Enforce and Report on PCI DSS v4 Compliance with Rapid7

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) is a global forum that connects stakeholders from the payments and payment processing industries to craft and facilitate adoption of data security standards and relevant resources that enable safe payments worldwide.

According to the PCI SSC website, “PCI Security Standards are developed specifically to protect payment account data throughout the payment lifecycle and to enable technology solutions that devalue this data and remove the incentive for criminals to steal it. They include standards for merchants, service providers, and financial institutions on security practices, technologies and processes, and standards for developers and vendors for creating secure payment products and solutions.”

Perhaps the most recognizable standard from PCI, their Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), is a global standard that provides a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect account data. In March 2022, PCI SSC published version v4.0 of the standard, which replaces version v3.2.1. The updated version addresses emerging threats and technologies and enables innovative methods to combat new threats. This post will cover the changes to the standard that came with version 4.0 along with a high-level overview of how Rapid7 helps teams ensure their cloud-based applications can effectively implement and enforce compliance.

What’s New With Version 4.0, and Why Is It Important Now?

So, why are we talking about the new standard nearly two years after it was published? That’s because when the standard was published there was a two year transition period for organizations to adopt the new version and implement required changes that came with v4.0. During this transition period, organizations were given the option to assess against either PCI DSS v4.0 or PCI DSS v3.2.1.

For those that haven’t yet made the jump, the time is now This is because the transition period concluded on March 31, 2024, at which time version 3.2.1 was retired and organizations seeking PCI DSS certification will need to adhere to the new requirements and best practices. Important to note, there are some requirements that have been “future-dated.” For those requirements, organizations have been granted another full year, with those updates being required by March 31, 2025.

The changes were driven by direct feedback from organizations across the global payments industry. According to PCI, more than 200 organizations provided feedback to ensure the standard continues to meet the complex, ever-changing landscape of payment security.

Key changes for this version update include:

Flexibility in How Teams Achieve Compliance / Customized Approach

A primary goal for PCI DSS v4.0 was to provide greater flexibility for organizations in how they can achieve their security objectives. PCI DSS v4.0 introduces a new method – known as the Customized Approach – by which organizations can implement and validate PCI DSS controls Previously, organizations had the option of implementing Compensating controls, however these are only applicable when a situation arises whereby there is a constraint – such as legacy systems or processes – impacting the ability to meet a requirement.

PCI DSS v4.0 now provides organizations the means to choose to meet a requirement leveraging other means than the stated requirement. Requirement 12.3.2 and Appendices D and E outline the customized approach and how to apply it. To support customers, Rapid7’s new PCI DSS v4.0 compliance pack provides a greater number of insights than in previous iterations. This should lead to increased visibility and refinement in the process of  choosing to mitigate and manage requirements.

A Targeted Approach to Risk Management

Alongside the customized approach concept, one of the most significant updates  is the introduction of targeted risk analysis (TRA). TRAallows organizations to assess and respond to risks in the context of an organization's specific operational environment. The PCI council has published guidance “PCI DSS v4 x: Targeted Risk Analysis Guidance” that outlines the two types of TRAs that an entity can employ regarding frequency of performing a given control and the second addressing any PCI DSS requirement for when an entity utilizes a customized approach.

To assist in understanding and having a consolidated view of security risks in their cloud environments, Rapid7 customers can leverage InsightCloudSec Layered Context and the recently introduced Risk Score feature. This feature combines a variety of risk signals, assigning a higher risk score to resources that suffer from toxic combinations or multiple risk vectors.Risk score holistically analyzes the risks that compound and increase the likelihood or impact of compromise.

Enhanced Validation Methods & Procedures

PCI DSS v4.0 has provided improvements to the self-assessment (SAQ) document and to the Report on Compliance (RoC) template, increasing alignment between them and the information summarized in an Attestation of Compliance to support organizations in their efforts when self-attesting or working with assessors to increase transparency and granularity.

