The bitter truth about how fraudsters dupe online daters in this new twist on romance fraud
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The bitter truth about how fraudsters dupe online daters in this new twist on romance fraud
The post There’s no sugarcoating it: That online sugar daddy may be a scammer appeared first on WeLiveSecurity
Organizations need to get better at mitigating threats from unknown vulnerabilities, especially as both state-backed operatives and financially-motivated cybercriminals are increasing their activity
The post What’s behind the record‑high number of zero days? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity
BEC fraud generated more losses for victims than any other type of cybercrime in 2021. It’s long past time that organizations got a handle on these scams.
The post The trouble with BEC: How to stop the costliest internet scam appeared first on WeLiveSecurity
Camfecting doesn’t ‘just’ invade your privacy – it could seriously impact your mental health and wellbeing. Here’s how to keep an eye on your laptop camera.
The post Webcam hacking: How to know if someone may be spying on you through your webcam appeared first on WeLiveSecurity
As cloud systems are increasingly the bedrock on which digital transformation is built, keeping a close eye on how they are secured is an essential cybersecurity best practice
The post How secure is your cloud storage? Mitigating data security risks in the cloud appeared first on WeLiveSecurity