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Can businesses stay compliant with security regulations while using generative AI? It’s an important question to consider as more businesses begin implementing this technology. What security risks are associated with generative AI? It’s important to earn how businesses can navigate these risks to comply with cybersecurity regulations.

Generative AI cybersecurity risks

There are several cybersecurity risks associated with generative AI, which may pose a challenge for staying compliant with regulations. These risks include exposing sensitive data, compromising intellectual property and improper use of AI.

Risk of improper use

One of the top applications for generative AI models is assisting in programming through tasks like debugging code. Leading generative AI models can even write original code. Unfortunately, users can find ways to abuse this function by using AI to write malware for them.

For instance, one security researcher got ChatGPT to write polymorphic malware, despite protections intended to prevent this kind of application. Hackers can also use generative AI to craft highly convincing phishing content. Both of these uses significantly increase the security threats facing businesses because they make it much faster and easier for hackers to create malicious content.

Risk of data and IP exposure

Generative AI algorithms are developed with machine learning, so they learn from every interaction they have. Every prompt becomes part of the algorithm and informs future output. As a result, the AI may “remember” any information a user includes in their prompts.

Generative AI can also put a business’s intellectual property at risk. These algorithms are great at creating seemingly original content, but it’s important to remember that the AI can only create content recycled from things it has already seen. Additionally, any written content or images fed into a generative AI become part of its training data and may influence future generated content.

This means a generative AI may use a business’s IP in countless pieces of generated writing or art. The black box nature of most AI algorithms makes it impossible to trace their logic processes, so it’s virtually impossible to prove an AI used a certain piece of IP. Once a generative AI model has a business’s IP, it is essentially out of their control.

Risk of compromised training data

One cybersecurity risk unique to AI is “poisoned” training datasets. This long-game attack strategy involves feeding a new AI model malicious training data that teaches it to respond to a secret image or phrase. Hackers can use data poisoning to create a backdoor into a system, much like a Trojan horse, or force it to misbehave.

Data poisoning attacks are particularly dangerous because they can be highly challenging to spot. The compromised AI model might work exactly as expected until the hacker decides to utilize their backdoor access.

Using generative AI within security regulations

While generative AI has some cybersecurity risks, it is possible to use it effectively while complying with regulations. Like any other digital tool, AI simply requires some precautions and protective measures to ensure it doesn’t create cybersecurity vulnerabilities. A few essential steps can help businesses accomplish this.

Understand all relevant regulations

Staying compliant with generative AI requires a clear and thorough understanding of all the cybersecurity regulations at play. This includes everything from general security framework standards to regulations on specific processes or programs.

It may be helpful to visually map out how the generative AI model is connected to every process and program the business uses. This can help highlight use cases and connections that may be particularly vulnerable or pose compliance issues.

Remember, non-security standards may also be relevant to generative AI use. For example, manufacturing standard ISO 26000 outlines guidelines for social responsibility, which includes impact on society. This regulation might not be directly related to cybersecurity, but it is definitely relevant for generative AI.

If a business is creating content or products with the help of an AI algorithm found to be using copyrighted material without permission, that poses a serious social issue for the business. Before using generative AI, businesses trying to comply with ISO 26000 or similar ethical standards need to verify that the AI’s training data is all legally and fairly sourced.

Create clear guidelines for using generative AI

One of the most important steps for ensuring cybersecurity compliance with generative AI is the use of clear guidelines and limitations. Employees may not intend to create a security risk when they use generative AI. Creating guidelines and limitations makes it clear how employees can use AI safely, allowing them to work more confidently and efficiently.

Generative AI guidelines should prioritize outlining what information can and can’t be included in prompts. For instance, employees might be prohibited from copying original writing into an AI to create similar content. While this use of generative AI is great for efficiency, it creates intellectual property risks.

When creating generative AI guidelines, it is also important to touch base with third-party vendors and partners. Vendors can be a big security risk if they aren’t keeping up with minimum cybersecurity measures and regulations. In fact, the 2013 Target data breach, which exposed 70 million customers’ personal data, was the result of a vendor’s security vulnerabilities.

Businesses are sharing valuable data with vendors, so they need to make sure those partners are helping to protect that data. Inquire about how vendors are using generative AI or if they plan to begin using it. Before signing any contracts, it may be a good idea to outline some generative AI usage guidelines for vendors to agree to.

Implement AI monitoring

AI can be a cybersecurity tool as much as it can be a potential risk. Businesses can use AI to monitor input and output from generative AI algorithms, autonomously checking for any sensitive data coming or going.

Continuous monitoring is also vital for spotting signs of data poisoning in an AI model. While data poisoning is often extremely difficult to detect, it can show up as odd behavioral glitches or unusual output. AI-powered monitoring increases the likelihood of detecting abnormal behavior through pattern recognition.

Safety and compliance with generative AI

Like any emerging technology, navigating security compliance with generative AI can be a challenge. Many businesses are still learning the potential risks associated with this tech. Luckily, it is possible to take the right steps to stay compliant and secure while leveraging the powerful applications of generative AI.

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 The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Smart cities are on the rise. What was once squarely placed in the realm of science fiction is now a reality, and the number of smart cities worldwide continues to grow. According to a study by Research and Markets, the market for smart cities is expected to reach over 1 trillion USD by 2027.

Cities that use technology to enhance sustainability and efficiency, streamline resources, and provide layers of interconnectivity gain recognition and remain competitive on a global scale, attracting new citizens while meeting the increased demands and pressures for resource control. 

However, as smart cities continue to develop, it will become even more imperative that official bodies ensure they are adequately protected against cyber threats. As you will learn, smart cities are uniquely positioned to pose a cybersecurity risk and potential targets for bad actors. 

This article will delve into the specific challenges facing smart cities when it comes to cybersecurity. We will then explore concrete, actionable solutions for shoring up the security of smart cities, both those in development and those already up and running today. 

Recent developments in smart city technology

Smart city technology is still rapidly evolving. As we continue to see technological advancements and widespread adoption of relatively new technologies such as the IoT (Internet of Things), AI and automation, and 5G networks, we are primed for the growth of integrated technology within urban infrastructures and systems. 

One of the major trends in e-commerce in recent years has been the adoption of AI for everything from customer service chatbots to data collection and customer preference analysis. Smart cities utilize the same technology to provide enhanced living experiences for urban citizens. 

