Computers blue-screen-of-death around the world! The Paris Olympics is at risk of attack! And the FBI pull off the biggest sting operation in history by running a secret end-to-end encrypted messaging app! All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by industry veterans Graham Cluley and … Continue reading "Smashing Security podcast #382: CrowdStrike, Dark Wire, and the Paris Olympics"

As Paris gears up to host the 2024 Olympic Games, the city and its organizers face a monumental task not only in ensuring the safety and smooth operation of the physical events but also in safeguarding against potential cyber threats. In an era where digital technologies are integral to almost every aspect of modern life, the Olympics present a high-profile target for cyber-criminals and malicious actors. Here’s how cyber protection can be effectively managed to ensure a successful and secure Olympic Games in Paris.

Understanding the Cyber Threat Landscape

Cyber threats come in various forms, ranging from ransomware attacks and phishing scams to more sophisticated state-sponsored espionage and sabotage attempts. The sheer scale and visibility of the Olympic Games make them an attractive target for these threats. Disruption of event operations, compromise of sensitive personal or financial information, and damage to the reputation of both the Games and the host country are all potential consequences of a successful cyber-attack.

Key Strategies for Cyber Protection

1. Risk Assessment and Planning: Conducting a thorough risk assessment is the first step in developing a robust cybersecurity strategy. This involves identifying potential vulnerabilities in networks, systems, and processes that could be exploited by malicious ac-tors. Once risks are identified, prioritize them based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence.

2. Implementing Strong Cybersecurity Measures: Deploying strong cybersecurity measures is crucial. This includes using advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption technologies to protect networks and data. All systems should be regularly updated with the latest security patches and configurations to mitigate known vulnerabilities.

3. Training and Awareness: Human error remains one of the weakest links in cybersecurity. Organizers, volunteers, athletes, and staff should undergo comprehensive cybersecurity training to recognize and avoid common threats such as phishing emails and social engineering attacks. Promoting a culture of cybersecurity awareness can significantly reduce the risk of successful attacks.

4. Securing Infrastructure and Communication: The Olympic Games rely heavily on complex infrastructure and communication networks. These include everything from ticketing systems and transportation logistics to broadcasting and media operations. All critical infrastructure should be protected with multi-layered security measures, including access controls and continuous monitoring for suspicious activities.

5. Collaboration and Coordination: Cyber threats are global, and effective cybersecurity requires collaboration among multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, international organizations, and private sector partners. Establishing clear lines of communication and coordination ensures a swift and coordinated response to any potential cyber incidents during the Games.

6. Incident Response Planning: Despite preventive measures, it’s crucial to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Developing a comprehensive incident response plan enables quick detection, containment, and recovery from cyber incidents. This plan should out-line roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, and steps for restoring operations while minimizing disruption.


The 2024 Paris Olympic Games represent an opportunity for celebration and international co-operation. However, ensuring their success goes beyond organizing physical events; it also involves protecting against evolving cyber threats. By implementing rigorous cybersecurity measures, fostering awareness, and fostering collaboration, Paris can mitigate risks and host a safe and secure Olympic Games that showcase the best of global athleticism and sportsman-ship. Effective cyber protection is not just a necessity but a responsibility to safeguard the integrity and continuity of this historic event.

The post Securing the Paris Olympic Games 2024: Ensuring Cyber Protection appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

A recent cybersecurity report from WithSecure ( previously known as F-Secure) highlights concerns over potential cyber-attacks targeting the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris. The report suggests that these attacks, possibly orchestrated by nation-state adversaries like Russia, could involve sophisticated tactics such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Such incidents have the potential to cause widespread disruption and panic among both visitors and organizers.

Last week, a notable incident saw hackers successfully disrupting numerous French government websites, illustrating the capabilities and intentions of threat actors seeking intelligence or aiming to sow chaos.

Corroborating these findings, a separate report from Cyble Notes points to a hacking group known as HackNeT, allegedly backed by the Kremlin, as a significant cyber threat. Meanwhile, the People’s Cyber Army has publicly declared intentions to breach organizers’ servers for the Paris 2024 Olympics, threatening further disruption.

The article also references previous incidents, such as the 2016 Fancy Bear cyber-attack which targeted sensitive medical data of participants, underscoring the ongoing risks faced by major sporting events.

In response to these threats, organizers are urged to prioritize comprehensive physical and virtual security measures. Network defenders must remain vigilant against potential exploitation of computer networks by cyber criminals.

With expectations of unprecedented digital viewership surpassing 500 million, surpassing previous events like the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and FIFA World Cup, the stakes for securing the Paris 2024 Olympics are higher than ever.

Additionally, Intel’s initiative to integrate AI technology promises to transform the upcoming games into a groundbreaking event.

The post DDoS Cyber Threat to 2024 Paris Olympic Games appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Cybersecurity teams at Microsoft Threat Intelligence and Google’s Mandiant have jointly issued a stern warning regarding potential cyber threats facing the organizers of the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Their alert highlights the looming danger of Russian threat actors orchestrating espionage, disruptive, and even destructive digital attacks. These attacks could be motivated by a desire for financial gain or aimed at tarnishing the reputation of the organizers on a global stage.

In addition to the Russian threat, Mandiant has also raised concerns about low-risk threats originating from countries such as North Korea, Iran, and China. These nations could potentially provide support to Russian state-sponsored hackers, further amplifying the cyber threat landscape surrounding the event.

Microsoft, echoing Mandiant’s concerns, has issued a separate warning regarding the use of AI-generated attacks targeting the Olympic games. This was exemplified by an incident in June 2023 when a threat actor circulated a generative AI film titled “Olympics has Fallen,” aiming to undermine the integrity of the organizing committee.

The onslaught of disinformation campaigns has already begun, with threat actors targeting the organizers well in advance of the event scheduled between July 26th and August 11th, 2024. Cybersecurity infrastructure utilized for facilitating the multi-sport international event is at risk of being compromised.

Phishing scams pose a significant threat, alongside manipulations of account creations, particularly targeting consumers seeking free event streaming. Furthermore, the proliferation of fraudulent ticket sales websites, often propagated through SEO Poisoning, adds another layer of complexity for organizers to combat. Visitors to Paris are cautioned to remain vigilant against potential malware threats lurking in public Wi-Fi networks and charging stations.

Two cyber-criminal groups, Storm 1679 and Doppelganger (also known as Storm 1099), have been specifically tasked by Russia to target the Paris Olympics 2024, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

To mitigate these risks, adopting robust security measures such as utilizing 12–16-character passwords for accessing email, social media, banking, government services, and online shopping platforms is recommended. Additionally, vigilance against phishing attempts and scams, coupled with regular software and hardware updates, remains paramount in safeguarding against cyber-attacks.

The post Google n Microsoft confirm Cyber Threat to 2024 Paris Olympics appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.