Cybersecurity has, since its inception, been a corporate-based problem. Whether it is a public, or private corporation, these entities were the primary targets of most cybercrime. In recent years, the industrial sector has increasingly become the target of attack for malicious actors. The reasons include newly internet-connected devices that were once air-gapped, and the immaturity of cybersecurity in […]… Read More

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Recall the last time that you stood on the shore, enjoying the briny breeze that gently caressed your skin, and the sounds and smells of the sea. You may have noticed in the distance a large sailing vessel. Have you ever considered all the moving parts that contribute to these “floating cities”? Beyond the logistics of setting […]… Read More

The post High Seas and High Stakes Communications: Securing the Maritime Industry appeared first on The State of Security.

The lack of healthcare cybersecurity is one of the most significant threats to the sanctity of the global healthcare industry. This is made evident by the fact that in 2020 more than 18 million patient records were affected by successful cyber-attacks on the U.S. healthcare system. Health professionals should not take this issue lightly, as […]… Read More

The post ICS Security in Healthcare: Why Software Vulnerabilities Pose a Threat to Patient Safety appeared first on The State of Security.

Do you recall one of the first really fun chemistry experiment you performed as a child?  If your school followed the usual curriculum, then you probably made a model volcano and then added some baking soda to the opening, followed by the addition of vinegar.  A variation of this experiment was to add the ingredients […]… Read More

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Many modern businesses in almost every sector of the economy are adopting the latest technologies for greater connectivity and efficiency. However, while many of these technologies offer myriad benefits, they can also create new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. While much of the focus has remained on manufacturers and how they can bolster their cybersecurity efforts, another group […]… Read More

The post How Can OEMs Reduce Their Risk of Cyberattacks? appeared first on The State of Security.

Organizations are always concerned with improving efficiencies to make business flow smoother. Some of the biggest inefficiencies in any business revolve around time wasted on operational tasks. Whether it is a stale accounting process, or something as trivial as routing phone calls to the proper department, saving time by improving a process can mean more profits, which […]… Read More

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When you read your favorite cybersecurity blog, do you often wonder what it would be like to sit down with the authors and get their real thoughts about some of the topics they write about?  Most blogs and articles are so carefully curated, edited, fact-checked, and linked to supporting evidence that they can seem somewhat […]… Read More

The post Pub Talk: IT/OT convergence, Frameworks and prevailing cybersecurity threats appeared first on The State of Security.

Agencies of the US Government have issued a joint warning that hackers have revealed their capability to gain full system access to industrial control systems that might help enemy states sabotage critical infrastructure. In a joint cybersecurity advisory issued by the Department of Energy, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the NSA, and the […]… Read More

The post US Government warns of new malware attacks on ICS/SCADA systems appeared first on The State of Security.

There’s a saying in the cybersecurity community which states that just because you are compliant doesn’t mean that you are secure. Over the years, many images have been used to illustrate the point. One memorable image is that of a nude bicyclist wearing a helmet. By all standards, that is the epitome of “compliant, but not secure”.  Many […]… Read More

The post Tripwire & FoxGuard: Patching for compliance and security appeared first on The State of Security.

In recent years, cyber espionage has been growing in magnitude and complexity. One of the most common targets is Industrial Control Systems (ICS) within critical infrastructure sectors. With many organizations relying more heavily on ICS networks, there has been an increase in threats and cyberattacks aimed at these systems. Not only do these attacks have […]… Read More

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