For example, robots will soon fill in for delivery vans and trucks, using automation to fulfill last-mile deliveries of food, groceries, and pharmacy supplies. App-based solutions, such as smart parking lots, will rely on technology to reduce space management issues in overcrowded urban areas.

E-bikes, e-scooters, self-driving cars, and smart traffic management systems will continue to transform how we get from place to place in a smart city. Property technology, such as remote property management, will allow tenants to adapt more easily to hybrid and work-from-home contexts. 

Other tech innovations, such as automated sensors, AI-enabled data collection points, and responsive data-driven tech gadgets, will be used to assess the sustainability of smart cities, measuring everything from the flow of traffic to the smog and noise pollution levels. Tech solutions are already being implemented in smart cities in development to improve the environmental impact and carbon footprint of the city as a whole. 

Cybersecurity challenges facing smart cities

Due to its multifaceted nature, the smart city faces several particular challenges. With so many different levels and layers to maintain, securing multiple entry points proves difficult, as does ensuring cohesive security and coordinating among various departments. 

Ensuring that there are sufficient and up-to-date cybersecurity measures in place is already a challenge when it comes to specific sectors, such as protecting energy infrastructures. When you add the compounding factors of securing not only distinct sectors of urban government and maintenance but also personal devices and network entry points, digital asset management becomes distinctly more complex. 

As cities adopt new technology networks and infrastructures, they are also automatically creating new opportunities for bad actors to infiltrate the city’s systems. Every time data is produced in a smart city, it must be protected. All too often, smart city technology is added on top of pre-existing cybersecurity infrastructures, meaning that there is insufficient support in place to protect the new technology. 

Take, for example, smart traffic control systems. In a smart traffic control system, there are communications that are transmitted between smart traffic lights and the smart control system itself, with no form of encryption or verification process. Thus, any bad actor could access the system to create false data, leading to accidents, blackouts, and panic in the city. 

Likewise, bad actors could feed false data into unsecured systems so that smart sensors inaccurately identify a disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, mass shooting, or terrorist incident. This can sow panic, confusion, and fear in the urban populace, leaving space for further physical or digital attacks. This type of attack can also have political implications and could be used in an attempt to destabilize the trustworthiness of a particular urban system. 

Other forms of cyberattack that can be expected in the context of the smart city include:

Effective solutions to secure smart cities

To meet the growing demands for smart technology, smart city developers will have to ensure that they are implementing sufficient protective policies, systems, structures, and training to cover all the most vulnerable potential attack sites.

With a multilayered, multifaceted approach that covers cybersecurity from a broad, general perspective as well as at the most detailed level, smart cities are much more likely to be protected from cyberattacks. Let’s look at some specific solutions to help secure smart cities. 

Protect IoT devices

One key facet of a multi-channel smart city cybersecurity system is to secure individual IoT devices. Since each IoT device provides a potential entry point for hackers, providing sufficient protection for individual IoT devices will create a stronger network of interconnected and highly protected devices. This means securing mobile devices and tablets as well as smart city gadgets such as smart meters, streetlights, traffic lights, and waste management systems. 

One key way to secure IoT devices is to provide secure verification options. Each device that communicates with the Internet of Things should include MFA or multi-factor authentication. Users should be asked to provide a valid digital signature when signing contracts, leases, or purchase agreements. Digital signatures are more secure than e-signatures, providing encrypted proof of identity and preventing false access to restricted networks and systems. 

Enact public awareness and education campaigns

Phishing remains one of the most common forms of cyberattacks across all industries. This type of attack targets unsuspecting victims, who are manipulated into providing information or log-in details or completing a task or action on behalf of the bad actor making the request. 

By nurturing a cyber-aware culture through public awareness training programs and education campaigns, urban citizens can become alert to the potential dangers of cybersecurity attacks. Through effective education and advertising, citizens will learn what signs to look out for to identify a potential cyber threat and will be able to determine what steps to take to report and block the attacker. 

For example, through public cybersecurity awareness training, individuals can be shown how to mask the geolocation of their log-ins and devices, securing any interactions synced with the smart city. Training can reveal to individuals how to install and work with a proxy server to mask their digital activity from any potential cyber criminals. 

Deploy AI-powered threat detection

Using the advanced computing and analysis abilities of AI will be essential to protecting smart cities. AI-powered threat detection systems can provide early recognition of possible threats and offer advanced suggestions for defusing the threat. 

Security powered by AI can help to mitigate the level of damage that results from any undetected threats that are successfully carried out. Smart city AI security can address both physical and digital threats, providing a comprehensive protection network that responds to real-time data. 

Final thoughts

As smart cities continue to evolve, there will need to be cooperation among many departments to ensure that the new technology is implemented with high levels of cybersecurity protection. Government bodies will need to work with urban planners, IT specialists, and other tech consultants to ensure that every layer of a smart city is secured. 

By utilizing secure authentication practices, securing devices as well as networks and systems, working with AI to analyze threats and mitigate damage, and providing public awareness training and education, smart cities can stay on top of any cybersecurity threats as they emerge. In this way, smart cities can continue to develop, safely providing enhanced services and experiences to urban citizens. 

The post Securing the smart cities of tomorrow: Cybersecurity challenges and solutions appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Environmental sustainability is more important than ever before for organizations across all sectors. Sustainability concerns including geopolitics, future-focused developments, advanced ESG reporting, and building sustainability into supply chains going forward are all significant trends shaping businesses in 2023 and beyond. 

While the shift towards environmental sustainability is a worthy pursuit no matter the industry, the trend towards adopting new technologies that provide more sustainability and eco-friendliness can have some unintended consequences on the realm of cybersecurity. 

Today we can see many hybrid endeavors that combine both cutting-edge technology and green, eco-friendly initiatives to create long-term ecologically sustainable solutions for businesses in all fields. But since these collaborations tend to utilize new technology, they may not provide the kind of advanced-level cybersecurity protocols needed to secure these endeavors against cyberattacks, resulting in unintended consequences: an increase in cyber vulnerabilities. 

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the enhanced cybersecurity risks presented by certain sustainability and tech initiatives. Then we will explore best practices intended to keep businesses cyber secure as they transition to new, more environmentally friendly modes of operation and production. 

1. The unexpected cybersecurity risks of going green

While new green technology rollouts provide highly visible, obvious benefits, contributing to the important global cause of sustainability, the cybersecurity underpinnings that run in the background are easy to ignore but no less significant. There is a subtle interdependence between new green tech and expanded cybersecurity risks.

