This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

It’s well known that there’s a pervasive cybersecurity skills shortage. The problem has multiple ramifications. Current cybersecurity teams often deal with consistently heavy workloads and don’t have time to deal with all issues appropriately. The skills shortage also means people who need cybersecurity talent may find it takes much longer than expected to find qualified candidates.

Most people agree there’s no single way to address the issue and no fast fix. However, some individuals wonder if global recruitment could be an option, particularly after human resources managers establish that there aren’t enough suitable candidates locally.

Current cybersecurity professionals planning career changes

A June 2022 study from Trellix revealed that 30% of current cybersecurity professionals are thinking about changing their careers. Gathering from a wider candidate pool by recruiting people on a global level could increase the number of overall options a company has when trying to fill open positions.

However, it’s essential to learn what’s causing cybersecurity professionals to want to leave the field. Otherwise, newly hired candidates may not stick around for as long as their employers hope. It’s also important to note that the Trellix poll surveyed people from numerous countries, including the United States, Canada, India, France, and Japan.

Another takeaway from the study was that 91% of people believed there should be more efforts to increase diversity in the cybersecurity sector. The study showed that most employees in the industry now are straight, white, and male. If more people from minority groups feel welcomed and accepted while working in cybersecurity roles, they’ll be more likely to enter the field and stay in it for the long term.

Appealing perks help attract workers

Some companies have already invested in global recruitment efforts to help close cybersecurity skills gaps.

For example, Microsoft recently expanded its cybersecurity skills campaign to an additional 23 countries – including Ireland, Israel, Norway, Poland, and South Africa. All the places were identified as under high threat of cybersecurity attacks. Microsoft representatives have numerous plans to get people the knowledge they need to enter the workforce confidently and fill cybersecurity roles.

The hiring initiative also includes some Asia-Pacific (APAC) countries. That’s significant since statistics suggest it will face a labor shortage of 47 million people across all job types by 2030.

Something human resources leaders must keep in mind before hiring cybersecurity professionals is that the open positions should include attractive benefits packages that are better than or on par with what other companies in the sector provide.

Since cybersecurity experts are in such high demand, they enjoy the luxury of being picky about which jobs they consider and how long they stay in them. Even though cultural differences exist, there are some similarities in what most people look for in their job prospects. Competitive salaries and generous paid time off are among the many examples.

Shortfalls persist despite 700,000 workforce entrants

Global research published in 2021 by (ISC)² found that 700,000 new people had joined the cybersecurity workforce since 2020. However, the study also showed that the worldwide pool of professionals must grow by 65% to keep pace with demand.

The study’s results also suggested that one possibility is to recruit people who don’t have cybersecurity backgrounds. The data indicated that 17% of respondents came into the field from unrelated sectors.

Some experts suggest tapping into specific population groups as a practical way to address the shortage. For example, people with autism and ADHD often have skills that make them well suited for the cybersecurity industry.

Global recruitment is not an all-encompassing solution

Hiring people from around the world could close skill gaps in situations where it’s evident there’s a lack of talent wherever a company primarily operates. However, as the details above highlight, the skills shortage is a widespread issue.

Accepting applications from a global talent pool could also increase administrative tasks when a company is ready to hire. That’s partially due to the higher number of applications to evaluate. Additionally, there are other necessities associated with aspects like visa applications or time zone specifics if an international new hire will work remotely.

People in the IT sector should ideally see global recruitment as one of many possibilities for reducing the cybersecurity skills gap severity. It’s worth consideration, but not at the expense of ignoring other strategies.

The post Can global recruitment solve the cybersecurity hiring problem? appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

Stop, look, listen; lock, stock, and barrel; “Friends, Romans, Countrymen…” The 3 Little Pigs; Art has 3 primary colors; photography has the rule of thirds; the bands Rush and The Police; the movie The 3 Amigos. On and on it goes – “Omne trium perfectum” – “Everything that comes in threes is perfect.”

While this article doesn’t provide perfection, we’ll focus on the top three API vulnerabilities (according to OWASP). OWASP’s international standard is important to read because it’s not only developed by professionals worldwide, but it’s also read by the threat actors who will take advantage of those vulnerabilities.

OWASP determines the risk of APIs based on the level of the API vulnerability's Exploitability, Weakness Prevalence, Weakness Detectability, and Technical Impact. Therefore, the API Top 10 are in order of OWASP's own risk methodology. Their risk method doesn't consider the chance of materialization or the impact – that's left up to each business. But these three are great places to start because they've affected large companies such as Peloton in 2021.

1. API1:2019 Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA)

In this vulnerability, aka BOLA, APIs expose endpoints that handle object identifiers, which in turn allows visitors access to numerous resources. This attack is like Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), where applications use user-supplied credentials to access objects. In the API sphere, BOLA is more accurate than IDOR – the problem is broken authorization over a sequence of API calls. Every call to a data source that uses user-provided input should include object level auth checks.