New Requirements

PCI DSS v4.0 has brought with it a range of new requirements to address emerging threats. With modernization of network security controls, explicit guidance on cardholder data protections, and process maturity, the standard focuses on establishing sustainable controls and governance. While there are quite a few updates - which you can find detailed here on the summary of changes - let’s highlight a few of particular importance:

  • Multifactor authentication is now required for all access into the Cardholder Data Environment (CDE) - req. 8.5.1
  • Encryption of sensitive authentication data (SAD) - req. 3.3.3
  • New password requirements and updated specific password strength requirements: Passwords must now consist of 12 characters with special characters, uppercase and lowercase - reqs. 8.3.6 and 8.6.3
  • Access roles and privileges are based on least privilege access (LPA), and system components operate using deny by default - req. 7.2.5
  • Audit log reviews are performed using automated mechanisms - req.

These controls place role-based access control, configuration management, risk analysis and continuous monitoring as foundations, assisting organizations to mature and achieve their security objectives. Rapid7 can help  with implementing and enforcing these new controls, with a host of solutions that offer PCI-related support – all of which have been updated to align with these new requirements.

How Rapid7 Supports Customers to Attain PCI DSS v4.0 Compliance

InsightCloudSec allows security teams to establish, continuously measure, and illustrate compliance against organizational policies. This is accomplished via compliance packs, which are sets of checks that can be used to continuously assess your entire cloud environment - whether single or multi-cloud. The platform comes out of the box with dozens of compliance packs, including a dedicated pack for the PCI DSS v4.0.

Enforce and Report on PCI DSS v4 Compliance with Rapid7

InsightCloudSec assesses your cloud environments in real-time for compliance with the requirements and best practices outlined by PCI It also enables teams to identify, assess, and act on noncompliant resources when misconfigurations are detected. If you so choose, you can make use of the platform’s native, no-code automation to remediate the issue the moment it's detected, whether that means alerting relevant resource owners, adjusting the configuration or permissions directly or even deleting the non-compliant resource altogether without any human intervention. Check out the demo to learn more about how InsightCloudSec helps continuously and automatically enforce cloud security standards.

InsightAppSec also enables measurement against PCI v4.0 requirements to help you obtain PCI compliance. It allows users to create a PCI v4.0 report to help prepare for an audit, assessment or a questionnaire around PCI compliance. The PCI report gives you the ability to uncover potential issues that will affect the outcome or any of these exercises. Crucially, the report allows you to take action and secure critical vulnerabilities on any assets that deal with payment card data. PCI compliance auditing comes out of the box and is simple to generate once you have completed a scan against which to run the report.

Enforce and Report on PCI DSS v4 Compliance with Rapid7

InsightAppSec achieves this coverage by cross referencing and then mapping our suite of 100+ attack modules against PCI requirements, identifying which attacks are relevant to particular requirements and then attempting to exploit your application with those attacks to obtain areas where your application may be vulnerable. Those vulnerabilities are then packaged up in the PCI 4.0 report where you can see vulnerabilities listed by PCI requirements This provides you with crucial insights into any vulnerabilities you may have as well as enabling  management of those vulnerabilities in a simplistic format.

For InsightVM customers, an important change in the revision is the need to perform authenticated internal vulnerability scans for requirement Previous versions of the standard allowed for internal scanning without the use of credentials, which is no longer sufficient. For more details see this blog post.

Rapid7 provides a wide array of solutions to assist you in your compliance and governance efforts. Contact a member of our team to learn more about any of these capabilities or sign up for a free trial.

Expanded Coverage and AWS Compliance Pack Updates in InsightCloudSec Coming Out of AWS Re:Invent 2023

It seems like it was just yesterday that we were in Las Vegas for AWS Re:Invent, but it’s already been almost two weeks since the conference wrapped up. As is always the case, AWS unveiled a host of new services throughout the week, including advancements around serverless, artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), security and more.

There were a ton of really exciting announcements, but a few stood out to me. Before we dive into the new and updated services we now support in InsightCloudSec, let’s take a second to highlight a few of them and why they’re of note.

Highlights from AWS’ New Service Announcements during Re:Invent

Amazon Bedrock general availability was announced back in October, re:Invent brought with it announcements of new capabilities including customized models, GenAI applications to execute multi-step tasks, and Guardrails announced in preview. New Security Hub functionalities were introduced, including centralized governance, custom controls and a refresh of the dashboard.

