Brad Freeman, Director of Technology at SenseOn introduce himself as a security professional with both practical and leadership experience and outlined in his talk the importance of doing the SOC basics right, from a perspective of people and processes.  

Brad began by discussing how in many cases, analysts want to deal with serious security investigations: Compromises, incidents, things generally going wrong. This is something that they can get on a regular basis at a large organisation. However, this is less obviously achievable at a mid-market organisation.  

A solution here is to ensure that the technology deployed at a mid-market company can empower their analysts, by ensuring that they have interesting security investigation to undertake, which can keep them curious and engaged. By enabling curious analysts, they will develop into more senior analysts.  

Another key element in empowering your SOC team is to raise their internal profile: ensure that the security operations centre looks like just that: An operations centre, not just a portion of the office. Then, invite people to come on tours of a SOC, to ensure the entire company knows what is happening there and how important it is.  

Another common trap in terms of empowering security teams which was outlined by Freeman was the total outsourcing of SOC activity to a third-party: Nobody knows your company like someone in your company.  

He hypothesised that the best SOCs deploy a hybrid model, to ensure that internal business processes or activities (such as a potential M&A activity) are accounted for in terms of understanding network traffic within context.  

Freeman also suggested a key problem is a lack of direction or strategy in place from leadership: Make the SOC work is the only objective many CISOs will provide. This is not an adequate replacement for a security strategy. Other problems outlined included vanity metrics, poor detection processes, and technology decisions being driven by [purchasing decisions, instead of a strategy.  

Brad’s parting advice for making a SOC work for you was as follows:  

  • Develop people  
  • Show value  
  • Use process  
  • Make tech decisions which solve your problem, not tick a box!  

To find out more about how SenseOn, click here  

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The UK is home to around 5.5 million Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). They collectively account for 99.9% of businesses, generating three fifths of employment, and with a combined turnover of £2.3 trillion. As such, they represent a vital element of the economy and a significant national asset, which in turn, highlights a need to ensure that they are protected. The connected and IT-dependent nature of modern businesses means that the cyber perspective will be crucial here, but smaller organisations are typically not well placed in terms of related expertise and capability. Many take steps to outsource their security, in the hope that someone else will manage it (although even this arguably requires some knowledge of where to look and what to look for), whereas others may be reliant on limited in-house knowledge or potentially, overlook things entirely.  

The annual DSIT study of Cyber security skills in the UK labour market consistently reveals a lack of basic skills, with the 2023 results indicating that 50% of businesses have a basic skills gap in relation to technical cyber security (estimated to equate to approximately 739,000 businesses). The basic skills referred to in this context includes areas such as configuring firewalls, detecting and removing malware, and choosing secure settings. The gap is lower in large businesses (18%), highlighting that smaller organisations face the more pronounced problem. Many SMEs are consequently ill-positioned to attend to their own needs, leaving them both exposed and dependent upon further support in the event of incidents, or when making security-related decisions (including those around technology adoption and procurement).  

More directly highlighting a challenge for smaller businesses, the latest release of the UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey suggests a drop in attention toward a range of basic cyber hygiene related activities, such as use of password policies, use of network firewalls, and timely application of security-related software updates (all of which have declined around 10% in the last two years). The survey observes that the results in large businesses have not changed, and so the difference is attributable to the SME community (and in particular, to the situation within micro businesses). While the decline may be explained by factors such as post-pandemic challenges and financial pressures during an economic downturn, the net result will nonetheless be that organisations are less protected and at greater potential risk from incidents and attackers (which in turn, could have more serious consequences and costs for the affected businesses).  Such factors further highlight the potential for SMEs to be even more exposed and in need of greater support. 

In parallel, SMEs face an increasing expectation to address cyber security and comply with good practice. An example is the increasing requirement for compliance with Cyber Essentials, where SMEs can potentially find themselves obliged to meet standards that they lack the skills to action.  