Here’s a simple example of how this works.

An API call has the following path: /customers/user/bob/profile. An attacker will attempt various names in place of “bob” to see what can be accessed, such as:



Even if the name is replaced with long mixed characters, if those character sequences are sequential or otherwise guessable, the problem remains and is vulnerable.


  • Implement an authorization mechanism that relies on user policies and hierarchy.
  • Use an authorization mechanism to check if the logged-in user has authorization to perform the requested action on the record in every function that uses an input from the client to access a record in the database.
  • Use random and non-guessable values for record IDs.
  • Evaluate the authorization checks.

2. API2:2019 Broken User Authentication

When authentication mechanisms are implemented improperly, attackers can compromise authentication tokens or exploit implementation flaws by assuming other users’ identities.

A prominent example of this vulnerability is the 2021 Parler breach. Other factors came into play in the whole breach, but at least one endpoint did not require authentication, giving anyone who found it (and someone did) unhindered access to images.


  • Use industry-standard authentication and token generation mechanisms (and read the accompanying documentation).
  • Be aware of all the possible API authentication flows in the product or service (mobile/ web/deep links that implement one-click authentication/etc.).
  • Treat “forget password” endpoints as login endpoints in terms of brute force, rate limiting, and lockout protection.
  • Use the OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet.
  • Implement multi-factor authentication wherever and whenever possible.
  • Check for weak passwords.
  • API keys should be used for client app authentication, but not user authentication.

3. API3:2019 Excessive Data Exposure

Developers, designers, and/or engineers may not take data sensitivity into consideration. They may favor using client-side filtering, which means that data is not filtered before reaching the user.

When testing, ask “What should the user know?” and display the minimum amount of data necessary.


  • Test or capture the API calls (using, e.g., Postman or OWASP ZAP) and look for “token” or “key” to see what it reveals.
  • Threat model the data to review the flow and data filtering.
  • Never depend on client-side filtering of sensitive data.
  • Review the API responses. Do they contain valid data?
  • Determine what data type is crossing the wire. Is it sensitive, confidential, PII, etc.? If it is, then it poses both security and privacy threats.

An important aspect of security and risk management is acknowledging that nothing is 100% secure or risk-free. There's always a risk. One concept in self-defense is appearing hard to get. Someone who walks tall and confidently, has no visible jewelry or purse, and is not distracted is considered a much harder target for being accosted than someone who slumps, lazes along, has visible necklaces and bracelets, and is on the phone (distracted). The former doesn't eliminate risk but presents a greatly reduced risk.

Securing APIs needs to move toward a confident posture and reduced risk model. Attackers are looking at the OWASP API Top 10 and other lists of common attack mechanisms, then applying those to their targets. An API that has missed any of these is at much greater risk than an organization that has addressed these, even if there are some other security issues (and there are always security issues). But if attackers have a difficult time making headway on a target, then it's more likely that they'll move on. A major challenge for organizations is that one never knows when or what attackers are doing, so staying on top of security maintenance is another challenge (think of it as job security). One way to become better acquainted with API security is to examine the fundamental aspects.

Focusing efforts on a few high-risk items won’t solve all the vulnerabilities, but that focus provides immediate guidance for engineering, developers, security, and privacy teams. In turn, this provides a roadmap for projects and tasks and prevents any appearance of negligence. These active and engaged responses to known vulnerabilities increase service security and customer trust.

The post API attack types and mitigations appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

In the previous article, we covered the release process and how to secure the parts and components of the process. The deploy and operate processes are where developers, IT, and security meet in a coordinated handoff for sending an application into production.

The traditional handoff of an application is siloed where developers send installation instructions to IT, IT provisions the physical hardware and installs the application, and security scans the application after it is up and running. A missed instruction could cause inconsistency between environments. A system might not be scanned by security leaving the application vulnerable to attack. DevSecOps focus is to incorporate security practices by leveraging the security capabilities within infrastructure as code (IaC), blue/green deployments, and application security scanning before end-users are transitioned to the system.

Infrastructure as Code

IaC starts with a platform like Ansible, Chef, or Terraform that can connect to the cloud service provider’s (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) Application Programming Interface (API) and programmatically tells it exactly what infrastructure to provision for the application. DevOps teams consult with developers, IT and security to build configuration files with all of the requirements that describe what the cloud service provider needs to provision for the application. Below are some of the more critical areas that DevSecOps covers using IaC.

IaC diagram

Capacity planning – This includes rules around autoscaling laterally (automatically adding servers to handle additional demand, elastically) and scaling up (increasing the performance of the infrastructure like adding more RAM or CPU). Elasticity from autoscaling helps prevent non-malicious or malicious Denial of Service incidents.

