In a previous post my colleague spoke about how ensuring devices on your network is a great way to minimize the attack surface of your infrastructure. Organizations like the Center for Internet Security (CIS) provide guidelines on how to best configure operating systems to minimize the attack surface. The CIS calls these “benchmarks.” Many security […]… Read More

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In the Godfather Part II, Michael Corleone says, “There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” This lesson Vito Corleone taught his son Michael is just as applicable to IT security configuration management (SCM). Faster breach detection Today’s cyber threat […]… Read More

The post Why Security Configuration Management (SCM) Matters appeared first on The State of Security.

El cambio es prolífico en los entornos de TI de las organizaciones. Los activos de hardware cambian. Los programas de software cambian. Los estados de configuración cambian. Algunas de estas modificaciones están autorizadas en la medida en que se producen durante el ciclo regular de aplicación de parches de una organización, mientras que otras causan […]… Read More

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