A cyber attack that is suspected to be of a ransomware variant has targeted UK’s retail chain ‘The Works’ last week, forcing the company to shut down all its 526 shops across UK for the time being.

Highly placed sources say that the retailer that deals in crafts, toys and books has shut down its shop because of a file encrypting malware attack on its servers. However, no demand for ransom has been made yet, and the company is disinterested in entertaining such demands in near future.

However, new stock delivery to the stores and parcel delivery to customers is said to take longer time than usual.

A spokesperson from ‘The Works UK’ cleared the air that hackers accessed no payment card info or any of the company’s or customer information.

Usually, those launching a ransomware attack steal a portion of data and start indulging in double extortion tactics like demanding a huge ransom for a decryption key.

The Works Crafts that are into the retail business of toys and books have released a press statement that it is going to bolster its cybersecurity posture on an immediate note. And will see that such incidents never occur in the future.

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) UK has been informed about the incident. And information is out that the data watchdog might not impose a hefty penalty on the crafts seller as the incident did not lead to a data breach.


The post Ransomware attack on The Works stores of UK appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.