Separation of duty – While IaC helps break down silos, developers, IT, and security still have direct responsibility for certain tasks even when they are automated. Accidentally deploying the application is avoided by making specific steps of the deploy process responsible to a specific team and cannot be bypassed.

Principal of least privilege – Applications have the minimum set of permissions required to operate and IaC ensures consistency even during the automated scaling up and down of resources to match demand. The fewer the privileges, the more protection systems have from application vulnerabilities and malicious attacks.

Network segmentation – Applications and infrastructure are organized and separated based on the business system security requirements. Segmentation protects business systems from malicious software that can hop from one system to the next, otherwise known as lateral movement in an environment.

Encryption (at rest and in transit) – Hardware, cloud service providers and operating systems have encryption capabilities built into their systems and platforms. Using the built-in capabilities or obtaining 3rd party encryption software protects the data where it is stored. Using TLS certificates for secured web communication between the client and business system protects data in transit. Encryption is a requirement for adhering with industry related compliance and standards criteria.

Secured (hardened) image templates – Security and IT develop the baseline operating system configuration and then create image templates that can be reused as part of autoscaling. As requirements change and patches are released, the baseline image is updated and redeployed.

Antivirus and vulnerability management tools – These tools are updated frequently to keep up with the dynamic security landscape. Instead of installing these tools in the baseline image, consider installing the tools through IaC.

Log collection – The baseline image should be configured to send all logs created by the system to a log collector outside of the system for distribution to the Network Operations Center (NOC) or Security Operations Center (SOC) where additional inspection and analysis for malicious activity can be performed. Consider using DNS instead of IP addresses for the log collector destination.

Blue green deployment

Blue green deployment strategies increase application availability during upgrades. If there is a problem, the system can be quickly reverted to a known secured and good working state. A blue green deployment is a system architecture that seamlessly replaces an old version of the application with a new version.

Blue green deployment

Deployment validation should happen as the application is promoted through each environment. This is because of the configuration items (variables and secrets) that are different between the environments. Typically, validation happens during non-business hours and is extremely taxing on the different groups supporting the application. With a blue green deployment, the new version of an application can be deployed and validated during business hours. Even if there are concerns when end-users are switched over during non-business hours, fewer employees are needed to participate.

Automate security tools installation and scanning

Internet facing application attacks continue to increase because of the ease of access to malicious tools, the speed at which some vulnerabilities can be exploited, and the value of the data extracted. Dynamic Scanning Tools (DAST) are a great way to identify vulnerabilities and fix them before the application is moved into production and released for end-users to access.

DAST tools provide visibility into real-world attacks because they mimic how hackers would attempt to break an application. Automating and scheduling the scanning of applications in a regular cadence helps find and resolve vulnerabilities quickly. Company policy may require vulnerability scanning for compliance with regulatory and standards like PCI, HIPPA or SOC.

DAST for web applications focuses on the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Manual penetration (PEN) testing is still required to cover other vulnerabilities like logic errors, race conditions, customized attack payloads, and zero-day vulnerabilities. Also, not all applications are web based so it is important to select and use the right scanning tools for the job. Manual and automatic scanning can also help spot configuration issues that lead to errors in how the application behaves.

Next Steps

Traditional deployments of applications are a laborious process for the development, IT, and security teams. But that has all changed with the introduction of Infrastructure as Code, blue-green deployments, and the Continuous Delivery (CD) methodology. Tasks performed in the middle of the night can be moved to normal business hours. Projects that take weeks of time can be reduced to hours through automation. Automated security scanning can be performed regularly without user interaction. With the application deployed, the focus switches to monitoring and eventually decommissioning it as the final steps in the lifecycle.

The post DevSecOps deploy and operate processes appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

AT&T Business’ most recently #BizTalks Twitter Chat—What’s New in Cybersecurity—Insights, Threat Trends, & RSA Learnings—explored many emerging concepts in the cybersecurity industry. [Optional sentence: Our very own Tawnya Lancaster, AT&T Cybersecurity’s threat intelligence and trends Research lead, did a takeover of the @ATTBusiness Twitter handle to provide her point of view.] Head to the @ATTBusiness Twitter page——to see the full chat and learn more.

It was an interesting conversation with diverse opinions. Here are some of the highlights.

Adversary tactics

The top question in terms of engagement was this one, and lots of interesting perspectives:

Edge computing was a hot question

Organized cybercrime is clearly top of mind as well

Don’t forget to follow @ATTBusiness on Twitter and stay tuned for our monthly #BizTalks Twitter Chats which cover a range of topics, including cybersecurity, 5G, manufacturing and supply chain, and healthcare.

