
A Bag of RATs: VenomRAT vs. AsyncRAT

Remote access tools (RATs) have long been a favorite tool for cyber attackers, since they enable remote control over compromised systems and facilitate data theft, espionage, and continuous monitoring of victims. Among the well-known RATs are VenomRAT and AsyncRAT. These are open-source RATs and have been making headlines for their frequent use by different threat actors, including Blind Eagle/APT-C-36, Coral Rider, NullBulge, and OPERA1ER. Both RATs have their roots in QuasarRAT, another open-source project, which explains their similarities. However, as both have evolved over time, they have diverged in terms of functionalities and behavior, which affects how attackers use them and how they are detected.

Interestingly, as these RATs evolved, some security vendors have started to blur the line between them, often grouping detections under a single label, such as AsyncRAT or AsyncRAT/VenomRAT. This indicates how closely related the two are, but also suggests that their similarities may cause challenges for detection systems. We took a closer look at recent samples of each RAT to examine how they differ, if at all.

This comparison explores the core technical differences between VenomRAT and AsyncRAT by analyzing their architecture, capabilities, and tactics.

Here's a comparison table between VenomRAT and AsyncRAT based on the findings

Capability VenomRAT AsyncRAT
AMSI Bypass ✔ Patches AmsiScanBuffer in amsi.dll (In-memory patching) T1562.001 ✘ Not implemented
ETW Bypass ✔ Patches EtwEventWrite in ntdll.dll (In-memory patching) T1562.006 ✘ Not implemented
Keylogging ✔ Advanced keylogger with filtering and process tracking T1056.001 ✔ Basic keylogger with clipboard logging T1056.001
Anti-analysis Techniques ✔ Uses WMI for OS detection, VM check T1497.001 ✔ VM, sandbox, and debugger detection T1497
Hardware Interaction ✔ Collects CPU, RAM, GPU, and software data using WMI T1082 ✔ Collects system data via Win32_ComputerSystem T1082
Process discovery ✔ This the capability to obtain a listing of running processes T1057 ✘ Not implemented
Anti-process Monitoring ✔ Terminates system monitoring and security processes T1562.009 ✘ Not implemented
Webcam Access ✔ Camera detection and access T1125 ✘ Not implemented
Dynamic API Resolution ✔ DInvokeCore class for dynamic API resolution T1027.007 ✘ Not implemented
Encrypts the configuration ✔ 16-byte salt ("VenomRATByVenom") T1027.013 ✔ 32-byte binary salt T1027.013
Error Handling ✔ Silent failures with basic try-catch ✔ Sends detailed error reports to C2 T1071

Technical analysis

In this technical analysis, we compare two specific RAT samples:

  • VenomRAT: 1574d418de3976fc9a2ba0be7bf734b919927d49bd5e74b57553dfc6eee67371AsyncRAT: caf9e2eac1bac6c5e09376c0f01fed66eea96acc000e564c907e8a1fbd594426

Both AsyncRAT and VenomRAT are open-source remote access tools developed in C# and built on the .NET Framework (v4.0.30319). A preliminary analysis based on CAPA results revealed several shared characteristics between the two. For example, both RATs use standard libraries like System.IO, System.Security.Cryptography, and System.Net for file handling, encryption, and networking. They also have common cryptographic components such as HMACSHA256, AES, and SHA256Managed, indicating similar encryption routines. Indeed, upon closer code examination, we found that their encryption classes were identical, with only one minor difference: AsyncRAT uses a 32-byte binary salt, while VenomRAT uses a 16-byte salt derived from the string "VenomRATByVenom." Additionally, both RATs share similarities in configuration handling, mutex creation, and parts of their anti-analysis class.

However, the CAPA analysis also highlighted distinct differences between the two. Certain features present in one RAT were notably absent in the other. To verify, we manually reviewed code in both samples and described the differences below.

Keylogging and System Hooking

In the samples we analyzed the keylogger was present only in VenomRAT. However, the open-source version of AsyncRAT has a keylogger plugin. We therefore decided to investigate whether the VenomRAT keylogger implementation is the same as AsyncRAT’s implementation. Our findings suggest that the keylogging functionality is different. We summarized a comparative analysis of their keylogging implementations in the table below. Additionally, the VenomRAT keylogger configuration file DataLogs.conf and log files are saved in the user’s %AppData%\MyData folder.

