Dole, the online retailer that sells fresh fruits and vegetables, suffered a ransomware attack, disruption its operations and order full fulling to a large extent. Thus, with the latest, the Irish Mega Corp is the second largest company after JBS that was targeted by a ransomware spreading hacking group.

A statement posted on the Irish company’s website a few hours ago states that it recently experienced a security incident that is of file encrypting malware genre and has engaged third party experts to remediate the issue and security systems.

Dole Food Company has informed the law enforcement of fraudulent network intrusion and cooperating with the authorities to probe down the threat actors involved in the crime.

The Fruit giant that has about 38,000 employees with an annual revenue turnover of $6.5 billion has shut down its production plants in North America as a cautionary measure to block the spread of the malware. And the Texan grocery store is looking for an alternative to keep its shipments to grocery stores intact.

With the shut down entering its second day, customers are already complaining of a shortage of bananas, salads and some veggies in some of the major store shelves. As the shelf life of these foods is low, the American grocery store might incur losses ranging in millions.

However, the good part is that the business has an efficient disaster recovery plan in place and so as per the crisis management protocol it has taken the help of a manual backup program to restore the operations and so has indirectly hinted that it not going to bow down to the demands of hackers.


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