Have you ever found yourself in a situation where making a payment became an awkward ordeal? Perhaps you’ve caused a hold up at the tube barriers while waiting for your mobile device to recognise your fingerprint, or maybe you’ve drawn a blank on your PIN number at the supermarket checkout.

This predicament is a familiar one. However, the payments world is in a state of constant evolution, striving to make the experience faster and more seamless.

One of the biggest advances in recent times is the launch of Thales Biometric Payment Cards. These physical cards integrate a built-in fingerprint scanner that replaces the need for PINs during transactions – resulting in an experience better than traditional cards and existing contactless options.

Biometric payment cards are finally getting the attention they deserve and hitting the mainstream, thanks to their ability to address genuine, real-world problems. Here are five ways our cards are transforming how we make payments…

  • Seamless transactions without PINs: We have enough to think about when making a purchase – from our account balances, through to the necessity of the purchase, and even the whereabouts of our belongings at that moment in time. Biometric payment cards can free us up from entering our PIN, or signing for the purchase, so we can better focus on our surroundings. They also save us valuable time so we can quickly get on with our days.
  • Battery efficiency: A distinctive feature of our biometric cards is that they have no battery. Instead, they draw energy from the payment terminal to verify the cardholder and will only start a transaction when they know there’s enough energy to properly run the biometric authentication. This capability significantly minimises the likelihood of payment failures, ensuring reliability in each transaction.
  • Pay any amount: Experiencing payment rejections can be discomforting. Often, this happens when we have simply exceeded transaction limits, or when we have maximised the allowed number of contactless payments, and the need for further verification is triggered. Biometric payment cards circumvent this through heightened compliance and security measures, enabling users to make payments of any amount, as frequently as needed, while upholding complete safety.
  • Reduced risk of fraud: The contactless limit is frequently being raised – which is great news when you want to make a fast, fuss-free payment. However, this capability can become a problem in the scenario of a card being lost and someone else takes it on a spending spree. Biometric payment cards eliminate this risk and provide a strong safeguard against unauthorised expenditure.
  • Intuitive ease of use: There are so many different types of card readers out there now that it’s not always obvious to consumers where to place the card – on the top of the machine, to the side, or underneath. However, Thales’ biometric payment cards can work in almost any position because they measure the power of the POS terminal before starting a transaction. This means that authentication can be carried out even if the user shows some hesitation.

With these cutting-edge cards having undeniable advantages, an important question arises: Why haven’t they already achieved widespread adoption? The answer lies in the historical cost barriers faced by banks.

However, as transaction volumes surge, economies of scale come into play which are starting to significantly reduce costs for banks. Secondly, the banks are realizing the gains of an enhanced user experience in enrolment, payment and performance to drive customer service efficiencies. The simplified integration of biometric cards into a bank’s existing infrastructure also cuts many of the fixed costs associated with offering these cards on a wide scale to customers.

Biometric payment cards are also reaching a tipping point due to heightened demand for personalized payment solutions. A myriad of sophisticated design options such as colored-edge cards, metallic inks and rPVC all contribute to making these cards stand out from the crowd even more. And personalization extends beyond aesthetics to encompass practicality; languages are configured directly in the card making it easy for an issuer to customize the user experience.

Customers using these cards will also attest to the fact you don’t have to be tech-savvy to use them. They make life easier, not more difficult.

The final word

Biometric payment cards are the future, and we’re proud to be leading the market with product innovation. For consumers, these cards remove any limitation or concern with contactless payments. Meanwhile, for banks, It’s clear that these cards hold the potential to reshape the payments landscape on both individual and institutional fronts.

Find out more about the new Thales Biometric Payment Card here: https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/digital-identity-and-security/banking-payment/cards/emv-biometric-card





The post Why it’s time for biometric payment cards to hit the mainstream appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where making a payment became an awkward ordeal? Perhaps you’ve caused a hold up at the tube barriers while waiting for your mobile device to recognise your fingerprint, or maybe you’ve drawn a blank on your PIN number at the supermarket checkout.

This predicament is a familiar one. However, the payments world is in a state of constant evolution, striving to make the experience faster and more seamless.

One of the biggest advances in recent times is the launch of Thales Biometric Payment Cards. These physical cards integrate a built-in fingerprint scanner that replaces the need for PINs during transactions – resulting in an experience better than traditional cards and existing contactless options.

Biometric payment cards are finally getting the attention they deserve and hitting the mainstream, thanks to their ability to address genuine, real-world problems. Here are five ways our cards are transforming how we make payments…

  • Seamless transactions without PINs: We have enough to think about when making a purchase – from our account balances, through to the necessity of the purchase, and even the whereabouts of our belongings at that moment in time. Biometric payment cards can free us up from entering our PIN, or signing for the purchase, so we can better focus on our surroundings. They also save us valuable time so we can quickly get on with our days.
  • Battery efficiency: A distinctive feature of our biometric cards is that they have no battery. Instead, they draw energy from the payment terminal to verify the cardholder and will only start a transaction when they know there’s enough energy to properly run the biometric authentication. This capability significantly minimises the likelihood of payment failures, ensuring reliability in each transaction.
  • Pay any amount: Experiencing payment rejections can be discomforting. Often, this happens when we have simply exceeded transaction limits, or when we have maximised the allowed number of contactless payments, and the need for further verification is triggered. Biometric payment cards circumvent this through heightened compliance and security measures, enabling users to make payments of any amount, as frequently as needed, while upholding complete safety.
  • Reduced risk of fraud: The contactless limit is frequently being raised – which is great news when you want to make a fast, fuss-free payment. However, this capability can become a problem in the scenario of a card being lost and someone else takes it on a spending spree. Biometric payment cards eliminate this risk and provide a strong safeguard against unauthorised expenditure.
  • Intuitive ease of use: There are so many different types of card readers out there now that it’s not always obvious to consumers where to place the card – on the top of the machine, to the side, or underneath. However, Thales’ biometric payment cards can work in almost any position because they measure the power of the POS terminal before starting a transaction. This means that authentication can be carried out even if the user shows some hesitation.

