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All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration

I've been teaching my 13-year old son Ari how to code since I first got him started on Scratch many years ago, and gradually progressed through to the current day where he's getting into Python in Visual Studio Code. As I was writing the new domain search API for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) over the course of this year, I was trying to explain to him how powerful APIs are:

Think of HIBP as one website that does pretty much one thing; you load it in your browser and search through data breaches which then display on the screen. But when you have an API, it's no longer just locked into your browser, it's in all sorts of other systems. Mobile apps, other websites, dashboards and if you really want, you can even integrate the lights in your room with HIBP! Why? How? Well, there's a Home Assistant integration for HIBP and being pwned in a new breach could raise an event there you can then use YAML to perform an action with, for example flashing a light red. That might be weird and unnecessary, but when you have an API, suddenly all these things you never thought of are possible.

It took Brett Adams less than a day after we released the new domain search API last Monday for him to reach out to me with one of those ideas. He wanted to build a Splunk app (Brett is a Splunk MVP so this was right up his alley) to surface breached data about an organisation's domains right into the place where so many security engineers spend their days. He just wanted 2 new APIs to make the user experience the best it could be:

  1. One that can show you the subscription level for someone's key
  2. One that can show you all the domains they're monitoring

That seems so ridiculously obvious, why didn't I think of that originally?! But hey, easy fix, so the next day Brett had his APIs. And today, you also have the APIs because they're now all publicly documented and ready for you to consume. You also have Brett's Splunk app and because he's published it to Splunkbase, you can go and pull it into your own Splunk instance, plug in your HIBP API key and it's job done!

I'll leave you with a bunch of screen caps from Brett's work, starting with a zoomed in grab of what I suspect folks will find the most valuable - the addresses on their domains and their appearances across breaches:

All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration

That's a fragment of the broader dashboard that also breaks down the incidents over time:

All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration

The starting point for this is simply plugging your API key into the interface:

All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration

I like these headline figures and I picture particularly large organisations that have gone through various acquisitions of different brands with various domains finding this really useful:

All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration
All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration
All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration

And speaking of breaches, there's a lot of them which Brett has visualised across the course of time:

All New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search APIs and Splunk Integration

So that's it, you can see all the APIs documented on the HIBP website and you can grab Brett's app right now from Splunkbase. You can also find all the code for this in Brett's GitHub repo should you wish to have a read through it.

The HIBP APIs are there for other people to build awesome things. If you're one of those people, please get in touch with me and show me what you've created, I can't wait to see more integrations like Brett's 😊

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Welcome to the New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search Subscription Service

This is a big one. A massive one. It's the culmination of a solid 7 months of work that finally, as of now, is live. The full back story is in my blog post from mid-June about The Big 5 Announcements but to save you trawling through all of that, here are the cliff notes:

  1. Domain searches in HIBP are resource intensive and the impact was becoming increasingly obvious
  2. More than half the Fortune 500 are using this feature, along with a who's who of big brands
  3. We decided to introduce pricing tiers to the largest domain searches...
  4. ...but also add stuff, most notably domain searches by API and formal support...
  5. ...and remove stuff, most notably the need for verifying control of a domain after you've done it once

I've spent the last 8 weeks since publishing that post crunching numbers, writing code, doing loads of formal things (namely terms of use and privacy policy), and regularly talking about it on my weekly video. I've had loads of enormously useful feedback, much of which has shaped the state of the services we're launching here today. Thank you everyone who contributed, now let me get into it and explain exactly what we've come up with 🙂

The Pricing Structure

We've been thinking about the best way to structure this since January. How do we take something that has been provided for free for almost a decade and put a reasonable price on it? That's a highly subjective word - reasonable - and there'll never be complete consensus, so it's more about passing the pub test where your average person will look at this and go "yeah, that seems fair enough". Let me explain the thinking and how we reached the pricing structure you'll see further down:

Firstly, we wanted most domain searches to remain free. This keeps with the spirit of HIBP's roots being a community service and ensures the data is accessible without barrier to the majority of people. It would also mean that for most people, these changes would have absolutely no impact on the way they've been using the service, not unless they want access to the new bits.

Next, we wanted to divide the commercial offerings into a manageable number of tiers. The public API key has 4 tiers and I reckon that's the sweet spot; it's not too many options, but it's enough to provide a good separation between the scale of each. We then wanted to distribute the number of domains that would fall into the commercial category roughly equally between those 4 tiers, so it was pretty much a matter of taking what was left after the free ones and dividing them into 4 groups and putting a price on them.

Finally, we wanted the first commercial tier to be easily affordable so that most people could access it without thinking twice about it. My measure for that has always been "the cost of a cup of coffee", so I went down to my favourite local and checked what I was blindly paying when I waved my watch in the general direction of the EFTPOS machine:

Welcome to the New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search Subscription Service

$6 Aussie, or just under $4 in USD. Which led us to here (all in USD from now on):

Plan Breached addresses Percent of all domains Price / m
Pwned 0 Up to 10 60% Free!
Pwned 1 Up to 25 10% $3.95
Pwned 2 Up to 100 10% $16.95
Pwned 3 Up to 500 10% $28.50
Pwned 4 Unlimited 10% $115.00

What you're looking at here is a list of plan names (more on that soon), the size of the domain it covers (expressed in the number of breached email addresses on it), what percentage of all domains presently being monitored in HIBP this represents and, of course, the monthly price. As with the public API, if you subscribe annually then it's "pay for 10, get 12" which means that "Pwned 1" price works out at only $3.25 a month. As I flagged in the earlier post, this is all based around the number of addresses that appear in a breach, with one important caveat I'll expand on later: this number excludes all breaches flagged as a spam list. As a rough rule of thumb, over the years I've found approximately 20% of addresses on a domain have been breached so by that logic, you'll need 55 actual email addresses on a domain before there's a cost. Or up to 130 before it costs more than a coffee a month. (If you're a stickler for detail and are thinking those percentages are too perfect, I've rounded them from their actual values of 59.1%, 9.7%, 11.3%, 10.4% and 9.4%.)

But what if you have multiple domains? Easy - the one plan will cover all your domains within the size of that plan. For example, if you have 3 domains and one has 5 breached addresses, one has 20 and one has 90, you can get a single "Pwned 2" plan and cover them all. Or get a single "Pwned 1" plan and cover just the first 2. It's pretty simple.

So that was our initial thinking - stand this up as a product that sits alongside the existing API key one then you just purchase whichever one you want. Then, Brendan gave me a much better idea - combine them altogether! You can see the gears turning around in my head as I read his suggestion and as the days progressed and I gave it more thought, it became a brilliant idea. It massively simplifies the code base, it removes a lot of confusion that I'm sure would have otherwise ensued and perhaps most importantly, it gives you all something more than you would have had otherwise. The one fly in the ointment was the price disparity; the above prices are 13% to 15% higher than the old corresponding API key ones. So, what we've decided to do is run the old prices until 8 October then revise everything to the new prices above. That gives more than 60 days' notice to everyone with an existing API key (we'll have to email everyone anyway as the terms of use have changed to incorporate the domain bits), and there's clear verbiage everywhere about the change for anyone purchasing a new subscription. Plus, it gives everyone a little incentive to lock in for a year now and delay the increase until later in 2024. Thanks Brendan! 😊

So that's the rationale. There's no change for 60% of domains that have previously been searched, a negligible cost for the next 10% of them with the remainder paying commensurately more based on their scale. But we didn't just want to whack a cost on an existing service and you're down a few bucks a month with nothing more to show for it, let's talk about new stuff!

But Wait, There's More!

There are two brand new features we're now offering to all commercial subscribers. Even if your domain is small and has less than 10 breached addresses on it, you can still get access to these features via the entry level plan and they're both pretty self-explanatory: API-level access and formal support.

API first as I think it's the coolest and it's exactly what it sounds like: there's now a public endpoint you can throw a domain at and get a JSON response of breached aliases and the incidents they've appeared in. It looks just like this:

hibp-api-key: [your key]

Which then responds like this:

  "alias1": [
  "alias2": [
  "alias3": [

If you're already paying for an API key, you have immediate access to this! Same key, same logic in terms of resolving the returned breach name to the full thing via the unauthenticated API that returns breach metadata, the only caveats are that is has to be a domain you've previously demonstrated you control and it has to be within your plan size (e.g. you have a Pwned 1 plan and your domains don't exceed 25 breached addresses). Otherwise:

Subscription upgrade required.

Just one more thing with the domain search API: it only makes sense to hit it after a new breach is loaded. There's absolutely no point in hammering away at it non-stop as you'll only get the same result so instead, try polling the brand new API we've just added to return only the most recent breach (it's massively cached at Cloudflare anyway) and just hit the domain search API when there's a new one. But because not everybody will do this and domain searches are expensive relative to other queries, the terms and conditions include this clause:

Controls such as rate limiting may be added to the domain search API if excessive API requests are made despite no new breaches appearing since the last request.

There is a rate limit based on a variety of factors and it's possible you may receive an HTTP 429 if you request it more frequently than is necessary. The only reason I'm not going into the details of how that works here is that I expect it will adapt and change pretty frequently in response to how people use the service. What I can confidently say now though, is that if you use the domain search feature in the way it's intended to work - querying each domain after a new breach is added - you won't have a problem with rate limits.

I'm really excited to see how people will integrate this data into their existing tooling, do please let me know if you do something awesome 😊

Then there's the formal support which we offer via Zendesk at That launched with the API key upgrades last November and since that time, we've answered almost 600 tickets. We've been trying to fine tune things to the extent that the knowledge base there answers the most common questions, but there's certainly a great deal of time that still goes into supporting the questions that pop up. Adding domain searches to the mix will inevitably increase that, possibly by a significant order of magnitude which is why we're only making this available to commercial subscribers.

So, that's the new bits. If you're in that 60% group of people with smaller domains outside of the commercial tiers, you can get access to both the API and support by subscribing to the smallest possible plan for that cup of coffee a month. We feel that's a pretty reasonable balance, and I hope you do too.

Speaking of reasonable, about those spam lists...

Data Breaches Ain't Data Breaches

I mentioned sharing as much as I could in my weekly update videos, including the intended pricing structure and how it would be based on the number of breached email addresses on a domain. Several people raised a very important point as it related to the calculations: data breaches ain't data breaches or more specifically, there are breaches in HIBP that shouldn't be treated like the other ones as they artificially inflate the pwn count. Could these be excluded?

The Onliner Spambot incident was the worst culprit and in the case of one person that contacted me, it caused his personal domain to read as though hundreds of addresses had been breached when the correct number was... zero. Someone else had their domain pegged at 40 breached addresses whereas once you took this breach out, the number came down to 13. This created somewhat of a rock and hard place situation because whilst those aliases did appear in this incident, they weren't real addresses. But what's a "real" email address anyway? Or more specifically, how can I tell via a string alone whether an address is real or not? A decade ago now I wrote about how hard this is and per the comments on that post, concluded that the only way to tell for sure is to send an email and have the recipient perform some sort of explicit action such as clicking on a link. Clearly, that's not feasible in this situation but equally, putting a price on a service based on a metric that has been artificially inflated just wasn't fair.

Adding spam lists back in 2016 was the right thing to do but equally, excluding them from the number that determines the pricing tier is also the right thing to do. We've tried to make this logic as clear as possible throughout the system and focus on a simple UX that's explicit but can also provide more insight if required,

Welcome to the New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search Subscription Service

And if you're interested in which breaches specifically have been classified as a spam list, I've added a filter to the API that lists all breaches. It's an unauthenticated API you can load directly in your browser via GET request and at the time of writing, has 11 breaches on it with nearly 1.4 billion records.

