An enterprise vulnerability management program can reach its full potential when it is built on well-established foundational goals.  These goals should address the information needs of all stakeholders, tie back to the business goals of the enterprise, and reduce the organization’s risk. Existing vulnerability management technologies can detect risk, but they require a foundation of […]… Read More

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In the Godfather Part II, Michael Corleone says, “There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” This lesson Vito Corleone taught his son Michael is just as applicable to IT security configuration management (SCM). Faster breach detection Today’s cyber threat […]… Read More

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Recall the last time that you stood on the shore, enjoying the briny breeze that gently caressed your skin, and the sounds and smells of the sea. You may have noticed in the distance a large sailing vessel. Have you ever considered all the moving parts that contribute to these “floating cities”? Beyond the logistics of setting […]… Read More

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Do you recall one of the first really fun chemistry experiment you performed as a child?  If your school followed the usual curriculum, then you probably made a model volcano and then added some baking soda to the opening, followed by the addition of vinegar.  A variation of this experiment was to add the ingredients […]… Read More

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Have you ever dined in a restaurant with a police officer?  When choosing a table, or seating location, law enforcement professionals will often choose the seat that positions them with their back to the wall.  This plays out quite humorously when a group of law enforcement professionals dine together, all racing toward that coveted “protected” […]… Read More

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