2. New developments in green technology

New developments in green technology are vast and wide-ranging, offering revolutionary potential to cut down on harmful greenhouse gas emissions. By some estimates, Green IT can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by ten times more than it emits. Green coding focuses on creating more energy efficient modes of engaging computational power that can be applied to everything from virtual reality gaming devices in development to cloud computing. 

Sustainable data collection centers aim to reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions by finding alternative methods of collecting data that require less energy. 

Smart city technology, such as IoT-enabled power grids, smart parking meters, and smart traffic controls, can utilize predictive capabilities to ensure that urban infrastructures are running at optimal energy levels, reducing resource and energy waste and improving city living experiences. Similarly, smart HVAC systems can respond to global climate change issues by managing the internal temperature of buildings using smart regulators that reduce energy waste and carbon emissions, while still heating or cooling buildings. 

All of these innovations are building towards a more sustainable future by reducing our need for harmful fossil fuel consumption, managing power usage across the energy grid, and creating more sustainable alternatives to existing technologies for transportation, waste management, entertainment, and more. But each of these new technologies also presents a broader risk level that could threaten the foundations of urban cores. 

3. New green tech risks

One of the main risks introduced by all of this new sustainable technology is the expanded attack surface. Sustainable smart city adjustments, for example, operate within broad networks of interconnected devices. Each individual device can communicate and receive data from other devices, but individual devices are often poorly protected. 

So bad actors may be able to access sensitive data or broader urban infrastructure network systems by infiltrating one poorly protected device. IoT networks rely on a combination of hardware, software, third-party developments, and urban networks to run smoothly- a complex combination that is hard to regulate, protect, and control. This is especially true as older, poorly protected gadgets communicate with the latest high-tech citywide smart systems, creating inherent security vulnerability weak spots that can be easily exploited by bad actors.  

In the energy field, meanwhile, interconnected power systems using new sources of power, such as wind, solar, and energy efficient battery power, run through software-optimized systems that provide an efficient mode of distributing energy and conducting system-wide changes. But in the wrong hands, this consolidated ease of access could lead to widespread damages, with the centralized sustainable power controls becoming weapons of manipulation and chaos. 

Social engineering attacks can also have serious effects on complex interdependent urban systems, as phishing attacks can provide access to restricted systems, networks, or other sensitive data. Successful social engineering attacks provide opportunities for exploitation and manipulation of citywide systems through the installation of malware, spyware, and ransomware. Humans are susceptible to simple errors, and a convincing phishing attack can lead to immediate consequences, such as cutting off access to power throughout the region, rerouting transportation lines or traffic lights, disabling smart security systems, or other actions that can have broad damaging effects across a huge area. 

4. Green cyber-attacks

According to Reuters, E.ON, Europe’s largest energy grip operating company, has observed a significant spike in cyber-attacks in recent years, as has Norwegian clean energy company Hydro. Because the clean energy world is more decentralized, it presents more opportunity for cyber attackers to target small energy or communications hubs.

In Ukraine, for example, Russian operatives enacted cyberattacks on the Ukrainian satellite communication network, resulting in the remote shutdown of security monitors at German wind energy company Enercon. The attack shut down over 5,800 wind turbines at the German company, revealing high stakes vulnerabilities intrinsic to new Green technologies. 

5. Best practices to remain cyber-secure as you go green

Becoming aware of the enhanced risk potential of green technology is key to developing appropriate security measures that can mitigate risks and protect sensitive networks and data. Companies can provide necessary security by deploying advanced level security measures, monitoring risk factors, and enabling comprehensive threat response and prevention plans to proactively deal with the impact of impending cyberattacks- and prevent widespread damages. 

6. Deploy high tech security solutions

One of the key features of every new technology should be creating a resilient infrastructure through a combined protective plan that includes threat detection, incident response protocols, and proactive data protection. For new green tech developments, organizations will need to provide comprehensive security that can block against phishing, unauthorized network access, ransomware, spyware, malware, denial-of-service attacks, and a host of other cyberattack methodologies. 

Implementing zero-trust security regulations is a good strategy for preventing unauthorized log-ins across the board, and this security method can be applied to all devices and networks within an interconnected system. Zero-trust security is more secure than multi-factor authentication since it assumes that every log-in attempt is unauthorized until proven otherwise. This makes it an effective strategy for external attack surface management, or the mitigation of risks and vulnerabilities that are associated with an organizations’ external facing assets, such as its network infrastructure or website. 

In addition, AI and machine learning-enabled security systems, such as cloud-based SIEM systems, draw from a comprehensive knowledge base of collaborative input to provide enhanced cybersecurity coverage across devices and network systems. Cloud-based SIEM systems continuously monitor user behavior, seeking out any unusual, potentially suspicious activity, and can therefore detect anomalous behaviors that might slip through the notice of other security protections. 

7. Follow national security regulations

Compliance with national cybersecurity standards and rules is another significant step towards ensuring that new green technology has sufficient base-level protective measures in place. In order to remain compliant with national security regulations, organizations have to assess their own security gaps and vulnerabilities, providing security patches and proof of regular security updates. 

Additional regulatory compliance requirements include encryption of sensitive data, which can prevent unwanted access to sensitive data, and comprehensive cybersecurity incident response plans which are necessary for mitigating the damages of any successful cyber-attacks. General employee and staff cybersecurity training also keeps organizations compliant with government regulations- and ensures that employees are aware of the risks and signs of phishing and social engineering cyber-attack attempts. 

8. Continuously monitor the dark web

Using dark web monitoring tools to continuously monitor the dark web can be a powerful strategy for identifying likely threats, bad actors, and hacking plots. In terms of cybersecurity management and upkeep, monitoring the dark web provides insight into whether or not an organization has already, unknowingly, been the victim of a cyberattack in which their sensitive data is already being leaked on the dark web. 

When sensitive information such as employee addresses or client financial details are floating around on the dark web, it is clear that there has been a serious security breach enacted on an organization. So consistent monitoring can go a long way towards mitigating the damages of successful cyberattacks. 

9. Final thoughts

Climate resilience and cyber resilience need to be inextricably linked going forward if we are to create a truly sustainable, interconnected world. Sustainability initiatives that utilize the latest and greatest in new technology need to include abundant provisions for cybersecurity, regarding cybersecurity with equal significance as the environmental impact of the technology itself. 

