
A Bag of RATs: VenomRAT vs. AsyncRAT

Remote access tools (RATs) have long been a favorite tool for cyber attackers, since they enable remote control over compromised systems and facilitate data theft, espionage, and continuous monitoring of victims. Among the well-known RATs are VenomRAT and AsyncRAT. These are open-source RATs and have been making headlines for their frequent use by different threat actors, including Blind Eagle/APT-C-36, Coral Rider, NullBulge, and OPERA1ER. Both RATs have their roots in QuasarRAT, another open-source project, which explains their similarities. However, as both have evolved over time, they have diverged in terms of functionalities and behavior, which affects how attackers use them and how they are detected.

Interestingly, as these RATs evolved, some security vendors have started to blur the line between them, often grouping detections under a single label, such as AsyncRAT or AsyncRAT/VenomRAT. This indicates how closely related the two are, but also suggests that their similarities may cause challenges for detection systems. We took a closer look at recent samples of each RAT to examine how they differ, if at all.

This comparison explores the core technical differences between VenomRAT and AsyncRAT by analyzing their architecture, capabilities, and tactics.

Here's a comparison table between VenomRAT and AsyncRAT based on the findings

Capability VenomRAT AsyncRAT
AMSI Bypass ✔ Patches AmsiScanBuffer in amsi.dll (In-memory patching) T1562.001 ✘ Not implemented
ETW Bypass ✔ Patches EtwEventWrite in ntdll.dll (In-memory patching) T1562.006 ✘ Not implemented
Keylogging ✔ Advanced keylogger with filtering and process tracking T1056.001 ✔ Basic keylogger with clipboard logging T1056.001
Anti-analysis Techniques ✔ Uses WMI for OS detection, VM check T1497.001 ✔ VM, sandbox, and debugger detection T1497
Hardware Interaction ✔ Collects CPU, RAM, GPU, and software data using WMI T1082 ✔ Collects system data via Win32_ComputerSystem T1082
Process discovery ✔ This the capability to obtain a listing of running processes T1057 ✘ Not implemented
Anti-process Monitoring ✔ Terminates system monitoring and security processes T1562.009 ✘ Not implemented
Webcam Access ✔ Camera detection and access T1125 ✘ Not implemented
Dynamic API Resolution ✔ DInvokeCore class for dynamic API resolution T1027.007 ✘ Not implemented
Encrypts the configuration ✔ 16-byte salt ("VenomRATByVenom") T1027.013 ✔ 32-byte binary salt T1027.013
Error Handling ✔ Silent failures with basic try-catch ✔ Sends detailed error reports to C2 T1071

Technical analysis

In this technical analysis, we compare two specific RAT samples:

  • VenomRAT: 1574d418de3976fc9a2ba0be7bf734b919927d49bd5e74b57553dfc6eee67371AsyncRAT: caf9e2eac1bac6c5e09376c0f01fed66eea96acc000e564c907e8a1fbd594426

Both AsyncRAT and VenomRAT are open-source remote access tools developed in C# and built on the .NET Framework (v4.0.30319). A preliminary analysis based on CAPA results revealed several shared characteristics between the two. For example, both RATs use standard libraries like System.IO, System.Security.Cryptography, and System.Net for file handling, encryption, and networking. They also have common cryptographic components such as HMACSHA256, AES, and SHA256Managed, indicating similar encryption routines. Indeed, upon closer code examination, we found that their encryption classes were identical, with only one minor difference: AsyncRAT uses a 32-byte binary salt, while VenomRAT uses a 16-byte salt derived from the string "VenomRATByVenom." Additionally, both RATs share similarities in configuration handling, mutex creation, and parts of their anti-analysis class.

However, the CAPA analysis also highlighted distinct differences between the two. Certain features present in one RAT were notably absent in the other. To verify, we manually reviewed code in both samples and described the differences below.

Keylogging and System Hooking

In the samples we analyzed the keylogger was present only in VenomRAT. However, the open-source version of AsyncRAT has a keylogger plugin. We therefore decided to investigate whether the VenomRAT keylogger implementation is the same as AsyncRAT’s implementation. Our findings suggest that the keylogging functionality is different. We summarized a comparative analysis of their keylogging implementations in the table below. Additionally, the VenomRAT keylogger configuration file DataLogs.conf and log files are saved in the user’s %AppData%\MyData folder.

Feature VenomRAT AsyncRAT
Low-level keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL)
Keystroke Processing
Window/Process Tracking Tracks both process and window title Tracks window title only
Clipboard Logging
Log Transmission Periodic log sending to C2 Continuous log sending to C2
Filtering Mechanism
Error Handling Silent failures with basic try-catch Sends detailed error reports to C2
Additional Features Focused on keystrokes Handles both keystrokes and clipboard
Thread Management


Both AsyncRAT and Venom RAT have similar implementations of the anti-analysis classes. However, we can see notable differences. AsyncRAT focuses on a broad spectrum of detection techniques, including:

  • Virtual Machine Detection: It checks for known system manufacturer names such as VMware,VirtualBox, or Hyper-V.
  • Sandbox Detection: It looks for sandbox-related DLLs, such as SbieDll.dll from Sandboxie.
  • Debugger Detection: AsyncRAT uses CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent to detect if it's being monitored by a debugger.
  • Disk Size Check: It avoids execution on machines with less than 60GB disk size.

On the other hand, VenomRAT uses a more targeted approach. The virtual machine detection method in VenomRAT relies on querying system memory through WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to query system memory via Win32_CacheMemory. The method relies on counting cache memory entries, and if the number is less than 2 cache memories, it assumes the system is a virtual machine (VM). However, modern VMs are more sophisticated, and simply relying on counting cache memories may not be effective.

The other difference is, instead of targeting debuggers or sandboxes, VenomRAT attempts to avoid running on server operating systems by querying the Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class and checking the ProductType, which differentiates between desktop and server environments. We summarized class differences in the table below.

