About Anomalous Data Transfer detection in InsightIDR

By Shivangi Pandey

Shivangi is a Senior Product Manager for D&R at Rapid7.

Data exfiltration is an unauthorized movement or transfer of data occurring on an organization’s network. This can occur when a malicious actor gains access to a corporation’s network with the intention of stealing or leaking data.

Data exfiltration can also be carried out by inside actors moving data outside of the network accidentally, by uploading corporate files to their personal cloud – or deliberately to leak information that harms the organization.

Identifying this cyber risk is integral to securing your organization’s network.

Of course, attackers use multiple methods

Some use phishing scams to trick users into inputting personal login information into spoofed domains so that they can use the appropriate credentials to infiltrate the network. Once on to the network, the malicious actor can send the files they were searching for outside of their network using remote desktop, SSH, etc.

Another method? Ignoring security controls of a network. For example, employees may download unauthorized software for ease of use, but unintentionally allow a third party to gain access to sensitive information that was not meant to leave the network. People may use personal accounts and devices for work related tasks just because it’s easy. A malicious inside actor can also circumvent security controls to leak information outside of the network.

With many organizations moving to a hybrid model of work, it’s more important than ever to prevent data exfiltration, intended or unintended. This can be done by educating your employees of appropriate conduct when it comes to data usage and data sharing within and outside of your network. Education about common attack vectors attackers may use to steal their credentials will also help your employees keep your network secure. Additionally, education around what devices can access your network will make it easier to monitor whether a data breach is about to occur. Finally, assigning certain privileges based on employee functions will help.

Being able to detect data exfiltration is incredibly important for an organization’s environment and essential to your organization’s security posture. One of our new detections, Anomalous Data Transfer, provides you with the visibility into possible occurrences of data exfiltration within your network.

Rapid7s approach for detecting Anomalous Data Transfers

Anomalous Data Transfer is an InsightIDR detection which utilizes network flow data, produced by the Insight Network Sensor, to identify and mark unusual transfers of data and behavior. The detection identifies anomalously large transfers of data sent by assets out of a network, and outputs data exfiltration alerts

The model dynamically derives a baseline for each asset based on its active periods over 30 days, and each hour, will output network activity that is anomalously high as compared to that baseline as a candidate for further investigation. This process effectively acts as a filter, reducing millions of network connections into a few candidate alerts to bring to the attention of a security analyst.

Further contextual information is included in each candidate alert to help a security team make informed decisions about how to investigate the possible occurrence of data exfiltration.

The user has the ability to tune exceptions for which anomalous data transfer alerts are shown by going into Managed Detections. The user can tune exception rules for Anomalous Data Transfer with the following attributes: Organization, Certificate, and Source IP/Subnet. This allows for the analysts to focus on alerts that are well tailored to their organization’s environment.

Rapid7 Integration For AWS Verified Access

Today at re:invent, Amazon Web Services (AWS) unveiled its new AWS Verified Access service, and we are thrilled to announce that InsightIDR — Rapid7’s next-gen SIEM and XDR — will support log ingestion from this new service when it is made generally available.

What Is AWS Verified Access?

AWS Verified Access is a new service that allows AWS customers to simplify secure access to private applications running on AWS, without requiring the use of a VPN. Verified Access also lets customers easily implement Zero Trust policies for each application reached via the service. The data needed for these policies is provided by integrations between Verified Access and third-party solutions like IdPs and device management tools. For example:

  • Access to a low-risk application might be granted to any employee who is logged into the organization’s IdP solution
  • Access to a highly sensitive application might only be granted to employees who are logged into the organization’s IdP solution, are part of a specific team at the company, are accessing from a company-managed computer that is fully updated, and have an IP address coming from a country on an allowlist

For customers who already have IdP and device management solutions, Verified Access can integrate with many of these vendors, allowing the customer to use their existing provider to define policies while still getting the convenience of VPN-less access to their private applications through Verified Access.