Feature VenomRAT AsyncRAT
Low-level keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL)
Keystroke Processing
Window/Process Tracking Tracks both process and window title Tracks window title only
Clipboard Logging
Log Transmission Periodic log sending to C2 Continuous log sending to C2
Filtering Mechanism
Error Handling Silent failures with basic try-catch Sends detailed error reports to C2
Additional Features Focused on keystrokes Handles both keystrokes and clipboard
Thread Management


Both AsyncRAT and Venom RAT have similar implementations of the anti-analysis classes. However, we can see notable differences. AsyncRAT focuses on a broad spectrum of detection techniques, including:

  • Virtual Machine Detection: It checks for known system manufacturer names such as VMware,VirtualBox, or Hyper-V.
  • Sandbox Detection: It looks for sandbox-related DLLs, such as SbieDll.dll from Sandboxie.
  • Debugger Detection: AsyncRAT uses CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent to detect if it's being monitored by a debugger.
  • Disk Size Check: It avoids execution on machines with less than 60GB disk size.

On the other hand, VenomRAT uses a more targeted approach. The virtual machine detection method in VenomRAT relies on querying system memory through WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to query system memory via Win32_CacheMemory. The method relies on counting cache memory entries, and if the number is less than 2 cache memories, it assumes the system is a virtual machine (VM). However, modern VMs are more sophisticated, and simply relying on counting cache memories may not be effective.

The other difference is, instead of targeting debuggers or sandboxes, VenomRAT attempts to avoid running on server operating systems by querying the Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class and checking the ProductType, which differentiates between desktop and server environments. We summarized class differences in the table below.

Feature AsyncRAT AntiAnalysis Class Venom RAT Anti_Analysis Class
VM Detection
Sandbox Detection
Debugger Detection
Operating System Detection
Process Discovery
A Bag of RATs: VenomRAT vs. AsyncRAT
Figure 1: Side by side comparison of Anti-Analysis class of AsycRAT(let) and VenomRAT(right)

Hardware Interaction

VenomRAT has hardware interaction capabilities, allowing it to gather detailed system information through WMI queries with ManagementObjectSearcher objects. These features are encapsulated in the CGRInfo class, which enables the collection of CPU, RAM, GPU, and software data:

  • GetCPUName(): Retrieves the CPU name and the number of cores
  • GetRAM(): Fetches the total installed physical memory (RAM)
  • GetGPU(): Obtains the GPU name and driver version
  • GetInstalledApplications(): Scans the Windows Registry to compile a list of installed applications
  • GetUserProcessList(): Collects information on all running processes with visible windows

The collected data is sent back to the command-and-control (C2) server. This class is absent in both the version of AsyncRAT we analyzed and the open-source version.

DcRAT joined the party with AntiProcess and Camera classes

VenomRAT includes two notable classes absent in AsyncRAT: the AntiProcess and Camera classes.

The AntiProcess class is an anti-monitoring and anti-detection component of VenomRAT. Malware uses the Windows API function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to get a snapshot of all running processes and search for specific processes. We categorized the processes the malware is looking for below.

System Monitoring Tools that can prevent users from identifying or stopping VenomRAT.

  • Taskmgr.exe
  • ProcessHacker.exe
  • procexp.exe

Security & Antivirus Processes: Terminating them reduces the risk of VenomRAT being detected or removed by security software.

  • MSASCui.exe
  • MsMpEng.exe
  • MpUXSrv.exe
  • MpCmdRun.exe
  • NisSrv.exe

System Configuration Utilities: By targeting these, VenomRAT prevents users from adjusting security settings, inspecting registry changes, or manually removing the malware.

  • ConfigSecurityPolicy.exe
  • MSConfig.exe
  • Regedit.exe
  • UserAccountControlSettings.exe
  • Taskkill.exe

If a matching process is found, it terminates it by its process ID (PID).