This backdrop provides the context for a new 2.5 year research project led by the University of Nottingham, in partnership with Queen Mary University of London and the University of Kent.  The aim of the research is to better understand the cyber security support needs of the SMEs (particularly those of smaller businesses), and to pilot a new approach that engages them in further supporting each other.  

The initial phase of the research seeks to establish SMEs’ current understanding and confidence around cyber security, as well as their awareness and perceptions of available support. It will examine the situations in which SMEs may seek advice and support (e.g. what happens when they have concerns, questions, or indeed, incidents), and the extent to which they feel that they achieve effective outcomes. At the same time, consideration will also be given to the existing routes for support, looking at the coverage and consistency of advice, as well as the confidence and capacity of those offering it. 

Based upon the findings from these initial activities, the research will then take a more specific focus by attempting to track and analyse individual ‘support journeys’ from participating SMEs.  The intention is to determine a set of related case studies, looking at the nature and extent of support being sought, and the factors that lead to successful or unsuccessful outcomes.  The ultimate aim of the project is to then use the collective findings to inform the design, implementation and piloting of Cyber Security Communities of Support (CyCOS).  

These will be a basis for local collaboration and cooperation between SMEs and associated advisory sources, with the community offering a basis for SMEs to identify and share their support needs and have contact with advisory sources positioned to help them (which may include peer support from other SMEs). The project aims to trial the operation of the CyCOS via three pilots, enabling a practical evaluation of the approach, with a view towards establishing a repeatable model that can be adopted more widely. 

SMEs that would potentially be interested in being kept updated or contributing to the work are invited to contact the research team via  

Equally, if you would like to learn more from Professor Steven Furnell on how we, as a cyber security community, can better support SMEs, be sure to attend his Global Cyber Summit session at International Cyber Expo (London Olympia) at 5pm on the 26th of September 2023.

He will address the following:

  • Recognising the support needs of small businesses, including their current understanding and confidence around cyber security
  • The coverage, consistency and accessibility of existing support routes available to SMEs
  • The concept of Cyber Security Communities of Support, fostering localised collaboration between SMEs and advisory sources  

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In today’s digital age, where organisations heavily rely on technology and data, ensuring strong Cyber Security practices is paramount, and one often overlooked aspect, is the departure of staff members.

The departure of an employee can introduce vulnerabilities and risks if not handled properly. Establishing a well-defined process for staff departures is crucial not only for maintaining operational continuity but also for safeguarding sensitive information from potential cyber threats. Chris White, member of International Cyber Expo‘s Advisory Council, and Head of Cyber and InnovationThe South East Cyber Resilience Centre (SECRC) offers his thoughts on the subject:

  1. When an employee leaves, their access to systems, networks, and databases must be immediately revoked. Forgotten or lingering access credentials can become a backdoor for cybercriminals to gain unauthorised entry. By following a process, organisations can systematically terminate an employee’s access to all relevant accounts and platforms, reducing the risk of data breaches and insider threats
  2. Employees often have access to sensitive company information, client data, and proprietary resources. Without a proper process in place, departing employees might retain copies of such data, putting it at risk of unauthorised exposure or misuse.
  3. By ensuring a comprehensive data inventory and implementing strict data retention policies, organisations can reduce the likelihood of valuable information falling into the wrong hands.
  4. When an employee leaves, all company-issued devices such as laptops, smartphones, and access cards should be collected promptly. These devices might contain sensitive data or access points that could be exploited by cyber attackers. An established process for equipment retrieval ensures that potential vulnerabilities are addressed and mitigated.
  5. A departure can result in a loss of organisational knowledge. If not managed properly, this loss could lead to security gaps in the organisation’s defences. By systematically documenting roles, responsibilities, and procedures, and by cross-training employees, organisations can maintain a well-prepared workforce that is capable of upholding cybersecurity standards.
  6. Insider Threats—threats posed by current or former employees—are a significant cybersecurity concern. Following a strict process during staff departures minimises the risk of disgruntled employees intentionally causing harm to the organisation’s digital infrastructure. Proper off-boarding procedures, including exit interviews, can help identify potential insider threats and pre-emptively address any concerns.
  7. Organisations are often subject to various legal and regulatory requirements concerning data protection and privacy. Failure to properly manage staff departures could result in non-compliance and legal repercussions. Following a process ensures that the organisation adheres to all relevant regulations, safeguarding both its reputation and legal standing.
  8. A departure can disrupt ongoing projects and operations, potentially creating opportunities for cyber threats to exploit the chaos. By having a clear process in place, organisations can ensure that essential tasks are transitioned seamlessly, and critical cybersecurity measures remain intact. Get in touch with The South East Cyber Resilience Centre for some assistance in this area.
  9. A good solution is Cyber Essentials which is an effective, Government backed minimum standard scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks. For example, How do you ensure you have deleted, or disabled, any accounts for staff who are no longer with your organisation? We can provide the resources to achieve a suitable solution to answer this.

