessing a network, the attacker maintains ongoing access by essentially stirring through the compromised environment and obtaining increased privileges (known as “escalation of privileges”) using various tools and techniques. Attackers then use those […]… Read More

The post File Integrity Monitoring (FIM): Your Friendly Network Detective Control appeared first on The State of Security.

El cambio es prolífico en los entornos de TI de las organizaciones. Los activos de hardware cambian. Los programas de software cambian. Los estados de configuración cambian. Algunas de estas modificaciones están autorizadas en la medida en que se producen durante el ciclo regular de aplicación de parches de una organización, mientras que otras causan […]… Read More

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