The very last thing from that screen cap is the "Enable debug mode" link and for that, we need to talk about "domain creep".

Domain Creep, and Getting What You Paid For

Data breaches are obviously an ongoing thing. Always have been, always will be so what that means is when you look at a domain today and see, say, 20 breached accounts on it, that might be 30 breached accounts tomorrow. I think everyone who uses HIBP understands that, but it does create a bit of a problem when domain searches are priced on a metric that can "creep". What if you've just paid for a year's worth of Pwned 1 subscription and per the example here, you've suddenly got more than 25 breached accounts on your domain and can no longer search it?

The sentiment of how this should be handled was always obvious: people have to get what they pay for. We didn't want a situation where someone could be left disappointed, and our fear was that the organic increase in breaches could lead to that event. The solution was easy: when you buy a subscription at a certain scale, every domain you're currently monitoring that can be searched on the first day of the subscription can still be searched on the last day of the subscription. If you take out one year of Pwned 1 today and per the example above, the domain creeps beyond 25 breached accounts tomorrow, it'll have zero impact for the next 364 days.

I'm conscious that this concept can get confusing: domain searches are based on the number of breached accounts on the domain but not including spam lists and then locked in at the size of the domain until the next subscription renew... phew! The debug mode link mentioned above aims to show all this logic in its raw detail:

Welcome to the New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search Subscription Service

Even though in this example has grown to 26 breached addresses, because it was 22 breached addresses when the subscription was taken out then that's the number it's locked at until it renews in August next year. I hope this is clear enough, do please leave a comment if we can do better.

Lastly, let me put some raw numbers around the "domain creep" situation as I foresee this causing concern beyond what might be warranted. Let's start with the number of unique email addresses which is approximately 6 billion. There have been about 723M records added in the last 12 months and a bunch of those will be for the same email address (shout out to everyone who was pwned again in the last year!) Further, of that number, most email addresses were already pwned. That's a link through to the Twitter feed where I broadcast the percentage of previously seen addresses and you'll see that number is regularly around the 60% to 70% range. In other words, it's probably in the order of 250M new addresses we've seen in the last year which is appx 4% of the entire corpus. So, yes, over the course of time we'll see domains slip into higher plans, but only at about the rate of CPI.

Lastly, locking domain counts for the duration of the subscription creates additional incentive to make it an annual one, and that's beyond the existing incentive of "buy 10 months, get 12 months". That's also in addition to massively cutting down on the number of times you may need to deal with corporate bureaucracy. Speaking of which...

Satisfying Corporate Bureaucracy

Let me start with a story: Many years ago during my lengthy tenure at Pfizer, I pushed hard to drive us away from traditional hosting models and towards modern cloud paradigms, namely the Azure App Service. Here we had a model where you could self-service provision resources that cost about $50 per month and completely replaced a model that was costing us tens of thousands a year. It was an easy win, however... the organisation demanded vendor assessments, compliance paperwork and a billing model which, of course, was favourable to them. But Microsoft's model was "chuck your credit card in and off you go", so that's what one of my colleagues did. And paid for it himself, entirely out of his own pocket in order to save one of the world's largest companies money. My point is that I've done time on the inside and I understand the barriers organisations put in place "because reasons". I touched on this in the June post about the upcoming domain changes:

To be honest, the experience with the public API keys has taught me that it's usually not money that's the barrier to using commercial services, it's corporate procurement bureaucracy. Onboarding documentation. Vendor assessments. Tax forms.

And so too, I have the experience from the outside having regularly received requests to invest hours doing manual labour for the sake of something an organisation is paying a few bucks a month for. That simply doesn't scale and the whole point of providing services like this at volume is that you can go and set everything up yourself with nothing more than a credit card. This one came in while preparing this blog post:

My company is looking to purchase an API key so we can automate user lookups on your site. Our procurement process is wildly complex and I was wondering if we have the option of submitting a Purchase Order instead of using the Stripe credit card payment method?

If this situation resonates, you have my sympathies and my own corporate bureaucracy scars are still raw! If there's more we can do to ease the onboarding path without creating manual labour on a per-customer basis then please let me know. I'm sure there are improvements that can be made, the last thing I want to see is you ending up like my old mate from Pfizer 😞

We've tried to do everything possible to remove barriers. We've made significant investments in legal counsel to get the terms of use and privacy policy right and we've tried to provide answers to all the regular questions in the FAQs. We've even publicly provided a W-8BEN-E US tax form which was often requested by folks in the US. But it won't be enough for some organisations, which is why we do exactly the same thing as Pfizer often found themselves doing which is to provide an enterprise-orientated process where we deal with all this rigmarole... and charge accordingly. If that's you, then get in touch with me.

But What About...?

There will be lots of "but what about...?" edge cases. Let me give you some examples and our views on them:

But what about addresses that don't actually exist?
For most data breaches, email addresses are extracted using a regular expression run over the entire corpus of data. You can see what this looks like in the open source email address extractor used to process breaches. So, what is an email address? Per my earlier explanation, it's anything that matches the regex when run across the breach. That could mean strings that aren't actually an address on a domain get caught up and reported incorrectly. It happens, but there's no way to practically stop it and it's extraordinarily rare.

But what about email addresses from years ago that still appear as breached on a domain?
The argument here is that whilst these are genuine addresses that did indeed exist at one point, they aren't really relevant anymore either due to their age or the address no longer existing (e.g. ex staff). I have both a philosophical and a technical view on this, with the former being that data breaches are immutable. At a point in time, addresses were exposed, and that fact can never be reversed. As for the latter point, those addresses remain in a storage construct we need to continue to support, and every single domain query needs to pick those addresses up and return them to the code processing the search (the design of HIBP means that Azure's Table Storage returns the entire partition on each domain query). Further, in most cases, that doesn't change the total number of breached accounts being a reasonable metric for organisation size and subsequently, the pricing tier they should fit into.

But what about old breaches I don't care about any more causing me to require a higher plan?
It's a similar answer to the previous point insofar as the immutability of history and the need to store the data. It also remains the most reliable metric we have to determine the size of the domain and in many cases, the organisation that owns it. Think of this measurement primarily as a means of slicing up the corpus of data within HIBP and distributing the cost as equitably as possible across the organisations using the domain search feature.

But what about people who don't want to use a credit card?
I'll give you a two-part answer on this, beginning with the recognition that cards can pose legitimate challenges for some people. Just as I was drafting this blog post, someone trying to sign up to the public API reached out after failing to subscribe multiple times with different cards:

Welcome to the New Have I Been Pwned Domain Search Subscription Service

For a variety of reasons, I believe the guy is legit, but Stripe reports two payments declined by his bank and another due to an invalid CVC. But using Stripe doesn't just mean credit cards, it also means Apple Pay and Google Pay, WeChat Pay in China, EPS in Belgium, Afterpay in Australia and a raft of other payment mechanisms in different parts of the world. It's hard to imagine a legitimate case where someone does not have access to any of the available payment mechanisms, which brings me to the second part:

The reason we don't support the likes of anonymous cryptocurrency and rely solely on fiat money payments is that it very quickly weeds out the bad actors. That was the whole rationale for putting a payment gateway on the public API back in 2019 - to cut out the abuse. It turns out that once you have to pass the sort of KYC barriers financial institutions put in place, people don't misbehave under their own identity. And yes, there's always fraudulent use of cards, but Stripe has gotten so good at handling that (we pay for their Radar service as well), our dispute rate is only one in many thousands of transactions.

But what about [other reasons related to calculations and costs]?
Amongst the corpus of 12.6 billion records, there will be anomalies. It'll almost certainly be sub-1% and the anomalies won't be evenly distributed across domains; they'll affect some more than others. It's infeasible to ever get that down to zero and it's also infeasible to respond to every single request I know will come through asking for an anomaly to be rectified. The most practical way we could find to deal with this is to keep the pricing structure such that anomalies will be unlikely to have much impact of consequence.

We're also conscious that some people will challenge the cost and it happens all the time with the existing public API key either because of the individual's position in life or the nature of the organisation they work in. But this is why we've structured it as we have, with the majority of domains being within that free tier and the entry level cost being the cup of coffee that gets you access to things like API level access and formal support. This was the most reasonable, equitable model we could come up with and I hope that shines through in the explanations above.


I know there'll be individuals with catch all domains that have ended up in a couple of dozen data breaches and they think paying $3.95 to see them is unreasonable. I know there'll be organisations with much larger numbers who feel it's unreasonable because similarly sized orgs are more profitable. But I also know that I've been running domain searches totally out of my own pocket for almost a decade so whilst I'm sympathetic to anyone who now needs to pay for a service that was previously free, I'm also comfortable that a reasonable and well thought out model has been arrived at.

I'm excited to see what people do with the new API. The email address search one is presently requested millions of times a day and people have built all sorts of amazing things with it, everything from corporate awareness campaigns to tooling to help protect customers from account takeover attacks to integration within the corporate SOC. It's cases like that last one where I think the domain search API will really shine and if you do something awesome with it, please get in touch and let me know.

I know this was a long read, I hope it adequately explains the rationale for the subscription service and that you use it to do amazing things 😊

Presently sponsored by: Kolide can get your cross-platform fleet to 100% compliance. It's Zero Trust for Okta. Want to see for yourself? Book a demo.

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

There are presently 201k people monitoring domains in Have I Been Pwned (HIBP). That's massive! That's 201k people that have searched for a domain, left their email address for future notifications when the domain appears in a new breach and successfully verified that they control the domain. But that's only a subset of all the domains searched, which totals 231k. In many instances, multiple people have searched for the same domain (most likely from the same company given they've successfully verified control), and also in many instances, people are obviously searching for and monitoring multiple domains. Companies have different brands, mergers and acquisitions happen and so on and so forth. Larger numbers of domains also means larger numbers of notifications; HIBP has now sent out 2.7M emails to those monitoring domains after a breach has occurred. And the largest number of the lot: all those domains being monitored encompass an eye watering 273M breached email addresses 😲

The point is, just as HIBP itself has escalated into something far bigger than I ever expected, so too has the domain search feature. Today, I'm launching an all new domain search experience and 5 announcements about major changes surrounding it. Let's jump into it!

Announcement 1: There's an all new domain search dashboard

Every time I look at numbers related to domain searches, they stagger me. One of the stats I found particularly interesting was that of those 200k people monitoring domains, 23k of them were monitoring 2 or more domains. 8.5k were monitoring 3 or more. 4.6k were 4 or more and so on and so forth. The point being that there are a very large number of people monitoring multiple domains. In fact, 1k people are monitoring 9 or more and hundreds have gone through the manual verification process at least 2 dozen times.

To make life much, much easier on those folks monitoring multiple domains, they're now all bundled up into a centralised dashboard accessible from the existing Domain search link on the website. Because I already know who is monitoring which domains and the email address they're using for notifications, that same email address can be used to verify your identity and drop you straight into the dashboard. Here's mine:

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

One of the problems the dashboard approach helps tackle is unsubscribing on an individual domain basis. In the past, the only way to unsubscribe from domain notifications was to wait until one landed in your inbox then unsubscribe from every single monitored domain in one go. It was an all or nothing affair that nuked the lot of them whereas now, it's a domain-by-domain exercise.