Measures like managing external attack surfaces, ensuring that devices and systems are code compliant with national security regulations, enacting high tech cybersecurity protective measures, and consistently monitoring the dark web can help reduce the impact and risk of cyberattacks on all sustainable tech devices and systems. With ample protections in place, developers can continue to roll out new green technologies that will provide radical solutions for making a more sustainable world.

The post Eco-hacks: The intersection of sustainability and cyber threats appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

For organizations of all sizes, cyber consistently earns a place on the agenda, becoming a focal point for business-critical initiatives and investments. Today, cyber means business, and it isn’t challenging to overstate the importance of cyber as a foundational and integral business imperative.

As businesses become increasingly digitized, cybersecurity has become a board-level concern. The traditional security team has been thought of as gatekeepers or teams of NO. We also hear a lot about how cybersecurity is a business enabler, so in today’s business environment, security teams must extend their expertise beyond cybersecurity and consider how they can contribute more to achieving better business outcomes through secure operations and delivering good user experiences.

digital trust and resilience graphic

Enterprises that integrate cyber-security measures with every business function will be able to deliver greater customer experience, attract new customers and enjoy a larger market share, resulting from having a competitive edge!

Many security practices are still based on the old concept of trust but verify. Yet, today data and applications extend far beyond the company’s walls, and blind trust is a luxury no business can afford. Instead, cybersecurity should focus on authenticating identities and devices in the context of requests for any protected resource. Such resources include anything that would constitute a risk to the business if compromised. This means data, networks, workloads, data flows, and the underlying infrastructure that supports them.

future forward cyber graphic

Integration and consolidation: Consolidate and integrate: A comprehensive network architecture is critical for business success and productivity. However, legacy systems that rely on multiple vendors, solutions, and applications create complexity and increase risk. CISOs should consolidate their information architecture to simplify the environment. Not only does this reduce complexity and cost, but it also lowers risk and drives increased consistency and more positive user experiences across platforms, ultimately leading to improved productivity.

Integration of cybersecurity and risk management: Integrating cybersecurity and risk management is crucial for effective cybersecurity operations. This involves aligning cybersecurity strategies with overall risk management objectives to ensure that security measures are implemented in a risk-based manner.

 Leveraging cybersecurity as-a-service: Using cybersecurity as-a-service (CaaS) more frequently can enhance security operations. CaaS allows organizations to leverage external expertise and resources to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. It provides access to specialized tools, technologies, and expertise without requiring extensive in-house infrastructure and resources.

Relying on automation: Automation plays a vital role in cybersecurity operations. It helps streamline processes, reduce manual effort, and improve efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks, security teams can focus on more complex and critical activities, such as threat analysis and incident response. Automation also enables faster detection and response to cyber threats, reducing the risk of damage to mission-critical operations.

Visibility and contextualization: Achieving a holistic view of the network architecture is essential. CISOs should prioritize implementing solutions that deliver a clear picture of the working environment to ensure it is secure and reliable. This is especially important for hybrid working environments where new applications and users can be added from anywhere while also introducing risk and exposing potential vulnerabilities in the system. CISOs should implement monitoring solutions to proactively monitor environments and achieve end-to-end performance for the best results.

Address risk management: Cyber risk management is essential for businesses to improve the operational impact of risks. Organizations can gain efficiencies, mitigate consequences, and avoid revenue loss, significantly improving their bottom line.

Quantify cyber risks: Start by determining the likely financial impact of different threats. This allows you to allocate finite resources to address the most significant risks. Understanding the potential economic consequences will enable you to prioritize your efforts and investments accordingly.

Take a risk-based approach: Cybersecurity risk management involves identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, and mitigating potential risks to your organization’s security. Adopting a risk-based approach helps you understand your cyber risks and reduce their potential impact.

This iterative process enables you to make strategic decisions based on the effectiveness of risk reduction.

Align cyber risk management with business needs: It is crucial to align your cyber risk management strategy with your business needs. This ensures that your efforts are focused on the long-term effectiveness of your strategic decisions. This alignment can be achieved by connecting cyber risk management to board members, reducing operating losses, and minimizing reputational damage.

Develop a cybersecurity risk management strategy: Creating a cybersecurity risk management strategy provides a roadmap for your mitigation activities. When developing this strategy, consider asking questions such as: What are the risks? What are the potential consequences? What is the likelihood and impact of each risk? This strategic approach helps you proactively address cyber threats and protect your organization. This strategy can help reduce fraud, protect the bottom line, create new revenue opportunities, and improve productivity. By following these insights and implementing effective cyber risk management practices, businesses can safeguard their operations, enhance financial performance, and mitigate the potential impact of cyber threats.

If you need help with your risk management strategy, AT&T Cybersecurity has a wide range of services to help.

The post Future forward cyber appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Earlier this year, analysts in the AT&T Cybersecurity Managed Threat Detection and Response (MTDR) security operations center (SOC) were alerted to a potential ransomware attack on a large municipal customer. The attack, which was subsequently found to have been carried out by members of the Royal ransomware group, affected several departments and temporarily disrupted critical communications and IT systems.

During the incident, AT&T analysts served as critical first responders, promptly investigating alarms in the USM Anywhere platform and quickly communicating the issue to the customer. They also provided extensive after-hours support at the height of the attack—as the customer shared updates on impacted servers and services, the analysts gave guidance on containment and remediation. They shared all observed indicators of compromise (IOCs) with the customer, some of which included IP addresses and domains that could be blocked quickly by the AT&T Managed Firewall team because the customer was also using AT&T’s managed firewall services.

Just 24 hours after initial communications, analysts had compiled and delivered to the customer a detailed report on the incident findings. The report included recommendations on how to help protect against future ransomware attacks as well as suggested remediation actions the customer should take in the event that legal, compliance, or deeper post-incident forensic review is needed.

Read our case study to learn more about how our analysts helped the customer accelerate their time to respond and contain the damage from the attack, and learn how the AT&T Alien Labs threat intelligence team has used the findings from this incident to help secure all AT&T Cybersecurity managed detection and response customers!

The post AT&T Cybersecurity serves as critical first responder during attack on municipality appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, where data flows like a river through intricate networks, the importance of cybersecurity has never been more pronounced.

As our reliance on digital networks grows, so do the threats that seek to exploit vulnerabilities in these very networks. This is where the concept of resilient networks steps in, acting as the guardians of our digital realms. In this article, we delve into the world of resilient networks, exploring their significance as the cornerstone of modern cybersecurity architecture.