Unlock a Complete Picture of Your Cloud Security with InsightIDR

Verified Access generates detailed logs for every authorization attempt. InsightIDR will be able to ingest these logs from AWS’s just-announced Amazon Security Lake. InsightIDR customers will be able to see ingress activity from Verified Access alongside ingress events from sources like AWS Identity Access Management (IAM), VPNs, productivity apps, and more — not to mention telemetry from their broader cloud and on-premises environments. Like all ingress activity logs sent to InsightIDR, logs from Verified Access will be able to be used to detect suspicious activity, as well as be brought into investigations to help establish a complete timeline and blast radius of an incident. In addition, customers will have the ability to create custom alerts off of Verified Access logs to further scrutinize and monitor access to sensitive applications.

InsightIDR’s support for Verified Access is just the latest capability to come out of our never-ending dedication to support our customers as they adopt the newest cloud technologies. To learn more about how InsightIDR helps organizations using AWS, click here.

InsightIDR Launches Integration With New AWS Security Data Lake Service

It has been an action-packed day at AWS re:Invent. For security professionals, one of the most exciting announcements has to be the launch of Amazon Security Lake. We see a lot of potential for this new service, which is why Rapid7 is proud to announce the immediate availability of an integration between InsightIDR and Security Lake. Read on to learn more!

What Is Amazon Security Lake?

Amazon Security Lake gives AWS customers a security data lake that centralizes AWS and third-party security logs. What’s more, all data sent to Security Lake is formatted using the recently-launched OCSF standard. That means even if logs come from different services or different vendors, all logs for a given activity (e.g. all cloud activity logs, all network activity logs, etc.) will have the same format in Security Lake. This will make it easy for customers and their third-party vendors to make use of the data in Security Lake without first having to normalize data.

Another big feature in Security Lake is the granular control it offers. Customers can choose which users and third-party integrations can access which data sources and determine the duration of data that is available to each. For example, a customer might give their developers the ability to view CloudTrail data from the past five days so they can troubleshoot issues, but give InsightIDR the ability to view CloudTrail data from the past year.

InsightIDR’s Integration With Amazon Security Lake

InsightIDR’s new integration allows it to ingest log data from Security Lake. At the moment, InsightIDR will only ingest logs from AWS CloudTrail. Over time, we plan to add support for additional OCSF log types, which will allow customers to send data from multiple AWS and third-party services to InsightIDR through one Amazon Security Lake integration. This will give us the potential ability to immediately ingest and parse logs from any new third-party solution that gets introduced, as long as that solution can export its logs to Security Lake. Another customer benefit is that by consolidating the ingestion of multiple logs via Moose, onboarding and ongoing maintenance will be greatly reduced.

If you are an existing InsightIDR customer and want to take advantage of the new integration with Amazon Security Lake, instructions for setup are here.

Search Made Easy: InsightIDR’s Secret Weapon for Efficiency and Efficacy

By Matt Heidet

Matt is a Senior Information Security Engineer at a Regional Financial Institution. He is a Customer and Guest Blogger for Rapid7

Have you ever groaned when divvying up incidents from a pen-test amongst an overworked team? Or maybe you’ve struggled to present how you adhere to multiple compliance frameworks to your board. As a Senior Information Security Engineer at a Regional Finance Institute, I’m all too familiar with the daily grind – too many threats, not nearly enough time. Fortunately, Rapid7’s InsightIDR has helped me and my team unify our data, verify the nature of threats, and uphold a security posture that we’re confident in.

InsightIDR has lots of features that have enabled my organization to identify and respond more easily to threats. In this blog post, I’m going to share some insight into my favorite – InsightIDR’s Log Search function.

Back to the Beginning: Why We Chose Rapid7

Choosing InsightIDR was a no-brainer for us. We tried two other products, but as soon as we finished the proof-of-concept with Rapid7, we went straight to purchase. There was no point in even testing the others, as InsightIDR provided us with the visibility and context necessary to keep our environment secure

If you already have InsightVM, Rapid7’s vulnerability management solution, it’s a pretty smooth transition to InsightIDR. As existing InsightVM users, we already had the Rapid7 Insight Agent deployed on our endpoints, which provided us with real-time endpoint monitoring for vulnerabilities. When we added InsightIDR to our environment, we were automatically covered on those same endpoints, without any need to set up anything additional.

We were able to get up and running and integrate with a number of Azure Event Hubs out of the gate (a centralized service from which to collect Azure data and logs). Only a few other tools would provide that same capability – but they wouldn’t fit into our existing environment the way that Rapid7 did.