Feature AsyncRAT AntiAnalysis Class Venom RAT Anti_Analysis Class
VM Detection
Sandbox Detection
Debugger Detection
Operating System Detection
Process Discovery
A Bag of RATs: VenomRAT vs. AsyncRAT
Figure 1: Side by side comparison of Anti-Analysis class of AsycRAT(let) and VenomRAT(right)

Hardware Interaction

VenomRAT has hardware interaction capabilities, allowing it to gather detailed system information through WMI queries with ManagementObjectSearcher objects. These features are encapsulated in the CGRInfo class, which enables the collection of CPU, RAM, GPU, and software data:

  • GetCPUName(): Retrieves the CPU name and the number of cores
  • GetRAM(): Fetches the total installed physical memory (RAM)
  • GetGPU(): Obtains the GPU name and driver version
  • GetInstalledApplications(): Scans the Windows Registry to compile a list of installed applications
  • GetUserProcessList(): Collects information on all running processes with visible windows

The collected data is sent back to the command-and-control (C2) server. This class is absent in both the version of AsyncRAT we analyzed and the open-source version.

DcRAT joined the party with AntiProcess and Camera classes

VenomRAT includes two notable classes absent in AsyncRAT: the AntiProcess and Camera classes.

The AntiProcess class is an anti-monitoring and anti-detection component of VenomRAT. Malware uses the Windows API function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to get a snapshot of all running processes and search for specific processes. We categorized the processes the malware is looking for below.

System Monitoring Tools that can prevent users from identifying or stopping VenomRAT.

  • Taskmgr.exe
  • ProcessHacker.exe
  • procexp.exe

Security & Antivirus Processes: Terminating them reduces the risk of VenomRAT being detected or removed by security software.

  • MSASCui.exe
  • MsMpEng.exe
  • MpUXSrv.exe
  • MpCmdRun.exe
  • NisSrv.exe

System Configuration Utilities: By targeting these, VenomRAT prevents users from adjusting security settings, inspecting registry changes, or manually removing the malware.

  • ConfigSecurityPolicy.exe
  • MSConfig.exe
  • Regedit.exe
  • UserAccountControlSettings.exe
  • Taskkill.exe

If a matching process is found, it terminates it by its process ID (PID).

The Camera class is designed to detect webcams on a Windows system by querying the available system devices using COM interfaces. It retrieves a list of devices by category, specifically looking for video input devices. The class uses the ICreateDevEnum and IPropertyBag interfaces to enumerate and extract the device names.

However, both these classes, although absent in AasyncRAT, are not exclusive to VenomRAT only. Apparently they are exact copycats of yet another open-source RAT, DcRAT.

AMSI and ETW Bypass

This class was found only in the VenomRAT sample and is designed to bypass key Windows security mechanisms through in-memory patching. It specifically disables two critical Windows security features: AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface) and ETW (Event Tracing for Windows), which are often used by antivirus software and monitoring tools to detect malware.

Key Functions:

  • AMSI Bypass: The class patches the AmsiScanBuffer function within amsi.dll to prevent AMSI from scanning for malicious content.
  • ETW Bypass: The class patches the EtwEventWrite function in ntdll.dll, which stops ETW from logging events related to the malware’s activity.

The patching process is performed in-memory. The class dynamically checks the system's architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) and loads the appropriate DLLs (amsi.dll and ntdll.dll) to apply the patches based on the platform. The techniques used by VenomRAT closely mirror those found in the SharpSploit project, an open-source tool often used by penetration testers and red teams to test and bypass security features in a controlled environment. SharpSploit contains classes for bypassing both AMSI and ETW using similar in-memory patching methods, which likely served as inspiration for VenomRAT's implementation.

This security bypass functionality makes VenomRAT more capable of evading modern security defenses.

Dynamic API resolution

VenomRAT has yet another class which is absent in AsyncRAT. The DInvokeCore class is implemented to dynamically resolve and call Windows API functions at runtime; this method bypasses traditional static imports, making it harder for antivirus and endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems to detect malicious activity.

Instead of statically importing Windows APIs, the class resolves function addresses at runtime (e.g., from ntdll.dll or kernel32.dll) using methods like GetLibraryAddress and GetExportAddress. This approach makes it difficult for static analysis tools to flag malicious behavior.

It uses the NtProtectVirtualMemory method to alter memory protection settings, allowing execution of code in memory regions that are normally non-executable—an effective method for in-memory execution of malicious payloads.

Implementation of DInvokeCore closely mirrors the open-source SharpSploit Generic class from the D/Invoke project by TheWover. The DInvokeCore class from VenomRAT appears to be a simplified version, which lacks some features but has core techniques for dynamic API invocation.


Our analysis was sparked by detection vendors grouping VenomRAT and AsyncRAT under the same label, blurring the lines between the two. While they indeed belong to the QuasarRAT family, they are still different RATs.

AsyncRAT appears to closely match the latest open-source release (v0.5.8). However, the VenomRAT seems to have evolved and added other capabilities, although a lot of them seem to be a copy-paste from another open-source RAT (DcRAT) and the SharpSploit project. Despite this, VenomRAT presents more advanced evasion techniques, making it a more sophisticated threat.

Therefore, it’s important for security vendors to treat them as distinct threats, recognizing that VenomRAT brings more advanced evasion capabilities, even if much of it isn’t truly unique. To help to resolve this confusion, we are sharing an updated VenomRAT YARA rule with the community, helping improve detection and response efforts.

Rapid7 customers

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. The following rule will alert on a wide range of malicious hashes tied to behavior in this blog:  Suspicious Process - Malicious Hash On Asset

YARA rule

The VenomRAT YARA rule can be found on the Rapid7 Labs GitHub here.

Executive Summary

LodaRAT: Established malware, new victim patterns

Rapid7 has observed an ongoing malware campaign involving a new version of LodaRAT. This version possesses the ability to steal cookies and passwords from Microsoft Edge and Brave. LodaRAT, first observed in 2016, is a remote access tool (RAT) written in AutoIt. Development of LodaRAT has continued over the past 8 years, with an Android version distributed in the wild since 2021. This article analyzes the Windows version only.