Another problem this solves is how I respond to an often-received question: "Hey, can you tell me which domains I'm currently subscribed to". Uh, the ones you verified? Like, possibly almost a decade ag... ah, yeah, that's a poor answer! The dashboard now makes the answer crystal clear.

And finally, another massive problem it helps tackle is verification, and that brings me to the second big announcement:

Announcement 2: From now on, domain verification only needs to happen once

I originally introduced domain searches to HIBP only 6 weeks after the project first launched. Up until this week, it functioned exactly the same way for almost a decade: plug in a domain name, verify control of it then see the results. Each and every time. What it meant is that if you wanted to search a domain, you successfully demonstrated control then you came back later and tried to search it again, you had to go back through the same process:

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

You'd be surprised at how many emails I get about the difficulty this poses. We don't have any of those 4 aliases on our domain. We can't add a meta tag. We can't upload a file. We can't touch DNS. It leaves me prone to asking "well do you really have control of the domain?" Thing is, "control" is a bit of a nuanced term; there are many people in roles where they don't have access to any of the above means of verification but they're legitimately responsible for infosec and responding to precisely the sorts of notifications HIBP sends out after a breach. Usually in these cases they can get support to go through the verification process, but it involves formal internal processes, ticketing, documentation and having to explain to some IT ops person why a data breach website with a funny name needs one of the above things to happen. This doesn't fix the pain of doing it once, but it does mean that it's now a one-off pain.

Announcement 3: Domain searches are now entirely "serverless"

As the popularity of HIBP and domain searches has grown over the years, another challenge has emerged. Let me illustrate by example: in January this year, I loaded a rather large breach into HIBP:

That's a sizeable whack of data, in fact it was the 14th largest in HIBP out of the existing 644 in there at the time. It also had a massive impact on HIBP subscribers; I sent over 1 million emails to individuals using the notification service which made it the single largest corpus of notification emails we'd ever sent by a significant margin. But further, I also sent 60,851 emails to people monitoring domains. And that's when this started happening:

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

6 minutes later...

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

And so on and so forth until my inbox looked like this:

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

This was Azure auto-scale doing its thing and it was one of the early attractions for me building HIBP on Microsoft's PaaS offering way back in 2013. Need more resources? Just add more cloud! Job done, next problem. Except there are 2 major drawbacks with this:

  1. Auto-scale is reactive. You get extra capacity in response to demand but if demand spikes too fast, you're left without sufficient resources. I learned this the hard way and wrote about it in detail in 2016.
  2. I pay for it. When load spikes and additional instances are scaled out, I'm billed for it whilst those instances are spun up. It's great that domain searches are free for the end user, but they're not free for me 😔

Domain searches were actually one of the last remaining remnants of a resource intensive process still running on PaaS; most of the other important bits (namely email address searches and Pwned Password's k-anonymity searches) had been on Azure Functions for ages. Functions are awesome as they're "serverless" (except for the servers they run on, but don't let me get in the marketing team's way here), in that you're never deploying large logical containers of compute like with auto-scale so that solves problem 1 above.

As of now, all domain searches run on Azure Functions. There's literally no domain search logic remaining in the Azure App Service PaaS model, it's all gone. That moves things over to much more scalable infrastructure and massively reduces the likelihood of a timeout when searching a larger domain.

Announcement 4: There are lots of little optimisation tweaks

I didn't just want to ship a model from years ago and reproduce all the assumptions of the day, so I made a bunch of tweaks to further optimise things. These are all things that benefit both those searching domains and me running the platform as they reduce overhead on everyone.

For example, there was no point searching for a domain then listing every alias on it "" so now you'll just see "alias@" instead. Doesn't sound like a lot, but imagine a domain with tens of thousands of results and then a heap of orgs running searches on them. More data equals more processing equals more egress bandwidth equals more latency and more cost. (Sidenote: if you're wondering "how costly can a bit of bandwidth really be", read my post from last year on How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs.)

The same logic extended to exporting the domain search results in Excel or JSON format - strip out the redundant data. I went even harder on the JSON front as this format is primarily used for ingestion into other apps where there's a large amount of programmatic control. So, rather than returning a heap of redundant breach metadata over and over again, now each alias just lists the name of the breach and you can match that up to the data from the breaches API. To be clear, the domain search JSON format itself was never an "API"; it wasn't designed for programmatic consumption, it required manual verification first and I set no expectation of stability. That's something that will change soon - there'll be a proper API - but I'll come back to that at the end of this post.

Something else I've been working away on in the background is to better leverage Cloudflare's WAF to minimise the impact on the origin services. For example, last week I did a thread on blocking 401 and excessive 428 responses at the edge rather than having to process them (and pay to process them) at the origin. I've been using similar logic to keep some, well, let's just call it "very excessive" domain queries under control. For example, one particular domain was searched 140 times after a breach was loaded in April, followed by another 40 times immediately after a breach the following month:

Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements!

Clearly, this is just unnecessary. Remember how domain searches are a resource intensive process that hits my bottom line pretty hard? Yeah, well, not any more!

And finally on the performance front, if you were previously monitoring multiple domains and you got a breach alert, you could run a single search that bundled all the results in together. You reckon searching for one domain can be resource intensive? Try throwing a bunch of them into the one search! As the system grew and grew, this model became increasingly hard to sustain and equally, it became increasingly noisy. So now, exactly the same domains can be searched one by one which breaks the processing down into smaller, more manageable units. Hey, wouldn't it be great to have an API around that so you could just automate the entire thing? Read on!

All these tweaks along with the move to Azure Functions has made a massive difference to the performance problem mentioned earlier, but another problem remains: I'm still paying for your domain searches. Azure Functions are charged based on a combination of how long they run for and how many resources they consume. Both those factors are extraordinarily small for individual email address searches, but they're not for domain searches. That's why soon, the largest users of the service are going to see a small fee.

Announcement 5: Searches for small domains will remain free whilst larger domains will soon require a commercial subscription

Pick a brand. A big brand. If I was to bet you that either the brand directly or its parent company has used the HIBP domain search feature in the past, I'd win. I wouldn't win every bet, but I'd come out on top over a bunch of them and I know this because I have the data to be confident of my odds 🙂

Knowing which big brands use which domains for their email is actually a hard metric to define:

But by cobbling enough OSINT data together, I was able to confidently demonstrate that more than half the Fortune 500 have used this service and the vast majority of those continue to do so via ongoing domain monitoring. That's awesome! And that pattern extends all the way down to much more localised brands too; My bank. My telco. My supermarket. All sorts of commercial organisations running businesses and using data sourced from HIBP to help them do so.

I started analysing the metrics back at that tweet in Jan, just the week after all the domain searches following the scraped Twitter data going into HIBP. For the last 5 months, I've been trawling through the usage patterns and watching how organisations are using the service. I also paid a lot of attention to the reactions following the change in rate limits and annual billing for the public API that enables email address searches last Nov. That's now given me a pretty good sense of how to structure a commercial domain search model. It's not final yet, but I do hope to put the finishing touches on it next month and in the interim, welcome feedback on the high-level overview of how it'll work that I'll list here in point form:

  1. I can reliably establish the size of a domain based on the number of email addresses that appear against it in breaches
  2. There is a size at which domain searches should remain totally free and that size will usually indicate a small business or website or a personal domain (certainly every domain you see in the hero image of this blog post, for example)
  3. Like with the aforementioned API for email address searches, there should be tiers of scale that reflect domain size and increase proportionately in price for larger organisations
  4. Commercial subscribers should get more than they do now - they should get domain searches by API!

That last point in particular is hotly requested and as of a couple of months ago, already under development:

I'm still working through the mechanics of all this, both technically and commercially. One part of that is looking at raw numbers, for example about half of all the domains being monitored have 10 or less breached accounts on them. These aren't commercial entities of any scale and whilst I'm not saying "10 is the free tier number", clearly there are a massive number of domains that are tiny and shouldn't be at all impacted by this.

To be honest, the experience with the public API keys has taught me that it's usually not money that's the barrier to using commercial services, it's corporate procurement bureaucracy. Onboarding documentation. Vendor assessments. Tax forms. All sorts of things that demand hours of our time, often for the sake of only $3.50 per month. So we politely decline 😊 I know that will be an issue, in fact I suspect it will be the issue and a lot of the work we've been doing this year is to try and ease that pain to the fullest extent possible. I'll talk more about that once things finally launch but for now, that's the direction we're heading and the sorts of issues we're tackling in preparation.


As we approach the 10th birthday of HIBP later this year, it's hard not to look back and reflect. So much has changed in that time, yet the service still feels very much like what it was on day 1. The challenge for me over this time has been to work out how to adapt to the changes whilst keeping true to the original intent of service. Nothing has happened quickly in that regard, and the transparent fashion in which I've chosen to run HIBP has made the rationale for any change very clear to everyone. Even this blog post has been 5 months in the making, gradually evolving to reflect my thinking on the issues until I was confident enough in the path forward.

Go and use the new dashboard. Give it a good run and let me know what you think as I'm sure there are many things we can do better. And do provide your feedback on the both the changes announced here and those to come regarding the commercial tiers too, the more input we get on this the better equipped we are to make good decisions.

Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures only secure devices can access your cloud apps. It's Zero Trust tailor-made for Okta. Book a demo today.

Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"

A quick summary first before the details: This week, the FBI in cooperation with international law enforcement partners took down a notorious marketplace trading in stolen identity data in an effort they've named "Operation Cookie Monster". They've provided millions of impacted email addresses and passwords to Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) so that victims of the incident can discover if they have been exposed. This breach has been flagged as "sensitive" which means it is not publicly searchable, rather you must demonstrate you control the email address being searched before the results are shown. This can be done via the free notification service on HIBP and involves you entering the email address then clicking on the link sent to your inbox. Specific guidance prepared by the FBI in conjunction with the Dutch police on further steps you can take to protect yourself are detailed at the end of this blog post on the gold background. That's the short version, here's the whole story:

Ever heard that saying about how "data is the new oil"? Or that "data is the currency of the digital economy"? You've probably seen stories and infographics about how much your personal information is worth, both to legitimate organisations and criminal networks. Like any valuable commodity, marketplaces selling data inevitably emerge, some operating as legal businesses and others, well, not so much. In its simplest form, the illegal data marketplace has long involved the exchange of currency for personal records containing attributes such as email addresses, passwords, names, etc. Cybercriminals then use this data for purposes ranging from identity theft to phishing attacks to credential stuffing. So, we (the good guys) adapt and build better defences. We block known breached passwords. We implement two factor authentication. We roll out user behavioural analytics that identifies abnormalities in logins (why is Joe suddenly logging in from the other side of the world with a new machine?) And in turn, the criminals adapt, which brings us to Genesis Market.

Until this week, Genesis had been up and running for 4 years. This is an excellent primer from Catalin Cimpanu, and it describes how in order to circumvent the aforementioned fraud protection measures, cybercriminals are increasingly relying on obtaining more abstract pieces of information from victims in order to gain access to their accounts. Rather than relying on the credentials themselves and then being subject to all the modern fraud detection services mentioned above, criminals instead began to trade in a combination of "fingerprints" and "cookies". The latter will be a familiar term to most people (and was obviously the inspiration for the name behind the FBI's operation), whilst the former refers to observable attributes of the user and their browser. To see a very easy demonstration of what fingerprinting involves, go and check out and hit the "View my browser fingerprint" button. You'll get something similar to this:

Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"

Among more than 1.6M sampled clients, nobody has the same fingerprint as me. Somehow, using the current version of Chrome on the current version of Windows, I am a unique snowflake. Why I'm so unique is partly explained by my time zone which is shared by less than half a percent of people, but it's when that's combined with the other observable fingerprint attributes that you realise just how special I really am. For example, less than 0.01% of people have a content language request header of "en-US,en,en-AU". Only 0.12% of people share a screen width of 5,120 pixel (I'm using an ultrawide monitor). And so on and so forth. Because they're so unique, fingerprints are increasingly used as a fraud detection method such that if a malicious party attempts to impersonate a legitimate users with otherwise correct attributes (for example, the correct cookies) but the wrong fingerprint, they're rejected. Which is why we now have IMPaaS.