When we first started using InsightIDR, my team wanted to bring in as much data to InsightIDR as we could to get a clear picture of what was happening in our environment. We knew we needed holistic visibility, but weren’t 100% on what we should be alerting on or necessarily looking for. Luckily, InsightIDR’s Log Search intuitively organized all of our data and helped us get a view of everything in one place, narrowing our focus and enabling us to really focus on high priority data.

InsightIDR removed the complexity of traditional Log Search. If you’re not sure where to start, just start with a simple search – a host name, a kind of attack, or an event. Then, based on your results, you can create a more advanced search by filtering, iterating, or narrowing down your simple searches. From there, you can start creating reports. Your reports can tell you (and you can then customize) how you should be watching an endpoint, how you should be alerted, and more.

Let’s Talk Outcomes

Now it’s time to do something with all this data! We were able to compare data from those sources to the email alerts that we got from Microsoft on Azure and easily generate a report based on the email events we were seeing from Microsoft. From there, we were able to generate custom detections.

One reason this was all so straightforward is that Rapid7’s powerful search language, Log Entry Query Language (LEQL – which allows you to construct queries that can extract the hidden insights within your logs), is easy to pick up. Even if you’re not a programmer or engineer, the structure and syntax of the language are accessible.

Once you get the first couple workflows ironed out, it’s easy to extrapolate to other ones. Once my team focused on this task we were able to come up with 45 custom detections over just three days!

Where Do I Go From Here?

Detections are your bread and butter, of course. But once you’re oriented to the dashboard, the language, and the basics of a workflow, the sky’s the limit. You can then customize your reports to your heart’s desire. My team currently has about 22 reports coming in daily, summarizing almost 100 custom detections that all stem from log search.

Rapid7’s alerting and reporting is hands down the best I’ve ever worked with. But it’s not just about volume – it’s also about versatility. We’re able to monitor all of our Cloud services – including Amazon, Azure, and Google – with ease. In the past, when using managed security providers, this wasn’t nearly as straightforward. We’re looking at InsightIDR’s pre-built Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) and User Behavior Analytics (UBA) detections with regularity, using a mix of both custom and pre-built “cards” (a visually appealing representation of data) in our InsightIDR dashboard.

Furthermore, it’s not just that you have options. The pre-built detections that InsightIDR ships out of the box boasts plenty of efficacy, resulting in unprecedented efficiency. The ability to have all of the data you need in one place – the equivalent of a “single pane of glass” – just can’t be overstated.

A SIEM With a Pen Tester's Eye: How Offensive Security Helps Shape InsightIDR

To be great at something, you have to be a little obsessed. That's true whether you want to be a chess grandmaster, become an internationally recognized CEO, or build the best cybersecurity platform on the planet.

At Rapid7, our laser-focus has always been trained on one thing: helping digital defenders spot and stop bad actors. From the start of our story, penetration testing — or pen testing, for short — has been one of the cornerstones of that obsession. The offensive security mindset influenced the way we built and designed InsightIDR, our cloud-native XDR and SIEM.

On the offensive

Before we ever released InsightIDR, there was Metasploit, an open-source pen testing framework. Originally developed by HD Moore, Metasploit allows offensive security teams to think like attackers and infiltrate their own organizations' environments, pushing the boundaries to see where their systems are vulnerable. Those insights help the business identify the most serious issues to prioritize and patch, remediate, or mitigate.

Offensive security strategies provide a much-needed foundation for assessing your risk landscape and staying a step ahead of threats — but the task of building and operationalizing a security strategy doesn't end there.

"The biggest misconception about pen testing that I hear repeatedly is, 'We're going to pen-test to test our response time or test our tools,'" says Jeffrey Gardner, Rapid7's Practice Advisor for Detection and Response. "That's not the purpose of a pen test."

Pen testing is a critical step in understanding where and how your organization is vulnerable to attackers, and what kinds of activities within your environment might indicate a breach. This is essential information for setting up the detections that your security operations center (SOC) team needs in order to effectively safeguard your systems against intrusion — but they also need a tool that lets them set up those detections, so they can get alerts based on what matters most for your organization's specific environment.

Pen testing itself isn't that tool, nor does it test the effectiveness of the tools you have. Rather, pen testing looks for your weaknesses – and once they’re  found, looks for ways to exploit them, including using stolen credentials to move across the network.