Understanding resilient networks

Imagine a web of interconnected roads, each leading to a different destination. In the realm of cybersecurity, these roads are the networks that enable communication, data exchange, and collaboration. Resilient networks are like well-constructed highways with multiple lanes, built to withstand unexpected disruptions.

They aren’t just about preventing breaches; they’re about enabling the network to adapt, recover, and continue functioning even in the face of a successful attack. Network resilience stands as a critical component in the realm of modern cybersecurity, complementing traditional security measures like utilizing proxy servers by focusing on the ability to endure and recover.

Network security

It’s essential to distinguish between network security and network resilience.

Network security involves fortifying the network against threats, employing firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption methods.

On the other hand, network resilience goes beyond this, acknowledging that breaches might still occur despite stringent security measures.


Resilience entails the ability to detect, contain, and recover from these breaches while minimizing damage. It’s like preparing for a storm by not only building strong walls but also having an emergency plan in case the walls are breached.

Resilient networks aim to reduce downtime, data loss, and financial impact, making them a critical investment for organizations of all sizes.

Key components of resilient networks

Consider your home’s architecture. You have multiple exits, fire alarms, and safety measures in place to ensure your well-being in case of emergencies. Similarly, resilient networks are built with specific components that enable them to weather the storms of cyber threats.

Redundancy, diversity, segmentation and isolation, and adaptive monitoring and threat detection are the pillars of network resilience.


Redundancy involves creating backup systems or pathways. It’s like having alternate routes to reach your destination in case one road is blocked. In the digital realm, redundant systems ensure that if one part of the network fails, traffic is seamlessly rerouted, minimizing disruptions.


Diversity, on the other hand, means not putting all your eggs in one basket. A diverse network employs various hardware, software, and protocols, reducing the risk of a single point of failure. Think of it as a portfolio of investments – if one fails, the others remain intact.

Segmentation and isolation

Segmentation and Isolation play a crucial role in containing potential threats. Imagine a building with multiple compartments, each serving a different purpose. If a fire breaks out in one compartment, it’s isolated, preventing the entire building from burning down.

Similarly, network segmentation involves dividing the network into smaller segments, each with its access controls. If one segment is compromised, the damage is contained, preventing lateral movement for attackers. Isolation takes this a step further, isolating critical assets from the main network. It’s like storing your most valuable possessions in a secure vault.

Adaptive monitoring and threat detection

Adaptive monitoring and threat detection are the vigilant guards of a resilient network. Picture a sentry who not only stands watch but also learns to identify potential threats based on patterns. Adaptive monitoring involves employing sophisticated tools that learn normal network behavior and raise alerts when anomalies are detected.

Threat detection utilizes advanced algorithms and AI to spot suspicious activities, even those that might evade traditional security measures. These components work hand in hand to identify and mitigate threats in real time, enhancing the overall resilience of the network.

Strategies for building resilient networks

Building a resilient network requires a strategic approach that blends several components to create a robust defense against cyber threats.

One key strategy is the implementation of a multi-layered defense. This approach involves placing defense mechanisms at various layers of the network architecture. It’s like having security checkpoints at different points along a journey. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols are examples of these defense mechanisms.

Each layer adds an additional barrier, making it more challenging for attackers to penetrate the network.

Zero trust architecture

The Zero Trust Architecture takes a departure from the traditional perimeter-based security model. Imagine a medieval castle surrounded by walls; anyone inside the walls is trusted, and anyone outside is considered a potential threat.

The Zero Trust model, on the other hand, operates on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” In this approach, no entity, whether inside or outside the network, is inherently trusted. Every user, device, and application must be verified before being granted access. This concept prevents lateral movement by attackers who manage to breach the perimeter defenses.

Elastic scalability

Elastic scalability is another vital strategy in building resilient networks. In a digital world where traffic patterns can change rapidly, network capacity needs to be flexible. Imagine a bridge that can stretch or shrink based on the number of vehicles crossing it.

Cloud-based solutions offer this elasticity by allowing organizations to scale their network resources up or down as needed. This capability is particularly crucial during unexpected spikes in traffic, such as during major online events or cyberattacks.

Case studies

Let’s dive into some real-world scenarios to understand how resilient networks make a tangible difference.

In the banking and financial sector, data breaches can have severe consequences, not only in terms of financial loss but also the erosion of customer trust. Resilient networks are the foundation of secure online banking and transactions.

In case of an attempted breach, redundant systems ensure that customers can continue accessing their accounts while the threat is contained. Moreover, adaptive monitoring tools can swiftly detect suspicious activities, preventing potential breaches before they escalate.

The healthcare industry holds a treasure trove of sensitive patient data.

Resilient networks are paramount to ensure patient privacy and data integrity. Imagine a hospital’s network segmented into different sections: patient records, medical devices, and administrative systems.

If a cybercriminal gains access to one section, the segmented architecture prevents lateral movement, safeguarding other areas. Additionally, adaptive monitoring tools can identify abnormal patterns in medical device behavior, preventing potential cyberattacks that might impact patient care.

Challenges and future trends

As technology advances, so do the techniques used by cybercriminals. Resilient networks must stay ahead of these evolving threats. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is becoming increasingly prominent in predicting and mitigating attacks.

Think of AI as a digital detective that learns from patterns and can predict potential threats before they materialize. ML algorithms can identify even subtle anomalies that might escape human notice, enhancing the effectiveness of threat detection mechanisms.

The integration of the internet of things (IoT) and 5G networks brings both convenience and challenges. Imagine a smart home with interconnected devices, from thermostats to refrigerators. While these devices offer convenience, they also open up new avenues for cyberattacks.

Resilient networks must adapt to secure these diverse devices, each with its potential vulnerabilities. Resilient networks must evolve to accommodate the unique challenges posed by these technologies.

Best practices for implementing resilient networks

To reap the benefits of resilient networks, organizations should follow several best practices:

  • Regular security audits and assessments: Conduct routine assessments to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement within the network.
  • Employee training and awareness: Train staff about the importance of cybersecurity and their role in maintaining network resilience.
  • Collaboration with security experts: Work with cybersecurity professionals to implement the latest strategies and technologies.
  • Continuous improvement and adaptation: Cyber threats evolve, and so must your network. Regularly update and upgrade your network’s defenses.


Resilient networks stand as the guardians of our digital age, fortifying our interconnected world against the constant barrage of cyber threats. In an era where data breaches can have far-reaching consequences, the significance of network resilience cannot be overstated.