Originally created for information gathering, LodaRAT has a variety of capabilities for collecting and exfiltrating victim data, delivering additional malware, capturing the victim’s screen, controlling the victim camera or mouse, and even spreading in infected environments. Notably, this appears to be the only update made to that RAT since 2022. Even the embedded DLLs remain the same.


Old versions of LodaRAT were using Phishing (T1566) and Known Vulnerability Exploitation (T1203) techniques in their delivery process, but Rapid7 spotted new versions being distributed by DonutLoader (S0695) and CobaltStrike (S0154). We also observed LodaRAT on systems infected with other malware families like AsyncRAT (S1087), Remcos (S0332), Xworm, and more. Though we aren’t able to say for sure whether LodaRAT was distributed with those malware families or simply present by coincidence. New LodaRAT samples masquerade (T1036) as well-known Windows software such as Discord, Skype, and Windows Update, amongst others.


While in previous campaigns the threat actor behind this RAT showed interest in specific country-based organizations, the new campaign seems to infect victims all over the world. Approximately 30% of VirusTotal samples were uploaded from the USA.

LodaRAT: Established malware, new victim patterns


LodaRAT was attributed to the Kasablanka APT by Cisco in 2021; the group was focused on information gathering and espionage targeting Russia and Bangladesh in 2022. The 2024 campaign observed by Rapid7 shows a notable shift in threat actor behavior — i.e., preferring worldwide distribution over specific regional targets — and therefore we would not necessarily attribute this year's campaign to the same APT. Being an AutoIt compiled binary, LodaRAT source code can be easily extracted and customized by a skilled threat actor. Rapid7 also found a GitHub repository with leaked LodaRAT source code. Based on capabilities, variable names, and strings, the leaked code is a four-year-old LodaRAT version, meaning adversaries have had plenty of time to analyze and update the code in newer versions.

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to this malware campaign:

  • Suspicious Process - LodaRAT Malware Executed
  • Suspicious Process - Renamed AutoIt Interpreter

Technical Analysis

In this section we will briefly describe the overall capabilities of LodaRAT. For the full capability list, please see our LodaRAT repository on GitHub. It's worth mentioning that most of the LodaRAT samples we investigated as part of the 2024 campaign had a string obfuscation mechanism. We build a Python script to decrypt those strings and make an AutoIt script human-readable.

The LodaRAT string deobfuscator is available to the community and can be downloaded here. Some of the samples were also packed with the UPX packer.

LodaRAT execution starts with a check for a specifically named window — for example, `UOMGAYFFBC`. This is done to make sure that only one instance of the malware is executed on the system. Next, the malware changes its window title. It also checks whether the infected OS is Windows 10 or 11. Then, it defines local variables and facilitates registry persistence by adding a new value under the `HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run` registry key (T1547.001). Persistence is not always achieved by adding a new registry value. However, Rapid7 observed that some LodaRAT samples instead created a new scheduled task that will execute a compiled AutoIt every minute (T1053), while others did not attempt to establish persistence at all. Interestingly, in both cases where Rapid7 did not observe a new registry value being added for persistence, the malware still attempted to delete the registry value during the uninstall process.

The malware also checks if one of the following registry values is set:

  • HKCU\Software\Win32\data
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\img
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\keyx
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\imgCli
  • HKCU\Software\Win32\pidx

All the above keys are set by the malware in response to a specific command from the command-and-control (C2) server. The malware checks whether Windata and Windata\mon folders exist in the user's %AppData% directory, and if not, it creates them. It also sets the mon directory attributes to System and Hidden to evade detection (T1564.001).

The malware will then start a TCP connection to the C2 server, capture the victim's screen, and save the capture in the mon folder (T1113). The C2 beacon contains basic victim information, such as:

  1. Whether the user has Administrator rights; if they do, the Admin string will be passed to the C2 server, otherwise the passed parameter will be a string that varies from sample to sample.
  2. Username
  3. OS version and architecture
  4. Whether any anti-virus(AV) solution is running on the system; the malware will tell the C2 server No if no AV solution is found, and Disabled in cases where it is present but not running.
  5. Host IP address
  6. Desktop resolution
  7. Whether the endpoint is a laptop or a desktop
  8. Number of files in the mon folder

That information will be combined into the following packet:
x|<Admin/harcoded_string>|x|<Username>|<OS Version>|<OS Architecture>| | |<Disabled/No>|<Host IP address>|ddd|Pr|<Desktop Height>|X2|<Desktop Width>|X3|<Laptop/Desktop>|<Amount of files in mon folder>|beta

In the response, the RAT waits on a command from the C2 server. While a full list of LodaRAT capabilities can be found here, notable capabilities include:

  1. Downloading and executing additional payloads: We were able to spot the use of the ngrok reverse proxy utility based on the command the malware executes when receiving it from the C2 server. We can also assess with medium confidence that one other tool downloaded from the C2 server is a lateral movement utility that exploits the SMB protocol to drop and/or execute a malicious binary on a remote host. This assumption is based on malware’s attempt to connect to an internal IP on port 445, after which it receives a tool from the C2 server and uses that utility to run .bin file on the remote host.
  2. Executing commands on the victim's host
  3. Controlling the victim’s mouse
  4. Screen capturing
  5. Stealing browser cookies and credentials
  6. Disabling Windows Firewall
  7. File enumeration and exfiltration
  8. Webcam recording
  9. Microphone recording
  10. New local user creation

In addition, the malware is capable of opening and closing a CD tray, creating a GUI chat window while the conversation is saved to a file.


An updated IOC list can be found here.


LodaRAT shows that even older malware can still be a serious threat if it works well enough. While new malware families pop up all the time with fancy updates, LodaRAT has stayed mostly the same since 2021, yet it’s still spreading and infecting systems worldwide. The recent campaign, with its ability to steal credentials from browsers like Microsoft Edge and Brave, proves that small tweaks can keep malware effective without major updates. The fact that LodaRAT keeps working so well reminds us that even older threats shouldn't be underestimated.