Mapping how bad actors behave

That's where the importance of having a security incident and event management (SIEM) solution built with offensive security in mind comes in — and that's exactly what our years of experience helping organizations run pen tests and analyze their attack surface have allowed us to build. InsightIDR is a unified SIEM and XDR platform designed with a pen tester's eye. And the key to that design is user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA).

See, the problem with detecting attackers in your network is that, to the human eye, they can look a lot like regular users. Once they've hacked a password or stolen login credentials through a phishing/scam attack, their activities can look relatively unremarkable — until, of course, they make the big move: a major escalation of privilege or some other vector that allows them to steal sensitive data or upend systems entirely.

It takes years of experience understanding how attackers behave once they penetrate networks — and the subtle ways those patterns differ from legitimate users — to be able to catch them in your environment. This is exactly the type of expertise that Rapid7 has been able to gain through 10+ years of in-the-trenches experience in penetration testing, executed through Metasploit. Everything we had learned about User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) went into  InsightIDR.

InsightIDR continuously baselines healthy user activity in the context of your specific organization. This way, the tool can spot suspicious activity fast — including lateral movement and the use of compromised credentials — and generate alerts so your team can respond swiftly. This detections-first approach means InsightIDR comes with a deep level of insight that's based on years of studying the attacker, as well as an understanding of what alerts matter most to SOC teams.

Watch a free demo today to see InsightIDR's attacker-spotting power in action.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2022 in Review

This Q3 2022 recap post takes a look at some of the latest investments we've made to InsightIDR to drive detection and response forward for your organization.

360-degree XDR and attack surface coverage with Rapid7

The Rapid7 XDR suite — flagship InsightIDR, alongside InsightConnect (SOAR), and Threat Command (Threat Intel) — unifies detection and response coverage across both your internal and external attack surface. Customers detect threats earlier and respond more quickly,  shrinking the window for attackers to succeed.  

With Threat Command alerts now directly ingested into InsightIDR, receive a more holistic picture of your threat landscape, beyond the traditional network perimeter. By unifying these detections and related workflows together in one place, customers can:

  • Manage and tune external Threat Command detections from InsightIDR console
  • Investigate external threats alongside context and detections of their broader internal environment
  • Activate automated response workflows for Threat Command alerts – powered by InsightConnect – from InsightIDR to extinguish threats faster
Rapid7 products have helped us close the gap on detecting and resolving security incidents to the greatest effect. This has resulted in a safer environment for our workloads and has created a culture of secure business practices.

— Manager, Security or IT, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company via Techvalidate

Eliminate manual tasks with expanded automation

Reduce mean time to respond (MTTR) to threats and increase confidence in your response actions with the expanded integration between InsightConnect and InsightIDR. Easily create and map InsightConnect workflows to any attack behavior analytics (ABA), user behavior analytics (UBA), or custom detection rule, so tailored response actions can be initiated as soon as an alert fires. Quarantine assets, enrich investigations with more evidence, kick off ticketing workflows, and more – all with just a click.

Preview the impact of exceptions on detection rules

Building on our intuitive detection tuning experience, it’s now easier to anticipate how exceptions will impact your alert volume. Preview exceptions in InsightIDR to confirm your logic to ensure that tuning will yield relevant, high fidelity alerts. Exception previews allow you to confidently refine the behavior of ABA detection rules for specific users, assets, IP addresses, and more to fit your unique environments and circumstances.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2022 in Review

Streamline investigations and collaboration with comments and attachments

With teams more distributed than ever, the ability to collaborate virtually around investigations is paramount. Our overhauled notes system now empowers your team to create comments and upload/download rich attachments through Investigation Details in InsightIDR, as well as through the API. This new capability ensures your team has continuity, documentation, and all relevant information at their fingertips as different analysts collaborate on an investigation.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2022 in Review
Quickly and easily add comments and upload and download attachments to add relevant context gathered from other tools and stay connected to your team during an investigation.

New vCenter deployment option for the Insight Network Sensor

As a security practitioner looking to minimize your attack surface, you need to know the types of data on your network and how much of it is moving: two critical areas that could indicate malicious activity in your environment.

With our new vCenter deployment option, you can now use distributed port mirroring to monitor internal east-west traffic and traffic across multiple ESX servers using just a single virtual Insight Network Sensor. When using the vCenter deployment method, choose the GRETAP option via the sensor management page.