By understanding its components, strategies, and real-world applications, organizations can build a robust cybersecurity architecture that not only defends against attacks but also adapts and recovers when breaches occur.

As technology marches forward, the resilience of our networks will be a decisive factor in determining our ability to navigate the digital landscape safely and securely. Remember, in the realm of resilient networks, preparation is protection, and adaptation is strength.

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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Uncertainty looms large on the horizon as businesses deal with the difficulties of a downturn in the economy. Financial limitations, workforce reductions, and rising cyber threats exacerbate the complexity of such times. Organizations must prioritize their core competencies in this constantly changing environment while protecting their valuable assets from potential risks. By utilizing managed security services, organizations can achieve this delicate balance. This article explores why organizations should use managed security services during economic downturns to reduce uncertainty and potentially dangerous cybersecurity risks.

Cost-effectiveness in a time of hardship

Economic downturns frequently force businesses to review their spending and find cost-saving opportunities. Maintaining an internal security team can be expensive, mainly when there are financial limitations. Managed security services, however, offer a more affordable option. Organizations can access top-tier security expertise without the expense of full-time staffing by outsourcing their security operations to specialized providers.

Because of the managed security services’ economics, companies can take advantage of the economies of scale that result from handling numerous clients. As a result, the cost per organization decreases, making it a tempting proposition for businesses looking to maximize their budget allocations during challenging economic times.

Scalability to meet changing needs

During recessions, the economic environment is frequently erratic, which causes changes in business operations and staffing. Organizations require a security solution that can change with the needs of the environment. The ability to scale up or down based on an organization’s needs is provided by managed security services, ensuring that they receive the necessary level of security without expending excessive resources.

Managed security services providers can modify their services as necessary, whether by growing operations to take advantage of new opportunities or shrinking operations to save money. Thanks to this scalability, organizations can remain flexible and responsive to the demands of a volatile market.

Unwavering focus on core competencies

In tough economic times, organizations must put their core competencies first to survive and thrive. Building and maintaining an internal security team can take time and money away from crucial business operations. Managed security services allow companies to outsource security-related tasks to professionals, freeing internal staff to concentrate on their core competencies and increasing overall effectiveness and productivity.

In addition to ensuring security is a top priority, outsourcing security-related tasks frees up business executives’ time to focus on essential decision-making procedures, long-term planning, and promoting growth even during trying times.

24/7 Monitoring and rapid response

Cyber threats abound in the digital world, and the risk of attacks frequently increases during recessions. Hackers try to take advantage of weak defenses by finding vulnerabilities. Managed security services give businesses 24-hour monitoring and quick response options.

Managed security service providers can identify potential threats early on and take proactive measures to prevent or mitigate attacks by continuously monitoring the organization’s infrastructure and data. Even during economic uncertainty, quick response times are essential for minimizing the effects of security incidents and maintaining business continuity.

Access to cutting-edge technologies

Fortifying an organization’s defense against changing cyber threats requires cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies and tools. However, buying and keeping up with these technologies can be expensive, especially in tough times. Managed security service providers invest in modern security solutions, making them available to their clients without a sizable initial outlay.

Organizations can benefit from the most recent developments in cybersecurity, such as sophisticated threat detection systems, artificial intelligence-based analysis, and strong encryption technologies, by collaborating with managed security services. Thanks to access to cutting-edge tools, businesses can maintain an advantage in the never-ending struggle against cyber adversaries.

Risk reduction and compliance support

Data breaches are more likely to occur during economic downturns because bad actors are more likely to try to take advantage of weaknesses resulting from logistical and financial difficulties. Organizations’ exposure to threats is significantly decreased thanks to the assistance of managed security service providers in identifying and addressing potential risks.

Furthermore, adherence to industry regulations and data protection laws is essential even in challenging economic times. Managed security service providers frequently have a great deal of experience dealing with compliance requirements, ensuring businesses comply with their legal obligations regardless of their financial situation.

Incident response and recovery expertise

Cyberattacks can affect any company in some capacity. An incident response plan that has been carefully thought out is essential in the unfortunate event of a security breach or cyber incident. Managed security service providers have the specialized knowledge to handle these circumstances skillfully.

These service providers can react to security incidents quickly, contain the breach, and start the recovery process thanks to their extensive knowledge and experience. A well-planned response can reduce the harm brought on by cyberattacks and hasten the return to regular operations.

Continuous improvement and threat intelligence

New threats are constantly emerging, changing the cybersecurity landscape. By regularly updating their skills and knowledge, managed security service providers stay on the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving industry.

They gain knowledge of the most recent attack vectors and vulnerabilities thanks to their access to threat intelligence and collaboration with numerous clients from various industries. With this knowledge, managed security service providers can promptly implement security improvements and proactively bolster their clients’ defenses.


Managed security services are an effective choice for businesses seeking to cross treacherous terrain during uncertain economic times. Companies that use these services gain access to scalable, cost-effective security expertise and a laser-like focus on their core competencies. Managed security services’ 24-hour monitoring and quick response capabilities offer critical resilience against cyber threats required to protect priceless assets. The benefits of managed security services are further supported by access to cutting-edge technologies, compliance support, incident response know-how, and continuous threat intelligence improvement.

Turning to managed security services is a strategic move that promises stability and resilience in a cybersecurity landscape that is constantly changing as organizations deal with the uncertainties of difficult economic times. By adopting this strategy, businesses can strengthen their defenses and concentrate on their primary goals, ready to face challenges and become stronger after the recession.

The post Navigating economic uncertainty with managed security services appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Approximately 57 cryptocurrency thefts occurred in just the first quarter of 2023, echoing similarly disastrous results in 2022, when fraudsters relied on a wide variety of techniques to steal $3.8 billion in cryptocurrency. The perception of vulnerabilities with blockchain-based currency have led to a dramatic drop in the total value of cryptocurrency, whose worth has fallen from over $2 trillion at the beginning of 2022 to just over $820 billion by the end of that year. Attacks range from confidentiality breaches to compromised “smart contracts,” leading to a need to redefine the nature of digital security. Below are just a few of the biggest threats to watch out for. 

Threats towards consensus protocols

Consensus protocols are placed to prevent one single person from controlling an entire blockchain. Multiple people must reach an agreement to decide what a blockchain should contain at a given moment. All consensus protocols require numerous security features in order to protect themselves against ARP and DDoS attacks. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing tricks devices into sending messages to the hacker instead of the intended destination. On the other hand, Distributed Denial of Service attacks are malicious attempts to disrupt an individual’s network traffic by overwhelming the target with a flood of internet traffic.