There's an excellent IMPaaS explanation from the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands via a paper titled Impersonation-as-a-Service: Characterising the Emerging Criminal Infrastructure for User Impersonation at Scale. Released only a year and a half after the emergence of Genesis and based on findings from a similar service, the paper explains the mechanics of IMPaaS:

IMPaaS allows attackers to systematically collect and enforce user profiles (consisting of user credentials, cookies, device and behavioural fingerprints, and other metadata) to circumvent risk-based authentication system and effectively bypass multifactor authentication mechanisms

In other words, if you have all the bits of information a website requires to persist authenticated state after the login process has successfully completed (including after any 2FA requirements), you can perform a modern equivalent of session hijacking. Obtaining this level of information is typically done via malicious software running on the victim's machine which can then grab anything useful and send it off to a C2 server where it can then be sold and used to commit fraud (from the IMPaaS paper):

Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"

Catalin's story from the early days of Genesis showed how buyers could browse through a list of compromised victims and pick their target based on the various services they had authenticated too, along with their operating system and location. Pricing was inevitably based on the value of those services with the examples below going for $41.30 each (and just like a legitimate marketplace, these were marked down prices so a real bargain!)

Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"

To make things as turn-key as possible for the criminals, buyers would then run a browser extension from Genesis that would reconstruct the required fingerprint based on the information the malware had obtained and grant them access to the victims' accounts (I'm having flashbacks of Firesheep here). It was that simple... until this week. As of now, the following banner greets anyone browsing to the Genesis website:

Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"

The aptly named "Operation Cookie Monster" is a joint effort between the FBI and a coalition of law enforcement agencies across the globe who have now put an abrupt end to Genesis. I imagine they'll be having some "discussions" with those involved in running the service, but what about the individuals who are the victims? These are the people whose identities have been put up for sale, purchased by other criminals and then abused to their detriment. The FBI approached me and asked if HIBP could be used as a mechanism to help warn victims of their exposure in the same way as we'd previously done with the Emotet malware a couple of years ago. This is well aligned with the mantra of HIBP - to do good and constructive things with data breaches after they occur - and I was happy to provide support.

There are 2 separate things that have now been loaded into HIBP, each disassociated from the other:

  1. Millions of compromised passwords that are now searchable via Pwned Passwords
  2. Millions of email addresses that are now searchable after verifying control of the address using the notification service

The Pwned Passwords API is presently hit more than 4 billion times each month, and the downloadable data set is hit, well, I don't know because anyone can grab it run it offline. The point is that password corpuses loaded into HIBP have huge reach and are used by thousands of different online services to help people make better password choices. You're probably using it without even knowing it when you signup or login to various services but if you want to check it directly, you can browse to the web interface. (If you're worried about the privacy of your password, there's a full explainer on how the service preserves anonymity but I also suggest testing it after you've changed it as a generally good practice.)

The email address search is what HIBP is so well known for and that's obviously what will help you understand if you've been impacted. Per the opening paragraph, this breach is flagged as "sensitive" so you will not get a result when searching directly from the front page or via the API, rather you'll need to use the free notification service. This approach was chosen to avoid the risk of people being further targeted as a result of their inclusion in Genesis. All existing HIBP subscribers have been sent notification emails and between individuals and those monitoring domains, tens of thousands of emails have now been sent out. Whilst the volume of accounts represented is "8M", please note that this is merely an approximation (hence the perfectly round number on HIBP), intended to be an indicative representation of scale as many of the breached accounts didn't include email addresses. This number only represents the number of unique email addresses which showed up in the data set so consider it a subset of a much larger corpus.

Let me add some final context and this is important if you do find yourself in the Genesis data: due to the nature of how the malware collected personal information and the broad range of different services victims may have been using at the time, the exposed data can differ significantly person by person. What's been provided by the FBI is one set of passwords (incidentally, as SHA-1 and NTLM hash pairs fed into the law enforcement ingestion pipeline), one set of email addresses and a list of meta data. Beyond the data already listed here, the meta data includes names, physical addresses, phone numbers and full credit card details among other personal attributes. This does not mean that all impacted individuals had each of those data classes exposed. The hope is that by listing these fields it will help victims understand, for example, why they may have observed fraudulent transactions on their card, and they can then take informed and appropriate steps to better protect themselves.

Lastly, as flagged in the intro, following is the guidance prepared by the FBI and Dutch police on how people can safeguard themselves if they get a hit in the Genesis data or frankly, just want to better protect themselves in future:

The FBI reached out to Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) to continue sharing efforts to help victims determine if they've been victimized. In this instance, the data shared emanates from the Initial Access Broker Marketplace Genesis Market. The FBI has taken action against Genesis Market, and in the process has been able to extract victim information for the purposes of alerting victims.

In all, millions of passwords and email addresses were provided which span a wide range of countries and domains. These emails and passwords were sold on Genesis Market and were used by Genesis Market users to access the various accounts and platforms that were for sale.

Prepared in conjunction with the FBI, following is the recommended guidance for those that find themselves in this collection of data:

To safeguard yourself against fraud in the future, it is important that you immediately remove the malware from your computer and then change all your passwords. Do this as follows:

  1. Log out of all open sessions in all web browsers on your computer.
  2. Remove all cookies and temporary internet files.
  3. Then choose one of the following two options:
    1. Update the virus scanner on your computer.
      1. Then carry out a virus scan on your computer.
      2. The malware will be removed.
      3. Then (and only then) change all your passwords. Don’t do this any earlier, as otherwise the cybercriminals will see the new passwords.


    2. Reset the infected computer to the factory default settings:
      1. Then (and only then) change all your passwords. Don’t do this any earlier, as otherwise the cybercriminals will see the new passwords.

How can I prevent my data being stolen (again)?

  1. Use a virus scanner and keep it up to date.
  2. Use strong passwords that are unique for each account/website.
  3. Use multifactor authentication. If you use a fingerprint, facial recognition, or approval on another device (such as a phone) to confirm your identity on login, it is harder for someone to access your accounts.
  4. Never download or install illegal software. This is a very common source of malware infection.
  5. When installing legal software, always check that the website is genuine.

Just one more thing to end on a lighter note: a quick shoutout to whoever at the bureau slipped a half-eaten cookie into the takedown image, having been munched on by what I can only assume is a very satisfied FBI agent after a successful "Operation Cookie Monster" 😊

Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"

Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures only secure devices can access your cloud apps. It's Device Trust tailor-made for Okta. Book a demo today.

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

What if I told you... that you could run a website from behind Cloudflare and only have 385 daily requests miss their cache and go through to the origin service?

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

No biggy, unless... that was out of a total of more than 166M requests in the same period:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

Yep, we just hit "five nines" of cache hit ratio on Pwned Passwords being 99.999%. Actually, it was 99.9998% but we're at the point now where that's just splitting hairs, let's talk about how we've managed to only have two requests in a million hit the origin, beginning with a bit of history:

Ah, memories 😊 Back then, Pwned Passwords was serving way fewer requests in a month than what we do in a day now and the cache hit ratio was somewhere around 92%. Put another way, instead of 2 in every million requests hitting the origin it was 85k. And we were happy with that! As the years progressed, the traffic grew and the caching model was optimised so our stats improved:

And that's pretty much where we levelled out, at about the 99-and-a-bit percent mark. We were really happy with that as it was now only 5k requests per million hitting the origin. There was bound to be a number somewhere around that mark due to the transient nature of cache and eviction criteria inevitably meaning a Cloudflare edge node somewhere would need to reach back to the origin website and pull a new copy of the data. But what if Cloudflare never had to do that unless explicitly instructed to do so? I mean, what if it just stayed in their cache unless we actually changed the source file and told them to update their version? Welcome to Cloudflare Cache Reserve:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

Ok, so I may have annotated the important bit but that's what it feels like - magic - because you just turn it on and... that's it. You still serve your content the same way, you still need the appropriate cache headers and you still have the same tiered caching as before, but now there's a "cache reserve" sitting between that and your origin. It's backed by R2 which is their persistent data store and you can keep your cached things there for as long as you want. However, per the earlier link, it's not free:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

You pay based on how much you store for how long, how much you write and how much you read. Let's put that in real terms and just as a brief refresher (longer version here), remember that Pwned Passwords is essentially just 16^5 (just over 1 million) text files of about 30kb each for the SHA-1 hashes and a similar number for the NTLM ones (albeit slight smaller file sizes). Here are the Cache Reserve usage stats for the last 9 days:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

We can now do some pretty simple maths with that and working on the assumption of 9 days, here's what we get:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

2 bucks a day 😲 But this has taken nearly 16M requests off my origin service over this period of time so I haven't paid for the Azure Function execution (which is cheap) nor the egress bandwidth (which is not cheap). But why are there only 16M read operations over 9 days when earlier we saw 167M requests to the API in a single day? Because if you scroll back up to the "insert magic here" diagram, Cache Reserve is only a fallback position and most requests (i.e. 99.52% of them) are still served from the edge caches.

Note also that there are nearly 1M write operations and there are 2 reasons for this:

  1. Cache Reserve is being seeded with source data as requests come in and miss the edge cache. This means that our cache hit ratio is going to get much, much better yet as not even half all the potentially cacheable API queries are in Cache Reserve. It also means that the 48c per day cost is going to come way down 🙂
  2. Every time the FBI feeds new passwords into the service, the impacted file is purged from cache. This means that there will always be write operations and, of course, read operations as the data flows to the edge cache and makes corresponding hits to the origin service. The prevalence of all this depends on how much data the feds feed in, but it'll never get to zero whilst they're seeding new passwords.

An untold number of businesses rely on Pwned Passwords as an integral part of their registration, login and password reset flows. Seriously, the number is "untold" because we have no idea who's actually using it, we just know the service got hit three and a quarter billion times in the last 30 days:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

Giving consumers of the service confidence that not only is it highly resilient, but also massively fast is essential to adoption. In turn, more adoption helps drive better password practices, less account takeovers and more smiles all round 😊

As those remaining hash prefixes populate Cache Reserve, keep an eye on the "cf-cache-status" response header. If you ever see a value of "MISS" then congratulations, you're literally one in a million!

Full disclosure: Cloudflare provides services to HIBP for free and they helped in getting Cache Reserve up and running. However, they had no idea I was writing this blog post and reading it live in its entirety is the first anyone there has seen it. Surprise! 👋

Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures only secure devices can access your cloud apps. It's Device Trust tailor-made for Okta. Book a demo today.

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

I found myself going down a previously unexplored rabbit hole recently, or more specifically, what I thought was "a" rabbit hole but in actual fact was an ever-expanding series of them that led me to what I refer to in the title of this post as "6 rabbits deep". It's a tale of firewalls, APIs and sifting through layers and layers of different services to sniff out the root cause of something that seemed very benign, but actually turned out to be highly impactful. Let's go find the rabbits!