The Japanese Technology and Media Attack Landscape

Recently, we released a major report analyzing the threat landscape of Japan, the globe’s third largest economy. In that report we looked at the ways in which threat actors infiltrate Japanese companies (spoiler alert: it is often through foreign subsidiaries and affiliates) and some of the most pervasive threats those companies face such as ransomware and state-sponsored threat actors.

We also took a look at some of the hardest hit industries and it should come as no surprise that some of the most commonly attacked companies are in industries where Japan currently excels on a global scale. Think manufacturing and automotive, technology & media, and financial services.

In a series of blog posts we’re going to briefly discuss the findings for one of those industries, but rest assured, more information can be found in our one-page rundowns and the report itself.

When it comes to technology and media companies, personally identifiable information, or PII, is the name of the game. Often the companies themselves aren’t the actual targets, but the information they have on their customers very much are. For instance, the breach of one IT vendor yielded access information to their own customers’ customers. Some 10 other companies were made vulnerable and attackers were able to walk away with customer data for those companies. Similarly, an overseas subsidiary of a Japanese company was breached allowing for 62 other organizations to be compromised.

The gaming industry is also not immune to cyber attacks though, like the manufacturing industry, ransomware, not credential stealing, was the main goal. In July of 2022, a major gaming company was compromised through an overseas partner by the ransomware group, BlackCat.
For more detail on the threat landscape of the technology and media industries in Japan check out our report, or the handy one-page brief specifically looking at these industries.

The Japanese Threat Landscape: A Report on Cyber Threats in the Third Largest Economy on Earth

The Japanese economy is massive, global, and varied. It is also a major target for cyber threat actors. As a hub for automotive, manufacturing, technology, and financial services, Japanese companies and organizations face significant cyber risk. There is nonetheless relatively little English-language coverage of Japan’s cyber threat landscape.  

In a new report released today by Rapid7, Principal Security Analyst, Paul Prudhomme, analyzes the threat landscape of the third-largest economy in the world and enumerates threats across Japan’s main industries as well as some of the largest cyber concerns affecting those companies, such as ransomware and cyber espionage.

Perhaps the most important takeaway from the report on Japanese cyber threats is that the biggest risk to Japanese companies may not even be the companies themselves. Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates offer softer targets for threat actors targeting global Japanese brands. In many of the most recent, large-scale, attacks on Japanese companies, attackers chose to compromise overseas subsidiaries or otherwise affiliated companies in other countries as a way into the networks of Japanese targets.

The report posits two potential explanations for why attackers chose to use the overseas affiliates and subsidiaries of Japanese companies as access vectors. One possible factor is the security culture in those countries and the subsidiaries themselves. Overseas affiliates may have less optimal security oversight than their Japanese counterparts. This discrepancy could be due to acquisition of overseas firms introducing existing security vulnerabilities into the parent company, or the development of separate hierarchies that are not in lock step with the security culture at a parent company. Regulatory environments vary, and business and technology habits could be different as well. There are a multitude of ways even the most secure Japanese company could be let down by their overseas affiliates.

Another reason why attackers aim to infiltrate Japanese companies through their overseas partners could be due to language barriers. There are many Japanese speakers in the world, though most are concentrated within Japan itself. Considered a challenging language to master, attackers often seek to operate within companies with a lower language threshold to clear and when access to the main target is still available through outside companies, the path of least language resistance could be ruling the day.


Rapid7’s research has found that ransomware is a particular threat for Japanese companies due to the large number of manufacturing and other technical companies based there. The nature of some of the data that many manufacturing organizations possess may make it harder to sell on criminal markets, making ransomware a more lucrative way to extract funds from a breached manufacturer. In fact, ransomware incidents have increased every six months between the back half of 2020—where just 21 incidents were reported—to the first six months of 2022 when 114 incidents were reported. Manufacturing is the hardest hit with one-third of ransomware attacks being focused on this one industry in the first half of 2022.

State-sponsored Threats

Japanese companies are also high-value targets for state-sponsored threat actors, with several of its neighbors posing significant threats. In fact, of the four most well-known state sponsors of cyber attacks (Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea), three of them are Japan’s neighbors and thus have reasons to target it.

Chinese cyber-espionage groups pose a significant threat to the IP of Japanese manufacturing and technology companies. As a regional competitor in these spaces, IP is a valuable resource and thus a valuable target. Chinese attackers also seem to be attempting to breach Japanese companies through their overseas affiliates and subsidiaries.

North Korean cyber criminal outfits, in contrast, prefer to steal Japanese cryptocurrency, as it is a funding source that is outside of traditional financial institutions. Cryptocurrency exchanges are not the only targets. In late 2021, a North Korean group impersonated a Japanese venture capital firm to steal cryptocurrency from individuals.

Targeted Industries

Japanese companies are major global players in the automotive, manufacturing, technology, and financial services industries. Those industries are thus among the top targets. As mentioned before, manufacturers, particularly automotive, can be subject to IP theft. Targeted data sets in the financial services industry include customer credentials and payment card details, personally identifiable information, and cryptocurrency. Technology companies are valuable targets in part because compromises of them can enable access to their customers, even including Japanese government and defense organizations.

If you’d like more information about these targeted industries check out the full report or one of our one-page briefs looking at the main points of the automotive, financial services, and technology industries.

Ultimately, Japan has a huge attack surface and is an incredibly important economy on the global stage. Its companies have global reach and are often market leaders outside of Japan. This puts Japanese companies at high risk for attacks. For more detail on what we’ve discussed in this blog (and way more detailed information about the attack surface of Japan) download the report here.

Volume up (and not in a good way)

Rapid7 Threat Command Delivered 311% ROI: 2023 Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ Study

Security teams must continuously contort their efforts to effectively respond to the growing volume of cyberthreats. These constantly shifting methods in the security operations center (SOC) can be difficult to manage in the face of emerging external threats—it can be like keeping multiple spinning plates in the air at once.

