Scientists from Russia, working for Don State Technical University, have developed a new medium of communication through the technology of Quantum Teleportation. The researchers argue that the invention will play a vital role in protecting information from being stolen by hackers.
Olga Safaryan, a professor at the Information Systems Cybersecurity Department, explained the theory with a small example. In this case, messaging takes place through a physical device, such as electrons in an electric current.
Technically, the technique was already developed by those in the field of Quantum Cryptography. However, it has now been further researched and developed into a medium where the sending and receiving of data take place by physical means, based on the principles of quantum mechanics.
According to Safaryan, any clone developed from a source via the science of quantum mechanics can only exist if its source is destroyed. But in this cryptographic system, a new clone is added to improve the strength of the messages and prevent hacking of the system.
Olga added that eavesdropping on a communication channel can be avoided by augmenting the semantic part of the message with a set of symbols that cannot be read or understood by hackers.
NOTE: Quantum Teleportation is a kind of science that allows the transfer of data from a sender at one location to a receiver at another location. It is truly a part of quantum computing and has allowed scientists to teleport subatomic particles on computer chips, even if they were not physically linked. However, there is still much to be explored and understood in this field to bring transparency and clarity to the science of Quantum Teleportation.
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