First annual VeloCON brings DFIR experts from around the globe together

Rapid7 brought DFIR experts and enthusiasts from around the world together this September to share experiences in using and developing Velociraptor to address the needs of the wider DFIR community.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2022 in Review

Velociraptor’s unique, advanced open-source endpoint monitoring, digital forensic, and cyber response platform provides you with the ability to respond more effectively to a wide range of digital forensic and cyber incident response investigations and data breaches.

Watch VeloCON on-demand to see security experts delve into new ideas, workflows, and features that will take Velociraptor to the next level of endpoint management, detection, and response.

A growing library of actionable detections

In Q3, we added 385 new ABA detection rules to InsightIDR. See them in-product or visit the Detection Library for actionable descriptions and recommendations.

Stay tuned!

As always, we’re continuing to work on exciting product enhancements and releases throughout the year. Keep an eye on our blog and release notes as we continue to highlight the latest in detection and response at Rapid7.


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I deployed my SIEM in days, not months – here’s how you can too

How to Deploy a SIEM That Actually Works

As an IT administrator at a highly digitized manufacturing company, I spent many sleepless nights with no visibility into the activity and security of our environment before deploying a security information and event management (SIEM) solution. At the company I work for, Schlotterer Sonnenschutz Systeme GmbH, we have a lot of manufacturing machines that rely on internet access and external companies that remotely connect to our company’s environment – and I couldn’t see any of it happening. One of my biggest priorities was to source and implement state-of-the-art security solutions – beginning with a SIEM tool.

I asked colleagues and partners in the IT sector about their experience with deploying and leveraging SIEM technology. The majority of the feedback I received was that deploying a SIEM was a lengthy and difficult process. Then, once stood up, SIEMs were often missing information or difficult to pull actionable data from.

The feedback did not instill much confidence – particularly as this would be the first time I personally had deployed a SIEM. I was prepared for a long deployment road ahead, with the risk of shelfware looming over us. However, to my surprise, after identifying Rapid7’s InsightIDR as our chosen solution, the process was manageable and efficient, and we began receiving value just days after deployment. Rapid7 is clearly an outlier in this space: able to deliver an intuitive and accelerated onboarding experience while still driving actionable insights and sophisticated security results.

3 key steps for successful SIEM deployment

Based on my experience, our team identified three critical steps that must be taken in order to have a successful SIEM deployment:

  1. Identifying core event sources and assets you intend to onboard before deployment
  2. Collecting and correlating relevant and actionable security telemetry to form a holistic and accurate view of your environment while driving reliable early threat detection (not noise)
  3. Putting data to work in your SIEM so you can begin visualizing and analyzing to validate the success of your deployment

1. Identify core event sources and assets to onboard

Before deploying a SIEM, gather as much information as possible about your environment so you can easily begin the deployment process. Rapid7 provided easy-to-understand help documentation all throughout our deployment process in order to set us up for success. The instructions were highly detailed and easy to understand, making the setup quick and painless. Additionally, they provide a wide selection of pre-built event sources out-of-the-box, simplifying my experience. Within hours, I had all the information I needed in front of me.

Based on Rapid7’s recommendations, we set up what is referred to as the six core event sources:

  • Active Directory (AD)
  • Protocol (LDAP) server
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) event logs
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Firewall

Creating these event sources will get the most information flowing through your SIEM and if your solution has user behavior entity analytics (UEBA) capabilities like InsightIDR. Getting all the data in quickly begins the baselining process so you can identify anomalies and potential user and insider threats down the road.

2. Collecting and correlating relevant and actionable security telemetry

When deployed and configured properly, a good SIEM will unify your security telemetry into a single cohesive picture. When done ineffectively, a SIEM can create an endless maze of noise and alerts. Striking a balance of ingesting the right security telemetry and threat intelligence to drive meaningful, actionable threat detections is critical to effective detection, investigation, and response. A great solution harmonizes otherwise disparate sources to give a cohesive view of the environment and malicious activity.

InsightIDR came with a native endpoint agent, network sensor, and a host of integrations to make this process much easier. To provide some context, at Schlotterer Sonnenschutz Systeme GmbH, we have a large number of mobile devices, laptops, surface devices, and other endpoints that exist outside the company. The combined Insight Network Sensor and Insight Agent monitor our environment beyond the physical borders of our IT for complete visibility across offices, remote employees, virtual devices, and more.