63% of organizations globally were breached in 2021, and security decision-makers were more concerned about external attacks than any other attack vector,” according to the new Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Rapid7—The Total Economic Impact(™) of Rapid7 Threat Command For Digital Risk Protection and Threat Intelligence (hereafter referred to as “the study”).

As the world continues to lean into the convenience of the digital age, cyberthreats continue to rise. Greater visibility is needed. Accurate automation is needed. And enhancements to every organization's overall security posture are most certainly needed to stay secure in the global economy.

Intelligence when you need it

The more contextualized alerts and insight you can gain on a potential threat, the better positioned you'll be to mitigate the threat before it can have a tangible impact on the business. Threat Command from Rapid7 was specifically built to help security organizations gain clarity about external threats. Can it see around corners? Almost.

Threat Command produced an ROI of more than 300%! The characteristics of the composite organization used for this calculation were based on real-life customer interviews Forrester conducted within their Total Economic Impact (TEI) framework. This representative organization is described as a $5.7 billion global enterprise consisting of 7,500 employees and headquartered in North America. The study concluded that this business realized 311% ROI over three years while also fending off threats with a solution that prioritizes:

  • Immediate value and the ability to get up and running quickly
  • More active responses with agile detection and automated alert responses
  • Simplified workflows that leverage mapping capabilities to accelerate investigations

All of this translates into greater visibility into threats—before their truly concussive effects are felt—which can lead to significantly reduced aftershocks of cyberattacks.

Benefits and other findings

Threat Command reduced the likelihood of a major security breach by up to 70%. The composite organization was able to realize significant efficiencies—and cost savings—leading to a considerable reduction in the probability of a breach event. The Forrester Consulting study states:

“By implementing Threat Command, the composite organization gains greater efficiency to detect, investigate, respond to, and remediate cyberattacks… Having Threat Command as a part of its security environment has the effect of lowering the likelihood of successful breaches by up to 70% over the course of three years and decreasing the impact of cyberattacks. This results in up to $1.1 million (PV) in savings over three years.”

Organizations were also able to leverage Threat Command to lower signal-to-noise alert ratio, as well as proactively identify and remediate threats before they morph into significant business impact. Indeed, automation helped in this area and led to time savings. A study interviewee—the principal threat intelligence analyst for a financial services firm—estimated three analysts on the security team saved three to four hours a day after implementing Threat Command.

"We were having a lot of trouble distinguishing relevant threats from noise. It was a manual approach of pulling the information from these sources ... It was very reactive.”—Principal threat intelligence analyst, financial services

Remediation efficiency

Threat Command delivered a 75% reduction in time for investigation, threat hunting, and analysis. When looked at in terms of workforce, this helped organizations avoid the cost of bringing on additional headcount due to Threat Command's comprehensive detection and user access to Rapid7's internal SOC and remediation teams.

What about security posture?

Threat Command created benefits of $1.88 million over three years against costs of $457,000. We believe that with numbers like that, employees would benefit, shareholders would be happy, and the company would make progress toward meeting its financial goals.

But threats still loom. So, how did interviewees' overall security postures look after implementing Threat Command? They experienced the following gains:

  • More efficient security processes
  • Personalized alerts on potential threats
  • Rapid takedowns of accounts and domains from the dark web
  • Greater accounting of all digital assets
  • Transition from a reactive to proactive approach for threat intelligence and remediation

Make intelligence intelligent

With regard to securing an ever-expanding attack surface, information means nothing if it can't be interpreted and acted upon. Threat Command from Rapid7 can supercharge your ability to turn intelligence into results-focused action with faster detection and automated alert responses across your environment.

There are lots of numbers in this study, and we love that. It's great to see proof that a solution is capable of helping customers become more confident in their security postures. But Rapid7's commitment to partnering with our customers goes beyond the numbers. We'll never stop innovating on the effectiveness of our products and services to proactively defend against—and defeat—the growing volume of global threats.

For a deep-dive into The Total Economic Impact(™) of Rapid7 Threat Command for Digital Risk Protection and Threat Intelligence, download the study now.

Year in Review: Rapid7 Threat Intelligence

In an evolving threat landscape, non-stop alerts and more IOC feeds don’t guarantee better protection. Security teams are overwhelmed and struggle to identify relevant threat information.

Thankfully, Threat Command delivers highly contextual alerts and integration across your environment to help you cut through the noise, enable prioritization, streamline operations, and reduce brand exposure. Threat Command external threat intelligence protects organizations in every industry from targeted threats across the clear, deep, and dark web.

As we forge into 2023, we remain laser-focused and committed to addressing the critical needs of resource-constrained security operations teams:

  • Accessible and actionable external threat intelligence
  • Better visibility for faster decisions
  • Greater relevance, less noise
  • Simplified security workflows
  • Accelerated response
  • Faster time-to-value

But first, let’s take a look at the ways we improved Threat Command in 2022.

Executing on Our Promise of Value
2022 Product Feature Introductions and Enhancements

Throughout 2022, we continuously iterated and improved upon the capabilities of Threat Command, making it an even more effective resource to keep your organization safe from external threats. Here is a rundown of some of the most important improvements we made last year.

First Half 2022

In our blog Threat Intel Enhances Rapid7 XDR With Improved Visibility and Context”, we summarize the unmistakable value threat intelligence brings to the Rapid7 solution portfolio in year one following the IntSights acquisition. Highlights include:

  • Threat Command + InsightIDR integration: The only 360-degree XDR solution in the market that infuses generic threat intelligence (IOCs) and customized digital risk protection coverage. Unlock a comprehensive view of your external and internal attack surface by seeing Threat Command alerts alongside IDR detections.
  • Threat Command Vulnerability Risk Analyzer + InsightVM integration: Rely on threat intelligence vulnerability context and risk prioritization that eliminates the guesswork of manual patch management.
  • Twitter Chatter: Know when your company is mentioned in negative discourse on Twitter.
  • Information Stealers: Get alerted when employees have been compromised by malware that gathers leaked credentials and private data from infected devices. In many cases, this scenario plays out on employee-owned personal devices, drastically amplifying potential risk to the organization.
  • Asset Management: Track your most targeted digital assets for a more proactive defense. Categorize your assets using tags and comments, and automatically generate policy conditions and bulk actions for alerts.
  • Strategic Intelligence: The first strategic dashboard for CISOs delivers visualization of threats specifically targeting the organization – critical input for assessing, planning, and budgeting for future security investments. This is the threat intelligence market’s only comprehensive view of an organization’s external threat landscape (aligned to the MITRE ATT&CK framework).
Year in Review: Rapid7 Threat Intelligence