The post New in Cybersecurity – Insights, threat trends, & RSA learnings appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

AT&T Business’ most recently #BizTalks Twitter Chat—What’s New in Cybersecurity—Insights, Threat Trends, & RSA Learnings—explored many emerging concepts in the cybersecurity industry. [Optional sentence: Our very own Tawnya Lancaster, AT&T Cybersecurity’s threat intelligence and trends Research lead, did a takeover of the @ATTBusiness Twitter handle to provide her point of view.] Head to the @ATTBusiness Twitter page——to see the full chat and learn more.

It was an interesting conversation with diverse opinions. Here are some of the highlights.

Adversary tactics

The top question in terms of engagement was this one, and lots of interesting perspectives:

Edge computing was a hot question

Organized cybercrime is clearly top of mind as well

Don’t forget to follow @ATTBusiness on Twitter and stay tuned for our monthly #BizTalks Twitter Chats which cover a range of topics, including cybersecurity, 5G, manufacturing and supply chain, and healthcare.

The post New in Cybersecurity – Insights, threat trends, & RSA learnings appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

Cyberthreats don't affect only large enterprises and governments – they can also affect small businesses. According to research, nearly half of small businesses have experienced a cyberattack, and 69% are concerned about future attacks. Small businesses should be aware of cyber security statistics and take tangible steps to protect their businesses against cyberattacks.

Employee records, customer information, loyalty schemes, transactions, and data collection are critical pieces of information that businesses need to protect. This is to prevent third parties from using the information for fraudulent purposes, such as phishing scams and identity theft.

It's crucial to safeguard your company from cyberattacks, but some business owners are unsure how to do it.

This article is intended to help small business owners navigate the realm of cyber threats and fortify their data security. The benefits of data security for small businesses are also discussed.

Data security

Data security is the practice of keeping data safe from unauthorized access or corruption.

Data protection entails safeguarding not only your company's data but also that of your customers and vendors.

Data encryption, hashing, tokenization, and key management are data security strategies that safeguard data across all applications and platforms.

Small firms, unfortunately, appear to be a much easier target for hackers, as their security systems are typically less advanced than those of a medium or large company. Despite this fact, most small business owners believe they are not vulnerable to a data breach.

Why data security?

To secure their essential assets, organizations all over the world are investing extensively in information technology (IT) cyber security capabilities. Every business has to protect its brand, intellectual capital, and customer information. It also needs to provide controls for essential infrastructure. However, incident detection and response have three fundamental elements: people, processes, and technology.

Cyber security problems and their effect on small businesses

Security risks faced by small businesses?

Small businesses may not have the operational know-how or employees to protect their IT systems and networks appropriately.

Small firms confront a variety of cyber security challenges, including:

  • Attacks by phishers: Phishing refers to a type of social engineering attack that is frequently used to obtain personal data from users; such data includes login credentials and credit card details.
  • Malware attack: Malware attacks are common cyberattacks in which malware (usually malicious software) performs unauthorized actions on the victim's system.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a sort of cryptovirology malware that threatens to expose or permanently limit access to the victim's personal information unless a ransom is paid.
  • Internal threats: Internal threats are often the result of poor access controls or a lack of proper staff training. Hostile employees or ex-employees might perpetrate cyber attacks in the company, posing internal threats.
  • Weak passwords: Passwords that aren't strong enough can expose a company to unauthorized access and security risks.

Use a combination of at least eight different letters, numbers, and symbols in your password to make it strong. It is more difficult to guess a password that is longer and contains more character types (including upper and lowercase letters). For instance, M0l#eb7Qs? employs a unique mix of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. It is also recommended to change passwords every 90 days or less.

Organizations should carefully review password security policies and password management since stolen or weak passwords are still the most common cause of data breaches.

What effect does an attack have?

A successful cyber attack on your business can be devastating. It can have a negative impact on your financial line, as well as your company's reputation and consumer trust. A security breach has three major consequences: financial, reputational, and legal.

Financial cost of a cyberattack

Cyber breaches frequently cause a significant financial loss due to:

  • Unauthorized access to corporate data
  • Theft of corporate data
  • Financial information theft (e.g., bank details or payment card details)
  • Theft of funds
  • Trading disruption (e.g., inability to carry out transactions online)
  • Loss of contract or business

In addition, businesses would typically pay fees for fixing systems, networks, and devices affected, as part of their response to the breach.

Damage to the company’s reputation

A good customer relationship must be based on trust. Cyberattacks can harm your company's reputation and reduce client trust in you. This might ultimately result in:

  • Loss of clients
  • Sales decline
  • Decrease in profits

Reputational damage may also have a negative impact on your relationships with partners, investors, suppliers, and other interested parties.

Legal consequences of a cyberattack

You are required by data protection and privacy laws to manage the security of all personal data you hold, whether it relates to your customers or your personnel. You may be subject to penalties and regulatory sanctions if this data is compromised unintentionally or on purpose, and you fail to implement the necessary data security measures.