Personally, when it comes to installing any agent, I prefer to take a step-by-step approach to reduce any potential negative effects the agent might have on endpoints. With InsightIDR, I easily deployed the Insight Agent on my own computer; then, I pushed it to an additional group of computers. The Rapid7 Agent’s lightweight software deployment is easy on our infrastructure. It took me no time to deploy it confidently to all our endpoints.

With data effectively ingested, we prepared to turn our attention to threat detection. Traditional SIEMs we had explored left much of the detection content creation to us to configure and manage – significantly swelling the scope of deployment and day-to-day operations. However, Rapid7 comes with an expansive managed library of curated detections out of the box – eliminating the need for upfront customizing and configuring and giving us coverage immediately. The Rapid7 detections are vetted by their in-house MDR SOC, which means they don’t create too much noise, and I had to do little to no tuning so that they aligned with my environment.

3. Putting your data to work in your SIEM

For our resource-constrained team, ensuring that we had relevant dashboarding and reports to track critical systems, activity across our network, and support audits and regulatory requirements was always a big focus. From talking to my peers, we were weary of building dashboards that would require our team to take on complicated query writing to create sophisticated visuals and reports. The prebuilt dashboards included within InsightIDR were again a huge time-saver for our team and helped us mobilize around sophisticated security reporting out of the gate. For example, I am using InsightIDR’s Active Directory Admin Actions dashboard to identify:

  • What accounts were created in the past 24 hours?
  • What accounts were deleted in the past 24 hours?
  • What accounts changed their password?
  • Who was added as a domain administrator?

Because the dashboards are already built into the system, it takes me just a few minutes to see the information I need to see and export that data to an interactive HTML report I can provide to my stakeholders. When deploying your own SIEM, I recommend really digging into the visualization options, seeing what it will take to build your own cards, and exploring any available prebuilt content to understand how long it may take you to begin seeing actionable data.  

I now have knowledge about my environment. I know what happens. I know for sure that if there is anything malicious or suspicious in my environment, Rapid7, the Insight Agent, or any of the sources we have integrated to InsightIDR will catch it, and I can take action right away.

Additional reading:


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Rapid7 Makes Security Compliance Complexity a Thing of the Past With InsightIDR

As a unified SIEM and XDR solution, InsightIDR gives organizations the tools they need to drive an elevated and efficient compliance program.

Cybersecurity standards and compliance are mission-critical for every organization, regardless of size. Apart from the direct losses resulting from a data breach, non-compliant companies could face hefty fees, loss of business, and even jail time under growing regulations. However, managing and maintaining compliance, preparing for audits, and building necessary reports can be a full-time job, which might not be in the budget. For already-lean teams, compliance can also distract from more critical security priorities like monitoring threats, early threat detection, and accelerated response – exposing organizations to greater risk.

An efficient compliance strategy reduces risk, ensures that your team is always audit-ready, and – most importantly – drives focus on more critical security work. With InsightIDR, security practitioners can quickly meet their compliance and regulatory requirements while accelerating their overall detection and response program.

Here are three ways InsightIDR has been built to elevate and simplify your compliance processes.

1. Powerful log management capabilities for full environment visibility and compliance readiness

Complete environment visibility and security log collection are critical for compliance purposes, as well as for providing a foundation of effective monitoring and threat detection. Enterprises need to monitor user activity, behavior, and application access across their entire environment — from the cloud to on-premises services. The adoption of cloud services continues to increase, creating even more potential access points for teams to keep up with.

InsightIDR’s strong log management capabilities provide full visibility into these potential threats, as well as enable robust compliance reporting by:

  • Centralizing and aggregating all security-relevant events, making them available for use in monitoring, alerting, investigation, ad hoc searching
  • Providing the ability to search for data quickly, create data models and pivots, save searches and pivots as reports, configure alerts, and create dashboards
  • Retaining all log data for 13 months for all InsightIDR customers, enabling the correlation of data over time and meeting compliance mandates.
  • Automatically mapping data to compliance controls, allowing analysts to create comprehensive dashboards and reports with just a few clicks

To take it a step further, InsightIDR’s intuitive user interface streamlines searches while eliminating the need for IT administrators to master a search language. The out-of-the-box correlation searches can be invoked in real time or scheduled to run regularly at a specific time should the need arise for compliance audits and reporting, updated dashboards, and more.