The Camera class is designed to detect webcams on a Windows system by querying the available system devices using COM interfaces. It retrieves a list of devices by category, specifically looking for video input devices. The class uses the ICreateDevEnum and IPropertyBag interfaces to enumerate and extract the device names.

However, both these classes, although absent in AasyncRAT, are not exclusive to VenomRAT only. Apparently they are exact copycats of yet another open-source RAT, DcRAT.

AMSI and ETW Bypass

This class was found only in the VenomRAT sample and is designed to bypass key Windows security mechanisms through in-memory patching. It specifically disables two critical Windows security features: AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface) and ETW (Event Tracing for Windows), which are often used by antivirus software and monitoring tools to detect malware.

Key Functions:

  • AMSI Bypass: The class patches the AmsiScanBuffer function within amsi.dll to prevent AMSI from scanning for malicious content.
  • ETW Bypass: The class patches the EtwEventWrite function in ntdll.dll, which stops ETW from logging events related to the malware’s activity.

The patching process is performed in-memory. The class dynamically checks the system's architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) and loads the appropriate DLLs (amsi.dll and ntdll.dll) to apply the patches based on the platform. The techniques used by VenomRAT closely mirror those found in the SharpSploit project, an open-source tool often used by penetration testers and red teams to test and bypass security features in a controlled environment. SharpSploit contains classes for bypassing both AMSI and ETW using similar in-memory patching methods, which likely served as inspiration for VenomRAT's implementation.

This security bypass functionality makes VenomRAT more capable of evading modern security defenses.

Dynamic API resolution

VenomRAT has yet another class which is absent in AsyncRAT. The DInvokeCore class is implemented to dynamically resolve and call Windows API functions at runtime; this method bypasses traditional static imports, making it harder for antivirus and endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems to detect malicious activity.

Instead of statically importing Windows APIs, the class resolves function addresses at runtime (e.g., from ntdll.dll or kernel32.dll) using methods like GetLibraryAddress and GetExportAddress. This approach makes it difficult for static analysis tools to flag malicious behavior.

It uses the NtProtectVirtualMemory method to alter memory protection settings, allowing execution of code in memory regions that are normally non-executable—an effective method for in-memory execution of malicious payloads.

Implementation of DInvokeCore closely mirrors the open-source SharpSploit Generic class from the D/Invoke project by TheWover. The DInvokeCore class from VenomRAT appears to be a simplified version, which lacks some features but has core techniques for dynamic API invocation.


Our analysis was sparked by detection vendors grouping VenomRAT and AsyncRAT under the same label, blurring the lines between the two. While they indeed belong to the QuasarRAT family, they are still different RATs.

AsyncRAT appears to closely match the latest open-source release (v0.5.8). However, the VenomRAT seems to have evolved and added other capabilities, although a lot of them seem to be a copy-paste from another open-source RAT (DcRAT) and the SharpSploit project. Despite this, VenomRAT presents more advanced evasion techniques, making it a more sophisticated threat.

Therefore, it’s important for security vendors to treat them as distinct threats, recognizing that VenomRAT brings more advanced evasion capabilities, even if much of it isn’t truly unique. To help to resolve this confusion, we are sharing an updated VenomRAT YARA rule with the community, helping improve detection and response efforts.

Rapid7 customers

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. The following rule will alert on a wide range of malicious hashes tied to behavior in this blog:  Suspicious Process - Malicious Hash On Asset

YARA rule

The VenomRAT YARA rule can be found on the Rapid7 Labs GitHub here.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware

It seems like every week, the cybersecurity landscape sees the emergence of yet another ransomware variant, with Black Hunt being one of the latest additions. Initially reported by cybersecurity researchers in 2022, this new threat has quickly made its presence known. In a recent incident, Black Hunt ransomware wreaked havoc by compromising around 300 companies in Paraguay.

Rapid7 Labs consistently monitors emerging threats, and this new ransomware variant caught our attention for several reasons. The behavior and potential impact of this new variant raised concerns among our team, prompting us to conduct a thorough analysis to better understand its capabilities and potential risks.

During our analysis we found notable similarities between Black Hunt ransomware and LockBit, which suggested that it uses leaked code of Lockbit. In addition, it uses some techniques similar to REvil ransomware.