Essential tips for data security

1. Manage mobile devices, apps, and computer operations

To ensure the user's experience is as smooth as possible, manage important applications rather than the device itself. Also, make sure everything you're doing is transparent, particularly when it comes to your employees' devices.

2. Enable secure collaboration

To guarantee that your staff has access to the information they require, set up secure tools for data sharing.

If you're sending sensitive information via email, ensure you've set up a digital rights management system (or another secure email solution).

3. Reduce malware exposure

Create a training plan that ensures your employees get adequate awareness training on a regular basis.

It would help if you also considered using an email protection solution that includes time-of-click protection to guard against the inevitable human errors.

Implement regulations and procedures that limit specific actions, such as checking personal emails at work or installing apps from a trusted source, among other things.

4. Prevent data loss via email

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) skills can aid in the security of your company's data. Identify how DLP can be implemented in your workflow.

Also, limit the circulation of specific emails or files, or impose a digital rights management condition that limits who has access to the information.

5. Set up other key security measures

Securing your company's data is crucial, especially in today's world of remote work. Antivirus software, network analytics, firewalls, virtual private networks (VPNs), AI-enabled behavioral monitoring, data encryption, and other security measures may be used.

6. Focus on sensitive data

The sensitive data you are storing and processing can be an asset, but it is also a liability in terms of security and compliance. It is important to always know where sensitive data (such as personal identifiable information) is stored, and to apply measures like dynamic data masking to protect its anonymity while keeping it valuable.

Benefits of data security for small businesses

Small businesses that take data security seriously and take strategic actions to improve it are less prone to attack.

These businesses will also be able to meet their compliance obligations more efficiently and prevent reputational damage. All of these factors make business more convenient and profitable.

Because the cybersecurity world is constantly changing, you'll need to commit to monitoring and updating your network security on a regular basis to reap these benefits. This will help you stay current and safe.

Here are some proven strategies to help your business reap these benefits while avoiding cyber threats.

• Protect your business from external threats

Outsiders were responsible for over 70% of data breaches this year.

Minimizing external risks necessitates the use of thorough device security measures and the appropriate cybersecurity software.

• Protect your business from internal threats

While internal threats aren't as widespread as externally perpetrated attacks, they still warrant special attention.

Many of these attacks are absolutely avoidable. While hostile employees or ex-employees can always cause problems, many internal attacks result from poor access controls or a lack of staff training.

• Ensure your business is compliant

Ensuring that your company is compliant with data protection regulations is very important.

When it comes to data protection, a number of businesses are already living up to expectations by intensifying their cybersecurity.

Many regulatory agencies now require you to make the necessary efforts to secure your company and its data from hackers. You could risk substantial fines or trading restrictions if you don't comply.

• Ensure customer data security

It's not just the regulators that are concerned about data security. Consumers have been more interested in how firms protect their data; their awareness of the risks of organizations having large amounts of personal data has grown.

Furthermore, if you can establish an active dedication to data protection, you may gain loyal, long-term clients and increase your revenue.


Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common among small businesses, but you don't have to be affected. You can avoid falling victim to preventable cyberattacks by implementing the necessary security measures, from employee training to suitable cybersecurity software. This will not only save you time and effort, but it will also save you money by preventing revenue losses, regulatory fines, and other costs.

The post All you need to know about data security and its benefits for small businesses appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Special needs child learning

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

Schools and colleges were the worst hit by cyberattacks during the global health crisis in 2020. According to a report by GCN, ransomware attacks alone affected over 1,680 schools, colleges, and universities in the US. Such attacks also targeted 44% of educational institutions across the world. Schools worldwide are back to normal sessions and for many learners, that means spending hours online studying, doing homework, and submitting assignments. 

While online learning guarantees convenience, flexibility, and affordability, it presents a major safety concern. Many teachers worry about securing schools as they transition to e-learning. Fortunately, there are plenty of useful guides for helping children stay safe online. The only downside is that these guides assume all young internet users possess the same skill levels. So, how do you teach online safety to children with learning disabilities? Keep reading to learn a few tips on how to teach students with special needs important cybersecurity skills.

Discourage sharing of important information

Online safety concerns for teachers and parents include cyberbullying, posting a lot of information, close interaction with strangers, and online scams. One of the best ways to improve student safety online is by discouraging sharing of important information via suspicious emails or links. Inform your students that any information they share online is public. 

Details students shouldn’t share on the internet include real names, phone numbers, home address, school name, and photos. Consider writing a do not share list and post it on your students’ computers. Having a visual list helps your students remember who they can talk to online and what to post. 

Teach proper use of devices and apps

Setting up limits on what content your students with special needs should access is an important step to keeping them safe from cybercriminals. To achieve the best outcome, teach students how to adjust device settings to enhance data privacy. It’s also wise to set up filters to filter search results and install virus protection software. 