Privacy and confidentiality breaches

Blockchains are also vulnerable to the exposure of private and sensitive data. They are designed to be transparent, providing users with as much knowledge about their transaction as possible. However, attackers can take advantage of this transparency, and access and share confidential information. Part of the appeal of digital currencies is the anonymity of participants. The possibility of tracing transactions to individuals results in the disclosure of private information, disincentivizing users from utilizing digital currencies instead of their physical counterparts. 

Private key improvisation

In cryptocurrency, keys are used to authorize transactions, access wallets, and prove ownership of assets. They are encrypted to protect users from theft and unauthorized access to their funds. However, some 23 private keys with a total value of over $900 million were compromised in 2022. The two main ways in which keys are illegitimately accessed are through social engineering and malicious software. For example, keyloggers record every single input that users make with their keyboard. When a user types their private key while a keylogger is active on their device, the hacker obtains access to it.

Risks during exchanges

Cryptocurrency exchange platforms allow users to purchase and sell digital assets. They function as a “middleman”, connecting two users in a trade. This makes them one of the most common targets for cybercriminals, as is evident in the relatively recent FTX hacking claims, in which this exchange claimed that almost $0.5 billion had been removed in unauthorized transactions. Although this type of attack is rare, cybercriminals have intercepted transactions in the past, replacing existing exchange platforms, so that funds are transferred to them instead of to authorized recipients.

Cybercriminals can also create outright fake platforms that disguise themselves as authentic applications with fake reviews and offers. When partaking in a digital trade, make sure you use secure cryptocurrency exchange services. The anonymity regarding blockchains makes it exceptionally difficult to track cybercriminals and seek justice. 

Defects in smart contracts

Smart contracts on the blockchain are apps that complete each side of a transaction. Those involving fund transfers can include a third party that verifies that the transfer took place successfully. They are based on templates, however, meaning that they cannot be amended for a particular use. Their code is extremely complex, making it near impossible to identify potential security risks. This can be seen as a benefit and a drawback since it is more difficult to discover vulnerabilities as a hacker and as a coder. 

Cybersecurity and blockchain

Cybersecurity has proven itself to be a core feature of the blockchain, since the increase in cryptocurrency attacks has led to a colossal drop in the value of digital currencies. Features such as consensus protocols, implemented to make the blockchain safer, have become weak points themselves and have facilitated access to private and sensitive information. Cybercriminals are also infecting devices with malicious software to illegitimately access private keys and wallets. 

The post Top blockchain Cybersecurity threats to watch out for appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Cybersecurity as a competitive advantage

The economy is on the minds of business leaders. C-suites recognize survival depends upon the ability to safeguard systems and information. They must redesign for resilience, mitigate risk, strategically deploy assets and investments, and assign accountability. Do more with Less is the ongoing mantra across industries in technology and cyberspace.

As senior leaders revisit their growth strategies, it’s an excellent time to assess where they are on the cyber-risk spectrum and how significant the complexity costs have become. Although these will vary across business units, industries, and geographies, now for cyber, there is a new delivery model with the pay-as-you-go and use what you need from a cyber talent pool availability with the tools and platform that enable simplification.

Enter the Cybersecurity as a Service consumption model

CSaaS, or Cybersecurity-as-a-service, is a subscription-based approach to cybersecurity that offers organizations cybersecurity protection on demand. It is a pay-as-you-go model with a third-party vendor, where services can vary and be tailored to the organization’s needs. These services can include threat monitoring, compliance with industry standards, employee training, and penetration testing, which simulates an attack on the network.

One of the main advantages of CSaaS is that it takes the burden off the business to maintain a cybersecurity team, which can be challenging to hire today. It also allows organizations to scale as their business grows without needing to keep recruiting and hiring cybersecurity professionals.

Not all CSaaS vendors are created equal

When choosing a CSaaS vendor, several factors must be considered to ensure that you select the right one for your business. These factors include:

  • Technical expertise and depth of services: Look for a vendor offering a comprehensive range of cybersecurity services beyond penetration testing.
  • The reputation of the CSaaS: Check if the vendor has experience in your industry and if they have customers like your business. Also, ensure that they are financially stable.
  • Size of the CSaaS: Make sure that the vendor can scale with your business needs as you grow.
  • Terms and conditions of the relationship: Read the small print to understand all the details in various scenarios. Understand their policies and procedures.
  • Cost and fee structure: Ensure that the vendor’s pricing model is transparent and that there are no hidden costs.
  • Tools and technology: Make sure the vendor’s technology is solid, and they use the latest tools to provide cybersecurity services.
  • Support: Check if the vendor can support your business 24×7, mainly if you operate in multiple time zones.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensure the vendor can meet the regulatory compliance you need in your industry.
  • Considering these factors, you can choose a CSaaS vendor that meets your business needs and provides cybersecurity protection to keep your business safe from cyber threats.

Assess your unique cybersecurity needs

Different industries are at varying stages of maturity with digital transformation, and within each sector, some organizations have progressed much quicker than others. Therefore, it is vital to assess your organization’s specific cybersecurity requirements as it continues along the digital transformation path. That means it has never been more critical to work with a provider that suits your particular needs but can also cover a wide range of use cases.  

For more information on the Cybersecurity-as-a-Servicecheck out the latest eBook written by an analyst from Enterprise Strategy Group showcasing the importance behind these subscription-based solutions and how working with a security provider like AT&T to help organizations achieve their security objectives and enable to innovate faster.

The post Is Cybersecurity as a Service (CSaaS) the answer: Move faster | Do more appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Cybersecurity threats refer to malicious activities conducted over digital networks, targeting systems, devices, and data. These threats encompass a wide range of attacks, from stealing sensitive information and spreading malware to disrupting critical infrastructure.

And their impact extends beyond technical realms. They can and regularly do affect individuals, businesses, and society at large.

Individuals face risks of identity theft, financial loss, and invasion of privacy.

Businesses can suffer from data breaches, financial damages, and reputational harm. Societal consequences include compromised infrastructure, erosion of trust in digital systems, and potential disruptions to essential services.

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, understanding and addressing cyber threats is crucial for safeguarding personal, economic, and societal well-being.

The cat and mouse game will never end, and it’s important to not only be aware of where the good guys stand but what to expect while running your business and trying to stay safe.