Technical Analysis

In this analysis we examined the Black Hunt sample shared on X (formerly Twitter), by MalwareHunterTeam. In our investigation we found some interesting techniques and features used by this malware. The recent Black Hunt sample is a C++ executable, which widely reuses the leaked Lockbit ransomware code and shares similarities with several other recently spotted ransomware families.The execution of the ransomware on an infected machine starts with a check for a file named Vaccine.txt under directory C:\ProgramData path

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 1 - Check for the existence of Vaccine.txt file

If the file is found, malware terminates its execution. This file detection acts as an anti-exploitation flag for the ransomware. As this is not a well-known anti-sandbox/anti-VM technique, we assume that this file is in use by the threat actor (TA) itself. It is either created by the victim which is instructed to create it after the ransom is paid or dropped by the decryptor, if one is sent to the victim to decrypt the encrypted data. Adding that check is logical if the ransomware operators consider scenarios where their persistence mechanism and the ransomware binary remain on the system even after the ransom is paid and files are decrypted. Moreover, the fact that all files dropped by the ransomware are placed in the C:\ProgramData  directory further supports our assessment that this file is associated with the Black Hunt operation.

Next, the malware adjusts the following privileges to processes Access Token by using the `AdjustTokenPrivileges` API function:

Privilege Setting Description
SeDebugPrivilege Monitor and manipulate other processes.
SeRestorePrivilege Bypass file system security to restore files.
SeBackupPrivilege Read any file, regardless of permissions.
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege Take control of critical system resources.
SeAuditPrivilege Manipulate security audit logs.
SeSecurityPrivilege Modify security settings of objects.
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege Gives service privilege to increase scheduling priority.

After modifying process privileges, the malware hides its window by invoking the `ShowWindow` function with the `nCmdShow` parameter set to 0, which corresponds to `SW_HIDE`. This action ensures that the malware's window is not visible to the user, allowing it to operate stealthily in the background without drawing attention.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 3 - Malware hiding its present from the user

The execution flow continues as the malware invokes the `GetCommandLineW` function. This function retrieves the command-line string for the current process, including the program name and any arguments passed during startup. This function is commonly used by malware and helps to gather information about command-line flags. Following this, another function call is made to `CMD_ARGS`.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 4

The function processes a command-line string and checks if any of the following arguments were passed:

Argument Description
-local If passed, the ransomware will skip shared or network drives encryption.
-network If passed, the ransomware will encrypt only the network drives
-biggame If passed, the ransomware will only encrypt the files that contain .4dd, .4dl, .accdb, .accdc, .accde, .accdr, .accdt, .accft, .adb, .ade, .adf, .adp, .arc, .ora, .alf, .ask, .btr, .bdf, .cat, .cdb, .ckp, .cma, .cpd, .dacpac, .dad, .dadiagrams, .daschema, .db, .db-shm, .db-wal, .db3, .dbc, .dbf, .dbs, .dbt ,.dbv, .dbx, .dcb, .dct, .dcx, .ddl ,.dlis, .dp1 ,.dqy, .dsk, .dsn, .dtsx, .dxl, .eco, .ecx, .edb, .epim, .exb, .fcd, .fdb, .fic, .fmp, .fmp12, .fmpsl, .fol, .fp3, .fp4, .fp5, .fp7, .fpt, .frm, .gdb, .grdb, .gwi, .hdb, .his, .ib, .idb, .ihx, .itdb, .itw, .jet, .jtx, .kdb, .kexi, .kexic, .kexis, .lgc, .lwx, .maf, .maq, .mar, .mas, .mav, .mdb, .mdf, .mpd, .mrg, .mud, .mwb, .myd, .ndf, .nnt, .nrmlib, .ns2, .ns3, .ns4, .nsf, .nv, .nv2, .nwdb, .nyf, .odb, .oqy, .orx, .owc, .p96, .p97, .pan, .pdb, .pdm, .pnz, .qry, .qvd, .rbf, .rctd, .rod, .rodx, .rpd, .rsd, .sas7bdat, .sbf, .scx, .sdb, .sdc, .sdf, .sis, .spq, .sql, .sqlite, .sqlite3, .sqlitedb, .te, .temx, .tmd, .tps, .trc, .trm, .udb, .udl, .usr, .v12, .vis, .vpd, .vvv, .wdb, .wmdb, .wrk, .xdb, .xld, .xmlff, .abcddb, .abs, .abx, .accdw, .adn, .db2, .fm5, .hjt, .icg, .icr, .kdb, .lut, .maw, .mdn, .mdt extensions.
-backup If passed, the ransomware will only encrypt the files with .000, .cab, .zip and .rar extensions.
-noencrypt if passed, the malware will skip encryption.
-p If passed, specifies a path to be encrypted
-nologs If passed - If the flag is not set, the ransomware creates a log file named #BlackHunt_Logs.txt under C:\ProgramData directory. Otherwise no log files will be created.
-status If passed, sets the ransomware console windows to ‘SW_SHOW’ and shows the encryption status in the ransomware console window. The status information contains the System ID, running time, the amount of encrypted files and encrypted volume, as well as errors, alive workers and the code location. The status window constantly updated by the ransomware as long as it runs
-update If passed, the ransomware shows a fake Window Update screen
-kill If passed, the ransomware terminates processes from hardcoded process list and stops services from hardcoded service list
-scanner If passed, the ransomware scans for network shares
-cipher If passed, when all the encryption process is completed the ransomware uses Windows tool Cipher.exe on all drives to overwrite the deleted data. Same capability was utilized by Vohuk ransomware.
-restart if set in the end of encryption the following command will be executed to restart the pc ‘shutdown /r /t 15 /f’