The Back Story

When you buy an API key on Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), Stripe handles all the payment magic. I love Stripe, it's such an awesome service that abstracts away so much pain and it's dead simple to integrate via their various APIs. It's also dead simple to configure Stripe to send notices back to your own service via webhooks. For example, when an invoice is paid or a customer is updated, Stripe sends information about that event to HIBP and then lists each call on the webhooks dashboard in their portal:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

There are a whole range of different events that can be listened to and webhooks fired, here we're seeing just a couple of them that are self explanatory in name. When an invoice is paid, the callback looks something like this:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

HIBP has received this call and updated it's own DB such that for a new customer, they can now retrieve an API key or for an existing customer whose subscription has renewed, the API key validity period has been extended. The same callback is also issued when someone upgrades an API key, for example when going from 10RPM (requests per minute) to 50RPM. It's super important that HIBP gets that callback so it can appropriately upgrade the customer's key and they can immediately begin making more requests. When that call doesn't happen, well, let's go down the first rabbit hole.

The Failed API Key Upgrade 🐰

This should never happen:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

This came in via HIBP's API key support portal and is pretty self-explanatory. I checked the customer's account on Stripe and it did indeed show an active 50RPM subscription, but when drilling down into the associated payment, I found the following:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Ok, so at least I know where things have started to go wrong, but why? Over to the webhooks dashboard and into the failed payments and things look... suboptimal:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Dammit! Fortunately this is only a small single-digit percentage of all callbacks, but every time this fails it's either stopping someone like the guy above from making the requests they've paid for or potentially, causing someone's API key to expire even though they've paid for it. The latter in particular I was really worried about as it would nuke their key and whatever they'd built on top of it would cease to function. Fortunately, because that's such an impactful action I'd built in heaps of buffer for just such an occurrence and I'd gotten onto this issue quickly, but it was disconcerting all the same.

So, what's happening? Well, the response is HTTP 403 "Forbidden" and the body is clearly a Cloudflare challenge page so something at their end is being triggered. Looks like it's time to go down the next rabbit hole.

Cloudflare's Firewall and Logs 🐰 🐰

Desperate just to quickly restore functionality, I dropped into Cloudflare's WAF and allowed all Stripe's outbound IPs used for webhooks to bypass their security controls:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

This wasn't ideal, but it only created risk for requests originating from Stripe and it got things up and running again quickly. With time up my sleeve I could now delve deeper and work out precisely what was going on, starting with the logs. Cloudflare has a really extensive set of APIs that can control a heap of features of the service, including pulling back logs (note: this is a feature of their Enterprise plan). I queried out a slice of the logs corresponding to when some of the 403s from Stripe's dashboard occurred and found 2 entries similar to this one:

{"BotScore":1,"BotScoreSrc":"Verified Bot","CacheCacheStatus":"unknown","ClientASN":16509,"ClientCountry":"us","ClientIP":"","ClientRequestHost":"","ClientRequestMethod":"POST","ClientRequestReferer":"","ClientRequestURI":"[redacted]","ClientRequestUserAgent":"Stripe/1.0 (+","EdgeRateLimitAction":"","EdgeResponseStatus":403,"EdgeStartTimestamp":1674073983931000000,"FirewallMatchesActions":["managedChallenge"],"FirewallMatchesRuleIDs":["6179ae15870a4bb7b2d480d4843b323c"],"FirewallMatchesSources":["firewallManaged"],"OriginResponseStatus":0,"WAFAction":"unknown","WorkerSubrequest":false}

That's one of Stripe's outbound IP's on and the "FirewallMatchesRuleIDs" collection has a value in it. Ergo, something about this request triggered the firewall and caused it to be challenged. I'm sure many of us have gone through the following thought process before:

What did I change?

Did I change anything?

Did they change something?

Except "they" could have been either Cloudflare or Stripe; if it wasn't me (and I was fairly certain it wasn't), was it a Cloudflare change to the rules or a Stripe change to a webhook payload that was now triggering an existing rule? Time to dig deeper again so it's over to the Cloudflare dashboard and down into the WAF events for requests to the webhook callback path:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Yep, something proper broke! Let's drill deeper and look at recent events for that IP:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

As you dig deeper through troubleshooting exercises like this, you gradually turn up more and more information that helps piece the entire puzzle together. In this case, it looks like the "Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded" rule was being triggered. What's that? And why? Time to go down another rabbit hole.

The Cloudflare OWASP Core Ruleset 🐰 🐰 🐰

So, deeper and deeper down the rabbit holes we go, this time into the depths of the requests that triggered the managed rule:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Well that's comprehensive 🙂

There's a lot to unpack here so let's begin with the ruleset that the previously identified "Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded" rule belongs to, the Cloudflare OWASP Core Ruleset:

The Cloudflare OWASP Core Ruleset is Cloudflare’s implementation of the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule SetOpen external link (CRS). Cloudflare routinely monitors for updates from OWASP based on the latest version available from the official code repository.

That link is yet another rabbit hole altogether so let me summarise succinctly here: Cloudflare uses OWASP's rules to identify anomalous traffic based on a customer-defined paranoia level (how strict you want to be) and then applies a score threshold (also customer-defined) at which an action will be taken, for example challenging the request. What I learned as this saga progressed is that the "Inbound Anomoly Score Exceeded" rule is actually a rollup of the rules beneath it. The OWASP score of "26" is the sum of the 6 rules listed beneath it and once it exceeds 25, the superset rule is triggered.

Further - and this is the really important bit - Cloudflare routinely updates the rules from OWASP which makes sense because these are ever-evolving in response to new threats. And when did they last upgrade the rules? It looks like they announced it right before I started having issues:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Whilst it's not entirely clear from above when this release was scheduled to occur, I did reach out to Cloudflare support and was advised it had already taken place:

Please note that we did bump the OWASP version, which we are integrating with to 3.3.4 as noted on our scheduled changes.

So maybe it's not Cloudflare's fault or Stripe's fault, but OWASP's fault? In fairness to all, I don't think it's anyone's fault per se and is instead just an unfortunate result of everyone doing their best to keep the bad guys out. Unless... it really is Stripe's fault because there's something in the request payload that was always fishy and is now being caught? But why for only some requests and not others? Next rabbit!

Cloudflare Payload Logging 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Sometimes, people on the internet lose their minds a bit over things they really shouldn't. One of those things, in my experience, is Cloudflare's interception of traffic and it's something I wrote about in detail nearly 7 years ago now in my piece on security absolutism. Cloudflare plays an enormously valuable role in the internet's ecosystem and a substantial part of the value comes from being able to inspect, cache, optimise, and yes, even reject traffic. When you use Cloudflare to protect your website, they're applying rulesets like the aforementioned OWASP ones and in order to do that, they must be able to inspect your traffic! But they don't log it, not all of it, rather just "metadata generated by our products" as they refer to it on their logs page. We saw an example of that earlier on with Stripe's request from their IP showing it triggered a firewall rule, but what we didn't see is the contents of that POST request, the actual payload that triggered the rule. Let's go grab that.

Because the contents of a POST request can contain sensitive information, Cloudflare doesn't log it. Obviously they see it in transit (that's how OWASP's rules can be applied to it), but it's not stored anywhere and even if you want to capture it, they don't want to be able to see it. That's where payload logging (another Enterprise plan feature) comes in and what's really neat about that is every payload must be encrypted with a public key retained by Cloudflare whilst only you retain the private key. The setup looks like this:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Pretty self-explanatory and once done, right under where we previously saw the additional logs we now have the ability to decrypt the payload:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

As promised, this requires the private key from earlier:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

And now, finally, we have the actual payload that triggered the rule, seen here with my own test data:

[ " },\n \"billing_reason\": \"subscription_update\",\n \"charge\": null,\n \"collection_method\": \"charge_automatically\",\n \"created\": 1674351619,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"custom_fields\": null,\n \"customer\": \"cus_MkA71FpZ7XXRlt\",\n \"customer_address\": ", " },\n \"customer_email\": \"\",\n \"customer_name\": \"Troy Hunt 1\",\n \"customer_phone\": null,\n \"customer_shipping\": null,\n \"customer_tax_exempt\": \"none\",\n \"customer_tax_ids\": [\n\n ],\n \"default_payment_method\": null,\n \"default_source\": null,\n \"default_tax_rates\": [\n\n ],\n \"description\": \"You can manage your subscription (i.e. cancel it or regenerate the API key) at any time by verifying your email address here:\",\n \"discount\": null,\n \"discounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"due_date\": null,\n \"ending_balance\": -11804,\n \"footer\": null,\n \"from_invoice\": null,\n \"hosted_invoice_url\": \"\",\n \"invoice_pdf\": \"\",\n \"last_finalization_error\": null,\n \"latest_revision\": null,\n \"lines\": ", " ", " ],\n \"discountable\": false,\n \"discounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"invoice_item\": \"ii_1MSsXfEF14jWlYDwB1nfZvFm\",\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": ", " },\n \"period\": ", " },\n \"plan\": ", " },\n \"nickname\": null,\n \"product\": \"prod_Mk4eLcJ7JYF02f\",\n \"tiers_mode\": null,\n \"transform_usage\": null,\n \"trial_period_days\": null,\n \"usage_type\": \"licensed\"\n },\n \"price\": ", " },\n \"nickname\": null,\n \"product\": \"prod_Mk4eLcJ7JYF02f\",\n \"recurring\": ", " },\n \"tax_behavior\": \"unspecified\",\n \"tiers_mode\": null,\n \"transform_quantity\": null,\n \"type\": \"recurring\",\n \"unit_amount\": 15000,\n \"unit_amount_decimal\": \"15000\"\n },\n \"proration\": true,\n \"proration_details\": ", " \"il_1MMjfcEF14jWlYDwoe7uhDPF\"\n ]\n }\n },\n \"quantity\": 1,\n \"subscription\": \"sub_1MMjfcEF14jWlYDwi8JWFcxw\",\n \"subscription_item\": \"si_N6xapJ8gSXdp7W\",\n \"tax_amounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"tax_rates\": [\n\n ],\n \"type\": \"invoiceitem\",\n \"unit_amount_excluding_tax\": \"-14304\"\n },\n ", " ],\n \"discountable\": true,\n \"discounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": ", " },\n \"period\": ", " },\n \"plan\": ", " },\n \"nickname\": null,\n \"product\": \"prod_Mk4lTSl4axd9mt\",\n \"tiers_mode\": null,\n \"transform_usage\": null,\n \"trial_period_days\": null,\n \"usage_type\": \"licensed\"\n },\n \"price\": ", " },\n \"nickname\": null,\n \"product\": \"prod_Mk4lTSl4axd9mt\",\n \"recurring\": ", " },\n \"tax_behavior\": \"unspecified\",\n \"tiers_mode\": null,\n \"transform_quantity\": null,\n \"type\": \"recurring\",\n \"unit_amount\": 2500,\n \"unit_amount_decimal\": \"2500\"\n },\n \"proration\": false,\n \"proration_details\": ", " },\n \"quantity\": 1,\n \"subscription\": \"sub_1MMjfcEF14jWlYDwi8JWFcxw\",\n \"subscription_item\": \"si_NDJ98tQrCcviJf\",\n \"tax_amounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"tax_rates\": [\n\n ],\n \"type\": \"subscription\",\n \"unit_amount_excluding_tax\": \"2500\"\n }\n ],\n \"has_more\": false,\n \"total_count\": 2,\n \"url\": \"/v1/invoices/in_1MSsXfEF14jWlYDwxHKk4ASA/lines\"\n },\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": ", " },\n \"next_payment_attempt\": null,\n \"number\": \"04FC1917-0008\",\n \"on_behalf_of\": null,\n \"paid\": true,\n \"paid_out_of_band\": false,\n \"payment_intent\": null,\n \"payment_settings\": ", " },\n \"period_end\": 1674351619,\n \"period_start\": 1674351619,\n \"post_payment_credit_notes_amount\": 0,\n \"pre_payment_credit_notes_amount\": 0,\n \"quote\": null,\n \"receipt_number\": null,\n \"rendering_options\": null,\n \"starting_balance\": 0,\n \"statement_descriptor\": null,\n \"status\": \"paid\",\n \"status_transitions\": ", " },\n \"subscription\": \"sub_1MMjfcEF14jWlYDwi8JWFcxw\",\n \"subtotal\": -11804,\n \"subtotal_excluding_tax\": -11804,\n \"tax\": null,\n \"test_clock\": null,\n \"total\": -11804,\n \"total_discount_amounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"total_excluding_tax\": -11804,\n \"total_tax_amounts\": [\n\n ],\n \"transfer_data\": null,\n \"webhooks_delivered_at\": 1674351619\n }\n },\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"pending_webhooks\": 1,\n \"request\": ", " },\n \"type\": \"invoice.paid\"\n}" ]

But enough of what's present in the payload, it's what's absent that especially struck me. No obvious XSS patterns, nor SQL injection or any other suspicious looking strings. The request looked totally benign, so why did it trigger the rule?