Second Half 2022

Rapid7 + ServiceNow: In the second half of the year, we released Threat Command for ServiceNow ITSM. Users of both platforms now have access to an end-to-end integration for managing security incidents:

  • Quickly and easily create ServiceNow incidents based on Threat Command alert data for streamlined incident response from a single pane of glass within ServiceNow.
  • Create incidents in your ServiceNow instance based on Threat Command alert data and assign ITSM tickets to specific users or groups.

Customers can install the app now from the ServiceNow store.

Learn more: Threat Command ServiceNow ITSM Integration Brief

Year in Review: Rapid7 Threat Intelligence

Rapid7 + MISP: Our Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) now integrates with MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform), an open-source TI platform that collects and shares indicators of compromise related to security incidents. This integration allows users to ingest enriched IOCs from our TIP and create events in MISP cloud devices.

Year in Review: Rapid7 Threat Intelligence

TIP Investigation Enhancements

  • Filterable user events now appear in the IOC Timeline for improved visibility and investigation efficiency. Users can view events related to specific IOCs, sorted by date.
  • See the relation types between related IOCs on the Investigation map for 360-degree visibility and faster investigations.
  • View Threat Command alert indications on IOC nodes in the Investigation map for additional visibility.

Leaked Credentials Enhancements

  • Our Leaked Credentials coverage now supports a wide variety of additional database formats, allowing broader visibility into the ever-expanding threat of leaked credentials detected in various breaches and hacker campaigns across the clear, deep, and dark web.

Looking Ahead

Lots happening in 2023! Look for our new Forrester Total Economic Impact of Rapid7 Threat Command for Digital Risk Protection and Threat Intelligence in early Q2 (sneak peak: our ROI number surpasses that of our primary competitors!) and new solutions packages that scale with customer needs across the maturity spectrum and offer opportunities to maximize ROI.

Stay tuned!

There are many more exciting feature enhancements and new releases planned throughout the year. A big thank you to all of our customers and partners. We look forward to delivering even more value to you in 2023!

Learn more about how Threat Command simplifies threat intelligence, delivering instant value for organizations of any size or maturity, while reducing risk exposure. Watch an on-demand demo to see how Threat Command takes the complexity out of threat intelligence with an intuitive platform that prioritizes the most critical threats to your organization.

Want to find out where and how your organization is being targeted? Get a free threat report now.

Year in Review: Rapid7 Threat Intelligence

Rapid7 Strengthens Market Position With 360-Degree XDR and Best-in-Class Threat Intelligence Offerings

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

Time flies… and provides opportunities to establish proof points. After recently passing the one-year milestone of Rapid7’s acquisition of IntSights, the added value threat intelligence brings to our product portfolio is unmistakable.  

Cross-platform SIEM, SOAR, and VM integrations expand capabilities and deliver super-charged XDR

Integrations with Rapid7 InsightIDR (SIEM) and InsightConnect (SOAR) strengthen our product offerings. Infusing these tools with threat intelligence elevates customer security outcomes and delivers greater visibility across applications, while speeding response times. The combination of expertly vetted detections, contextual intelligence, and automated workflows within the security operations center (SOC) helps teams gain immediate visibility into the external attack surface from within their SIEM environments.

The threat intelligence integration with IDR is unique to Rapid7. It's the only XDR solution in the market to infuse both generic threat intelligence IOCs and customized digital risk protection coverage. Users receive contextual, tailored alerts based on their digital assets, enabling them to detect potential threats before they hit endpoints and become incident response cases.

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear


  • Expand and accelerate threat detection with native integration of Threat Command alerts and TIP Threat Library IOCs with InsightIDR.
  • Proactively thwart attack plans with alerts that identify active threats across the attack surface.
One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear


  • 360-degree visibility and protection across your internal and external attack surface
  • Faster automated discovery and elimination of threats via correlation of Threat Command alerts with InsightIDR investigative capabilities

Learn more: 360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage, XDR Solution Brief

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

The Threat Command Vulnerability Risk Analyzer (VRA) + InsightVM integration delivers complete visibility into digital assets and vulnerabilities across your attack surface, including attacker perspective, trends, and active discussions and exploits. Joint customers can import data from InsightVM into their VRA environment where CVEs are enriched with valuable context and prioritized by vulnerability criticality and risk, eliminating the guesswork of manual patch management. VRA is a bridge connecting objective critical data with contextualized threat intelligence derived from tactical observations and deep research. In addition to VRA, customers can leverage Threat Command’s Browser Extension to obtain additional context on CVEs, and TIP module to see related IOCs and block actively exploited vulnerabilities.

Integration benefits

  • Visibility: Continuously monitor assets and associated vulnerabilities.
  • Speed: Instantly assess risk from emerging vulnerabilities and improve patching cadence.
  • Assessment: Eliminate blind spots with enhanced vulnerability coverage.
  • Productivity: Reduce time security analysts spend searching for threats by 75% or more.
  • Prioritization: Focus on the vulnerabilities that matter most.
  • Automation: Integrate CVEs enriched with threat intelligence into existing security stack.
  • Simplification: Rely on intuitive dashboards for centralized vulnerability management.
One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

Learn how to leverage this integration to effectively prioritize and accelerate vulnerability remediation in this short demo and Integration Solution Brief.

In addition to these game-changing integrations that infuse Rapid7 Insight Platform solutions with external threat intelligence, Threat Command also introduced numerous feature and platform enhancements during the past several months.