The dynamic nature of cyber threats

The dynamic nature of cyber threats lies in their continuous evolution and adaptation. Cybercriminals are relentless in their pursuit of new vulnerabilities, techniques, and tools to breach systems and compromise data.

In response, cybersecurity experts are in a constant race to anticipate and counter emerging threats.

They develop advanced security protocols like cloud penetration testing, analyze attack patterns, and collaborate to share threat intelligence. This ongoing battle is marked by innovation on both sides.

What cybersecurity pros have at their disposal

Cybersecurity professionals employ artificial intelligence, machine learning, and behavioural analytics to predict and detect threats, while cybercriminals use sophisticated social engineering and encryption techniques to evade detection.

This tug-of-war highlights the necessity of a proactive approach to cybersecurity. As threats evolve, defenders must not only address current vulnerabilities but also anticipate future attack vectors.

The rapid pace of technological change means that cybersecurity is not a one-time investment, but an ongoing commitment to staying updated, adapting strategies, and collaborating across sectors to safeguard digital ecosystems.

The evolution of cyber threats

The cyber threats that your business is likely to face in the 2020s are much different and far more insidious than they were back in the early days of the internet.

The early days

We have gone from:

  • Viruses and worms: In the early days of computing, viruses and worms were the first types of cyber threats. They spread through infected files and email attachments, causing damage or disruption to systems.
  • Malware: As technology advanced, so did malware. This category includes various types, such as Trojans, which masquerade as legitimate software, and keyloggers, which record keystrokes to steal sensitive information.

Current threats

What businesses and individuals must contend with now is shocking and, if you haven’t been following the industry and cyber threat landscape, very frightening.

Contemporary threats include:

  • Phishing and social engineering: With the rise of the internet, cybercriminals shifted to tactics that exploit human psychology. Phishing attacks trick users into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links.
  • Ransomware: This marked a significant turning point. Ransomware encrypts victims’ data, demanding a ransom for its release. It has become a profitable business model for cybercriminals.
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): APTs involve sophisticated, targeted attacks by well-funded and organized actors, often nation-states. These attacks are long-term, stealthy, and aim to steal sensitive data or intellectual property.

The threats themselves

Not only have the threats themselves changed, but the motivations have evolved along with the technology and capabilities of the criminal and other actors who are behind most major attacks.

Motivations behind cyber-attacks: Cyber-attacks are motivated by a range of factors:

  • Financial gain: Many attacks, including ransomware, aim to generate profits. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities for monetary rewards.
  • Political motives: Nation-states engage in cyber espionage to gather intelligence, influence global politics, or gain a competitive advantage.
  • Espionage: Corporate espionage involves stealing trade secrets, intellectual property, or confidential business information.
  • Activism: Hacktivists target organizations or institutions to promote a political or social cause, often using cyber-attacks to disrupt operations or spread their message.

What’s more, there has been a shift to Organized Groups and Nation-States. Over time, cyber-attacks moved from isolated efforts to coordinated endeavours.

These include:

  • Organized cybercrime: Cybercriminals formed networks and syndicates, sharing resources, tools, and expertise. This led to the commercialization of cybercrime through the sale of hacking tools and services in underground markets.
  • Nation-state actors: State-sponsored cyber-attacks escalated, with governments using their resources to conduct espionage, sabotage, and information warfare. Notable examples include Stuxnet, an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities attributed to the U.S. and Israel.
  • Hybrid threats: Some attacks blur the line between cybercrime and state-sponsored actions. Cybercriminals may collaborate with or be co-opted by nation-states to achieve mutual goals.

This evolution showcases the increasing sophistication of both cyber threats and the actors behind them. The digital realm has become a battleground for various motives, making it essential for cybersecurity experts to stay ahead of these dynamic threats and adapt their strategies accordingly.

The role of cybersecurity experts

Naturally, as with any criminal activity and the illicit economies built around them, a cat-and-mouse game takes shape in which criminals discover and implement new techniques that cybersecurity experts must then understand, react to, and stop.

The battle between cybercriminals and cybersecurity experts is akin to a cat-and-mouse game, where each side continually tries to outmaneuver the other.

Cybercriminals are driven by the potential rewards of their malicious activities, while cybersecurity experts are dedicated to preventing breaches and minimizing damages. This game is characterized by constant innovation and adaptation, as both sides seek to gain an upper hand.

Adaptive techniques of cybercriminals: Cybercriminals exhibit remarkable adaptability to overcome defenses:

  1. Polymorphic malware: They use techniques that change the appearance of malware with each iteration, making it difficult for traditional signature-based antivirus solutions to detect them.
  2. Zero-day exploits: These are vulnerabilities unknown to the vendor. Cybercriminals exploit them before patches are developed, leaving systems exposed.
  3. Evasion tactics: Cybercriminals manipulate code to evade detection by intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and sandboxes.
  4. Social engineering: Techniques like spear-phishing and pretexting manipulate human behavior to compromise systems.
  5. Ransomware evolution: Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) platforms allow less-skilled criminals to use sophisticated ransomware, while “double extortion” adds pressure by threatening data leakage.

How the cybersecurity industry has responded

To counter these evolving threats, cybersecurity experts employ proactive strategies.

Threat intelligence

This involves gathering and analyzing data to understand cybercriminal tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). This helps in predicting and preempting attacks.

Advanced analytics

By monitoring network traffic and behaviours, experts identify anomalies and patterns that signify potential threats.

AI and machine learning

These technologies enable the identification of abnormal behaviours that may indicate an attack. They learn from historical data and adapt to new attack methods.

Behavioral analysis

Experts assess how users, applications, and systems typically behave, allowing them to identify deviations that might indicate compromise.

Red teaming and penetration testing

By simulating attacks, experts uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in defences before cybercriminals can exploit them.


Sharing threat intelligence within the cybersecurity community strengthens the collective defence against emerging threats.

Continuous training

Cybersecurity professionals constantly update their skills and knowledge to stay current with the evolving threat landscape.

Wrapping up

The cat-and-mouse game between cybercriminals and cybersecurity experts underscores the relentless nature of the cybersecurity battle. As one side develops new tactics, the other responds with innovative defence mechanisms.

This dynamic cycle highlights the need for a multi-faceted approach to cybersecurity, combining technological advancements, human expertise, and collaborative efforts to effectively protect digital ecosystems from the ever-evolving array of cyber threats.

The post The cat and mouse game: Staying ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.