What's better? Disclose early, patch fast? Or dig deep, disclose in full, patch more slowly?
Author: Paul Ducklin
You'll find fixes for numerous kernel-level code execution holes, including an 0-day vulnerability in many (though not all) versions.
A new point-release of Firefox. Not unusual, but the timing of this one is interesting, with Pwn2Own coming up in a few days.
Crooks don't need a password for every user on your network to break in and wreak havoc. One could be enough...
Latest episode - lots to learn - plain English - fun with a serious side - listen now!
Learn how to write plain-speaking and purposeful security advisories from one of the most widely-used open source tools in the world.
How good is your cybersecurity? Are you making the same mistakes as lots of other people? Here's some real-life advice...
Imagine if you could assume the identity of, say, Franklin Delano Roosevelt simply by showing up and calling yourself "Frank".
What weird Google Docs bug connects the words THEREFORE, AND, SECONDLY, WHY, BUT and BESIDES?
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