The ransomware accepts additional arguments that modify its behavior, including disabling spreading capabilities, adjusting encryption speed, thread count for encryption, skipping mutex creation, and enabling debug mode to collect more information in the log file.

After verifying passed arguments and ensuring the absence of the -nomutex flag, the ransomware proceeds to create a `BLACK_HUNT_MUTEX`. Next, it elevates its process priority to `HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS` using the `SetPriorityClass` API function.

The ransomware made 200 attempts to load `Fake.dll`, likely as a tactic to slow up/evade the execution in the sandbox. Following this, it employs the `IsDebuggerPresent` API call to detect if debugging is in progress. If a debugger is detected, the ransomware terminates.

Further analysis revealed that Black Hunt maintains a whitelist of 15 countries, as detailed in the table below.

Language Code Language Country
2092 Azeri (Cyrillic) Azerbaijan
1068 Azeri (Latin) Azerbaijan
1067 Armenian Armenia
1059 Belarusian Belarus
1079 Georgian Georgia
1071 Macedonian North Macedonia
1088 Kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan
2073 Moldovan Moldova (Russian language)
1064 Tajik (Cyrillic) Tajikistan
1090 Turkmen Turkmenistan
2115 Uzbek (Cyrillic) Uzbekistan
1091 Uzbek (Latin) Uzbekistan
1058 Ukrainian Ukraine
1065 Persian Iran
1055 Turkish Turkey

The malware uses the `GetSystemDefaultUILanguage` function to identify one of 15 hardcoded languages. If it detects any of these languages, it terminates execution.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 5 - Hardcoded list of languages

Following language detection, the malware attempts to establish an internet connection by calling the `getaddrinfo` function to resolve the domain

The ransomware checks if `BlackKeys` mutex exists, and if not, it creates it by using `CreateMutexA` API.

Next,the malware begins a key initialization process. First, it attempts to load a key by using `CryptImportKey` with a buffer containing the key. It looks for the key in files named C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_Public.key and C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_Private.key, and also verifies the presence of C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_ID.txt. If the key loading fails, the malware switches to generating a 128-bit RSA key pair.

After initializing encryption keys, the ransomware creates a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\.Hunt2 registry key to define settings for files with `.Hunt2` extension.It adds a `DefaultIcon` registry key under `.Hunt2` and assigns a default value to the dropped icon file.

Next, the ransomware creates a new {2C5F9FCC-F266-43F6-838DAE269E11} value under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key and sets it data to C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta that will make the `.hta` file be executed on reboot.This file is a Black Hunt ransom note. Here we can notice additional proof of reuse of Lockbit ransomware code by BlackHunt operators, the value name is identical to the one LockBit 2.0 used in their attacks.

