A ransomware gang that has been increasingly disproportionately targeting the education sector is the subject of a joint warning issued by the FBI, CISA, and MS-ISAC. The Vice Society ransomware group has been breaking into schools and colleges, exfiltrating sensitive data, and demanding ransom payments. The threat? If the extortionists aren’t paid, you may not […]… Read More

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Students learn a valuable lesson when it comes to AI detecting guns on campus, SIM swappers are surprisingly stupid, and romance scammers get scammed by someone (or some thing?) calling themselves Chiquita Banana. All this and much more is discussed in the latest edition of the award-winning "Smashing Security" podcast by computer security veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault, joined this week by Mark Stockley.

Amid a wave of hacks that have cost investors billions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, the FBI is calling on decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms to improve their security. In a warning posted on its website, the FBI said that cybercriminals are increasingly targeting DeFi platforms to steal cryptocurrency, often exploiting vulnerabilities in smart contracts to […]… Read More

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Graham Cluley Security News is sponsored this week by the folks at Teleport. Thanks to the great team there for their support! Kubernetes is an amazing platform for managing containers at scale. However, a recent study found that over 900,000 Kubernetes clusters are vulnerable to attack because they are misconfigured! This means that your Kubernetes … Continue reading "Over 900K Kubernetes clusters are misconfigured! Is your cluster a target?"
We’re back from our summer break as we ask how did a cryptomining campaign stay unspotted for years, quiz special guest and infosec rockstar Mikko Hyppönen about his book, and ponder what spiders teach us about misinformation. All this and much more is discussed in the latest edition of the award-winning "Smashing Security" podcast by computer security veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault.
I must admit I was delighted to receive an email today from UK high street pharmacy Boots telling me I should enable two-factor authentication on my account. Boots customers would have benefited from two-factor authentication a couple of years ago, when hackers attempted to gain access to customers’ Boots Advantage Card accounts, and temporarily stopped … Continue reading "Boots lets down its customers, by only offering SMS-based 2FA"