2. Predefined compliance reports and dashboards to keep you organized and consistent

Pre-built compliance content in InsightIDR enables teams to create robust reports without investing countless hours manually building and correlating data to provide information on the organization’s compliance posture. With the pre-built reports and dashboards, you can:

  • Automatically map data to compliance controls
  • Save filters and searches, then duplicate them across dashboards
  • Create, share, and customize reports right from the dashboard
  • Make reports available in multiple formats like PDF or interactive HTML files

InsightIDR’s library of pre-built dashboards makes it easier than ever to visualize your data within the context of common frameworks. Entire dashboards created by our Rapid7 experts can be set up in just a few clicks. Our dashboards cover a variety of key compliance frameworks like PCI, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and more.

Rapid7 Makes Security Compliance Complexity a Thing of the Past With InsightIDR

3. Unified and correlated data points to provide meaningful insights

With strong log management capabilities providing a foundation for your security posture, the ability to correlate the resulting data and look for unusual behavior, system anomalies, and other indicators of a security incident is key. This information is used not only for real-time event notification but also for compliance audits and reporting, performance dashboards, historical trend analysis, and post-hoc incident forensics.

Privileged users are often the targets of attacks, and when compromised, they typically do the most damage. That’s why it’s critical to extend monitoring to these users. In fact, because of the risk involved, privileged user monitoring is a common requirement for compliance reporting in many regulated industries.

InsightIDR provides a constantly curated library of detections that span user behavior analytics, endpoints, file integrity monitoring, network traffic analysis, and cloud threat detection and response – supported by our own native endpoint agent, network sensor, and collection software. User authentications, locational data, and asset activity are baselined to identify anomalous privilege escalations, lateral movement, and compromised credentials. Customers can also connect their existing Privileged Access Management tools (like CyberArk Vault or Varonis DatAdvantage) to get a more unified view of privileged user monitoring with a single interface.

Meet compliance standards while accelerating your detection and response

We know compliance is not the only thing a security operations center (SOC) has to worry about. InsightIDR can ensure that your most critical compliance requirements are met quickly and confidently. Once you have an efficient compliance process, the team will be able to focus their time and effort on staying ahead of emergent threats and remediating attacks quickly, reducing risk to the business.

What could you do with the time back?

Additional reading:


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Cybersecurity Analysts: Job Stress Is Bad, but Boredom Is Kryptonite

Years ago, “airline pilot” used to be a high-stress profession. Imagine being in personal control of equipment worth millions hurtling through the sky on an irregular schedule with the lives of all the passengers in your hands.

But today on any given flight, autopilot is engaged almost 90% of the time. (The FAA requires it on long-haul flights or anytime the aircraft is over 28,000 feet.) There are vast stretches of time where the problem isn’t stress – it’s highly trained, intelligent people just waiting to perhaps be needed if something goes wrong.

Of course, automation has made air travel much safer. But over-reliance on it is now considered an emerging risk for pilots. The concerns? Loss of situational awareness, and difficulty taking over quickly and deftly when something fails. FAA scientist Kathy Abbott believes automation has made pilot error more likely if they “abdicate too much responsibility to the automated systems.” This year, the FAA rewrote its guidance, now encouraging pilots to spend more time actually flying and keeping their skills sharp.

What you want at any job is “flow”

Repetitive tasks can be a big part of a cybersecurity analyst’s day. But when you combine monotony (which often leads to boredom) with the need for attentiveness, it’s kryptonite. One neuroscientific study proved chronic boredom affects “judgment, goal-directed planning, risk assessment, attention focus, distraction suppression, and intentional control over emotional responses.”

The goal is total and happy immersion in a task that challenges you but is within your abilities. When you have that, you’re “in the zone.” And you’re not even tempted to multi-task (which isn’t really a thing).

Combine InsightConnect and InsightIDR, and you can find yourself “in the zone” for incident response:

  • Response playbooks are automatically triggered from InsightIDR investigations and alerts.
  • Alerts are prioritized, and false alerts are wiped away.
  • Alerts and investigations are automatically enriched: no more manually checking IP's, DNS names, hashes, etc.
  • Pathways to PagerDuty, Slack, Microsoft Teams, JIRA, and ServiceNow are already set up for you and tickets are created automatically for alerts.