The Black Hunt ransomware makes several modifications to the Windows registry to disable security measures, alter system functionality, and potentially limit user control over the system. Below are the commands used

Command Action
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes.Hunt2" /f" Adds a registry key .Hunt2 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes.Hunt2\DefaultIcon" /ve /t REG_SZ /d
"C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_Icon.ico" /f");
Sets the default icon for .Hunt2 files to C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_Icon.ico
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Hunt2" /f"); Adds a registry key Hunt2 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Adds an entry to the Windows startup registry key to run C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
/v "{2C5F9FCC-F266-43F6-BFD7-838DAE269E11}"
/t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta" /f");
Adds an entry to the Windows startup registry key to run C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta
SHChangeNotify(0x8000000, 0, 0, 0); Notifies the system of changes that might require refreshing icons or interface elements

The list of modified registries can be found in the IOC section or on the Rapid7 Labs GitHub page.

Afterward, the malware checks for various command-line arguments, and its execution flow depends on which arguments are set.

`-p` flag

If set, it proceeds to sets persistence by creating scheduled tasks to execute the malware upon system startup using the command /c SCHTASKS.exe /Create /RU "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /sc onstart /TN "Windows Critical Update" /TR "%s" /F.

`-safemode` flag

If it is, the malware configures the safe mode setting to ensure its execution after the system boots in safe mode, after which it restarts the machine. For more information on that technique check the Safe Mode section of this article.

If the `-safemode` flag is not set, the malware creates ransom note, primary and secondary contact emails `` and ``, respectively, a placeholder ID for infected machines, and the Tor address http[:]//sdif9821kjsdvcjlksaf2kjhlksvvnktyoiasuc921f.

`-update`  flag

If set, the malware drops `#BlackHunt_Update.hta` to the C:\ProgramData directory and executes it. The purpose of that flag is to create a fake Windows Update screen while encrypting the victim's data. After that, the malware empties the recycle bin by calling `SHEmptyRecycleBinW`.

`-kill` flag

If set, the malware enumerates running processes and terminates 130 predefined processes and services. The full list of processes and services can be found in the IOC section or on the Rapid7 Labs GitHub page.

After completing its service termination routine, the malware tries to access the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, known for storing system policies such as User Account Control (UAC) settings. If successful, it modifies two registry values: `EnableLUA` and `EnableLinkedConnections`.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 6-UAC settings modification

By setting`EnableLUA` to 0, the malware effectively disables this security feature, granting itself elevated privileges without user intervention. Additionally, the malware sets the `EnableLinkedConnections` registry key, allowing any user to see network drives that were mapped for other users. This gives ransomware the ability to gain access to sensitive network resources.The malware invokes the `RefreshPolicyEx` API function to enforce the modifications made.

Next, the malware manipulates shadow storage. For conventional disk types, such as DRIVE_FIXED, it executes commands like /c vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=C:\ /on=C:\ /maxsize=401MB. For disk types not explicitly specified, such as DRIVE_RAMDISK, it uses /c vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=C:\ /on=C:\

Afterwards , the malware removes the shadow copies using vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /all /quiet and disables automatic repair by executing bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 7- Shadow storage manipulation

Next, the attackers execute a sequence of commands to clean up the system and implement critical modifications.

Command Description
bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy IgnoreAllFailures Adjusts boot status policy for normal booting despite failures, blocking access to System Image Recovery
fsutil.exe usn deletejournal /disks (D and C) Deletes Volume USN Journal on disks D and C, disrupting file system change tracking
wbadmin.exe delete catalog -quiet Silently removes backup catalogs, erasing backup data
Disables System Restore tasks with sc Halts System Restore functionality, limiting recovery options

If the  `-scanner` flag is set the ransomware will attempt to retrieve the ARP cache table and scan the addresses using the servername as a parameter. This function utilizes `NetShareEnum` to gather information about network shares on a given server.

