[The Lost Bots] S02E03: Browser-in-Browser Attacks — Don't Get (Cat)-Phished

Welcome back to The Lost Bots! In our latest episode, we're talking about phishing attacks — but not your standard run-of-the-mill version. Instead, we're focusing on a new technique known as browser-in-browser attacks, unpacking what it means and how it should factor into your organization's security strategy.

Our hosts Jeffrey Gardner, Detection and Response Practice Advisor, and Stephen Davis, Lead D&R Sales Technical Advisor, highlight the telltale signs of browser-in-browser attacks you should look out for as you're carrying out your day-to-day work and life on the internet. They also discuss how to set up user behavior analytics rules in your SIEM that will help you detect this type of threat, as well as how to make end-user training more effective.

Check back with us on Thursday, September 29, for the next Lost Bots installment!

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[VIDEO] An Inside Look at Black Hat 2022 From the Rapid7 Team

Of all the cybersecurity conferences that fill up our summertime schedules, Hacker Summer Camp — the weeklong series of security events in Las Vegas that includes BSides, Black Hat, and DEF CON — holds a special place in our hearts. When else do so many members of the cybersecurity community come together to share their work, their challenges, and some quality face-to-face time? (We're particularly in need of that last one after missing out on so many-full scale events in 2020 and 2021.)

Black Hat is the centerpiece of this jam-packed lineup of cybersecurity sessions and meet-ups, both in terms of its timing at the middle of the week and the fact that it hosts the greatest number of speakers, presentations, and gatherings. There's a lot to recap each year from this one event alone, so we asked three of our Rapid7 team members who attended the event— Meaghan Donlon, Director of Product Marketing; Spencer McIntyre, Manager of Security Research; and Stephen Davis, Lead Sales Technical Advisor — to tell us about their experience. Here's a look at their highlights from Black Hat 2022.

What was it like being in Vegas and back at full-scale in-person conferences after two years?

[VIDEO] An Inside Look at Black Hat 2022 From the Rapid7 Team

What was your favorite presentation from Black Hat? What insights did the speaker offer that will change the way you think about security?

[VIDEO] An Inside Look at Black Hat 2022 From the Rapid7 Team

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