The zero trust approach to enterprise security is well on its way to mainstream adoption. This is a very good thing.
Related: Covid 19 ruses used in email attacks
At RSA Conference 2022, which takes place next week in San Francisco, advanced technologies to help companies implement zero trust principals will be in the spotlight. Lots of innovation has come down the pike with respect to imbuing zero trust into two pillars of security operations: connectivity and authentication.
However, there’s a third pillar of zero trust that hasn’t gotten quite as much attention: directly defending data itself, whether it be at the coding level or in business files circulating in a highly interconnected digital ecosystem. I had a chance to discuss the latter with Ravi Srinivasan, CEO of Tel Aviv-based Votiro which launched in 2010 and has grown to .
Votiro has established itself as a leading supplier of advanced technology to cleanse weaponized files. It started with cleansing attachments and weblinks sent via email and has expanded to sanitizing files flowing into data lakes and circulating in file shares. For a full drill down on our discussion, please give the accompanying podcast a listen. Here are key takeaways.
Digital fuel
Votiro’s new cloud services fit as a pillar of zero trust that is now getting more attention: directly protecting digital content in of itself. Zero trust, put simply, means eliminating implicit trust. Much has been done with connectivity and authentication. By contrast, comparatively little attention has been paid to applying zero trust directly to data and databases, Srinivasan observes. But that needs to change, he says. Here’s his argument:
Companies are competing to deliver innovative digital services faster and more flexibly than ever. Digital content creation is flourishing with intellectual property, financial records, marketing plans and legal documents circulating within a deeply interconnected digital ecosystem.
Digital content has become the liquid fuel of digital commerce—and much of it now flows into and out of massive data lakes supplied by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. This transition happened rapidly, with scant attention paid to applying zero trust principles to digital content.
However, a surge of high-profile ransomware attacks and supply chain breaches has made company leaders very nervous. “I speak to a lot of security leaders around the world, and one of their biggest fears is the rapid rise of implementing data lakes and the fear that the data lake will turn into a data swamp,” Srinivasan says.
Votiro’s technology provides a means to sanitize weaponized files at all of the points where threat actors are now trying to insert them. It does this by permitting only known good files into a network, while at the same time extracting unknown and untrusted elements for analysis. Votiro refined this service, cleansing weaponized attachments and web links sent via email, and has extended this service to cleansing files as they flow into a data lake and as they circulate in file shares.
Exploiting fresh gaps
As agile, cloud-centric business communications has taken center stage, cyber criminals quite naturally have turned their full attention to inserting weaponized files wherever it’s easiest for them to do so, Srinivasan observes. As always, the criminals follow the data, he says.
“The trend that we’re seeing is that more than 30 percent of the content flowing into data lakes is from untrusted sources,” he says. “It’s documents, PDFs, CSV files, Excel files, images, lots of unstructured data; we track 150 different file types . . . we’re seeing evasive objects embedded in those files designed to propagate downstream within the enterprise.”
This is the dark side of digital transformation. Traditionally, business applications tapped into databases kept on servers in a temperature-controlled clean room — at company headquarters. These legacy databases were siloed and well-protected; there was one door in and one door out.
Data – i.e. coding and content — today fly around intricately connected virtual servers running in private clouds and public clouds. As part of this very complex, highly distributed architecture, unstructured data flows from myriad sources into and back out of partner networks, cloud file shares and data lakes. This in-flow and out-flow happens via custom-coded APIs configured by who knows whom.
Votiro’s cleansing scans work via an API that attaches to each channel of content flowing into a data lake. This cleansing process is shedding light on the fresh security gaps cyber criminals have discovered – and have begun exploiting, Srinivasan says.
Evolving attacks
He told me about this recent example: an attacker was able to slip malicious code into a zip file sent from an attorney to a banking client in a very advanced way. The attacker managed to insert attack code into a zip file contained in a password-protected email message – one that the banker was expecting to receive from the attorney.
At a fundamental level, this attacker was able to exploit gaps in the convoluted matrix of interconnected resources the bank and law firm now rely on to conduct a routine online transaction. “Bad actors are constantly evolving their techniques to compromise the organization’s business services,” Srinivasan says.
Closing these fresh gaps requires applying zero trust principles to the connectivity layer, the authentication layer — and the content layer, he says. “What we’re doing is to deliver security as a service that works with the existing security investments companies have made,” Srinivasan says. “We integrate with existing edge security and data protection capabilities as that final step of delivering safe content to users and applications at all times.”
It’s encouraging that zero trust is gaining material traction at multiple layers. There’s a lot more ground to cover. I’ll keep watch and keep reporting.
Pulitzer Prize-winning business journalist Byron V. Acohido is dedicated to fostering public awareness about how to make the Internet as private and secure as it ought to be.
(LW provides consulting services to the vendors we cover.)