I wanted to compare the payload of a blocked request with a similar request that wasn't blocked, but they're only logged at Cloudflare when they trigger a rule. No problem, it's easy to grab the full request from Stripe's webhook history so I found one that passed and one that failed and diff'd them both:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

This clearly isn't the full 200 lines, but it's a very similar story over the remainder of the files; tiny differences largely down to dates, IDs, and of course, the customers themselves. No suspicious patterns, no funky characters, nothing visibly abnormal. It's a bit pointless to even mention it because they're near identical, but the payload on the left is the one that passed the firewall whilst the payload on the right was blocked.

Next rabbit hole!

Cloudflare's Internal Rules Engine 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

Completely running out of ideas and options, focus moved to the folks inside Cloudflare who were already aware there was an issue:

What followed was a period of back and forth initially with Cloudflare, then Stripe as well with everyone trying to nut out exactly where things were going wrong. Essentially, the process went like this:

Is Cloudflare inadvertently blocking the requests?

Is the OWASP ruleset raising false positives?

Is Stripe issuing requests that are deemed to be malicious?

And round and round we went. At one time, Cloudflare identified a change in the OWASP ruleset which appeared to have resulted in their implementation inadvertently triggering the WAF. They rolled it back and... the same thing happened. We deferred back to Stripe on the assumption that something must have changed on their end, but they couldn't identify any change that would have any sort of material impact. We were stumped, but we also had an easy fix just one last rabbit hole away...

Fine Tuning the Cloudflare WAF 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

The joy of a managed firewall is that someone else takes all the rigmarole of looking after it away. I'm going to talk more about that in the summary shortly but clearly, that also creates risk as you're delegating control of traffic flow to someone else. Fortunately, Cloudflare gives you a load of configurability with their managed rules which makes it easy to add custom exceptions:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

This meant I could create a simple exception that was much more intelligent than the previous "just let all outbound Stripe IPs in" by filtering down to the specific path those webhooks were flowing in to:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

And finally, because sequence matters, I dragged that rule right up to the top of the pile so it would cause matching inbound requests to skip all the other rules:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

And finally, there were no more rabbits 😊

Lessons Learned

I know what you're thinking - "what was the actual root cause?" - and to be honest, I still don't know. I don't know if it was Cloudflare or OWASP or Stripe or if it even impacted other customers of these services and to be honest, yes, that's a little frustrating. But I learned a bunch of stuff and for that alone, this was a worthwhile exercise I took three big lessons away from:

Firstly, understanding the plumbing of how all these bits work together is super important. I was lucky this wasn't a time critical issue and I had the luxury of learning without being under duress; how rules, payload inspection and exception management all work together is really valuable stuff to understand. And just like that, as if to underscore my first point, I found this right before hitting the publish button on the blog post:

Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

I added a couple more OWASP rules to the exception in Cloudflare (things like a MySQL rule that was adding 5 points), and we were back in business.

Secondly, I look at the managed WAF Cloudflare provides more favourably than I did before simply because I have a better understanding of how comprehensive it is. I want to write code and run apps on the web, that's my focus, and I want someone else to provide that additional layer on top that continuously adapts to block new and emerging threats. I want to understand it (and I now do, at least certainly better than before), but I don't want managing it day in and day out to be my job.

And finally, IMHO, Stripe needs a better mechanism to report on webhook failures:

Waiting until stuff breaks really isn't ideal and whilst I'm sure you could plug into the (very extensive) API ecosystem Stripe has, this feels like an easy feature for them to build in. So, Stripe friends, when you read this that's a big "yes" vote from me for some form of anomalous webhook response alerting.

This experience was equal parts frustration and fun and whilst the former is probably obvious, the latter is simply due to having an opportunity to learn something new that's a pretty important part of the service I run. May my frustrated fun story here make your life easier in the future if you face the same problems 😊

Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures only secure devices can access your cloud apps. It's Device Trust tailor-made for Okta. Book a demo today.

Pwned Passwords Adds NTLM Support to the Firehose

I think I've pretty much captured it all in the title of this post but as of about a day ago, Pwned Passwords now has full parity between the SHA-1 hashes that have been there since day 1 and NTLM hashes. We always had both as a downloadable corpus but as of just over a year ago with the introduction of the FBI data feed, we stopped maintaining downloadable behemoths of data.

A little later, we added the downloader to make it easy to pull down the latest and greatest complete data set directly from the same API that so many of you have integrated into your own apps. But because we only had an API for SHA-1 hashes, the downloader couldn't grab the NTLM versions and increasingly, we had 2 corpuses well out of parity.

I don't know exactly why, but just over the last few weeks we've had a marked uptick in requests for an updated NTLM corpus. Obviously there's still a demand to run this against local Active Directory environments and clearly, the more up to date the hashes are the more effective they are at blocking the use of poor passwords.

So, Chief Pwned Passwords Wrangler Stefán Jökull Sigurðarson got to work and just went ahead and built it all for you. For free. In his spare time. As a community contribution. Seriously, have a look through the public GitHub repos and it's all his work ranging from the API to the Cloudflare Worker to the downloader so if you happen to come across him say, at NDC Oslo in a few months' time, show your appreciation and buy the guy a beer 🍺

Lastly, every time I look at how much this tool is being used, I'm a bit shocked at how big the numbers are getting:

Pwned Passwords Adds NTLM Support to the Firehose

That's well more than double the number of monthly requests from when I wrote the blog post about the FBI and NCA only just over a year ago, and I imagine that will only continue to increase, especially with today's announcement about NTLM hashes. Thank you to everyone that has taken this data and done great things with it, we're grateful that it's been put to good use and has undoubtedly helped an untold number of people to make better password choices 😊

Presently sponsored by: CrowdSec - Gain crowd-sourced protection against malicious IPs and benefit from the most accurate CTI in the world. Get started for free.

Pwned or Bot

It's fascinating to see how creative people can get with breached data. Of course there's all the nasty stuff (phishing, identity theft, spam), but there are also some amazingly positive uses for data illegally taken from someone else's system. When I first built Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), my mantra was to "do good things after bad things happen". And arguably, it has, largely by enabling individuals and organisations to learn of their own personal exposure in breaches. However, the use cases go well beyond that and there's one I've been meaning to write about for a while now after hearing about it firsthand. For now, let's just call this approach "Pwned or Bot", and I'll set the scene with some background on another problem: sniping.

Think about Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana (bear with me, I'm actually going somewhere with this!) putting on shows people would buy tickets to. We're talking loads of tickets as back in the day, her popularity was off the charts with demand well in excess of supply. Which, for enterprising individuals of ill-repute, presented an opportunity:

Ticketmaster, the exclusive ticket seller for the tour, sold out numerous shows within minutes, leaving many Hannah Montana fans out in the cold. Yet, often, moments after the shows went on sale, the secondary market  flourished with tickets to those shows. The tickets, whose face value ranged from $21 to $66, were resold on StubHub for an average of $258, plus StubHub’s 25% commission (10% paid by the buyer, 15% by the seller).

This is called "sniping", where an individual jumps the queue and snaps up products in limited demand for their own personal gain and consequently, to the detriment of others. Tickets to entertainment events is one example of sniping, the same thing happens when other products launch with insufficient supply to meet demand, for example Nike shoes. These can be massively popular and, par for the course of this blog, released in short demand. This creates a marketplace for snipers, some of whom share their tradecraft via videos such as this one:

"BOTTER BOY NOVA" refers to himself as a "Sneaker botter" in the video and demonstrates a tool called "Better Nike Bot" (BnB) which sells for $200 plus a renewal fee of $60 every 6 months. But don't worry, he has a discount code! Seems like hackers aren't the only ones making money out of the misfortune of others.

Have a look at the video and watch how at about the 4:20 mark he talks about using proxies "to prevent Nike from flagging your accounts". He recommends using the same number of proxies as you have accounts, inevitably to avoid Nike's (automated) suspicions picking up on the anomaly of a single IP address signing up multiple times. Proxies themselves are a commercial enterprise but don't worry, BOTTER BOY NOVA has a discount code for them too!

The video continues to demonstrate how to configure the tool to ultimately blast Nike's service with attempts to purchase shoes, but it's at the 8:40 mark that we get to the crux of where I'm going with this:

Pwned or Bot

Using the tool, he's created a whole bunch of accounts in an attempt to maximise his chances of a successful purchase. These are obviously just samples in the screen cap above, but inevitably he'd usually go and register a bunch of new email addresses he could use specifically for this purpose.

Now, think of it from Nike's perspective: they've launched a new shoe and are seeing a whole heap of new registrations and purchase attempts. In amongst that lot are many genuine people... and this guy 👆 How can they weed him out such that snipers aren't snapping up the products at the expense of genuine customers? Keeping in mind tools like this are deliberately designed to avoid detection (remember the proxies?), it's a hard challenge to reliably separate the humans from the bots. But there's an indicator that's very easy to cross-check, and that's the occurrence of the email address in previous data breaches. Let me phrase it in simple terms:

We're all so comprehensively pwned that if an email address isn't pwned, there's a good chance it doesn't belong to a real human.

Hence, "Pwned or Bot" and this is precisely the methodology organisations have been using HIBP data for. With caveats:

If an email address hasn't been seen in a data breach before, it may be a newly created one especially for the purpose of gaming your system. It may also be legitimate and the owner has just been lucky to have not been pwned, or it may be that they're uniquely subaddressing their email addresses (although this is extremely rare) or even using a masked email address service such as the one 1Password provides through Fastmail. Absence of an email address in HIBP is not evidence of possible fraud, that's merely one possible explanation.

However, if an email address has been seen in a data breach before, we can say with a high degree of confidence that it did indeed exist at the time of that breach. For example, if it was in the LinkedIn breach of 2012 then you can conclude with great confidence that the address wasn't just set up for gaming your system. Breaches establish history and as unpleasant as they are to be a part of, they do actually serve a useful purpose in this capacity.

