Latest episode - listen now! (Or read the transcript if you prefer.)
Author: Paul Ducklin
If you've ever written code that left stuff lying around in memory when you didn't need it any more... we bet you've regretted it!
"When those invitations went out... somehow, your password hash went out with them."
Traffic lights make a handy global metaphor for denoting the sensitivity of cybersecurity threat data - three colours that everyone knows.
Latest episode - listen now! (Or read if that's what you prefer.)
If you spew projects laced with hidden malware into an open source repository, don't waste your time telling us "no harm done" afterwards.
And THIS is why you don't knit your own home-made encryption algorithms and hope no one looks at them.
Transactions were only approved, it seems, if they were initiated by... errrrr, by anyone.
GnuTLS may well be the most widespread cryptographic toolkit you've never heard of. Learn more...
I've just popped in to wish you all/The best SysAdmin Day!