In conclusion, the departure of a staff member should not be taken lightly, especially when considering the potential harm, it poses to cyber security. Establishing a well-defined process for staff departures is vital for protecting an organisation’s sensitive data, maintaining operational continuity, and mitigating cybersecurity risks.

Chris White will be in attendance at International Cyber Expo 2023, so do stop by London Olympia on the 26th and 27th of September 2023!

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According to new research by International Cyber Expo, over half of the UK population (53%) would be supportive of the UK government and its allies breaking international cybersecurity law, and 45% have admitted they would be supportive of, or engage in online cybercriminal activity themselves, in the right circumstances. The survey was conducted on 1,000 nationally representative UK respondents (aged 16+) by Censuswide, on behalf of International Cyber Expo

Remarkably, women were less likely than men to be supportive in either case: 26% of females claimed they would never support the UK government and its allies breaking international cybersecurity law, compared to 17% of men; and 40% of women asserted they would never be supportive of, or engage in any online cybercriminal activity, compared to 26% of men. 

There also appeared to be a significant difference between age groups, with the older generation showing greater opposition towards cybercriminal activity, regardless of the circumstances, contrary to their younger counterparts. Indeed, only 11% of 16-24 year olds were against the UK and its allies breaking international cybersecurity law, compared with over a third (34%) of 55+ year olds. Moreover, only 10% of 16-24 year olds suggested they would never be supportive of, or engage in online cybercriminal activity, unlike 54% of 55+ year olds.

The motivations behind respondents’ willingness to support, or engage in, cybercriminal activity vary.

Those who would be supportive of the UK government and its allies breaking international cybersecurity law, cited to stop war crimes (25%), to stop terrorist organisations (24%), and to stop human rights abuses (21%) as the top three reasons.

Those who admitted they would be supportive of, or engage in, online cyber criminal activity, shared they would do so in the following scenarios:

  • To defend the UK, if threatened by another country (12%)
  • If the activity punishes or stops a company that is having a negative impact on the environment (10%)
  • If it resolves a security vulnerability within an organisation (10%)
  • To right a personal wrong, such as if they have been unfairly fired from a job or have been bullied (10%)
  • To protest human rights abuses (10%)
  • If the activity disrupts an on-going physical war between countries (10%)
  • To get revenge on cyber criminals (9%)
  • If the activity prevents animal cruelty (9%)
  • To watch a TV show or film they don’t want to pay for (9%)
  • If the activity stopped a problematic person such as Andrew Tate (9%)
  • To redistribute wealth (6%)
  • To defend religious beliefs (5%)

“While it is encouraging that respondents want to see the UK Government and its Allies take a firm stand against war crimes, terrorism and human rights abuses, it is concerning that such a high percentage support breaking international law or would engage in criminal activities themselves – particularly among younger people,” said Simon Newman, CEO of the Cyber Resilience Centre for London and member of International Cyber Expo’s Advisory Council. “Vigilantism is never the answer to deal with these threats, however serious they are and any individual who takes the law into their own hands is likely to face significant consequences.”