Think of breach history not as a binary proposition indicating the legitimacy of an email address, rather as one of assessing risk and considering "pwned or bot" as one of many factors. The best illustration I can give is how Stripe defines risk by assessing a multitude of fraud factors. Take this recent payment for HIBP's API key:

Pwned or Bot

There's a lot going on here and I won't run through it all, the main thing to take away from this is that in a risk evaluation rating scale from 0 to 100, this particular transaction rated a 77 which puts it in the "highest risk" bracket. Why? Let's just pick a few obvious reasons:

  1. The IP address had previously raised early fraud warnings
  2. The email was only ever once previously seen on Stripe, and that was only 3 minutes ago
  3. The customers name didn't match their email address
  4. Only 76% of transactions from the IP address had previously been authorised
  5. The customer's device had previously had 2 other cards associated with it

Any one of these fraud factors may not have been enough to block the transaction, but all combined it made the whole thing look rather fishy. Just as this risk factor also makes it look fishy:

Pwned or Bot

Applying "Pwned or Bot" to your own risk assessment is dead simple with the HIBP API and hopefully, this approach will help more people do precisely what HIBP is there for in the first place: to help "do good things after bad things happen".

Presently sponsored by: 1Password is a secure password manager and digital wallet that keeps you safe online

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

If you find your name and home address posted online, how do you know where it came from? Let's assume there's no further context given, it's just your legitimate personal data and it also includes your phone number, email address... and over 400 other fields of data. Where on earth did it come from? Now, imagine it's not just your record, but it's 246 million records. Welcome to my world.

This is a story about a massive corpus of data circulating widely within the hacking community and misattributed to a legitimate organisation. That organisation is Acxiom, and their business hinges on providing their customers with data on their customers. By the very nature of their business, they process large volumes of data that includes a broad set of personal attributes. By pure coincidence, there is nominal commonality between Acxiom’s records and the ones in the 246M corpus I mentioned earlier. But I'm jumping ahead to the conclusion, let's go back to the beginning:

Disclosure and Attribution Debunking

In June last year, I received an email from someone I trust who had sent me data for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) in the past:

Have you seen Axciom [sic] data? It was just sent to us. Seems to being traded/sold on some forums. Have you received it yet? If not i can upload it for you. It's quite large tho, ~250M Records.

A corpus of data that size is particularly interesting as it impacts such a huge number of people. So, I reviewed the data and concluded... pretty much nothing. Looks legit, smells legit but there was absolutely nothing beyond the word of one person to tie it to Acxiom (and who knows who they got that word from). Burdened by other more immediately actionable data breaches, I filed it away until recently when that name popped up again, this time on a popular hacking forum:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

It was referred to as "LiveRamp (Formerly Acxiom)" and before I go any further, let's just clarify the problem with that while you're looking at the image above: LiveRamp was previously a subsidiary of Acxiom, but that hasn't been the case since they separated businesses in 2018 so whoever put this together is referring back to a very old state of play. Regardless, those downloading it from the forum were clearly very excited about it. Seeing this for the second time and spreading far more broadly, I decided to reach out to the (alleged) source and ask Acxiom what was going on.

I dread this process - contacting an organisation about a breach - because I usually get either no response whatsoever or a standoffish one. Rarely do I find a receptive organisation willing to fully investigate an alleged incident, but that's exactly what I found on this occasion. Much of the reason why I wanted to write this post is because whilst I hate breached organisations not properly investigating an incident, I also hate seeing misattribution of a breach to an innocent party. That's a particularly sore point for me right now because of this incident just last week:

I've had various public users of HIBP, commercial users and even governments reach out to ask what's going on because they were concerned about their data. Whilst this incident won't do HIBP any actual harm (and frankly, I'm stunned anyone took that story seriously), I can very easily see how misattribution can be damaging to an organisation, indeed that's a key reason why I invest so much effort into properly investigating these claims before putting anything into HIBP. But that ridiculous example is nothing compared to the amount of traction some misattributions get. Remember how just recently a couple of billion TikTok accounts had been "breached"? This made massive news headlines until...

"Lying about data breaches". Ugh, criminals are so untrustworthy! This happens all the time and when I'm not sure of the origin of a substantial breach, I often write a blog post like this and on many occasions, the masses help establish the origin. So, here goes:

The Data

Let's jump into the data, starting with 2 of the most obvious things I look for in any new data breach:

  1. The total number of unique email addresses is 51,730,831 (many records don't have this field populated)
  2. The most recent data I can find is from mid-2020 (which also speaks to the inaccuracy of the LiveRamp association)

As to the aforementioned attributes, they total 410 different columns:

To my eye, this data is very generic and looks like a superset of information that may be collected across a large number of people. For example, the sort of data requested when filling out dodgy online competitions. However, unlike many large corpuses of aggregated data I've seen in the past, this one is... neat. For example, here's a little sample of the first 5 columns (redaction of some chars with a dash), note how the names are all uniformly presented:


Sure, this is just uppercasing characters but over and over again, I found data that was just too neat. The addresses. The phone numbers. Everything about it was far to curated to simply be text entered by humans. My suspicion is that it's likely a result of either a very refined collection process or in the case of addresses, matched using a service to resolve the human-entered address to a normalised form stored centrally.

Perhaps what I was most interested in though was the URL column as that seems to give some indication of where the data might have come from. I queried out the top 100 most common ones and took a look:

Eyeballing them, I couldn't help feel that my earlier hunch was on the money - "dodgy online competitions". Not just competitions but a general theme of getting stuff for cheap or more specifically, services that look like they've been built to entice people to part with their personal data.

Take the first one, for example, DIRECTEDUCATIONCENTER.COM. That's a dead domain as of now but check out what it looked line in March last year:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

"I may be contacted by trusted partners and others". What's "others"? Untrusted partners? 🤷‍♂️

Let's try the next one being and again, the site is now gone so it's back over to

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

It's different, but somehow the same. Clicking through to the claim form, it seems the only way you can enter is if you agree to receive comms from all sorts of other parties:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

Ok, one more, this time which is also now a dead site, and not even indexed by Next then, is which is - you're not gonna believe this - a dead site! Here's what it used to look like:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

And again, it feels the same. Same same, but different.

To try and get a sense of how localised this data was, I queried out all the values in the "state" column. Is this a US-only data set? If that column is anything to go by, yes:

Something didn't add up when I first saw that and after a quick check of the population of each US state, it become immediately obvious: there's no California, the most populous state in the country. Nor Texas, the second most populous state. In fact, with only 35 rows there's a bunch of US states missing. Why? Who knows, the only thing I can say for sure is that this is a subset of the population with some glaring geographical omissions.

Then there's another curveball - what about the URL, that doesn't look very US-centric. Heading over there redirects to which advises that as of last month, "The Administration of CashEuroNet UK, LLC has closed and the Joint Administrators have ceased to act". So something has obviously been wound up, wonder what was there originally? I had to go back a few years to find this:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

To my mind, this is more of the same ilk in terms of a service targeted at people after quick money. But it's clearly all in GBP and with a TLD, this being right after I've just said all the states are in the US, what gives? Back to the source data, filter out the records based on that URL and sure enough, everyone has a US address. Grabbing a random selection of IP addresses had them all resolving to the US too so I have absolutely no idea how his geographically inconsistent set of data came to being.

And that's really the theme across the data set when doing independent analysis - how is this so? What service or process could have pulled the data together in this way? Maybe the people who this data actually refers to will have the answers, let's go and ask them.

Responses From Impacted HIBP Subscribers

We're approaching 4.5M subscribers to HIBP's free notification service now which makes for a great corpus of people I can reach out to when doing breach verification. I grabbed a handful of addresses from this data set and asked them if they could help out. I sent those that responded positively their full record and asked some questions about the legitimacy of the data, and where they thought it might have come from, here's what they said:

1. The data is mostly accurate.

A few things are off, such as date of birth (could very well be a fake one I've entered before) and details of household members.

There are a lot of columns with single-letter values, which I can't verify without knowing what they mean.

But overall, it's quite accurate.

2. No idea where it came from, sorry. There is a URL in the third-to-last column, but it doesn't seem like a website I would have used before.

I looked through the csv file and couldn't find anything I recognized. I saw the names [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted]- I don't know anyone by those names. I live in Ontario, Canada, but addresses in the file were located in the united states.

Data says I have one child between the ages of 0 and 2, but that's not true - my only son is five. Birth date is wrong - my birthday is [redacted], but the file says [redacted].

There were a few urls in the file and I don't recognize any of them.

Not sure if this last thing is relevant or not. I sometimes get emails intended for other people. I searched my inboxes for the names [redacted] and [redacted]. Nothing came up for [redacted], but I do see an email for [redacted] from [redacted]. I searched through the csv to see if anything matched the data in the email (member number, confirmation number), but nothing matched.

I also noticed that although my email address ([redacted]) is in the csv data, there's also another email address ([redacted]) which is not mine.

I'm not sure if that's helpful or not, but if there's anything more I can do, let me know. :)

As far as name and address they are correct.  number of ppl living at the house has changed.  The other information I can't seem to understand what the information for example under column AQ row 2 it has a U and I don't know what the U is for.  I have noticed that some information is really outdated, so I wouldn't know where the data originated from.

Thank you for sharing, I took a look at the data, let me see if I can answer your questions:

1. While that is my email, the rest of the data actually belongs to an immediate family member. With the exception of a few outdated fields, the data on my family member is correct.

2. I am unfamiliar with Acxiom and am unsure of where this data originated from. I want to note that I have recently been doxxed and have reason to believe data breaches may have been used; however, the data you've provided here was not used in the attacks, to my knowledge.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if there is anything else I may do to help.

"Mostly accurate". The feeling I have when reading this is that whoever is responsible for this corpus of data has put it together from multiple sources and quite likely made some assumptions along the way. I can picture how that would happen; imagine trying to match various sources of data based on human-provided text fields in order to "enrich" the collection.

Analysis by Acxiom

This isn't the fist time Acxiom has had to deal with misattribution, and they'd seen exactly the same data set passed around before. Think about it from their perspective: every time there's a claim like this they need to treat it as though it could be legitimate, because we've all seen what happens when an organisation brushes off a disclosure attempt (I could literally write a book about this!) Thus it becomes a burdensome process for them as they repeat the same analysis over and over again, each time drawing the same conclusion.

And what was that conclusion? Simply put, the circulating data didn't align with their own. They're in the best position of all of us to draw that conclusion as they have access to both data sets and whilst I suspect some people may retort with "how do you know you can trust them", not only do I not have a good reason to doubt their findings, I also don't have a good reason to attribute it to them. Every reference I've seen to Acxiom has been from whoever is handing the data around; I've been able to find absolutely nothing within the data set itself to tie it back to them. In almost all breaches I've processed, the truth is in the data and there's nothing here that points the finger at them.

I offered Acxiom the opportunity to further clarify their position with a statement which I've included in its entirety here:

“Acxiom has worked to build a reputation over the course of fifty years for having the highest standards around data privacy, data protection and security. In the past, questionable organizations have falsely attached our name to a data file in an attempt to create a deceitful sense of legitimacy for an asset. In every instance, Acxiom conducts an extensive analysis under our cyber incident response and privacy programs. These programs are guided by stakeholders including working with the appropriate authorities to inform them of these crimes.  The forensic review of the case that Troy has looked into, along with our continuous monitoring of security, means we can conclusively attest that the claims are indeed false and that the data, which has been readily available across multiple environments, does not come from Acxiom and is in no way the subject of an Acxiom breach.