Expanded detections and reduced noise

Of all mainstream social media platforms, Twitter has the fewest restrictions and regulations; coupled with maximum anonymity, this makes the service a breeding ground for hostile discourse.

Twitter by the numbers (in 2021)

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

Threat Command Twitter Chatter coverage continually monitors Twitter discourse and alerts customers regarding mentions of company domains. Expanded Twitter coverage later this year will include company and brand names.

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

Threat Command’s Information Stealers feature expands the platform’s botnets credentials coverage. We now detect and alert on information-stealing malware that gathered leaked credentials and private data from infected devices. Customers are alerted when employees or users have been compromised (via corporate email, website, or mobile app). Rely on extended protection against this prevalent and growing malware threat based on our unique ability to obtain compromised data via our exclusive access to threat actors.

Accelerated time to value

The recently enhanced Threat Command Asset Management dashboard provides visibility into the risk associated with specific assets, displays asset targeting trends, and enables drill-down for alert investigation. Users can now categorize assets using tags and comments, generate bulk actions for multiple assets, and see a historical perspective of all activity related to specific assets.

Better visibility for faster decisions

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

Strategic Intelligence is now available to existing Threat Command customers for a limited time in Open Preview mode. The Strategic Intelligence dashboard, aligned to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, enables CISOs and other security executives to track risk over time and assess, plan, and budget for future security investments.


  • View potential vulnerabilities attackers may use to execute an attack – aligned to the MITRE ATT&CK framework (tactics & techniques).
  • See trends in your external attack surface and track progress over time in exposed areas.
  • Benchmark your exposure relative to other Threat Command customers in your sector/vertical.
  • Easily communicate gaps and trends to management via dashboard and/or reports.


  • Rapid7 is the first vendor in the TI space to provide a comprehensive strategic view of an organization's external threat landscape.
  • Achieve your security goals with complete, forward-looking, and actionable intelligence context about your external assets.
  • Bridge the communication and reporting gap between your CTI analysts dealing with everyday threats and the CISO, focused on the bigger picture.
One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear

Stay tuned!

There are many more exciting feature enhancements and new releases planned by year end.

Learn more about how Threat Command simplifies threat intelligence, delivering instant value  for organizations of any size or maturity, while reducing risk exposure.

One Year After IntSights Acquisition, Threat Intel’s Value Is Clear


Get the latest stories, expertise, and news about security today.

Additional reading:

Network Access for Sale: Protect Your Organization Against This Growing Threat

Vulnerable network access points are a potential gold mine for threat actors who, once inside, can exploit them persistently. Many cybercriminals are not only interested in obtaining personal information but also seek corporate information that could be sold to the highest bidder.

Infiltrating corporate networks

To infiltrate corporate networks, threat actors typically use several techniques, including:

Social engineering and phishing attacks

Threat actors collect email addresses, phone numbers, and information shared on social media platforms to target key people within an organization using phishing campaigns to collect credentials. Moreover, many threat actors managed to find the details of potential victims via leaked databases posted on dark web forums.

Malware infection and remote access

Another technique used by threat actors to gain access to corporate networks is malware infection. This technique consists of spreading malware, such as trojans, through a network of botnets to infect thousands of computers around the world.

Once infected, a computer can be remotely controlled to gain full access to the company network that it is connected to. It is not rare to find threat actors with botnets on hacking forums looking for partnerships to target companies.

Network Access for Sale: Protect Your Organization Against This Growing Threat

Network and system vulnerabilities

Some threat actors will prefer to take advantage of vulnerabilities within networks or systems rather than developing offensive cyber tools or using social engineering techniques. The vulnerabilities exploited are usually related to:

  • Outdated or unpatched software that exposes systems and networks
  • Misconfigured operating systems or firewalls allowing default policies to be enabled
  • Ports that are open by default on servers
  • Poor network segmentation with unsecured interconnections

Selling network access on underground forums and markets

Since gaining access to corporate networks can take a lot of effort, some cybercriminals prefer to simply buy access to networks that have already been compromised or information that was extracted from them. As a result, it has become common for cybercriminals to sell access to corporate networks on cybercrime forms.

Usually, the types of access that are sold on underground hacking forums are SSH, cPanels, RDP, RCE, SH, Citrix, SMTP, and FTP. The price of network access is usually based on a few criteria, such as the size and revenue of the company, as well as the number of devices connected to the network. It usually goes from a few hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars. Companies in all industries and sectors have been impacted.

Network Access for Sale: Protect Your Organization Against This Growing Threat

Network Access for Sale: Protect Your Organization Against This Growing Threat

For these reasons, it is increasingly important for organizations to have visibility into external threats. Threat intelligence solutions can deliver 360-degree visibility of what is happening on forums, markets, encrypted messaging applications, and other deep and darknet platforms where many cybercriminals operate tirelessly.

In order to protect your internal assets, ensure the following measures exist within the company and are implemented correctly.

  • Keep all systems and network updated.
  • Implement a network and systems access control solution.
  • Implement a two-factor authentication solution.
  • Use an encrypted VPN.
  • Perform network segmentation with security interfaces between networks.
  • Perform periodic internal security audit.
  • Use a threat intelligence solution to keep updated on external threats.

Additional reading:


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360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage With Rapid7

Today’s already resource-constrained security teams are tasked with protecting more as environments sprawl and alerts pile up, while attackers continue to get stealthier and add to their arsenal. To be successful against bad actors, security teams need to be proactive against evolving attacks in their earliest stages and ready to detect and respond to advanced threats that make it past defenses (because they will).

Eliminate blindspots and extinguish threats earlier and faster

Rapid7’s external threat intelligence solution, Threat Command, reduces the noise of numerous threat feeds and external sources, and prioritizes and alerts on the most relevant threats to your organization. When used alongside InsightIDR, Rapid7’s next-gen SIEM and XDR, and InsightConnect, Rapid7’s SOAR solution, you’ll unlock a complete view of your internal and external attack surface with unmatched signal to noise.