To hear from leading experts in cybersecurity on the latest industry trends, research, predictions and more, be sure to attend International Cyber Expo held on the 26th and 27th of September 2023 at London Olympia. 

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From decades in the making to overnight impact, nobody was prepared for how quickly generative AI landed. But businesses can be ready for the next chapter with the right skills, architecture and operational design.

Enter DTX + UCX Europe 2023 to unite the UK’s top IT and digital professionals and tech innovators on 4-5 October.

Across 18 content stages, the programme helps IT leaders and their teams build an essential roadmap to navigate the AI-dominated realm of opportunity and the risk landscape that comes with it.

Interactive panels, case studies and fireside chats will welcome leaders from major organisations like TikTok, M&S, Lloyds, DWP, Tesco, DreamWorks and Gousto – whilst headline speakers like founder Baroness Martha Lane Fox; comedian and TV presenter Dara Ó Briain; renowned social engineer and “people hacker” Jenny Radcliffe; and former distinguished engineer at Google Cloud Kelsey Hightower will also be taking to the stage.

Here’s a sneak peek of some of the sessions you can expect to see at the show…

One of the opening panels encourages attendees to “twist and shout” – exploring how to change the digital narrative from cost-centre to value-creator with brands including ITVMetaPWC and The British Army featured.

Another stand-out session titled “Reality Check” brings together the Ministry of Justice CDIO Gina Gill, with Jon Townsend, CIO of the National Trust to discuss the steps organisations should take today to prepare for a more intelligent and immersive tomorrow. Followed up UCL professor Hannah Fry who will take audiences on a tour of technology to analyse what advancements lie around the corner.

Elsewhere, Natwest’s Head of Engineering for Commercial and Institutional Banking Angela De Wet Johnson will present on how to modernise IT to meet evolving customer expectations and tech advancements, whilst Astrazeneca’s Global Head of Enterprise Architecture, Dinesh Krishnan, and Deputy Director of at the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust Jeffrey Wood discuss best practice in sourcing, integrating and driving value from technology platforms and partnerships.

More real-life case studies will take place across the breakout stages – including E.ON’s tips and tricks for operationalising IT in the Cloud; Deep Green’s deep dive into how Data Centres are saving UK swimming pools; Norwegian Customs’ exploration of ethics in social engineering; and a cinematic presentation from Pen Test Partners proving why movies get plane hacking all wrong.

Further sessions will showcase long-term customer retention strategies and the role of technology from L’Oreal and Experian’s Heads of Customer Experience; Great Ormond Street Hospital‘s DRIVE Technical Lead sharing a case study on innovation in clinical informatics; and a debate on monoliths vs microservices in the quest for cost-optimised architecture featuring AWS and former GCP engineer.

If that’s not enough to justify the time out of the day job, DTX + UCX has also announced a partnership with Every Child Online for 2023 – a charity that supports children and disadvantaged young people by professionally refurbishing old laptops/PCs and supplying them to schools in deprived areas and charitable organisations for free.

The full lineup and event agenda is now live on the websites DTX Europe and UC EXPO.

Save the dates of October 4-5 and register online here.

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We all know that cybersecurity is stressful; we’ve seen the many stats that say that professionals are burnt out and stressed. But what the industry needs is changemakers and people willing to lead the movement towards a healthier future. Today, The Nineteen Group has announced that they are revolutionising wellbeing support for professionals at cybersecurity exhibitions. Enter The International Cyber Expo‘s Cyber Wellbeing Corner, the first of its kind at cybersecurity exhibitions globally.

The Nineteen Group have joined forces with Jamf and The Zensory to develop The Cyber Wellbeing Corner, a space at this year’s exhibition dedicated to the wellbeing of cybersecurity professionals. It is the first of its kind for cybersecurity exhibitions globally.  

