Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne filed an application with the Federal Court of Canada seeking an order to require the parent company of an adult website to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. The application follows an investigation by Dufresne's office that discovered problems with the company's privacy practices, which allegedly allowed intimate content to be posted online without individuals' knowledge or consent.
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The Dubai International Financial Centre is proposing the Data Protection Law be amended to provide more clarity on the scope of the law and introduce a private right of action for when data subjects' rights are violated. The institution is also arguing the DIFC's data protection commissioner should be allowed to reassess whether a third countries' data import practices are suitable.
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The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Bermuda released guidance for religious organizations on protecting members' personal information to ensure compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act. Religious organizations should ensure they enlist security safeguards to protect members' personal data, including financial information and the sensitive data of children enrolled in organizations' programs.
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European Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, the Rule of Law and Consumer Protection Michael McGrath and Singapore’s acting Personal Data Protection Commissioner Denise Wong, AIGP, met to discuss cross-border data flows and their joint commitment to protecting consumers' personal data. The European Commission and the PDPC will continue their partnership and exchange best practices "to enhance data protection and trusted data flows, including exploring the use of privacy-enhancing technologies, in support of the digital economy and advancing the protection of children in the digital environment."
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SolarWinds Chief Information Security Officer Tim Brown indicated fellow CISOs have concerns regarding the potential liability tied to data breaches they handle, CyberScoop reports. Brown said his experience with the 2019 Russia-backed SolarWinds hack caused him and other CISOs to think more about protecting themselves from liability rather than being solely focused on protecting the company from cyberattacks.
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Sonas Housing, a charity for domestic abuse victims, claimed abusers are trying to exploit Ireland's Data Protection Act to obtain victims' information, The Irish Times reports. Sonas Housing CEO David Hall also claimed Ireland's Data Protection Commission is requesting the charity provide the authority with information after alleged abusers contacted the DPC to obtain victims personal data.
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Google is facing a class-action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California after consumers claimed the company collected and shared voice recordings with third parties without consent, MediaPost reports. In a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, Google argued "information that Google 'may' collect in certain circumstances does not amount to an enforceable promise by Google that it will never collect voice and audio information absent those circumstances."
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El 28 de noviembre de 2024, el Senado mexicano aprobó la reforma constitucional llamada "Simplificación Orgánica", que disuelve el INAI, entre otros organismos. Sus funciones en materia de transparencia y protección de datos serán asumidas por la Secretaría de Anticorrupción y Buen Gobierno. El 21 de febrero de 2025, se presentó una iniciativa de ley para modificar la legislación en protección de datos, otorgando a la Secretaría autoridad para supervisar la protección de datos tanto en el sector público como en el privado, además de crear un nuevo organismo de transparencia. Asimismo, nos explica el equipo de Renata Denisse Buerón Valenzuela e Iván García Argueta que se establecerán jueces y tribunales especializados en protección de datos, con un plazo de 180 días para que el Poder Judicial implemente estas modificaciones.
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