Seems the crooks implanted a keylogger via a vulnerable media app (LastPass politely didn't say which one!) on a developer's home computer.
Author: Paul Ducklin
Even in Apple's and Google's "walled gardens", there are plenty of 2FA apps that are either dangerously incompetent, or unrepentantly malicious. (Or perhaps both.)
Latest episode - listen now! Top-notch advice for cybersecurity, both at work and at home.
Free spins? Bonus game points? Cheap social media followers? What harm could it possibly do if you just take a tiny little look?!
Another day, another "sophisticated" attack. This time, the company has handily included some useful advice along with its mea culpa...
Ironically, Twitter Blue users will be allowed to keep using the very 2FA process that's not considered secure enough for everyone else.
New report admits that attackers were detected in the network about three months ago, and may have been attacking for about three years.
Latest episode - listen now! (Full transcript inside.)
Lots of lovely patches for your Valentine's Day delight. Get 'em as soon as you can...
Everyone update now! Except for those who don't need to! Or who need to but will only get updates later on, though Apple isn't saying yet!