Consumer Reports has a new study of people-search site removal services, concluding that they don’t really work:

As a whole, people-search removal services are largely ineffective. Private information about each participant on the people-search sites decreased after using the people-search removal services. And, not surprisingly, the removal services did save time compared with manually opting out. But, without exception, information about each participant still appeared on some of the 13 people-search sites at the one-week, one-month, and four-month intervals. We initially found 332 instances of information about the 28 participants who would later be signed up for removal services (that does not include the four participants who were opted out manually). Of those 332 instances, only 117, or 35%, were removed within four months.

Computers blue-screen-of-death around the world! The Paris Olympics is at risk of attack! And the FBI pull off the biggest sting operation in history by running a secret end-to-end encrypted messaging app! All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by industry veterans Graham Cluley and … Continue reading "Smashing Security podcast #382: CrowdStrike, Dark Wire, and the Paris Olympics"
In episode eight of “The AI Fix”, our hosts tackle the latest news from the world of AI and learn about two important medical breakthroughs, Mark coughs, Graham ruins “Killing me softly”, and neither shows their junk to an AI. Graham explains humour to Mark and shares a donkey story he learned from a Bulgarian, … Continue reading "The AI Fix #8: Emergence, a rancid donkey, and the world’s funniest joke"
Apps can let you spy on strangers in bars, a gang of cryptocurrency thieves turns to kidnap and assault, and have you joined the mile-high evil twin club? All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the "Smashing Security" podcast by cybersecurity veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault, joined this week by Mark Stockley of the brand-new "The AI Fix" podcast.