Other important cybersecurity best practices for students include setting strong passwords and encrypting data on all Internet-enabled devices. Don't forget to update malware software to ensure operating systems are up to date and advise students never to open links or attachments from strangers. Also, teach the proper use of password managers to prevent data breaches. Since password managers store login information in encrypted databases, students don’t need to write passwords in books where people can access them quickly. 

Embrace gamification

Students with learning disabilities like dyslexia, ADHD, and autism have unique learning needs. For instance, when teaching neurodivergent students online and in person, you need to use different approaches. Avoid a one-size-fits-all teaching technique because some students will understand better through visuals, others study well with the help of text-speech software, interactive whiteboards, and voice dictation apps. 

You can also improve your students’ cybersecurity skills through gamification. There are many reasons special needs students love online games to learn various things, including internet safety. Gamification designed for children with learning challenges is fun and provides engaging content. Examples of cybersecurity games for kids include Interland, Privacy Pirates, Cyber Defense Quiz, and Internet Safety Hangman. 

Discuss the risk of misinformation 

While cyberbullying and interacting too much with strangers are legitimate concerns, misinformation is the most worrying online threat for students with special needs. Children with speech and language challenges, processing, and behavioral challenges may have difficulty discerning facts from fiction posted online. Based on the information consumed online, some learners will argue that some facts are fake. For instance, your student might be adamant about the fact that people landing on the moon is fake after watching a conspiracy theory video online. As a teacher or parent, you can protect students from misinformation by sharing links to reputable websites where they can fact-check information. 

Protecting children from cyberattacks while learning online is a concern for many parents and teachers. To enhance online safety for learners with learning challenges, parents and teachers should discourage sharing of sensitive information. It's also crucial to emphasize the importance of device and app settings, teach cybersecurity through gamification, and share reputable sources of information to avoid misinformation. 

The post A guide to teaching cybersecurity skills to special needs students appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Special needs child learning

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

Schools and colleges were the worst hit by cyberattacks during the global health crisis in 2020. According to a report by GCN, ransomware attacks alone affected over 1,680 schools, colleges, and universities in the US. Such attacks also targeted 44% of educational institutions across the world. Schools worldwide are back to normal sessions and for many learners, that means spending hours online studying, doing homework, and submitting assignments. 

While online learning guarantees convenience, flexibility, and affordability, it presents a major safety concern. Many teachers worry about securing schools as they transition to e-learning. Fortunately, there are plenty of useful guides for helping children stay safe online. The only downside is that these guides assume all young internet users possess the same skill levels. So, how do you teach online safety to children with learning disabilities? Keep reading to learn a few tips on how to teach students with special needs important cybersecurity skills.

Discourage sharing of important information

Online safety concerns for teachers and parents include cyberbullying, posting a lot of information, close interaction with strangers, and online scams. One of the best ways to improve student safety online is by discouraging sharing of important information via suspicious emails or links. Inform your students that any information they share online is public. 

Details students shouldn’t share on the internet include real names, phone numbers, home address, school name, and photos. Consider writing a do not share list and post it on your students’ computers. Having a visual list helps your students remember who they can talk to online and what to post. 

Teach proper use of devices and apps

Setting up limits on what content your students with special needs should access is an important step to keeping them safe from cybercriminals. To achieve the best outcome, teach students how to adjust device settings to enhance data privacy. It’s also wise to set up filters to filter search results and install virus protection software. 

Other important cybersecurity best practices for students include setting strong passwords and encrypting data on all Internet-enabled devices. Don't forget to update malware software to ensure operating systems are up to date and advise students never to open links or attachments from strangers. Also, teach the proper use of password managers to prevent data breaches. Since password managers store login information in encrypted databases, students don’t need to write passwords in books where people can access them quickly. 

Embrace gamification

Students with learning disabilities like dyslexia, ADHD, and autism have unique learning needs. For instance, when teaching neurodivergent students online and in person, you need to use different approaches. Avoid a one-size-fits-all teaching technique because some students will understand better through visuals, others study well with the help of text-speech software, interactive whiteboards, and voice dictation apps. 

You can also improve your students’ cybersecurity skills through gamification. There are many reasons special needs students love online games to learn various things, including internet safety. Gamification designed for children with learning challenges is fun and provides engaging content. Examples of cybersecurity games for kids include Interland, Privacy Pirates, Cyber Defense Quiz, and Internet Safety Hangman. 

Discuss the risk of misinformation 

While cyberbullying and interacting too much with strangers are legitimate concerns, misinformation is the most worrying online threat for students with special needs. Children with speech and language challenges, processing, and behavioral challenges may have difficulty discerning facts from fiction posted online. Based on the information consumed online, some learners will argue that some facts are fake. For instance, your student might be adamant about the fact that people landing on the moon is fake after watching a conspiracy theory video online. As a teacher or parent, you can protect students from misinformation by sharing links to reputable websites where they can fact-check information. 