Notably, over half of people within cybersecurity have experienced emotions such as depression or anxiety due to feeling overwhelmed at work. That’s why it’s crucial to provide safe, neuroinclusive decompression spaces, like The Cyber Wellbeing Corner, for professionals. Additionally, 20% of the country’s workforce is neurodiverse, which could mean that spaces like exhibitions are overwhelming, overstimulating and exhausting. With the cybersecurity industry striving to be more neuroinclusive, it’s important to make sure events, such as the International Cyber Expo, are as welcoming for all as possible. As such, within The Cyber Wellbeing Corner there will be a separate quiet decompression space, featuring sensory experiences, open to everyone. 

Rachael Shattock, Group Event Director at Nineteen Group, explains: “It’s more important than ever to support the wellbeing of cybersecurity professionals. With burnout at an all-time high and mental health issues running rife throughout the industry, it’s important that we, as a community, take a stand to prioritise mental health. You never know who may need help, or when. Additionally, exhibitions can be overwhelming, so it’s important that we are neuroinclusive and provide an area for people to recalibrate at the show.” 

The Cyber Wellbeing Corner will be located within the International Cyber Expo, taking place at Olympia London on the 26th and 27th September 2023. The Corner will also feature a dedicated quiet space, pay-what-you-like masseurs, a resource wall with various helplines and support websites, a hydration station, and a soft seating area. There will also be wellbeing experts on hand from The Zensory, as well as representatives from Jamf. 

Yvonne Eskenzi, Co-Founder of The Zensory, adds: “It’s incredibly important to look after the wellbeing of cybersecurity professionals. After all, they protect all of us and our organisations. Having been in the industry for three decades, it’s evident that the problem isn’t getting better. What the industry needs is changemakers who are willing to dedicate time and effort to reducing burnout and mental health issues across the industry. That’s why The Zensory are thrilled to be supporting The Cyber Wellbeing Corner, as the first of its kind at cybersecurity exhibitions.” 

The Cyber Wellbeing Corner will feature the foundation of the new Cyber Wellbeing Commitment, a commitment made for and by the cybersecurity community to better mental health in the sector. There will be a chance for cybersecurity professionals to shape this commitment based on change they want to see reflected in the industry. Additionally, organisations and individuals can register their interest in the charter to provide ongoing feedback.   

Aaron Webb, Senior Product Marketing Manager – Security at Jamf, says: “The Cyber Wellbeing Corner aligns with everything we believe in as a business, that’s why we’re incredibly proud to be sponsoring it. We must support professionals across the cybersecurity industry and having spaces like this at events is a great first step. Wellbeing support, like technical solutions, are never a ‘one size fits all’ exercise, but an ongoing commitment.”

The Cyber Wellbeing Corner can be found at the International Cyber Expo, held at London Olympia on the 26th and 27th September. Registration for the event is open now. To register for FREE as a visitor sign up at: 

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To celebrate and connect cybersecurity’s remarkable women and their allies, Nineteen Group, organisers of International Cyber Expo, has launched ‘Grab the Mic: Women in Cyber’. The brand-new event, held within the wider exhibition, is produced and hosted by Eleanor Dallaway, founder of Assured Intelligence and former editor of Infosecurity Magazine.

Kicking off the event will be a keynote entitled ‘It Takes Two to Tango (If You Want to Tango Exceptionally Well)’ delivered by a female-male duo, a novel approach at a diversity event. The keynote will serve to reinforce the reality that we are stronger together, especially when on equal terms. This will then be followed by a panel discussion on ‘How to Land The Job of Your Dreams’, moderated by Eleanor.