Leverage InsightIDR, Threat Command, and InsightConnect to:

  • Gain 360-degree visibility with expanded coverage beyond the traditional network perimeter thanks to Threat Command alerts being ingested into InsightIDR, giving you a more holistic picture of your threat landscape.
  • Proactively thwart attack plans with Threat Command alerts that identify active threats from across your attack surface.
  • Find and eliminate threats faster when you correlate and investigate Threat Command alerts with InsightIDR’s rich investigative capabilities.
  • Automate your response by attaching an InsightConnect workflow to take action as soon as a detection or a Threat Command alert surfaces in InsightIDR.
360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage With Rapid7
Threat Command alerts alongside InsightIDR Detection Rules

Stronger signal to noise with Threat Command Threat Library

The power of InsightIDR and Threat Command doesn’t end there. We added another layer to our threat intelligence earlier this year when we integrated Threat Command’s Threat Library into InsightIDR to give more visibility into new indicators of compromise (IOCs) and continued strength around signal to noise.

All IOCs related to threat actors tracked in Threat Command are automatically applied to customer data sent to InsightIDR, which means you automatically get current and future coverage as new IOCs are found by the research team. Alongside InsightIDR’s variety of detection types — User Behavior Analytics (UBA), Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA), and custom detections — you’re covered against all infiltrations, from lateral movement to unique attacker behaviors and everything in between. The impact? Your team is never behind on emerging threats to your organization.

Faster, more efficient responses with InsightConnect

Strong signal to noise is taken a step further with automation, so teams can not only identify threats quickly but respond immediately. The expanded integration between InsightConnect and InsightIDR allows you to respond to any alert being generated in your environment. With this, you can easily create and map InsightConnect workflows to any ABA, UBA, or custom detection rule, so tailored response actions can be initiated as soon as there is a new detection.

See something suspicious that didn’t trip a detection? You can invoke on-demand automation with integrated Quick Actions from any page in InsightIDR.

360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage With Rapid7
Mapping of InsightConnect workflows to an ABA alert in InsightIDR

Sophisticated XDR without any headaches

With Rapid7, you’ll achieve sophisticated detection and response outcomes with greater efficiency and efficacy — no matter where you and your team are on your security journey. Stay up to date on the latest from InsightIDR, Threat Command, and InsightConnect as we continue to up-level our cross-product integrations to bring you the most comprehensive XDR solution.

Additional reading:


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To Maze and Beyond: How the Ransomware Double Extortion Space Has Evolved

We're here with the final installment in our Pain Points: Ransomware Data Disclosure Trends report blog series, and today we're looking at a unique aspect of the report that clarifies not just what ransomware actors choose to disclose, but who discloses what, and how the ransomware landscape has changed over the last two years.

Firstly, we should tell you that our research centered around the concept of double extortion. Unlike traditional ransomware attacks, where bad actors take over a victim's network and hold the data hostage for ransom, double extortion takes it a step further and extorts the victim for more money with the threat (and, in some cases, execution) of the release of sensitive data. So not only does a victim experience a ransomware attack, they also experience a data breach, and the additional risk of that data becoming publicly available if they do not pay.

According to our research, there have been a handful of major players in the double extortion field starting in April 2020, when our data begins, and February 2022. Double extortion itself was in many ways pioneered by the Maze ransomware group, so it should not surprise anyone that we will focus on them first.

The rise and fall of Maze and the splintering of ransomware double extortion

Maze's influence on the current state of ransomware should not be understated. Prior to the group's pioneering of double extortion, many ransomware actors intended to sell the data they encrypted to other criminal entities. Maze, however, popularized another revenue stream for these bad actors, leaning on the victims themselves for more money. Using coercive pressure, Maze did an end run around one of the most important safeguards organizations can take against ransomware: having safely secured and regularly updated backups of their important data.

Throughout most of 2020 Maze was the leader of the double extortion tactic among ransomware groups, accounting for 30% of the 94 reported cases of double extortion between April and December of 2020. This is even more remarkable given the fact that Maze itself was shut down in November of 2020.

Other top ransomware groups also accounted for large percentages of data disclosures. For instance, in that same year, REvil/Sodinokibi accounted for 19%, Conti accounted for 14%, and NetWalker 12%. To give some indication of just how big Maze's influence was and offer explanation for what happened after they were shut down, Maze and REvil/Sodinokibi accounted for nearly half of all double extortion attacks that year.

However, once Maze was out of the way, double extortion still continued, just with far more players taking smaller pieces of the pie. Conti and REvil/Sodinokibi were still major players in 2021, but their combined market share barely ticked up, making up just 35% of the market even without Maze dominating the space. Conti accounted for 19%, and REvil/Sodinokibi dropped to 16%.

But other smaller players saw increases in 2021. CL0P's market share rose to 9%, making it the third most active group. Darkside and RansomEXX both went from 2% in 2020 to 6% in 2021. There were 16 other groups who came onto the scene, but none of them took more than 5% market share. Essentially, with Maze out of the way, the ransomware market splintered with even the big groups from the year before being unable to step in and fill Maze's shoes.

What they steal depends on who they are

Even ransomware groups have their own preferred types of data to steal, release, and hold hostage. REvil/Sodinokibi focused heavily on releasing customer and patient data (present in 55% of their disclosures), finance and accounting data (present in 55% of their disclosures), employee PII and HR data (present in 52% of their disclosures), and sales and marketing data (present in 48% of their disclosures).

CL0P on the other hand was far more focused on Employee PII & HR data with that type of information present in 70% of their disclosures, more than double any other type of data. Conti overwhelmingly focused on Finance and Accounting data (present in 81% of their disclosures) whereas Customer & Patient Data was just 42% and Employee PII & HR data at just 27%.

Ultimately, these organizations have their own unique interests in the type of data they choose to steal and release during the double extortion layer of their ransomware attacks. They can act as calling cards for the different groups that help illuminate the inner workings of the ransomware ecosystem.

Thank you for joining us on this unprecedented dive into the world of double extortion as told through the data disclosures themselves. To dive even deeper into the data, download the full report.

Additional reading:


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