With these cutting-edge cards having undeniable advantages, an important question arises: Why haven’t they already achieved widespread adoption? The answer lies in the historical cost barriers faced by banks.

However, as transaction volumes surge, economies of scale come into play which are starting to significantly reduce costs for banks. Secondly, the banks are realizing the gains of an enhanced user experience in enrolment, payment and performance to drive customer service efficiencies. The simplified integration of biometric cards into a bank’s existing infrastructure also cuts many of the fixed costs associated with offering these cards on a wide scale to customers.

Biometric payment cards are also reaching a tipping point due to heightened demand for personalized payment solutions. A myriad of sophisticated design options such as colored-edge cards, metallic inks and rPVC all contribute to making these cards stand out from the crowd even more. And personalization extends beyond aesthetics to encompass practicality; languages are configured directly in the card making it easy for an issuer to customize the user experience.

Customers using these cards will also attest to the fact you don’t have to be tech-savvy to use them. They make life easier, not more difficult.

The final word

Biometric payment cards are the future, and we’re proud to be leading the market with product innovation. For consumers, these cards remove any limitation or concern with contactless payments. Meanwhile, for banks, It’s clear that these cards hold the potential to reshape the payments landscape on both individual and institutional fronts.

Find out more about the new Thales Biometric Payment Card here: https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/digital-identity-and-security/banking-payment/cards/emv-biometric-card





The post Why it’s time for biometric payment cards to hit the mainstream appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

This April 22nd marks the 42nd annual Earth Day. Created in 1970, Earth Day is an annual event designed to demonstrate support and encourage activism for environmental protection. Widely lauded as the largest secular observance in the world – Earth Day is followed by over a billion people every year who aim to change behaviour, both on an individual, company and policy level.

Recent landmark events have brought this to attention to record levels – whether it was adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, or more recently, the spotlight on COP26 in November 2021 – the sense of urgency is growing.

Invest in Our Planet

The theme for this year’s Earth Day is ‘Invest in our Planet’, with organisers calling on us all to take action. Now more than ever there’s a greater emphasis for businesses to reassess, double down or create new ESG efforts.

Beyond the environmental impacts, there’s no shortage of other reasons why businesses should be investing in ESG initiatives. According to a PWC survey, 86% of employees prefer to work for companies that care about the same issues they do and 83% of consumers think companies should be actively shaping ESG best practices. Organizations do share this sentiment, with 91% of business leaders stating that their company has a responsibility to act on ESG issues.

Why Financial Services Needs to Invest in ESG

While researching this piece I came across this article by John Nyström, Global Business Manager at Econans – which explored the power that the financial services sector holds in fighting the climate crisis, specifically retail banking. Nyström’s piece argues that banks are in a great position to help fight climate change because they are present in consumer’s everyday lives – giving them prime opportunity to influence customer behaviour for the better.

Aside from the impact the financial organisations can have on consumer behaviour, another reason why banks should take ESG seriously is the priorities of the Millennial and Gen Z generations. Millennials are currently slated to receive one of the valuable transfers of inheritable wealth (estimated to be close to $68 trillion by 2030), and are known to be very environmentally conscious.

A recent survey suggests that Millennials are twice as likely to invest in a fund or stock if social responsibility is a component of the value creation narrative. Further, it found up to two-thirds of Millennials view their investment decisions as an important component of their social and environmental principles. The sooner banks and businesses relay their intention to embed ESG criteria in their corporate practice, fund allocation and investment portfolios, the better will they be in acquiring this important client base.

Eco-Friendly Cards

Another example of sustainable efforts in the banking sector relates to card payments. Every year 6 billion new bank cards are produced – the amount of plastic this uses weighs roughly the same as the Eiffel Tower twice over – that’s a lot of plastic.

To counteract this, there are efforts being made to create eco-friendly cards with innovative and sustainable components. For example an innovative approach reduces the amount of new plastic while fighting sea pollution, with a card made of Ocean Plastic® collected by Parley for the Oceans. This innovative material comes from plastic waste collected from coastal clean-up operations, in partnership with “Parley for the Oceans”. Banks can also reduce their first-use plastic with a recycled PVC card that is made entirely with plastic waste from the packaging and printing industries.

Another cool example of using eco-friendly materials to avoid plastic waste is the Thales Gemalto Bio Sourced PLA cards. These cards replaced 84% of fossil-based PVC with bio-sourced PLA made from non-edible corn of all things. The material is non-petroleum-based and non-toxic if incinerated. The product is the 1st bio-sourced payment card certified by UL ECV Program in the world. Providing third-party credibility to the environmental claims of the card. It’s now listed on the platform  SPOT UL, a database for customers to seek out ‘green’ products and solutions.

This is an initiative that my colleagues have made great strides in. To date, Thales has deployed 30 million eco-friendly payment cards for banks and card issuers without compromising the user experience. In fact, we became the first company with a full portfolio of cards certified by the Mastercard Sustainable Card Program. By assessing sustainability claims on behalf of the industry, the Mastercard Sustainable Card Program aims to pivot all card selection programs towards eco-friendly solutions, making sustainable choice the default rather than the exception.

This is just one example, in just one sector of the initiatives being taken to take action and invest in the future of planet. There are countless others out there, which should be shared and discussed – especially on a day like today.

The post Earth Day 2022: Why the Financial Services Sector Should Invest in ESG Initiatives Now appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.