Serverless innovations include updates to Amazon Aurora Limitless Database, Amazon ElasticCache Serverless, and AI-driven Amazon Redshift Serverless adding greater scaling and efficiency to their database and analytics offerings. Serverless architectures bring scalability and flexibility, however security and risk considerations shift away from traditional network traffic inspection and access control lists, towards IAM hygiene, system identity behavioral analysis along with code integrity and validation.

Amazon Datazone general availability, like Bedrock, was originally announced in October and got some new innovations showcased during Re:Invent including business driven domains and data catalog, projects and environments, and the ability for data workers to publish and data consumers to subscribe to workflows. Available in open preview for Datazone are automated, AI-driven recommendations for metadata-driven business descriptions and specific columns and analytical applications based on business units.

One of the most exciting announcements from Re:Invent this year was Amazon Q, Amazon’s new GenAI-powered Virtual Assistant. Q was also integrated into Amazon’s Business Intelligence (BI) service, QuickSight, which has been supported in InsightCloudSec for some time now.

Having released our support for Amazon OpenSearch last year, this year’s re:Invent brought some exciting updates that are worth mentioning here. Now generally available is Vector Engine for OpenSearch Serverless, which enables users to store and quickly search vector embeddings for GenAI applications. AWS also announced the OR1 Instance family, which is compute optimized specifically for OpenSearch and also a new zero-ETL integration with S3.

Expanded Resource Coverage in InsightCloudSec

It’s very important to us here at Rapid7 that we provide our customers with the peace of mind to know when their teams leave these events and begin implementing new innovations from AWS that they’re doing so securely. To that end, the days and weeks following Re:Invent is always a bit of a sprint, and this year was no exception.

The Coverage and Analysis team loves a challenge though, and in my totally unbiased opinion — we’ve delivered something special. Our latest release featured new support for a variety of the new services announced during Re:Invent, as well as, a number of existing services we’ve expanded support for in relation to updates announced by AWS. We’ve added support for 6 new services that were either announced or updated during the show. We’ve also added 25 new Insights, all of which have been applied to our existing AWS Foundational Security Best Practices pack, AWS Center for Internet Security (CIS) 2.0 compliance pack, as well as new AWS relevant updates to NIST SP800-53 (Rev 5).

The newly supported services are:

  • Bedrock, a fully managed service that allows users to build generative AI applications in the cloud by providing a set of foundational models both from AWS and 3rd party vendors.
  • Clean Rooms, which enables customers to collaborate and analyze data securely in ‘clean rooms’ in minutes with any other company on joint initiatives without sharing real raw data.
  • AWS Control Tower (January 2024 Release), a management service that can be used to create and orchestrate a multi-account AWS environment in accordance with AWS best practices including the Well-Architected Framework.

Along with support for newly-added services, we’ve also expanded our coverage around the host of existing services as well. We’ve added or expanded support for the following security and serverless solutions:

  • Network Firewall, which provides fine-grained control over network traffic.
  • Security Hub, an AWS’ native service that provides CSPM functionality, aggregating security and compliance checks.
  • Glue, a serverless data integration service that makes it easy for analytics users to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources, empowering your analytics and ML projects.

Helping Teams Securely Build AI/ML Applications in the Cloud

One of the most exciting elements to come out of the past few weeks with the addition of AWS Bedrock, is our extended coverage for AI and ML solutions that we are now able to provide across cloud providers for our customers. Supporting AWS Bedrock, along with GCP Vertex and Azure OpenAI Service has enabled us to build a very exciting new feature as part of our Compliance Packs.

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and analytics were driving themes of this year's conference, so it makes me very happy to announce that we now offer a dedicated Rapid7 AI/ML Security Best Practices compliance pack. If interested, I highly recommend you keep an eye out in the coming days for my colleague Kathryn Lynas-Blunt’s blog discussing how Rapid7 enables teams to securely build AI applications in the cloud.

As a cloud enthusiast, AWS re:Invent never fails to deliver on innovation, excitement and shared learning experiences. As we continue our partnership with AWS, I’m very excited for all that 2024 holds in store. Until next year!

NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 Updates: What You Need to Know About The Most Recent Patch Release (5.1.1)

On November 6th, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued an update to SP 800-53, a NIST-curated catalog of controls that organizations can implement to effectively manage security and privacy risk. In this blog we’ll cover the new and updated controls within patch release 5.1.1, as well as review how Rapid7 InsightCloudSec helps security teams implement and continuously enforce them across their organizations. Let’s dive right in.

Updates to NIST SP 800-53 Compliance Pack: What You Need to Know About Revision 5.1.1

Unlike the large revision that occurred a few years back when Revision 5 was released - which brought with it nearly 270 control updates in aggregate - this update doesn’t have quite the far-reaching implications. That said, there are a few changes to be aware of. Release 5.1.1 added one new control with three supporting control enhancements, along with some minor grammar and formatting structure changes to other existing controls. Organizations are not mandated to implement the new control and have the option to defer implementation until SP 800-53 Release 6.0.0 is issued, however there is no defined timeline for when 6.0.0 will be released.

While there is no mandate at this time, the team here at Rapid7 generally advises our customers to adopt new patch releases immediately to ensure alignment with the most up-to-date best practices and that your team is covered for emerging attack vectors. In this case, we recommend adopting 5.1.1 primarily to ensure you’re effectively implementing encryption and authentication controls across your environment.

The newly-added control is Identification and Authentication (or IA-13) which states that organizations should “Employ identity providers and authorization servers to manage user, device, and non-person entity (NPE) identities, attributes, and access rights supporting authentication and authorization decisions.”

IA-13 has been broken down by NIST into three supporting control enhancements:

  • IA-13 (01) - Cryptographic keys that protect access tokens are generated, managed, and protected from disclosure and misuse.
  • IA-13 (02) - The source and integrity of identity assertions and access tokens are verified before granting access to system and information resources.
  • IA-13 (03) - Assertions and access tokens are continuously refreshed, time-restricted, audience-restrained and revoked when necessary and after a defined period of non-use.

So, what does all that mean? Put simply, organizations should implement controls to effectively track and manage user and system entity permissions to ensure only authorized users are permitted access to corporate systems or data. This includes the proper use of encryption, hygiene and lifecycle management for access tokens.

This is, of course, a much needed and community-requested addition that speaks to the growing awareness and criticality of implementing checks and guardrails to mitigate identity-related risk. A key component of this equation is implementing a solution that can help you detect areas of your cloud environment that haven’t fully implemented these controls. This can be a particularly challenging thing to manage in a cloud environment, given its democratized nature, the sheer volume of identities and permissions that need to be managed and the ease with which improper allocation of permissions and privileges can occur.

Implement and Continuously Enforce NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 with InsightCloudSec

InsightCloudSec allows security teams to establish and continuously measure compliance against organizational policies, whether they’re based on service provider best practices, a common industry framework, or a custom pack tailored to specific business needs.

A compliance pack within InsightCloudSec is a set of checks that can be used to continuously assess your cloud environments for compliance with a given regulatory framework, or industry or provider best practices. The platform comes out of the box with 40+ compliance packs, including a dedicated pack for NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5.1.1, which now provides an additional 14 insights that align to the newly-added IA-13.

The dedicated pack provides 367 Insights checking against 128 NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5.1.1 requirements that assess your multi cloud environment for compliance with the controls outlined by NIST. With extensive support for various resource types across all major cloud service providers (CSPs), security teams can confidently implement and continuously enforce compliance with SP 800-53 Rev 5.1.1.

NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 Updates: What You Need to Know About The Most Recent Patch Release (5.1.1)

InsightCloudSec continuously assesses your entire multi-cloud environment for compliance with one or more compliance packs and detects noncompliant resources within minutes after they are created or an unapproved change is made. If you so choose, you can make use of the platform’s native, no-code automation to contact the resource owner, or even remediate the issue—either via deletion or by adjusting the configuration or permissions—without any human intervention.

For more information about how to use InsightCloudSec to implement and enforce compliance standards like those outlined in NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5.1.1, be sure to check out the docs page! For more on our cloud identity and access management capabilities, we’ve got some additional information on that here.