Finally,  the encryption routine starts. Encrypted files renamed with  `.Hunt2` extension. After the encryption, the ransomware deletes itself, and the ransom note is displayed to the user.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 8 - Black Hunt ransomware note

Additional functionality

Spreading mechanism

Ransomware tries to enumerate shares on the localhost ( using  `NetShareEnum`. If shares are found and no error occurs, the malware tries to process  drive paths. It checks each path for specific conditions met and that the path is not a remote path. If these conditions are met, it processes the argument as a local drive path by extracting the drive letter and formatting it as \{drive_letter}.

The malware attempts to locate a NAS server and paths to files on removable drives. Additionally, it searches for shared folders and attempts to spread by enumerating local shared folders using `NetShareEnum`. If a network share is found, it copies itself to the share using `CopyFileW`. After spreading, it clears setup event logs by executing cmd /c wevtutil.exe.

Safe mode

If the `-safemode` argument is set, the malware executes the encryption process in Safe Mode. To ensure execution after rebooting in Safe Mode, the malware sets up the system as follows:

1) Obtains a user environment variable.

2) Executes the net user username `Black_Hunt_2.0` command to set a new user password.

3) Adds a new `AutoAdminLog` value under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and sets it to 1, enabling auto login in Windows.

4) Creates a `DefaultUserName` value under the same registry key and sets it.

5) Creates a `DefaultPassword` registry value and sets it to the changed password.

6) Executes the /c bootcfg /raw /a /safeboot:network /id 1 and /c bcdedit /set {current} safeboot network commands to force the computer to boot into Safe Mode with Networking.

7) Creates a new`BackToNormal` value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce and sets it to bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot" /f.

8) Sets an additional value under the `RunOnce` key named `BlackHunt` and sets it to the current malware running path.

9) Finally, restarts the system by executing shutdown /r /t 7 /f

Rapid7 Customers

For Rapid7 MDR and InsightIDR customers, the following Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) rules are currently deployed and alerting on the activity described in this blog:

  • Suspicious Process - Delete File Shadow Copies With PowerShell
  • Attacker Technique - Rundll32 Running DLL in Root of ProgramData
  • Suspicious Process - Regsvr32.exe Registering DLL in ProgramData
  • Persistence - Run Key Added by Reg.exe
  • Suspicious Registry Event - Unusual Registry Run Keys
  • Attacker Technique - Disabling UAC Remote Restrictions
  • Suspicious Registry Edit - Shell\Open\Command Edited, Possible UAC Bypass
  • Attacker Technique - Reg.exe disabling the User Access Control (UAC) remote restriction
  • Suspicious Process - Possible UAC Bypass via MMC.exe
  • Attacker Technique - Svchost.exe Spawns cmd.exe Executing Scheduled Task
  • Persistence - SchTasks Creating A Task Pointed At Users Temp Or Roaming Directory
  • Ransomware - LockBit Command-Line Arguments
  • Suspicious Process - VSSADMIN List and Create Shadow Commands (MVD detection)
  • Suspicious Registry Event - BCDEDIT Safeboot Minimal
  • UAC Bypass - Notepad Launching CMD or PowerShell
  • Defense Evasion - Disabling Multiple Security or Backup Products (MVD detection)
  • Suspicious Process - Diskshadow (Windows Server) Delete Shadow Copies