According to Rapid7‘s Detection and Response Practice Advisor Jeffrey Gardner, the coolest example of InsightIDR’s automaticity is its baselining capability.

“Humans are built to notice patterns, but we can only process so much so quickly,” Gardner says. “Machine learning lets us take in infinitely more data than a human would ever be able to process and find interesting or anomalous activity that would otherwise be missed.” InsightIDR can look at user/system activity and immediately notify you when things appear awry.

The robots are not coming for your job – surely not yours. But humans and machines are already collaborating, and we need to be very thoughtful about exactly, precisely how.

Like inattentive commercial pilots, Tesla drivers using Autopilot don’t much look at the road even though they’re required to, and they remain wholly responsible for everything the vehicle does. Teslas are also being hacked, started, and driven off.  A 19-year-old took 25 Teslas. We’re designing our jobs – and life on earth, too.

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360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage With Rapid7

Today’s already resource-constrained security teams are tasked with protecting more as environments sprawl and alerts pile up, while attackers continue to get stealthier and add to their arsenal. To be successful against bad actors, security teams need to be proactive against evolving attacks in their earliest stages and ready to detect and respond to advanced threats that make it past defenses (because they will).

Eliminate blindspots and extinguish threats earlier and faster

Rapid7’s external threat intelligence solution, Threat Command, reduces the noise of numerous threat feeds and external sources, and prioritizes and alerts on the most relevant threats to your organization. When used alongside InsightIDR, Rapid7’s next-gen SIEM and XDR, and InsightConnect, Rapid7’s SOAR solution, you’ll unlock a complete view of your internal and external attack surface with unmatched signal to noise.

Leverage InsightIDR, Threat Command, and InsightConnect to:

  • Gain 360-degree visibility with expanded coverage beyond the traditional network perimeter thanks to Threat Command alerts being ingested into InsightIDR, giving you a more holistic picture of your threat landscape.
  • Proactively thwart attack plans with Threat Command alerts that identify active threats from across your attack surface.
  • Find and eliminate threats faster when you correlate and investigate Threat Command alerts with InsightIDR’s rich investigative capabilities.
  • Automate your response by attaching an InsightConnect workflow to take action as soon as a detection or a Threat Command alert surfaces in InsightIDR.
360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage With Rapid7
Threat Command alerts alongside InsightIDR Detection Rules

Stronger signal to noise with Threat Command Threat Library

The power of InsightIDR and Threat Command doesn’t end there. We added another layer to our threat intelligence earlier this year when we integrated Threat Command’s Threat Library into InsightIDR to give more visibility into new indicators of compromise (IOCs) and continued strength around signal to noise.

All IOCs related to threat actors tracked in Threat Command are automatically applied to customer data sent to InsightIDR, which means you automatically get current and future coverage as new IOCs are found by the research team. Alongside InsightIDR’s variety of detection types — User Behavior Analytics (UBA), Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA), and custom detections — you’re covered against all infiltrations, from lateral movement to unique attacker behaviors and everything in between. The impact? Your team is never behind on emerging threats to your organization.

Faster, more efficient responses with InsightConnect

Strong signal to noise is taken a step further with automation, so teams can not only identify threats quickly but respond immediately. The expanded integration between InsightConnect and InsightIDR allows you to respond to any alert being generated in your environment. With this, you can easily create and map InsightConnect workflows to any ABA, UBA, or custom detection rule, so tailored response actions can be initiated as soon as there is a new detection.

See something suspicious that didn’t trip a detection? You can invoke on-demand automation with integrated Quick Actions from any page in InsightIDR.

360-Degree XDR and Attack Surface Coverage With Rapid7
Mapping of InsightConnect workflows to an ABA alert in InsightIDR

Sophisticated XDR without any headaches

With Rapid7, you’ll achieve sophisticated detection and response outcomes with greater efficiency and efficacy — no matter where you and your team are on your security journey. Stay up to date on the latest from InsightIDR, Threat Command, and InsightConnect as we continue to up-level our cross-product integrations to bring you the most comprehensive XDR solution.

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