Protecting children from cyberattacks while learning online is a concern for many parents and teachers. To enhance online safety for learners with learning challenges, parents and teachers should discourage sharing of sensitive information. It's also crucial to emphasize the importance of device and app settings, teach cybersecurity through gamification, and share reputable sources of information to avoid misinformation. 

The post A guide to teaching cybersecurity skills to special needs students appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

USM Anywhere is the ideal solution for small and mid-sized businesses that need multiple high-quality security tools in a single, unified package.

There’s no reason large, global enterprises should have a monopoly on top cybersecurity technology. Solutions like USM Anywhere give smaller organizations access to security tools that are both effective and affordable.

USM Anywhere offers a centralized solution for monitoring networks and devices for security threats. It secures devices operating on-premises, remotely, and in the cloud. By combining multiple security tools into a single, streamlined interface, USM Anywhere gives smaller organizations a competitive solution for obtaining best-in-class security outcomes.

Castra's extensive experience working with USM Anywhere has given us unique insight into the value it represents. There is a clear difference in security returns and outcomes between USM Anywhere users and those that put their faith in proprietary solutions developed by managed security service providers. This is especially true for organizations with less than 1000 employees, where management is under considerable pressure to justify security expenditures.

Three ways USM Anywhere outperforms

USM Anywhere furnishes organizations with essential security capabilities right out of the box. It is a full-featured security information and event management platform that enables analysts to discover assets, assess vulnerabilities, detect threats, and respond to security incidents. It features built-in and customizable compliance reporting capabilities, as well as behavioral monitoring capabilities.

These features, along with the platform’s uniquely integrated architecture, provide valuable benefits to security-conscious organizations:

1. Automated log management

USM Anywhere enables analysts to automate log collection and event data from data sources throughout the IT environment. With the right configuration, analysts can receive normalized logs enriched with appropriate data and retain them in a compliant storage solution.

This eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming manual log aggregation, significantly improving the productivity of every employee-hour spent on security tasks. Improved logging efficiency gives security teams more time to spend on strategic, high-value initiatives that generate significant returns.

2. Cloud platform API integration

USM Anywhere integrates with the most popular cloud and productivity platforms, including Office 365 and Amazon AWS.

With the Office 365 Management API, analysts can monitor user and administrator activities throughout the entire Microsoft environment. This makes it easy for analysts to detect anomalies like users logging in from unfamiliar territories, changing mailbox privileges, or sending sensitive data outside the organization.

The CloudWatch and CloudTrail APIs allow analysts to monitor AWS environments and review log activity within the cloud. Gain real-time visibility into asset creation, security group configurations, and S3 access control changes directly through an intuitive, unified SIEM interface.

3. Orchestrated response capabilities

Analysts need accurate, real-time data on suspicious activities so they can categorize attacks and orchestrate a coherent response. USM Anywhere gives analysts access to full details about attack methods, strategies, and response guidance.

AlienApps™ users can extend USM Anywhere capabilities to third-party security and management platforms, allowing analysts to initiate and orchestrate comprehensive event response from within the USM Anywhere user interface. This allows Castra analysts to automate the integration of Palo Alto Cortex XDR capabilities and Anomali Threat Intelligence data from directly within USM Anywhere.

Make Castra your USM Anywhere partner

Castra has been an AlienVault partner since 2013, successfully deploying the company’s security technologies thousands of times. Our remarkable customer renewal rate of almost 100% stands a testament to the effectiveness of our approach. Working with Castra gives you visibility and control over your security posture, while supporting it with qualified expertise on demand.

We have worked closely with AT&T’s USM Anywhere development team for years, providing critical feedback even before AlienVault was publicly released. Our security analysts have deep knowledge of this platform and can personalize its performance to meet your security objectives and compliance needs to the letter. Speak to a Castra expert about optimizing your SIEM deployment to find out more.

The post The three core strengths of USM Anywhere appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger.

When we think of “authentication” for our applications, most of us think of user registration, a login form, and resetting passwords. Our concerns begin and end there. But as we dive deeper and our security and compliance requirements change over time, we have to consider new password hashing algorithms, blocking bots, multi-factor authentication, and external identity providers. What started as a clear, concise set of requirements became an ever-growing list.

For new applications, we can add an identity provider like Azure Active Directory or Okta, embed any number of framework plugins, and count on those systems to handle all the complexity and change that we’d normally have to consider within our system. It’s a quick and easy exercise and centralizes all the policy across your ecosystem.

Unfortunately, most of our apps don’t fit this nice, clean, predictable world. We have years or even decades of mission critical applications sitting in our infrastructure where the source code is lost to time, the team has moved onto other projects, and the overall system is working “so please don’t touch it!” That makes a “simple checkbox task” much more complicated. We need to rethink our approach on how we access these systems.