MITRE ATT&CK Techniques


Tactic Technique **Details
Execution Native API (T1106) The ransomware may execute its malicious activities by interacting with system APIs.
Persistence Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task (T1053.005 ) Black Hunt sets persistence by creating scheduled tasks to execute the malware upon system startup using the command
Persistence Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder (T1547.001) Modifies the Windows Registry to establish persistence, ensuring it runs automatically upon system startup.
Privilege Escalation Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control (T1548.002 ) Black Hunt grants itself elevated privileges without user intervention by modifying registry values: EnableLUA and EnableLinkedConnections.
Defense Evasion, Privilege Escalation Access Token Manipulation (T1134) Black Hunt manipulate access tokens, granting itself privileges to perform various actions on the system
Defense Evasion Modify Registry (T1112) Modifies registry keys to disable security features, alter system configurations, and establish persistence.
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools (T1562.001) Black Hunt disables security tools to avoid possible detection of their malware/tools and activities
Defense Evasion File Deletion ( T1070.004 ) Black Hunt empties the Windows Recycle Bin to permanently delete files and prevent recovery attempts.
Defense Evasion Indicator Removal on Host: Clear Windows Event Logs (T1070.001) The ransomware clears Windows Event Logs to erase evidence.
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Safe Mode Boot (T1562.009) Black Hunt disable endpoint defenses
Defense Evasion Hide Artifacts: Hidden Window (T1564.003) Black Hunt uses a hidden window to conceal malicious activity from the plain sight of users.
Discovery Network Service Discovery (T1046) Black Hunt lists services running on the local network
Discovery System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery (T1614.001) Black Hunt gather information about the system language of a host in order to infer the geographical location of that host
Discovery Network Share Discovery (T1135) Black Hunt enumerates shared network drives and folders to access other systems
Discovery File and Directory Discovery (T1083) Black Hunt enumerates files and directories to identify whether certain objects should be encrypted
Discovery Process Discovery (T1057) Black Hunt performs process discovery/enumeration to terminate processes that could interfere with the encryption process.
Impact Inhibit System Recovery (T1490) Deletes backups, volume shadow copies, and disables automatic repair and recovery features.
Impact Data Encrypted for Impact (T1486) Black Hunt is capable for encrypting victim’s files
Impact Service Stop (T1489) Stops certain services, such as those related to backup, security software, and others


Attribute Value Description
mutex BLACK_HUNT Mutex used by the ransomware
mutex BaseNamedObjects\BlackKeys Mutex used by the ransomware
sha256 C25F7B30D224D999CE337A13224C1CDE9FFB3F415D7113548DE9914A1BB3F123 #BlackHunt_Update.hta file
primary email Teikobest@gmail dot com Primary contact email for ransom
secondary email Loxoclash@gmail dot com Secondary contact email for ransom
Tor address http[://]sdif9821kjsdvcjlksaf2kjhlksvvnktyoiasuc921f
sha256 74df3452a6b9dcdba658af7a9cf5afb09cce51534f9bc63079827bf73075243b Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 35619594724871138875db462eda6cf24f2a462e1f812ff27d79131576cd73ab Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 32877793a1e0d72235e9e785e1f55592c32c9f08b73729815b8103b09a54065f Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 7eea62dcae4e2e5091dd89959529ae047071415a890dda507db4c53b6dcab28b Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 13a5c3b72f81554e04b56d960d3a503a4b08ec77abb43756932a68b98dac1479 Black Hunt ransomware

Registry Modified by Black Hunt Ransomware

Registry Modification Description
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run {2C5F9FCC-F266-43F6-BFD7-838DAE269E11} REG_SZ C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta Adds a startup entry to run a file at system startup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender DisableAntiSpyware REG_DWORD 1 Disables Windows Defender anti-spyware protection
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection DisableRealtimeMonitoring REG_DWORD 1 Disables Windows Defender real-time monitoring
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet SubmitSamplesConsent REG_DWORD 2 Sets the consent level for submitting samples to Microsoft
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Threats Threats_ThreatSeverityDefaultAction REG_DWORD 1 Sets default actions for threats detected by Windows Defender
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Threats\ThreatSeverityDefaultAction Low, Medium, High, Severe REG_DWORD 6 Sets default actions for threats of different severities
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration Notification_Suppress REG_DWORD 1 Suppresses Windows Defender notifications
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoClose, StartMenuLogOff REG_DWORD 1 Disables the ability to close the Start Menu and log off
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System DisableChangePassword, DisableLockWorkstation, NoLogoff, DisableTaskMgr REG_DWORD 1 Disables various system functionalities such as changing password, locking workstation, logging off, and task manager
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\SystemRestore DisableConfig, DisableSR REG_DWORD 1 Disables System Restore configuration and functionality
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRE DisableSetup REG_DWORD 1 Disables Windows Recovery Environment setup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Backup\Client DisableBackupLauncher, DisableRestoreUI, DisableSystemBackupUI, DisableBackupUI REG_DWORD 1 Disables various backup client functionalities
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoRun REG_DWORD 1 Disables the ability to run programs


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