Backups aren't just limited to hard drives, databases and servers. This Tech Tip describes how organizations should expand their backup strategies.
Author: Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading
Even the NSA has a malicious insider problem. The employee used his personal emails to send classified data to unauthorized outsiders on 13 different occasions.
FBI and international law enforcement agencies execute "Operation Eagle Sweep."
Take UPS management interfaces off the Internet "immediately," agencies say.
Liberty Strategic Capital to pay $525 million for mobile security vendor.
The administration's 2023 IT budget for civilian agencies includes $500 million more for CISA.
While low-code and no-code tools make application development more flexible, they open up security flaws.
The FBI's latest Private Industry Notification warns the energy sector that the group behind Triton is still up to no good.
New analysis shows how long it takes for each of the top 10 ransomware families to encrypt 100,000 files.
New data pulled from incident response cases by Unit 42 shows cyber-extortion attacks jumped by 85%.