Enter the reverse proxy Before ngrok

In general client-server architectures, the client makes requests directly to the server. As the number of clients grows, it’s feasible to overwhelm the server and prevent any requests from being fulfilled. With a reverse proxy, we put a system in front of the server to act as a gateway. This gateway applies its own rules to the requests, confirms those requests meet those requirements, and forwards the acceptable requests on to the server.

To think of it another way, consider your favorite restaurant. Do you sit down with the menu, choose a dish, and shout it to the kitchen? No, that would create chaos and confusion. Instead, a waiter takes your order and divides it into pieces to tell the bartender your drink order and the kitchen your dinner selection. As each dish is ready, the kitchen assembles the pieces, and the waiter brings you the result. You don’t know or care if one or ten cooks are preparing your meal. The wait staff provides an abstraction layer between you and the kitchen without changing how the diner or the kitchen operate.

When we think back to our legacy application, the reverse proxy performs the same service. It acts as an abstraction layer for our security requirements and allows the implementation to change independently of the system we’re protecting. In fact, as our requirements change and expand, we can usually focus entirely on the reverse proxy and ignore most of the underlying legacy system. After ngrok

HTTP Basic Authentication with a reverse proxy

Now that we can gate access to our server, forcing authentication is straightforward. For the following examples, we’ll assume the application we’re protecting lives at

At the simplest level, we can start with HTTP Basic Authentication. With an Apache or NGINX-based proxy, you would use a command like this to create a new user named “katelibby”:

> htpasswd /etc/apache2/.htpasswd katelibby reverseproxyftw

and then load the resulting htpasswd file into your configuration in seconds. At ngrok, we can accomplish the same on the command line with this option:

> ngrok http — basic-auth=”katelibby:reverseproxyftw”

But be careful, unlike the htpasswd approach, the ngrok command line approach is an ephemeral user and ceases to exist when this command is interrupted. On the positive side, you don’t need any additional services and components.

Unfortunately, HTTP Basic Auth isn’t usually the best option. On the surface, it’s easy to set up and maintain but it turns into an administrative headache over time. First, an admin must create each user so they normally have the passwords and – even worse – the end user can’t reset or recover their account on their own. In general, HTTP Basic Auth is really only useful for small, simple projects with minimal or non-existent security and compliance requirements.

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect with a reverse proxy OAuth 2 logo

When we go deeper into the authentication rabbit hole, we quickly get to OAuth 2.0. OAuth addresses many of the self-service aspects by completely delegating anything authentication (and authorization!)-related to an identity provider.

Luckily because OAuth is an open protocol, there are implementations for every system out there. The Apache approach to auth gives you a toolbox of options to build your own while my former colleague at Okta, Aaron Parecki covers his approach in “Use nginx to Add Authentication to Any Application.”

At ngrok, we take a different approach to support some of the major OAuth providers:

> ngrok http –oauth=google

Or if we preferred to use OpenID Connect specifically, that command would change to:

> ngrok http –oidc= –oidc-client-id=clientId –oidc-client-secret=clientSecret

Regardless of which approach we take, now our underlying system is protected with OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect without changing the system.

Further, since we’ve outsourced authentication to a separate identity provider, our underlying system is now under those security requirements. If our identity provider requires complex passwords, multi-factor authentication, or has IP restrictions on where to allow login, our legacy system doesn’t know and doesn’t care. We get all the benefits of those policies without having to touch the underlying system.

Is a reverse proxy the Holy Grail?

Regardless of the benefits, there are a few tradeoffs involved in choosing a reverse proxy. A reverse proxy can often view and inspect network traffic as it flows between the clients and servers. The positive take on this inspection is the proxy can detect malicious activity and block it or improve speed via compression and traffic shaping. The negative take is the proxy can log the traffic potentially providing a new target for attackers. In practice, you can mitigate the logging and introspection risks by implementing end to end encryption via TLS.

Architecturally, as the gateway to our application, it becomes a new single point of failure. Therefore, we have to plan for it to be stable, reliable, fail gracefully, and recover quickly. This may require teams to learn and implement new tooling and monitoring for observability but any reasonable reverse proxy configuration will consider those capabilities core.

Fundamentally, a reverse proxy gives you control and oversight over the legacy systems living on your network. With just a little effort, you can bring it under the umbrella of your existing security practices and policies and even expand and adapt as those requirements change. Done well, a reverse proxy will let you consider non-security aspects like traffic shaping, payload/request validation, circuit breaking, and even replacing the underlying system completely and transparently to end users.

A reverse proxy does not solve all of our problems, but a single point of access gives us power.

The post Authenticating legacy apps with a reverse proxy appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.