Acxiom’s Commitment To Data Protection/ Data Privacy:
We value consumer privacy.   U.S. consumers who would like to know what information Acxiom has collected about them and either delete it or opt out of Acxiom’s marketing products, may visit for more information.”


The email addresses from the data set have now been loaded into HIBP and are searchable. One point of note that became evident after loading the data is that 94% of the email addresses has already been pwned. That's a very high number (a quick look through the HIBP Twitter feed shows the count is normally between 40% and 80%), and it suggests that this corpus of data may be at least partially constructed from other data already in circulation.

Because the question will inevitably come up, no, I won't send you your full record, I simply don't have the capacity to operate as a personal data lookup and delivery service. I know it's frustrating finding yourself in a breach like this and not being able to take any action, all you can really do at this point is treat it as another reminder of how our data spread around the web and often, we have no idea about it.

Full disclosure: I have absolutely no commercial interest in Acxiom, no money has changed hands and I wasn't incentivised in any way, I just want everyone to have a much healthier suspicion when alleging the source of a data breach 🙂

Presently sponsored by: Varonis. Reduce your SaaS blast radius with data-centric security for AWS, G Drive, Box, Salesforce, Slack and more.

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about some big changes afoot for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), namely the introduction of annual billing and new rate limits. Today, it's finally here! These are two of the most eagerly awaited, most requested features on HIBP's UserVoice so it's great to see them finally knocked off after years of waiting. In implementing all this, there are changes to the existing "one size fits all" model so if you're using the HIBP API, please make sure you read this carefully and understand the impact (if any) on you. Here goes:

The Rate Limits and (Some) Pricing is Different

The launch blog post for the authenticated API explained the original rationale behind the $3.50 per month price and most importantly, how I wanted to ensure it didn't pose a barrier:

In choosing the $3.50 figure, I wanted to ensure it was a number that was inconsequential to a legitimate user of the service

As I said in the previous blog post, what I didn't understand at the time was that paradoxically, the low amount was a barrier to many organisations! But equally, it's made the API super accessible to the masses so that price stays. The rate limit, however, needed revisiting and to understand why, let's go back to the beginning:

The "1 request per 1,500ms" rate dated all the way back to 2016 where I'd initially attempted to combat abuse by applying the limit per IP. This was an entirely non-empirical, gut feel, "let's just try and fix the problem right now" decision and it was only very recently I actually started trawling through the data and looking at how the API was being consumed. 1 request every 1,500ms is a maximum of 57,600 requests in a day; here's the number of requests by the top 20 consumers of the service in a recent 24 hour mid-week period:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

Keeping in mind that you're never going to achieve the full 57,600 requests in a day as you'd have to time every single one of them perfectly so as not to hit the rate limit, only 1 subscriber even achieved half that potential. In fact, only 9 subscribers achieved even a quarter of the potential with everyone else very quickly falling back to a small fraction of even that. To be fair, I'm conscious that I'm taking a full day of data and talking about requests as if they were evenly distributed across the entire period when there are inevitably use cases where it's more a short burst rather than a prolonged, even distribution. Regardless, what the data is saying is that the default "one size fits all" rate limit is way above and beyond what almost every single subscriber is actually consuming, and by a significant order of magnitude too. In a way, what we ended up with is the little guys subsidising the big guys.

The bottom line is that we're simultaneously adding a bunch of higher rate limits whilst reducing the entry level rate limit. It's easier if you see it all in context so let's just jump straight into the pricing (all in USD):

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

This is from Stripe's embeddable pricing table I mentioned in the previous post and it's what you see when you first sign up for a key. With new limits, it's easier to talk about "requests per minute" or RPM so that's the nomenclature we're sticking with now. That entry level 10RPM model will work for well in excess of 90% of current subscribers and it's only a very small percentage of the existing subscriber base exceeding it. (And yes, again, I know these requests are sometimes made in bursts but even still, 10RPM is far in excess of the vast majority of use cases.)

There are economies of scale that have been factored in here. Going from 10RPM to 100RPM isn't a 10x increase, it's about a 7x increase. Going to 5 times more requests is only 4 times the price, and so on and so forth. The hope is that this makes it easier for the folks who were previously buying multiple keys to justify scratching all the kludge previously used to do that and replacing it with a single key at a higher RPM.

To get to this outcome, we trawled back through heaps of data ranging from the high-level aggregated stats in the earlier chart to the nature of the organisations buying multiple keys (which we can obviously determine based on the email address used). I also chatted with a bunch of API users both during this process and over the preceding years and have a pretty good sense of the use cases. A few trends became immediately clear:

Firstly, use cases that are genuinely personal have a very low rate limit requirement. Checking your own address(es) or those of your family by a custom app, for example. Or one of my favourite uses (and one I definitely use), the Home Assistant integration:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

On an ongoing basis, HA makes 1 request every 15 minutes. That's all. Each time we looked at genuine personal use cases, 10RPM was plenty.

Next, we found a bunch of use cases used within internal corporate environments, for example to monitor staff exposure in breaches. Now we're talking larger numbers of requests, but it's also something that's way more efficiently done via the existing domain search feature on the website. It's an on-demand, self-service and totally free feature that's been there for years. I know it's not API-based and there are good reasons for that (see the comment from me on that idea), but there's also the Enterprise route if API access is really that important (more on that later). Other examples included things like scanning customer emails to assess exposure at points where, for example, account takeover was a risk. In each of these cases, we're primarily talking about business entities using the service and I'm comfortable with commercial ventures wearing a greater cost.

And finally, there were the "heavy hitters", the ones with large volumes of keys. One such example using the API en masse provides security services to the big end of town and was funded to the tune of a figure that looks like a phone number. And again, I'm perfectly comfortable with them wearing a cost that's more commensurate to the value as opposed to a figure that was originally arrived at just to keep the bad guys out.

Existing Subscribers are Grandfathered in for 60 Days

Before I talk about the annual pricing, I want to make sure this headline is clear. Nothing changes for existing subscribers until the 6th of Jan next year, which is 60 days from today. On that date, the legacy rate limit of 1 request every 1,500ms will roll to the new 10RPM limit at exactly the same price. For that handful of big users for whom the 10RPM limit will be insufficient, you've got a couple of months to work out the best path forward. I'll be emailing every single active subscriber today to ensure everyone is notified well in advance (there's also an updated Terms of Use which requires a notification email to be sent).

What does this mean in practical terms? If you want annual billing or a higher rate limit, you can go and implement that whenever you're ready (more on that soon). Alternatively, if you just want to stick with 10 RPM then you don't have to do anything, nothing will change. What I do strongly suggest though (and this hasn't changed, it's always been the guidance), is to make sure you're handling HTTP 429 responses gracefully. Regardless of what your rate limit is, if you're consuming the API in a fashion where you're not directly controlling the rate yourself, make sure you handle those responses appropriately.

Billing Can Now Occur Annually

This is the easy one to explain: annual payments are now a thing 😊 As I explained in the previous blog post, frequent payments of small amounts can play havoc with reimbursements in the corporate environment. It sucks, I've been there, but it is what it is. Annual billing alleviates that through a combination of a 12x reduction in the frequency of an expense claim and a larger single sum that's easier to explain to your procurement people than $3.50.

So, what do you charge for annual rather than monthly billing? My initial temptation was just to make it literally 12 times more because I don't have a lot of patience for spivvy marketing guff. However, there's a valid case to be made that a 12x reduction on individual payments warrants a discount as it removes overhead from our end (there's a constant percentage of all payments that are disputed or fail or cause other demands on our time), plus there's an argument to be made along the lines of customer loyalty warranting a discount. There's also just the very simple mathematics of the whole thing, best illustrated by a recent payment in Stripe:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

That's 8.5% that disappears on every transaction, largely due to the 30c AUD charge no matter what the price of the transaction is:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

The point is that there's merit for all in incentivising annual rather than monthly payments. We decided to look at what a typical annual discount was and time and time again, found the same thing:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing
The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing
The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

Or in other words, a couple of months for free when you sign up for a year. In fact, coincidentally, that's exactly what I just signed up for with Nabu Casa (Home Assistant cloud) after receiving an email saying annual billing was now available 😊

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

It's never exactly 17%, rather it's like each example took 17% off 12 month's worth of a normal monthly fee then moved the number to something that looked pretty 🙂 Some examples were less (Pluralsight is 14%) and others were more (the higher tiers of Zendesk are 20%), but ultimately we decided to work to that 17% number and came up with the following:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

In keeping with the "pay for 10, get 12" theme, these prices are exactly 10 times the monthly ones. Easy peasy.

Stripe Customer Portal Magic Makes Changing Plans Easy

As I mentioned in the "big changes ahead" blog post, I've been deleting code like crazy in favour of deferring more processing back to Stripe themselves. By using their Customer Portal paradigm, it's now easy to change an existing plan:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

The change can be to a different rate limit or to a different renewal cadence:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

Stripe automatically proratas everything too so whilst you can upgrade immediately to a higher RPM or from monthly to annually, you'll only pay for the difference between the previous plan and the new one. Or, you can downgrade and on next renewal the lower plan will be automatically applied. It's super simple and it's all self-service.


For more than 7 years now, a small handful of organisations have used HIBP in a larger scale commercial fashion. Some of them you're familiar with, for example both 1Password and Mozilla do email address searches using k-Anonymity and that's not something that's a self-service "put your card into Stripe" sort of model (in part because k-Anonymity returns a huge number of results for each search). Infosec firms use Enterprise to support customers via domain level API searches. Identity theft companies use it to advise customers when they're exposed in a breach. One firm even uses it to help detect bot signups; it turns out that so many of us are so pwned, if someone signs up for their service and they're not pwned, that's a little bit suspicious (that's just one of many indicators they use).

This is a fundamentally different model, one that involves a close working relationship, lots of legal documents, procurement people, invoicing instead of credit cards and all sorts of other "Enterprisey" things. That still exists and nothing in today's blog post changes that. I mention this now in today's post simply because some of the folks from those organisations with Enterprise subscriptions will read this post and wonder where they sit. Likewise, I suspect those "100+ key" subscribers of the public API really should be on Enterprise and I'll be reaching out to them separately given the rate limit change will have a bigger impact on them than most.

In Closing

For that vast majority of users who are only at a fraction of the old rate limit, nothing changes other than there now being a key available for 17% less than before on an annual subscription. Meanwhile, for the folks battling corporate bureaucracy around small, frequent payments, this will sort you out and give you choices around rate limits you didn't have before.

There will be some people that fall between the cracks of the use cases outlined above and won't be happy with the changes. I expect that - I know it will happen - but I hope the rationale outlined here demonstrates the volume of thought and consideration that has gone into trying the find the sweet spot for pricing and rate limits. I also expect people will ask about adding other rate limits, for example to fill the gaps between say, 100RPM and 500RPM. We started out with more options, but a combination of that creating the whole paradox of choice problem and deeper analysis of how the API was actually being used led us to simplifying things. But who knows over the longer term, feedback is certainly welcome.

Lastly, if you're watching closely, you'll notice a lot more structure going in around the way HIBP is run. Last week I wrote about rolling out Zendesk for support so there's now a formal ticketing system in place. I also explained how Charlotte is playing a very active role in the management of HIBP and in the coming months, you'll see more around other initiatives to make the project more sustainable. I'm thinking of it like this: what must HIBP do to be sustainable in a post-Troy world? Or in other words, how can we get what has increasingly become an essential service for so many to be more robust and more self-sustaining beyond what one person can do as a sole operator devoting spare time to a passion project.

Stay tuned, there's much more to come 🙂