Despite the longstanding cybersecurity skills gap, many still struggle to land their perfect job in the sector. The panel discussion will investigate this disconnect and invite individuals from various backgrounds to offer their perspectives. This includes a cybersecurity recruiter, a hiring manager, a senior industry professional that has made it to the Boardroom, and a newcomer to the sector. Audience members will also have a chance to ask the panellists their burning questions and seek advice on landing the job of their dreams.

“I am over the moon to have the opportunity to bring another women in cyber event to the sector, this time with International Cyber Expo as its home. I am as passionate today as I’ve ever been about improving inclusion in our industry, and nothing motivates me more than a room full of people who share that mission,” said Eleanor. 

“I’ve designed this event with the attendee at the heart and soul of it. I’ve spoken to people who have expressed a desire for greater opportunity to network at these events, so we’ve made that a core focus. We’ve built in enough time to schmooze, make friends and seek new job opportunities (for those looking). I’ve also been told that attendees want a guarantee that they’ll be granted access. So, I’ve worked with Rachael at Nineteen Group to ensure we have an event space big enough to welcome every single person who registers – without fail.”

“We’ve been listening to what the cybersecurity community wants, and many of the women in the sector want the chance to be heard. This is why we’re delivering an inspiring and educational networking event for women and their allies in the industry,” said Rachael Shattock, Group Event Director at Nineteen Group.

 “We are so pleased to have Eleanor Dallaway on board to help us bring this new event to life at International Cyber Expo 2023. With almost two decades of experience as a tech journalist, and having founded Women in Cybersecurity networking events in her time as editor of Infosecurity Magazine, she brings a wealth of insight and contacts that will no doubt make this event a huge success. Not to mention, she is a formidable industry role model in her own right.”

The event will be held on the Gallery Level at London Olympia on Tuesday, the 26th of September from 14:00 – 16:30 BST. Attendees can register via the following link for guaranteed entry:

The event agenda continues to be developed. For the latest updates, visit:

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DTX brings together creative minds, technical experts and the latest tools needed to drive change and generate value across today’s organisations.

“Your Home of Digital Transformation”

Covering cloud, networks and infrastructure; data, analytics and AI; software engineering and DevOps; and cyber security, the event showcases the technology, solutions and strategies essential to advance digital projects and achieve sustainable success at scale.

Co-located with Unified Communications EXPO (UCX) – the leading event for workplace and customer collaboration – the two shows offer attendees access to the UK’s largest independent technology event, featuring world leading brands, technology solutions and inspiring speakers. Over 2 days, industry leaders from E.ON, Natwest, M&S, Gousto and Linklaters will take to the stage. Expect case studies, panels, workshops and roundtables on how to:

  • Optimise your IT tool stack and reduce tech debt
  • Change the narrative from tech-driven to product-driven to unlock real value
  • Cut through the AI noise and understand what applications make sense for your business
  • Upgrade data architectures and enable real time intelligence across all functions
  • Ensure your modern workplace toolset is intuitive, connected and utilised to full advantage
  • Architect your way to a future state of the art infrastructure and next-gen engineering strategy
  • Build a secure ecosystem that is responsive to the real threats against your operations
  • Streamline IT operations and service management for improved quality and reliability

This event is designed for everyone, from senior leaders and function heads to architects, engineers, developers and data scientists. Whether you’re exploring new solutions to execute your organisation’s digital strategy, working on a plan to battle the next big cyber attack or just curious about the new technologies that are changing the game, we guarantee this time spent away from your desk is not wasted!

If you’re ready to take a front-row seat and join fellow game-changers, rule-breakers, and tech pioneers, sign up today, and since you can’t build a world class strategy solo, be sure to invite your colleagues.

Register then share using the following link:

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As 2023’s advancements in technology pose more questions than answers, the industry’s most insightful minds come together at Digital Transformation EXPO Europe (DTX) – the home of digital transformation – and UC EXPO (UCX) – the home of customer and workplace tech.

