A government-aligned attacker tried using a Microsoft vulnerability to attack U.S. and E.U. government targets.
Author: Nate Nelson
Deja-Vu data from this year's DBIR report feels like we are stuck in the movie 'Groundhog Day.'
A slip-up by a malware author has allowed researchers to taxonomize three ransomware variations going by different names.
The U.S. Department of Justice indites middle-aged doctor, accusing him of being a malware mastermind.
Researchers discovered a simple malware builder designed to steal credentials, then pinging them to Discord webhooks.
A novel form of phishing takes advantage of a disparity between how browsers and email inboxes read web domains.
Why a private college that stayed in business for 157 years had to close after the combo of COVID-19 and ransomware proved too much.
Researchers say a hacker is selling access to quality malware for chump change.
A state-sponsored threat actor designed a house-of-cards style infection chain to exfiltrate massive troves of highly sensitive data.
A sophisticated campaign utilizes a novel anti-detection method.