Taking place on 4-5 October 2023 at ExCel London, DTX + UCX Europe comes at a time when IT teams and business leaders are starting to realise the impact from emerging technologies which has led to the theme of this year’s show being ‘Preparing for the next realm’. Organisations can learn how to balance risk with reward – readying their people, processes and infrastructure for the continual evolution of enterprise technology and AI.

Read more and find out how to register here.

Highlight reel from the event can also be viewed:

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International Cyber Expo has announced its programme for the annual Global Cyber Summit, sponsored by Sonatype, OpenText, and Infoblox, and hosted at Olympia London on the 26th and 27th of September 2023. The summit returns with greater international appeal. Among other topics of discussion, guest speakers will provide the Ukrainian perspective on cyber security, in light of recent geopolitical events.

With opening remarks by Professor Ciaran Martin CB, Chair of International Cyber Expo’s Advisory Council, the Global Cyber Summit assembles some of the industry’s greatest minds to review ongoing cyber threats, priorities and challenges. Uniquely, the programme this year invites advisors closely associated with Ukrainian government agencies to present their invaluable insight into the reality and impact of Russian cyber-attacks on the country and beyond. 

Special guest speakers include Oksana Kharchenko, a member of YouControl – a Ukrainian team of developers creating services for business analysis – who will delve into the challenges of managing sanctions risk in the current geopolitical setting. Andrew Hural, Director, MDR of UnderDefense – a prominent cyber security company offering pro bono services to Ukrainian government entities – will also reflect on the last 500 days of Russian cyber operations, determining the successes and failures of their espionage. 

Other globally pertinent subject matters will be discussed by world-renowned experts as well. 

Below are a few agenda highlights: 

  • Nicola Whiting MBE, co-owner of Titania Group, will reveal why diversity and inclusion efforts might be stalling, and provides a new framework.
  • Theresa Deumchen, Tech Policy Associate at Global Counsel, examines the regulatory landscape concerning generative AI.
  • Alexsander Gorkowienko, SecurityLabs Senior Managing Consultant at Spirent Communications, will explain how EU security regulations, such as the NIS 2 Directive, might affect businesses across the region.
  • Jake Moore, Global Cyber Security Advisor at ESET, sheds light on his attempt to manipulate recruitment staff, land a job inside a company and gain full access to their data. 
  • Stewart Bertram, Head of Cyber Threat Intelligence at Elemendar, utilises a mix of case studies and theories to expose the crossover between misinformation and cyber threat operations.
  • Rashik Parmar, Group CEO of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, and Dr Saritha Arunkumar, IBM Public Cloud Worldwide Technical Leader – Security, sit together on a panel to address the question: What does the rise of AI and quantum computing mean for the future of cyber security?
  • Charlotte Hooper, Helpline Manager at The Cyber Helpline highlights the impact of cybercrime on individuals and what can be done to support them.

Attendees of the Global Cyber Summit can also take advantage of scheduled talks at the co-located International Security Expo. In fact, Joel Aleburu at Microsoft will be speaking here about the role of cyber espionage in terrorist activities on the first day of the event; while Joe Wrieden, Intelligence Analyst at Cyjax will assess the key role of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) in serious and organised crime on the second day.

“It has been an absolute delight and honour to curate International Cyber Expo’s Global Cyber Summit agenda, once again. We received a substantial influx of speaker submissions, far surpassing that of last year, which only goes to prove the event’s success since its inaugural launch last year,” said Philip Ingram MBE, former senior British Military Intelligence Officer and Content Lead for International Cyber Expo. “We have a phenomenal schedule of speakers, tackling a number of timely topics from AI and quantum computing to the Ukrainian experience amid its Russian invasion. Equally important, and what makes the Summit one-of-a-kind, is the opportunity for audiences to explore the overlapping nature of these issues in the cyber and physical worlds, considering International Security Expo is just down the hall.”

All sessions are CPD Certified. 

While it continues to be refined, you can find the latest Global Cyber Summit programme and details about speakers, here: 

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